Tathya.in: PM promises IIT for Orissa (Is this for real? )

June 26th, 2007

The Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh has once again came to support Orissa with an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). Dr.Singh said that “there will be an IIT in Orissa”. The Prime Minister’s commitment came during a meeting with J B Patnaik, the Leader of Opposition (LOP) of Orissa. JB met Dr.Singh on June 23 at New Delhi. Speaking to tathya.in JB disclosed the information. According to Mr.Patnaik , the PM was categorical about Orissa and said “I am aware of the demands for an IIT in the state and it will be set there”. PM’s assurance came in the face of the resistance of Arjun Singh, the Minister Human Resources Development (HRD) to support Orissa with institutions of higher learning. Dr.Singh said as per his promise, funding for National Institute Science Education and Research (NISER) is finalized. He said that Rs.800 crore is being funded to NISER, which is being approved by the Union Cabinet. The PM said that Orissa is included in all the Flag Ship Programs of the UPA Government at the Centre. On the demand to include Cuttack in the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), Dr.Singh not only assured but has asked the Ministry of Urban Development (MUD) to prepare plan accordingly. Connecting the broad gauge railway line from Gunupur to Theruvali, Dr.Singh asked the railway authorities to include it in the expansion plan of the Ministry of Railways (MoR). The Naupada-Gunupur railline is being converted to broad gauge but the MoR dubbling Gunupur-Theruvali, a poor economic returns line has shelved the expansion project. Mr.Patnaik said that Dr.Singh has given assurance in this regard to take up the expansion work up to Theruvali.

Entry Filed under: IIT Kharagpur branch in Bhubaneswar,IIT, oDishA

3 Writeup

  • 1. Sanjoy Das  |  June 27th, 2007 at 8:05 pm

    Is it deja vu all over again? Not too long ago, M. A. Fatimi had announed that not one, but two IITs would be established in Orissa.

    I for one, wouldn’t buy this report unless I hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Orissa has been deprived of its legitimate share of educational institutions for far too long. A sudden change in heart by the Congress(I)/UPA would come as a big surprise to me.

    In any case I sincerely hope that this report is true. If so, Dr. Manmohan Singh will stand tall as a rare politician with integrity, values, and a sense of justice.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  June 28th, 2007 at 1:46 am

    So far no other paper has reported this. But sometimes Tathya.in gets scoops. So I am keeping my fingers crossed.

  • 3. tauseef  |  July 16th, 2007 at 2:33 pm

    the moot point is when is this going to be established..wil we get to see it in our living memory


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