Appeal to CM Naveen Patnaik: Please pursue ESIC medical college near Rourkela

September 1st, 2009

Update 2: Sundergarh MP Mr. Hemanada Biswal is now the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Labour. ESIC comes under the Labour ministry. So getting in touch with Mr. Biswal will also help. His MP biography is at

Update: Please also copy your mail to and

Dear all: It is time to translate words to action. Please send similar letters to the Chief Minister ( cmo at ) with copy to some journalists (for example, ),, and Please ask your like minded friends to do the same. When you write the letter, please sign your name and give your address, especially your address in Orissa.

Dear Esteemed Chief Minister:

We would like to request that you urgently allocate the necessary 32 acres of land for an ESIC medical college in Rourkela and vigorously pursue with the ESIC authorities for the establishment of the same in Rourkela.

[We applaud your earlier attempt in pursuing an ESIC medical college in Balangir and understand that ESIC did not agree to it as it does not have enough ESIC insured persons in the Balangir area. We request that you pursue other ways of having a medical college in Balangir and also pursue other infrastructural elements for Balangir such as a state university, a state/central funded engineering college like SLIET (Punjab) and ABA GKC IET (West Bengal) and the Khurda-Balangir line. ]

Coming back to ESIC medical college, Rourkela is the second largest metropolitan area of Orissa.  Unfortunately, it is also the largest metropolitan area of its size in the country which does not have a medical college. (It is also the largest metropolitan area of the country which does not have a regular university.) On the other hand Rourkela is the current industrial hub of Orissa and has a significant number of ESIC insured persons. This is evident from the fact that the only ESIC model hospital in Orissa is in Rourkela. Moreover, another ESIC hospital is in nearby Kansbahal and an ESIC annex is in nearby Rajgangpur. The complete list of ESIC hospitals in Orissa is at Moreover recent newspaper reports (Statesman 5th March 2009, Naxatra News) mention that the ESIC authorities are agreeable for having an ESIC medical college in Rourkela. Following is the news report.

Rourkela, March 4: The Orissa Unit of the CITU has urged the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) authorities at New Delhi to establish a medical college at Rourkela.

A delegation of CITU leaders led by its state unit general secretary Mr Bishnu Mohanty met the Director, ESIC, Mr S Chaturbedi at New Delhi yesterday and pleaded for establishment of an ESIC Medical College stating that over 50 per cent of the total revenue was generated from Rourkela.

A large number of small and medium industries were located in Western Orissa and thousands of workers were contributing and dependent on ESIC, they said.

According to Mr Mohanty, the ESIC director had agreed to the proposal and said if the state government provided 32 acre his organisation would spent about Rs 500 crores for the establishment of a medical college.

Dear Sir:

In summary, Rourkela has the need, the necessary ESIC insured persons concentration, and ESIC is agreeable to an ESI medical college there. All that is needed is for you to immediately allocate 32 acres of land as required by ESIC and tell them that Rourkela is your priority 1 in terms of an ESIC medical college.

It has been reported that you may have allocated the land for an ESIC medical college in Bhubaneswar. Many of us are from Bhubaneswar and considering that it already has 4 functioning medical colleges with several new ones in the pipeline that includes an AIIMS-like institution and a Railway medical college, we request that Rourkela be your priority 1 in terms of an ESIC medical college.

(If ESIC has some weakness or need for the Bhubaneswar area it may have its second medical college of Orissa in Bhubaneswar as it is doing in Karnataka where it is establishing two medical colleges, one in Bangalore and one in Gulbarga. Or, it may have additional post-graduate programs in Bhubaneswar as it is doing in Tamil nadu where the ESIC medical college imparting undergraduate education will be in Coimbatore, but the Aynavaram ESI Hospital in Chennai would offer post-graduate courses.)


Entry Filed under: Appeal to readers,ESI Medical College,ESI Medical Colleges,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

38 Writeup

  • 1. Chitta Baral  |  September 1st, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    Dear Alok and other Rourkela guys and girls:

    Now you need to show us how well you can lobby.

    Please spread the word and collect email addresses from people with interest in Rourkela. It will come in handy for future campaigns for Rourkela.

    I can almost guarantee you that if you can collect 100 email addresses of people with interest in Rourkela then many of the issues related to Rourkela can be solved.

    best wishes

  • 2. alok  |  September 1st, 2009 at 9:40 pm

    Thanks a lot !!! Chita sir.I have tried my best to get in touch with all my friends in and away from india.I have sent them the link requesting them to participate and send there views.If everything goes well there will be more than 100 mails in coming days to the CM.Its an appeal to all the people of Rourkela who come across this site.Please join us and make this into a reality.Chita Sir Once again I thank you and appreciate what you been doing.

  • 3. mihir kumar swain  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 10:32 am

    Mr . Chitta Sir
    Thank a million,billion . I guarntee that we will gather more then 100
    mails. Again i request to Mr. alok pls takes responsible In Rourkela site. I am taking responisble all NRI of german and rourkela peoples who are working at wipro and other software co.


  • 4. mihir kumar swain  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 11:02 am

    Mr. alok
    Iam giving the mail id of cm office and tathya id

  • 5. Ajaya Sahu  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 11:27 am

    Dear Alok / Mihir,

    It is not only Rourkela people to support, entire Odisha is with you and we will write mails to CMO for the establishment of ESIC medical college at Rourkela. The ultimate objective is Odisha to develop equally in all regions and definitely we will success in this by establishing ESIC Medical College at Rourkela. This is the Acid test for all of us who are all thinking in equal development in Odisha for all regions. I will also give you a list of Wiproites working in this Gulf region for this campaign and mail triggering to CMO.

  • 6. alok  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    Mihir, i have already marked mail to all the people i know from Rourkela.I have also asked them to spread this so that everyone is aware about the developments taking place.Guys who are visiting this site are requested to take on the initiative for the goodwill of Rourkela..

  • 7. Sambit Rath  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 3:54 pm

    This has been a great move , i really would like to thank Alok and Chitta fo rtaking up this to a certain visibility.
    Rourkela being the most talked abt place in orissa when it comes to education, let it be basic, or technical, i certainly and personally feels after doing all my education in rourkela that rourkela do deserve a Medical college

  • 8. Abhisek  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    Why only people of Rourkela, I hope all concerned people of Orissa will come forward for this campaign to have a medical college at Rourkela. I am from Berhampur and stand with the people of Rourkela for this mediacal college. If the Prince Dance Group can get a crore SMSs, why can’t 100 people will come forward for a genuine demand of Rourkela.

  • 9. Sanjib Karmee  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 4:28 pm

    It will help if a group of people from RKL can meet the CM and discuss about various issues on RKL including ESIC Medical College.

  • 10. Chitta Baral  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 6:26 pm

    Abhisek is right. We all should support this and in general support the overall growth of various parts of Orissa. But proper logic is essential and so is timing.

  • 11. ooESI Medical College : O&hellip  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 12:04 am

    […] […]

  • 12. Prashant K Sahoo  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 12:12 am

    Please find other initiative for such protest.

  • 13. Chitta Baral  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 1:12 am

    Demand for ESIC medical college at Rourkela gains momentum

    Pioneer News Service | Bhubaneswar

    The demand for setting up the proposed ESIC medical college of Orissa at Rourkela is gathering momentum. More and more people from various walks of life are pressing the State Government to allocate 32 acres of land for the purpose.

    Leading non-resident Oriya (NRO) Sandip Dasverma has sent an e-mail to all activists, including the Agami Odisha, to take up the issue of establishment of the ESIC medical college at Rourkela. Leading chartered accountant Natawar Lath has taken the lead in mobilising public opinion in favour of the issue. He has, in a letter to Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, lauded his earlier attempt in pursuing an ESIC medical college in Balangir.

    People from various walks of life are flooding the Chief Minister’s Office with e-mails. As the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) did not agree to the Chief Minister’s proposal for Balangir on the ground that it does not have enough ESIC-insured persons in the Balangir area, Lath has observed that the Chief Minister is pursuing other ways of having a medical college in Balangir.

    Rourkela is the second largest metropolitan area of Orissa. But, unfortunately, it is also the largest metropolitan area of its size in the country which does not have a medical college, laments Lath. On the other hand, Rourkela is the current industrial hub of the State and has a significant number of ESIC-insured persons.

    This is evident from the fact that the only ESIC model hospital in Orissa is located at Rourkela. Moreover, another ESIC hospital is situated at nearby Kansbahal and an ESIC annex is operating at another nearby town, Rajgangpur. A leading citizen, Preeti Mohanty, has also lamented lack of development of Rourkela, though the steel city is supporting the BJD religiously. The Government still continues its “apathy and step-motherly treatment” towards Rourkela, she rues.

    Apart from the National Institute of Technology (NIT), established long ago, not a single institute of national or even State-wide repute has come up at Rourkela. Contrary to earlier expectations, the Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) seems a far cry for Rourkela as it is still functioning from Bhubaneswar. All new institutes like IIIT, NISER and private medical colleges are opening up in the Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri zone, points out Preeti Mohanty.

    In the meantime, the State unit of the CITU has also urged the ESIC authorities in New Delhi to establish a medical college at Rourkela. A CITU delegation, led by its State general secretary Bishnu Mohanty, met ESIC Director S Chaturvedi in Delhi recently and pleaded with him for establishment of an ESIC medical college at Rourkela, pointing out that over 50 per cent of the ESIC’s total revenue in the State is generated from Rourkela.

    A large number of small and medium industries are located in western Orissa, which includes Rourkela, and thousands of workers are dependent on the ESIC, Bishnu Mohanty said. According to him, the ESIC Director has agreed to the proposal and said if the State Government provided 32 acre of land his organisation would spend about Rs 500 crore for the medical college.

  • 14. Chitta Baral  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 1:14 am



    Demand for the proposed ESIC Medical College to be set up in Rourkela is on high pitch.

    More and more people from various walks of life pressing for the institution and have asked the state government to allocate 32 acres of land for the purpose.

    Leading NRO Sandip Dasverma has thrown his hat on ESIC Medical College Rourkela ring.

    Dasverma has sent e-mail to all the activists including Agami Orissa to take up the issue.

    Natawar Lath, leading chartered accountant has taken the lead in mobilizing opinion for ESIC Medical College at Rourkela

    He in a letter to the Chief Minister has laudedhis earlier attempt in pursuing an ESIC medical college in Balangir.

    People from various walks of life are flooding e-mails to the Chief Minister’s Office.

    As ESIC did not agree to it as it does not have enough ESIC insured persons in the Balangir area, Lath observed that CM is pursuing other ways of having a medical college in Balangir.

    Coming back to ESIC medical college, Rourkela is the second largest metropolitan area of Orissa.

    Unfortunately, it is also the largest metropolitan area of its size in the country which does not have a medical college, lamented Lath.

    On the other hand Rourkela is the current industrial hub of Orissa and has a significant number of ESIC insured persons.

    This is evident from the fact that the only ESIC model hospital in Orissa is in Rourkela.

    Moreover, another ESIC hospital is in nearby Kansbahal and an ESIC annex is in nearby Rajgangpur.

    Preeti Mohanty a leading intellectual has also lamented for lack of development of Rourkela, though the steel city is supporting the BJD religiously.

    The government still continues its apathies and step motherly treatment towards Rourkela, lamented Ms.Mohanty.

    Apart from NIT (established long ago) not a single institute of national or even state wide repute has come up here.

    BPUT seems a far cry as it is still functioning from Bhubaneswar.

    All new institutes like IIIT, NISER and private medical colleges are opening up in BBSR/CTC/Puri area rued she.

    In the meantime Orissa Unit of the CITU has urged the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) authorities at New Delhi to establish a medical college at Rourkela.

    A delegation of CITU leaders led by its state unit general secretary Mr Bishnu Mohanty met the Director, ESIC, S Chaturvedi at New Delhi recently and pleaded for establishment of an ESIC Medical College stating that over 50 per cent of the total revenue was generated from Rourkela.

    A large number of small and medium industries were located in Western Orissa and thousands of workers were contributing and dependent on ESIC, they said.

    According to Mr Mohanty, the ESIC director had agreed to the proposal and said if the state government provided 32 acre his organisation would spent about Rs 500 crores for the

    Ashis Ranjan Pal, technocrat has also demanded ESIC Medical College at Rourkela.

    List is growing and intelligentsias are feeling that they are let down by the Government so far setting up institutions of higher learning at Rourkela.

    Ashish Rout has also demanded ESIC Medical College to be established at Rourkela.

    Echoing his demand, Prasant Mahapatra also also sent a missive to the Chief Minister in this regard.

    Similarly Mihir Kumar Swain has also demanded the facility at Rourkela and has e-mailed to Naveen Patnaik.

    Now CMO is in quandary over the matter as the demand is going on to a high pitch mode.

  • 15. Chitta Baral  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 7:26 am

    Please keep contacting like minded people to send emails with cc to the press and the other mails listed there. This should go on for more than a week.

  • 16. Prashant K Sahoo  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 8:11 am

    Dear All,

    Please sign the online petition . This petition is not just for ESIC medical college to be established at RKL but it is against the attitude and mindset towards such kind of decisions in favor of some regioins by appeasing the people at one end discriminating to others not just one or two times but N numbers of time repetatively since years and years.

    It is a protest to show democracy still exists and people can not be fooled any more.

    Please sign and show your support towards democracy and justice to eliminate regionalism and strengthen unity and integrity of Odisha and Odias.

    We like to see all the regions uniformly developed in some or other way.

    Thank you.

  • 17. Anand Sagar Dash  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 10:24 am

    If any where in orissa an ESI medical college has to establish then it should be in the stretch between Rourkela – Sundargarh – Jharsuguda. Being the industrial hub of Orissa state comprising SAIL and many more small and medium industries, these area deserve the ESI Medical College.

  • 18. PREETI  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 12:04 pm

    Dear Brother and sisters

    Right time has come . we should open our voice againest “Neglect of state govt.’s policy” .Iam giving espicially Thanks to Mr. chitta,Alok and Mihir for bring the momtmtum of our issues. I request all My Brother and sisters please come and shake our hands together. Promise together “we don;t take rest until our issues are not fulfill. This fighting should be result oriented.

  • 19. Chitta Baral  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 11:40 pm

    Dear all:

    Now we need to contact more journalists in Orissa. Following are a few addresses where you could send emails. Send them individually, please. Otherwise they figure out that it is mass mail and then they will often ignore.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  • 20. Chitta Baral  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 11:47 pm

    Preeti, Alok and Mihir:

    You need to form an Internet based Rourkela Development Forum or something like that. A yahoo forum would be fine. The Berhampur people have something called SOSA and when SOSA sends a press release it gets published widely.

    In fact once you form the Rourkela Dev Forum, you can have a press release saying that this forum was created to safeguard the interest of Rourkela and list a few instance of how it has been neglected. This will get published.

    ps — If you google “SOSA south Orissa” you will find out how that have been somewhat effective in getting their viewpoints across.

  • 21. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 11:47 pm

    Many a times the emails on important issues like Medical College or BPUT being sent to the CM are ignored or blocked by the CMO (email id

    Hence its better to reach out to the CM at

  • 22. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 11:52 pm

    Nice thoughts Chitta Sir

    This is the need of the hour.

    One such forum already exists for the development of railways (if all consider it to be so)

  • 23. PREETI  |  September 4th, 2009 at 2:29 pm

    Mr. Dillip is very creative and interesting portal.
    But still it is required some ammendment. It should require some addon column for peoples comment related other issues,

  • 24. Chitta Baral  |  September 4th, 2009 at 10:43 pm

    I suggest a yahoo group. Following are some name suggestions. (Add more)


  • 25. Chitta Baral  |  September 4th, 2009 at 11:50 pm

    Mr. Rama Khuntia replies to Prashanta Sahoo, B. Jena (of OdiaSamaja) and possibly others.

    From: rama chandra khuntia
    Subject: Fwd: reply of your mail “ESIC Medical College”
    To: ….
    Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 7:30 AM

    Dear Prashant,

    Thank you very much for the message regarding ESIC Hospital Medical College. But I want to inform you that I have not proposed the Medical College of ESIC at Bhubaneswar. One year before it was declared by ESIC regarding Bhubaneswar. But subsequently ESIC dropped the proposal as State Government did not gave the land for Medical College. Hence raised the objection as Medical was being totally shifted from our state.

    I have all support to have a Medical College at Balnagir and one at Rourkella and third one at Mayurbhanj. Now on our demand Coal India has established a Medical College in Talcher. Central Government is also establishing a Medical College and Engineering College at Koraput under Central University. We will also try defiantly to bring more Medical College and Engineering College in Western Orissa Balangir and Rourkella. But State Government which is directly elected by the Orissa people have also the responsibility for Balangir and Rourkella. However we all should jointly try for that.

    I always invite yours positive suggestions. Please do not hesitate to advise me at time when required.

    Thanking with warm greetings.

    26,Dr.Rajendra Parsad Road
    New DelhiI-110001

  • 26. Chitta Baral  |  September 4th, 2009 at 11:54 pm

    Apparently Mr. Rama Khuntia said on phone that even though it is late, if a lot people write to CM and him and there is a lot of press Rourkela may still get an ESIC medical college. He said at least 200 different emails/faxes are needed.

    So lets redouble our effort.

    Please also call Mr. Khuntia and tell him how important it is that an ESI medical college be in Rourkela. Don’t get disheartened if he says it is too late. We keep pushing until we succeed.


    People should try to contact Mr. Hemananda Biswal too. If anyone gets hold of his mobile number, please post here.

  • 27. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  September 5th, 2009 at 12:14 am

    Its the first and foremost responsibility of Mr. Hemananda Biswal to take the cause of any development issue related with Sundargarh to the central government.

    Hence he should press it forward

  • 28. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  September 5th, 2009 at 7:01 am

    Contact Shri Naveen Patnaik here

    Office Tel -: 0674-2531100/2535100/2531500

    Office Fax -:0674-2400100

    Res Tel -: 0674-2590299

    email -:

  • 29. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  September 5th, 2009 at 7:10 am

    Dear PREETI Madam

    Iam sorry but since is related to issues regarding railways only, comments on other issues cannot be allowed. But as suggested by Chitta Sir we can have a forum for the development issues in Rourkela and neighbourhood.

    In rourkelarail there is a column for suggestions and complaints regarding Indian Railways like passenger amenities,connectivity etc.

  • 30. PREETI  |  September 5th, 2009 at 10:24 am

    Mr. Alok / Mihir
    Where are you ? Are you sleeping ? Please Search Mr. Hemananda Biswal’s contact number and pass to Chitta Sir.
    Thanks Mr. Prasanata

  • 31. mihir kumar swain  |  September 5th, 2009 at 10:53 am

    Chitta Sir
    Good Morning.
    I have been trying to contat MP Mr. Hemanada Biswal’s mobile.But mobile is switch off .

  • 32. PREETI  |  September 5th, 2009 at 3:18 pm

    Iam thinking “rourkelaforum” is Right. If any new person search Rourkela by using any searching Tools The Rourkelafoun will easily find out. Peoples who have any other comment can mansion .

  • 33. Prashant K Sahoo  |  September 5th, 2009 at 8:00 pm

    Mihir , Peeti, Dillip,

    Can you write me at ce[AT] and I will let you know what is next ? I think you all belong to RKL. I will get in touch with you the concerned person who will be helping further to get this movement rolling further.

  • 34. Chitta Baral  |  September 5th, 2009 at 8:22 pm

    Dear Prashant:

    Please write here about your plans. There are many who may not want to write emails to you or me but are participating in this.


  • 35. Chitta Baral  |  September 5th, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    The rourkelaforum group at Yahoo! Groups is good to go.

    Here are the details on rourkelaforum:

    Group home page:

    Group email address:

    I have kept it open so that people can join without any moderators. Please join asap.

  • 36. Prashant K Sahoo  |  September 6th, 2009 at 2:11 am

    “…Please write here about your plans…”

    It is not about plan it is about some information I can only share to somebody if he/she lives in RKL on this issue and want to lead. Everything can not be made public as every issue is different with respect to its sensitivity and protection of privacy.

  • 37. PREETI  |  September 7th, 2009 at 9:09 am

    It is ce[AT] or what ? can you clear mansion mail id !!!!

  • 38. sanghamitra das  |  February 20th, 2011 at 1:17 am

    hello everyone,
    i dont know whether this comment gonna read by the officials or not but as a concern citizen i have to mention the followings.
    1. we choose the honorable MLAs n MPs as our representatives to put forth our ideas , difficulties n opinions before the govt, but they just behave like sabotage n inhuman. is this the way they to represent us.
    2. whether u r in ruling party or in opposition just think as a mango man, AAM JANTA. every one just forgetting that they are with all the comforts not like general people who select them in election.
    3. and lastly they must have some PD and moral classes so that they can be mentally n spiritually balanced . they can stop all the evils , corruptions n all those stuff only if they understand the importance and value of their position…..


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