2004 data on Orissa JEE and Orissa engineering colleges: can’t understand it completely

June 23rd, 2007

Many of the readers have been asking about what field and what college they can get with their rank. I continue to maintain that I really do not know the answer.

Today while digging around I came across a repository (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) that shows the various students and their ranks that got admitted to various colleges in Orissa in 2004. I can not understand the data completely. But here it is in case someone can interpret it better.
Pease note that Since 2004 many new colleges have been made, KIIT has become a deemed university and many colleges have more seats now. Moreover the data probably reflects the students in these college months after the counseling. So it may not be the data after the first counseling. Normally after the first counseling many students may not join the institute and go to NIT, IIT or some other out of state college.

35 Writeup

  • 1. satya  |  June 23rd, 2007 at 8:58 pm

    That’s the list of students with orissa jee rank name and also BPUT university registratin no. assigned to them after they were admitted to that college (to which the list belongs to) as a result of counselling 2004 batch who completely opted to read in respective colleges

    Suppose consider this link:-

    It lists all students who at last (after ojee 2004 counselling) got qualified to join ITER (list of students who confirmed to read from ITER in orissa jee counselling…2004-08 batch….)
    It gives orissa jee rank (general or woman or others what ever applicable) and registration number or new roll number (this is d university roll no .for students of 2004 batch.which was applicable after he/she joining..that institute..for example for ITER roll no would be 0401212xxx.. xxx is actual roll no. in your college where u’;ll read….040 is for 2004 joinees 12 12 is code for ITER college…after we confirmed to read in any college after counselling..they assigned us roll numbers using which we can check the BPUT university exam results and all….)

    For a particular college it contains Sl.No. JEE REG NO JEE-RANK RESERVATION UNIV REGNO NAME BRANCH PROGRAMME for each student who got admitted to that college after orissa jee counselling in 2004….so you can see the orissa jee ranks of students of 2004 batch for a particular branch in particular college and by comparing your rank u can see if u can get colleges of your choise or not….

    I know this b’coz i’m a 2004 joinee in ITER and in ITER u can see may name too in CS G.C entry…………..

  • 2. satya  |  June 23rd, 2007 at 9:00 pm

    Also i think NIT Rourkela admissions in 2004 was via AIEEE only….for 2003 batch it took from ojee…thatb was for last time….but lateral entry students for 2003 batch who read after 1 year had givben LE in NITR from orissa jee (lateral entry-separate ranking )

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  June 23rd, 2007 at 9:43 pm

    Thank you Satya. Does the numbers there make sense. There seem to be very few top rankers (below 100) even in CET. Where did they all go? To NITs and IIT?

    Satya: If you have time and if you can go through all the colleges in the list and make a table of the following kind:

    ITER Computer Science:
    General category 1125-1748

    then I can post it as a guest article from you.

    This might be very helpful to all these new +e graduates who are asking these questions.


  • 4. satya  |  June 24th, 2007 at 11:55 am

    i’ll try to do….i may take a day or 2……

    these numbers are results of admission cum registration after/in orissa jee counselling fort 2004…they are confirmed list (means that those students are now reading in the college in which their names are listed..now in final year… )

    Even after i did admission into ITER via orissa jee counselling in 2004 my name was put in the list meant for ITER,CS. My name is in the link http://web.archive.org/web/*hh_/www.bput.org/jee04/SEATS_ALLOTTED_TILL_DATE/ENGG/ITER,+BBSR.htm
    at number 42.

    There may be 1 or 2 exception..i.e.1 or 2 studs. at max would not join colleges even after they were admited to it via counselling.

    And trends were bit different those time…….
    Mostly freshers (just plus 2 pass and no more preparations for ojee like me) had good rank and did not want to read in
    orissa and wanted to prepare for 1 more chance to get in NITs or deemed universities in chennai, bangalore.

    Orissa colleges had not so good placements as of today….before 2005 placement was very poor…so they thought that even best college in orissa is one of the poor ones…..and consider much poor infrastructure of any orissa colleges (including private ones) except kiit before 2004….so it compelled students not to read in orissa….they were going chennai bangalore pune to read in high infrastructure colleges by paying more …. but they did not know that placements in IT sector (engineering) was also bad in these colleges too……so it was considered that those bad bad colleges in bangalore chennai……as much better than our home colleges….so many students read there…….for prestige and others……..students reading in bangalore chennai…..had much prestige….even tough they read is any college……so tat was case with more people either opting for private colleges outside or prepared for 2 or more times to get into NITs…..but placement started here back from 2005 and has improved heavily…..this year & previous……national importance of many institutes here grew……http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutes_of_national_importance_in_Orissa#Alleged_discrimination_in_existing_institutions
    and due to such more placements now all students in ojee are opting to read in orissa colleges..also a big deal of students from bihar, jharkhand, UP too come and study……….the placements here in all top colleges are better than in deemed univs. like SASTRA MGR….SRM etc….and those in bamgalore don’t have also such placement…..(about 250 private colleges in bangalore)………..so the trend changes…….

  • 5. AASTHA  |  June 24th, 2007 at 4:57 pm

    I did check the links posted above, but they dont have a single name of a candidate belonging to OS (outside state category)? why so?

  • 6. Chitta Baral  |  June 24th, 2007 at 8:23 pm

    Thanks very much Satya. In your article, add the analysis in your comment above and warn students that these days it may be harder to get into the top 5-10 colleges than in 2004 because of the reasons you mention above.


  • 7. SHIRSADRI DATTA  |  June 24th, 2007 at 8:54 pm

    I would request satya or chitta to provide me the links to the list of students and their ranks from the outside state category.

    As pointed out by aastha the names of students from outside state category is missing in the data provided in the links above

  • 8. SHIRSADRI DATTA  |  June 24th, 2007 at 9:01 pm

    even if the outside state category is represented in the lists provided then please point me out the abbreviation used (for example GE or GEWO or GC)

  • 9. » Blog Archive &raq&hellip  |  June 25th, 2007 at 10:49 am

    […] 2004 data on Orissa JEE and Orissa engineering colleges: can’t understand it completely […]

  • 10. satya  |  June 25th, 2007 at 5:49 pm

    GE for general category (without any reservations) WO for womans quota (there’s a 30% reservation in orisa colleges for girls) so a general woman category of student is rep by GEWO similarily SC for reservations fopr scheduled cast….GC means thosw who were admitted via Green Card reservations…….

    Outside orissa are not segregated from general admissions….in general category some students are from outside orissa category and they are admitted as normal students…not separate results no separate short codes for them…i.e. any gal/boy from outside orissa admitted in diff. colleges are considered as GE or general category students (no reservations)

    As we know that there’s no special reservation for outside candidates in orissa especially from bengal bihar……so they are admitted as a general candidate with or according to OJEE rank in general category……i don’t think there’s separate rank for non orissa students….they are like normal candidates except they are barred ffrom any reservations quota in state and they can only do admissions in private colleges only………

    pls rectify if any mistake here…by me…..

  • 11. AASTHA  |  June 27th, 2007 at 10:05 am


    Well you dont know then perhaps, I did check out this site(of silicon) http://www.silicon.ac.in/silicon_statistics.htm
    and it cleary mentions outside state candidates as” OS”.

    Perahaps, it was adopted recently, may be 2-3 years ago, but outside state candidates arent given general rank in orjee(dont know why?????), there is a separate list for OS CAndidates and that ISNT general rank, so general rank is wat you can say only for candidates from orissa.

    ANY ways if you find any link for closing ranks of OS candidates in different colleges,please post it here.

  • 12. qunmun  |  June 27th, 2007 at 7:15 pm

    any one here to discuss abt ojee 2007

  • 13. satya  |  June 27th, 2007 at 7:55 pm

    That may be the case and i don’t have much info regarding outside state candidates and i don’t find any website or any thing saying about OScandidates in details. Also there’s no information in orissa jee site and brochure.

    I’ve made an analysis comparing ojee 2004 counselling and will post it here soon. (i’ve excluded outside state candidates for non availability of information)

  • 14. satya  |  June 27th, 2007 at 9:09 pm

    @ chitta sir

    prepared the report based on ojee 2004 counselling
    (also mailed you at your college email id that’s present in your college webpage)

    It’s a pdf file that cen be downloaded at

    It contains details info
    Analysis of admissions to engineering colleges of orissa in counselling of 2004. If you have appeared orissa jee and got your rank then it might be help full to know what should be order of preference of choosing engineering colleges in orissa jee counselling. Also ranks of top 8 colleges of orissa mentioned.

    Pls create a post and post it…

  • 15. » Analyzing the 200&hellip  |  June 29th, 2007 at 11:19 pm

    […] Report is based on the post at http://www.orissawatch.org/?p=293 and at http://www.orissawatch.org/?p=237 by Prof.Chitta Baral of http://www.orissawatch.org . This analysis is not a perfect statistical measurement and can change any time and we are not in any way responsible for any damage. These are based upon the website of orissa jee where BPUT had provided information of students lists of different colleges as a result of orissa jee counseling in 2004. (Although those pages are missing now they are preserved as archives and can be found out from http://www.orissawatch.org/?p=293).     […]

  • 16. aakash swain  |  July 8th, 2007 at 10:29 am

    my rank is3961 in gen cat. can u suggest the list of probables of engg colleges

  • 17. santan gupta  |  July 8th, 2007 at 1:54 pm

    please give information about other state coumslling my rank is 1734

  • 18. abu nasir  |  July 8th, 2007 at 6:12 pm

    my rank in aieee is 86000 plaese sugest for taking admission in engg. college in orissa

  • 19. soumya sudhamaya sethi  |  July 9th, 2007 at 1:21 pm

    i am rasmita mandal
    my rank-3071-gen.w
    687 sc
    169 sc w
    when council take place

  • 20. MRINAL KANTI BAKSHI  |  February 23rd, 2008 at 10:08 am


  • 21. udita  |  June 16th, 2008 at 12:17 pm

    My Orissa JEE 2008 rank is 1547(outside state). can you tell in which colleges i can get admission????


  • 22. neha bakshi  |  June 30th, 2008 at 9:13 pm

    my rank in orissa jee is 3835(outside state)
    can som1 pl. tell me which colleges will i get?

  • 23. Reetesh Mohan Jena  |  July 5th, 2008 at 6:16 pm

    I do not know in which college I can get a seat in Engineering. please let me know.

  • 24. sam  |  July 9th, 2008 at 9:51 pm

    please release the closing ranks of ojee 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 25. pradipta kumar nanda  |  August 10th, 2008 at 12:00 am

    pl. get me informed regrarding the placement record of mca discipline of IACR, Rayagadaunder BPUT,orissa during the last three years

  • 26. Shubh  |  August 21st, 2008 at 7:11 pm

    My rank in orissa jee 08 is 1589 (outside state).Plz suggest some good colleges in ece/eee/civil/cse. plz plz plz plz plz………………………………..

  • 27. nishant  |  August 25th, 2008 at 1:22 pm

    i have got 2092 outside rank in orissa jee.could i get admission in top ten private engg colleges .

  • 28. Ankit Mahapatra  |  April 4th, 2009 at 4:15 am

    Well its a great article. Would appreciate more if you can present a report on counseling of last two2007,2008) years if possible. If you have any source from where I can get sample papers and previous year papers of OJEE please post it , I would be very thankful to you.

  • 29. rajeev  |  June 11th, 2009 at 12:08 pm

    my orissajee rank is 3849 pls tell which college i will get????????????????????????

  • 30. sudarshan kumar jha  |  June 12th, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    sir i have got rank 2169 if i g can get cs or ece in cv ramanor any good college in bhubneshwar.

  • 31. abhijeet deshmukh  |  June 17th, 2009 at 11:34 am

    my rank is 4682 am i eligible for top 10 college in bhubneshwar.[out state]

  • 32. RAKESH KUMAR DAS  |  June 20th, 2009 at 6:23 pm

    sir my rank in ojee 2009 is 14238 ingeneral category also 800 in sc category also 304 in army category can i get civil engg or if not then which branch can i get plz reply soon.

  • 33. smruti ranjan mohapatra  |  July 6th, 2009 at 9:50 pm

    I have 2975 rank acorrding to GC in jee
    In which college i will be placed .

  • 34. shakti prasad sahoo  |  August 2nd, 2009 at 9:28 am

    i have got 3574 rank in o-jee so in which colleges can i get so that i can take civil or mechanical or ETC as my preferable branch

  • 35. pratap kumar  |  July 18th, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    my ojee outside rank is (3961). can someone tell me , will i get better colleges in orissa.


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