Orissa holding a Second JEE-2009

August 31st, 2009

A lot of seats remain vacant in the private engineering, medical, MBA, MCA and Pharmacy colleges of Orissa. To attempt to fill those seats there will be a 2nd JEE exam. The following is from http://jeeorissa.com/.






Date of Examination

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Submission of Online Application form begins on

August 22, 2009       

Last date of submission of Online application form

September 02, 2009 upto 2:00 pm

Publication of result

September 11, 2009

Counselling Starts

September 15, 2009


The 2nd Joint Entrance Examination for the year 2009-10, Orissa will be held on                Sunday, September 06, 2009 at some selected centres  for admission to the vacant seats, if any, in first year Degree courses in Engineering/Technology, Medical (MBBS and BDS), Pharmacy and first year master programmes in Business Administration (MBA) and Computer Application (MCA).



 All are eligible to apply subject to fulfilling the following criteria.

 For admission to First Year programme in

Engineering & Technology :

Pass  or  appearing in 2009 in 10+2 examination of CHSE or equivalent, with Physics and Mathematics alongwith one of the following subjects : Chemistry / Biotechnology / Computer Science / Biology.                              


Diploma holders including those having  less than 60% marks in aggregate from SCTE&VT, Orissa or equivalent are eligible for admission to 1st year Engg. / Technology courses and they  have to appear in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics paper in the Joint Entrance examination.

There is no age limit for admission to B.Tech course.

Medical Stream  (MBBS/BDS)  :

Pass in 10+2 or appearing in 2009 examination of CHSE, Orissa or equivalent, with Physics, Chemistry & Biology (Botany and Zoology) with at least 50% marks in aggregate (Physics, Chemistry & Biology taken together) for general category candidates and 40% marks in aggregate for SC/ST candidates. For candidates seeking admission through JEE to Govt. / Private Colleges the candidate must be a permanent resident/native of Orissa. They are to submit the Permanent Resident Certificate (Appendix – I in the JEE-2009 Information Brochure available in this website) at the time of counselling. However, outside state candidates may apply for admission to MBBS and BDS courses in Private Medical /Dental colleges. There will be two separate merit-list i.e. one for Orissa State and another for Outside state candidates.  After exhausting the merit-list of the Orissa State candidates then outside state candidates could participate the counselling. This is subject to the decision of the Government of Orissa.

The merit-list would be prepared as per norms of the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India.

AGE : The lower age shall be 17 years as on December 31, 2009 . The upper age shall be 25 years as on December  31,  2009 . The upper age limit may be relaxed by three years for SC/ST candidates.

Pharmacy :

Pass or appearing in 2009 in 10+2 examination with Physics and Chemistry along with   one of the following subjects : Mathematics/Biotechnology /Computer Science/Biology. 


Diploma holders including those having  less than 60% marks in aggregate from SCTE&VT, Orissa or equivalent are eligible for admission to 1st year Pharmacy and they have to appear in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology  or Mathematics(or both)paper in the 2nd Joint Entrance examination.

There is no age limit  for admission to B. Pharm course.


Pass or appearing in 2009, for the Bachelor’s Degree Examination of three years duration in any discipline from any University or equivalent recognized by UGC and having passed in Mathematics at 10+2 level. Business mathematics at +2 level are not permitted.



Pass or appearing in 2009, for the Bachelor’s Degree Examination of three years duration in any discipline from any University of Orissa or equivalent recognized by UGC with mathematics as one of the subject.

There is no age limit  for admission to MCA course.


M.B.A. :
  Pass or appearing  in 2009, for the  Bachelor’s Degree examination of three years duration in any discipline from any University of Orissa or equivalent recognised by UGC. There is no age limit for admission to MBA course.


Note : Candidates are to produce their complete result along with original mark sheet of the qualifying examination at the time of counselling for admission.



The online application form is available in our website www.jeeorissa.com. Read carefully the instructions given to fill up the online application form. A bank draft of Rs.500/- (from any nationalized bank) in favour of “JEE-2009, Orissa” payable at Bhubaneswar has to be prepared towards examination fee before submitting the online application form. Fill out the application form correctly and take a print out of the Acknowledgement card. Download the Admit Card from our website during September 02-04, 2009.  Candidates are required to carry three documents to the examination hall: (i) Admit Card, (ii) Bank draft of Rs.500/- and (iii) Two recent pass port size photographs. Candidates are required submit the draft to the invigilators at the examination hall before start of the examination failing which they are not eligible to appear the examination.

  CHAIRMAN, JEE-2009, Orissa


Entry Filed under: Odisha JEE, AIEEE, BPUT counseling, etc.

23 Writeup

  • 1. Sanjib Karmee  |  August 31st, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    Another JEE? What for? The seats are vacant because of high amount of fees. Have a look on the following link: http://www.dailypioneer.com/199325/Parents-helpless-as-engg-colleges-fleece-students.html
    What are we aiming for quality or quantity?

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  August 31st, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    That news report is confusing and unclear. The money it refers to may be about the management seats, also called NRI seats. If one gets admitted through JEE the fees are much lower and with so many seats empty, I doubt colleges will charge more and risk not getting students and thus getting nothing. The fee structure is given in the JEE web page http://jeeorissa.com/fees_structure.html . It was posted in 2007; so there may have been some changes.

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  August 31st, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    If one qualifies in JEE, they don’t have to go through management quota, unless they want a particular college and branch which they can not get through their JEE rank.

    With so many seats gone unclaimed through JEE, the students who are trying through management quota are probably the ones that did not qualify through JEE.

    The second JEE can help them. If they qualify in the 2nd JEE they don’t have to go through management quota.

  • 4. jagamohan swain  |  August 31st, 2009 at 10:02 pm

    In 2008 nearly 55504 students appeared CHSE examination in Science stream from which 30777 students have passed, that is pass percentage of 55.45%. With 30000 engineering seats available it’s obvious that saturation point has been reached.Either these engineering colleges tie up with state govt to improve the pass percentage in Science stream thru better training at +2 level, else face the likelihood of empty classrooms.

    Question for policymakers is if pass percentage for Commerce stream is 71% why it’s so low for science stream.Time to overhaul the course currculum especially in Oriya medium schools so as to make the transition as smooth as possible from Oriya medium and English medium.

  • 5. Debabrata Mishra  |  September 1st, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    you are absolutely correct. even in +2 level the pass rate and % of mark of the students are very poor. if we see the marks then in andhra having 75% mark in avrage whre in orissa it is near to 40%(C.H.S.E). For +2 many people are suffering in their future carrier. CHSE should change his so called strictness in +2

  • 6. SANJAY  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 5:08 pm

    when will the admit card of 2nd JEE will be available.

  • 7. akash mohanty  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 10:15 am

    when will the 2nd jee admit card be given

  • 8. vikas kumar kashyap  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 10:28 am

    i do not recive my admit card

  • 9. Biresh Kumar Singh  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 11:06 am

    when the admit card update in site from JEEORISSA.
    plz. suggest the status.
    plz. help.

  • 10. md imran  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 11:48 am

    why not admit card of second jee 2009 not available till now

  • 11. aman  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    how we get the admit card of 2nd jee by through url site,

  • 12. Amarendra Ranasingh  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 5:28 pm

    when will we get the admit card.can it before 4th september.can u reply us.u are not updating the site.why cant u do all formalities perfectly………..
    plz plz plz do something

  • 13. Pragnya Priyadarshini Pradhan  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    I am not getting my Admit Card. Let me know how can I get the same before examination please.

  • 14. Ankit lal  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 7:20 pm

    i do not recive my admit card…please help me,.is the exam cancelled???plz reply

  • 15. binaya pradhan  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 9:26 pm

    my relative has alrady fill the second jee form but still we not receive admit card .so wha we have to do now. plz reply

  • 16. Sonali  |  September 11th, 2009 at 8:27 am

    whats the use of vacant seat in mbbs if thereis only seat in nri and what will be the fee for nri pls conform…

  • 17. KB  |  September 11th, 2009 at 5:44 pm

    Where can I see the reults published today?

  • 18. krushna chandra sahoo  |  September 11th, 2009 at 9:18 pm

    i can not find my second jee result

  • 19. SIVA NARAYAN SAHU  |  September 12th, 2009 at 9:28 am

    sir,i can not find my 2nd JEE result ,i have been trying for last 2 days,how can i find?

  • 20. Asish Kumar Das  |  September 12th, 2009 at 11:28 am

    Sir,I can not find my 2nd JEE result,I have been trying for last 2 days.How can I find?

  • 21. Prashant Ku Sinha  |  September 12th, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    Dear sir,

    Informing you that as per schedule of Jee, result ll be publish on 11th of September, but still it ll not publish,

    & Counseling date ll be start on 15 of Sep.
    How come the students manage their all certificate within these days.
    So pls requested you as soon as possible publish the result , therefore, students can manage all the certificates & annuxture.

    Thanks & Regards

    Prashant sinha

  • 22. jayita  |  September 13th, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    how can i get the counseling shedule of second jee.
    please reply me soon.

  • 23. saroj  |  September 18th, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    This time in 2010 bput has taken a new step towards bringing uniformity in Admission.
    And also there has been a new website started exclusively for the students of bput.here he students can get job updates for all the top companies right at their dashboard and bput students can also submit resume to be seen by top recruiting companies.



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