National Institute of Design location in Orissa; making a case for your area

September 8th, 2009

If and when IIT Bhubaneswar wants, it can have its own programs in Design. One of the best design programs in India is at the IIT Bombay Industrial Design Center. IIT Guwahati’s Department of Design also has a good program in design. So there is no need for Bhubaneswar to have an NID.

However, my guess is that there is a tough debate going on in the central government about the NID location in the east. So far among the new  4 NIDs only one location is announced. That is Bhopal. My guess is that among the other three, one will be in the southern states, one in the northern states and one in the eastern states.

I think for Orissa to get an NID it will help if a proper plan in terms of what the focus of this NID will be and why it is appropriate to be in Orissa is presented. People campaigning for an NID in their area of Orissa should prepare a document to that effect. Such a document will help the Orissa CM to make the case better.

Mostly I have seen campaigns for the NID to be in Berhampur. Some people have quipped, why not Sambalpur. I think both groups should focus on making the case in terms of what the focus of an NID in that area should be and tie it in to some special attributes of that area.

Note that a big part of the history behind getting NID to Orissa can be found through this site. The earliest articles that I could locate were about June 25, 2007. There were two conflicting reports on that day.

So in my opinion, the proper argument for having NID at some place other than Bhubaneswar is to focus on why that place is appropriate for an NID and then point out that good design programs can be at IIT Bhubaneswar and thus NID need not be at Bhubaneswar.

Entry Filed under: Berhampur-Gopalpur-Hinjilicut area (3),IIPHs, NIPERs, NIDs, SPAs,NID, Odisha (missed opportunity),Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4)

13 Writeup

  • 1. Siba Prasad  |  September 8th, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    If there is a will on the Part of the Government, no other justification is needed for locating an Institute after ensuring a certain minimum level of infrastructure. Example: What was the Justification for an IIMC to be located in Dhenkanal? That aside, NID at Berhampur was confirmed by an Union Minister of the UPA a few years ago in consultation with the then Commerce Minister. Further, when the Union Minister of State for HRD M.Fatmi made a reference about IIS in Orissa it led to widespread demand for the same in Orissa and thats how NISER was set up in Bhubaneswar. So, here two Union Ministers and one was the concerned cabinet Minister who was to decide about the NID was aware of Berhampur as a location for NID. This is fair enough to say that NID should come to Berhampur. But that aside, the Orissa CM has categorically said that it will help promote tribal handicraft and design. Now how come be the tribal and backward people of Orissa be represented by Bhubaneswar and not Berhampur. Further, when NIFT is being established in BBSR along with so many other central institutes it is but fair if one of those is pushed a little outside the state capital and to one of the other prominenet cities of Orissa that is Berhampur. One more point is the State had to accept the decision about ESIC Medical college at Bhubaneswar with so much of pain as it was a case of take it or leave it. Now, with NID and NIFT we have got the descretion to be specific about location and yet we are again becoming dogmatic about Bhubaneswar.

    It is also a point that of the three central institutes NIFT, NID and IIHT, the IIHT has been established in Western Orissa. Bhubaneswar has also emerged as the location for NIFT. So, it is natural that one of the National Institutes also established in South Orissa and hence NID in Berhampur.

    If NID and NIFT are both set up at Bhubaneswar it will clearly establish the fact that Orissa is a biased state and here there is no element of justice prevailing.

  • 2. Siba  |  September 8th, 2009 at 3:15 pm

    May I also add that the National Steel Institute at Puri was established while Puri was not in any way connected with the steel sector.

  • 3. Abhisek  |  September 8th, 2009 at 4:13 pm

    The Justifications for the establishemnt of NID in Berhampur:

    Berhampur is also known as the Silk city for being a hub of silk garments for past many centuries.

    Berhampur is the market where the handicrafts and handloom products of south, south-west and western orissa find market and hence a handicraft hub.

    Berhampur is the principal city of South Orissa which is a tribal concentrated region of India

    Berhampur also represents one of the most backward regions of India i.e south orissa and is closer to the infamous and poverty struck region of KBK.

    Berhampur though a major city of Orissa doesn’t have a central Institute of any kind

    Berhampur has got descent communication infrastructure as it is located in the Kolkata-Chennai Highway and Rail route and hence connected with all the states and major cities of India.

    Near Berhampur the major port and SEZs at Gopalpur are in the works and hence the Institute will attract industries to the region

    Berhampur has got supporting educational infrastructure interms of higher and techncal education with University, medical college, engineering colleges, STPI and a IIIT is also planned that might be needed to house a national level institute.

    Berhampur has got one of the finest beaches in India at Gopalpur on the outskirts of the city which attracts tourits from across the globe

    Berhampur is the nerve centre of the south, central and south western orissa and hence a major destination of transport, trade and commerec in the state of orissa

    Berhampur has the distinction of producing a former president of India, Bharat Ratna Dr V.V.Giri

    Berhampur elected the former prime Minister of India Shri PV Narasimha Rao who pioneered economic reforms along with the then Finance Minster and the present Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr manmohan Singh

    Berhampur was the epicentre and the leader in the making of modern day Orissa under the leadership of Maharaja Krushna Chandra Gajapati.

    The NID was announced at Berhampur by former Minister Shri sahu in consultation with the former commerce Ministre shri Kamal Nath and according to news reports the Hon’ble Prime Minister had also agreed to this.

    With IIFT and NIHT being established at Bhubaneswar and at Bargarh leaves Berhampur as the other major regional location to have the NID.

  • 4. Amit Pasayat  |  September 8th, 2009 at 8:22 pm

    I don’t know why we always jump to conclusion and assume things…….!
    Is it decided that Orissa is going to get a NID…..?
    If so is it decided BBSR is going to be the location…..?

    If i go by what is published in this site, it is still under discussion for a NID in the east zone, 2 years before there were discussion about Orissa (Berhampur/BBSR) as one of the site but nothing has been finalized yet.

    I am sure when the decision will be taken lot of things will be consider and the authorities will decide based on lot of parameters also when it comes to centrally funded institute the centre decide lot of things, state government can only propose. We have all the right to push our case and lobby for respective area but it will only make sense if we do it at right time as suggested by Chitta Sir.

    Same is the case with ESIC medical college case, though in this case BBSR has been selected as the proposed location and the state government has already allotted land but can somebody tell me why the state government didn’t consider RKL as a preferred site when a large number of ESI members are in and around RKL (as learnt from this site) and moreover the state has made an effort to have the college in Bolangir earlier and not BBSR….?

    We can propose/oppose things when we have all the facts with us, and i really appreciate the efforts of Chitta Sir and others for getting as much information as possible and putting it here. But blaming and pointing finger at each other looks very cheap and it looks very odd when i go through some of the comments posted earlier. Please remember that we odia people are behind because we are known for our leg pulling habit (we have a good saying in odia also), so request you all to please refrain from such activity and as i said earlier think the state as a whole and i have no doubt we will succeed.

    Also i think the state government understands that it’s not only the people of BBSR that have elected them but the entire state has voted for them with lot of hope and expectations. I have been following this site as well as few other site and trying to keep track of the development happening in Orissa, so please correct me if i have missed something over here.

    Amit Pasayat

  • 5. Kaushik Sahu  |  September 10th, 2009 at 1:08 pm

    We need a pressure group lobbying actively for Orissa.

    In relation to promoting design in the IITs here is what the National Design Policy says:

    Draft recommendation emphasizes: “Encouraging the teaching of design oriented to the needs of Indian industry, especially small scale and cottage industries in tertiary educational institutions such as Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and Universities.”

    Abridged policy document states: “Encouraging the establishment of departments of design in all the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and all the National Institutes of Technology (NITs) as well as in prestigious private sector Colleges of Engineering and Architecture.”

    Related link:

  • 6. Trilochan Ojha  |  September 10th, 2009 at 4:09 pm

    NID is very very essential for Odisha.The most suitable city for that could be Rourkela.Rourkela is one of the major cities in the east india.This place is the most suitable because of it,s easy connectivity with Chatishgarh,Jharkhand and west Bengal.All these states are maximum one night distance from Rourkela.So I would like to request to recommend Rourkela for the best choice for a NID.Candidate can come to Rourkela very easily both by train from these mentioned states as well as from the other states of India very easily.Besides that Rourkela is the industrial capital of Odisha.
    In this context I would like to request the central authority as well as the state education ministry to concentrate on this issue of making a NID in Odisha.

  • 7. Trilochan Ojha  |  September 10th, 2009 at 4:28 pm

    Hope our CM will do some thing to bring one NID to our state of Odisha out of the rest three NIDs to be announced after Bhopal.That may be at Rourkela or BBSR but must be in Odisha.I think we all Odia people should come united and appeal our homourable HR minister Mr Kapil Sibal for a NID in Odisha after missing IIM in Odisha.
    We Odia people and Odisha being ignored and neglected by the centre from a long time would like to request the central government not to show any kind of partially in future although a non-congress govt is operating in my State.

    Let,s hope the best and pray to Lord Jagannath.

  • 8. Abhisek  |  September 11th, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    Natioanl Institute of Design in Orissa should be established in Berhampur as there are 5 lakh workers from this belt alone working in the textile and jems and jewellery sector in Gujarat. Besides some 5000 workers are working in the silk weaving sector in Berhampur. A Natiaonl level Institute would help in improving the skills of the unskilled labourers of this belt and attract investment in these sectors and also will arrest migration of labour force from Orissa due to absence of skills and linkage of Industries. The State capital being alreday a hub of natioanl level institutes most of them can open such Departmets and Rourkela as an important city of Orissa needs a Mediacal College and a General University first and a campaign for a Design Institute there would put the other issues to background.

    While there is no certainty about IIIT at Berhampur, interms of NID at least there is a chance that this city gets a National level Institute of some kind so that it doesn’t become a dying city through which Rourkela passed few years ago and yet to come out of it.

    I appeal all to support the demand for a NID at Berhampur and though expectation at times leads to despair and which results in somekind of outburst, but that should not be taken as the reason to deny some place an Institute which will have more positive externalities for it (Berhampur) than the state capital which in all likilihood would emerge as a national level hub for higher and technical education even without NID.

  • 9. Chitta Baral  |  September 11th, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    Dear Abhisek:

    A letter to CM focusing on the strength of Berhampur for NID would work well.

    Strengths that have been mentioned:

    * Lots of Jems and Jewlery artisans (A Jems and Jewleery institute has been proposed for Ganjam See
    * Textile workers
    * ADD More like the above (The above 2 are most important)
    * Synergy with proposed IIIT
    * Nine functioning engineering colleges in the area
    * A regular univ, medical college, other colleges
    * Strong entrepreneurial culture
    * 2 hrs from the airport in Bhubaneswar
    * Good rail connectivity

    To counter Bhubaneswar, its enough to say that the IIT in Bhubaneswar can have programs in design similar to IIT Bombay and IIT Guwahati both of which have it and an NID would not add much.

    You can add, Berhampur is not too far from the amenities from Bhubaneswar, and yet is at the heart of several different huge artisan communities. An NID there would bring a new dimension to the existing NIDs and at the same time spur the development of industry clusters in Jems & Jeweleries as well as Textiles.

    I.e., elaborate on NID’s importance to Berhampur region. (To impress the CM you may say Berhampur-Gopalpur-Hinjilicut region. I am told Hinjilicut is only 18 kms from Berhampur and the Gems and Jewelery base is close to that area. That should perk up his attention.)

    You may also mention in the letter that by proposing Berhampur as the location, it strengthen the case for Orissa.


    You get the idea. Write a nice draft along these lines and I think you will get greater support.


    There is a thought that getting involved in multiple campaigns at the same time, undermines all of them. There is some truth to it. That may be hampering the current drive. So decide on the timing judiciously so as to get maximum support.

    best wishes

  • 10. Ajaya Sahu  |  September 12th, 2009 at 5:17 am

    This is the right time what I feel to Campaigning for the NID at Berhampur as the college election is very near and during that time people will have this agenda to highlight their support and signature campaigning. Also we can mention the point on stopping migration to Surat / Mumbai that leads to better health condition in Ganjam district as this is the epicenter for HIV in India.

    Refer the below few links on HIV articles in Ganjam district.

    Renowned silk fabrics of Berhampur dominate the India market. Besides, brass work of Ganjam, coirmats of Gopalpur and the exquisite horn work of Paralakhemundi , Carpets from Chandragiri, woven by refugees from Tibet.

    Titanium dioxide plant which is under construction (SEZ) and IRE (Chatrapur), Aska Sugar Factory (the 1st sugar factory in Asia) will be further boosting to attract more industries.

    At Khallikote, we have an Art and Crafts School in 1957; it is the oldest institution of its kind in the state.

  • 11. Ajaya Sahu  |  September 13th, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    Dear Abhisek,

    Earlier Geetanjali gems and minerals proposed an SEZ in Ganjam too. Refer the link below for details.

    Ajaya Sahu

  • 12. Abhisek  |  September 14th, 2009 at 1:43 pm

    Sir I have the faith that the action plans suggested by you will work. As a beginning at the local level almost all the elected MLAs of Ganjam and Gajapati, the former Minister Mr Sahu and the present MPs Mr Siddhat Mohapatra, MP Renubala Pradhan and MP Nityananda Pradhan, Minister Surya Patro and Bikram Arukh have all been approached with the justification, benefits and relevance of NID at Berhampur. Activists like Mr RP, Srikanat and Sanat have also been approached to run a strong campaign for the NID at Berhampur by involving people from all parts of the state. The points suggested by you remain the core issues i.e the benefits for lakhs of textile and jems and jewellery workers and the possibility of an independent design center by the IIT at Bhubaneswar.Sir, hope in the coming days there will be greater local involvement for the NID Berhampur campaign.

  • 13. jsrathachandra rout  |  November 29th, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    I take this opertunity say something about myself that I sri jsrathachandra rout, under matriculation working in local jewellery shop bhubaneswar as jewellery design and making, I want to promot my proffesional carrer very sharp,it would only be possible if I take tranning in this line so that I would manage myself in this altra modern society. But the problem is I am comletely ignore about this, so I would request you suggest me how would I promote my proffessional carrer


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