From mineral resources to human resources: Constructive solutions to speed up mega projects in Orissa by taking care of the people

September 19th, 2009

Following is from Dharitri:

Today Pioneer reports on MP Bhakta Das’s demand to Vedanta with respect to Lanjigarh. Following is an excerpt from that report.

Das said the package should include direct employment of 5,000 locals in technical fields and indirect employment of 10,000 locals in non-technical fields, establishment of five technical colleges like medical, engineering, polytechnic and ITI and five central schools in the district.

Asked whether he would consider supporting extraction of bauxite in the Niyamgiri hill if VAL declares such a package, Das replied that a decision in this regard would be taken with consent of all citizens at a meeting where the industry would sign an agreement before the public.

Development of healthcare, roads, education and irrigation, connection of electricity to all villages, social activities, plantation, peripheral development and permanent income source for displaced people and tribals with lifetime free education to their children are also part of the package, he said. The industry would ensure that the flow of waters of rivers and streams in the Niyamgiri hill would not be affected. Consent of the tribals would have to be taken before handing over the hill, he said.

This is a constructive approach. I hope Vedanta agrees to it. (Although Vedanta’s Chairman is establishing a Rs 15,000 crore Vedanta University near Puri, with Rs 5000 crore of his own money, Vedanta should also pay attention to the localities where its industries are coming up and where its mining operations are located; in particular Lanjigarh and Jharsuguda; as those areas will bear the burnt of the pollution and environmental side effects and also many people there will be losing their lands.)

Following the above table the companies behind the other mega-projects should do the same. We list them here.

  • Arcelor Mittal @ Keonjhar:
  • POSCO @ Paradeep
  • Jindal thermal @ Angul; Jindal Steel and Power @Kalinganagar
  • Tata Steel, Kalinganagar
  • Vedanta @ Jharsuguda and @ Lanjigarh; Sterlite Iron & Steel @Keonjhar
  • Bhusan @ Kalinganagar
  • Uttam Galva @Bistapal, Keonjhar
  • Wellspun @Bhadrakh
  • Aditya Aluminum @Rayagada @Sambalpur
  • Essar Steel @Paradeep
  • Essel Energy

To be continued …


Entry Filed under: From mineral resources to human resources

2 Writeup

  • 1. R.K. Ghosh  |  September 19th, 2009 at 5:52 pm

    Dharitri report clearly indicates that land acquisition is the most important hurdle for all projects. The people who lose land on account of the projects are apprehensive of their future as well the future of their successive generations. A good sign is that at least the owners of land consider themselves as custodian rather than owners of land. I think govt should come up with innovative ideas to offer insurances specially to those land owners who depend agriculture for sustenance. For example, if the project fails to take off govt should assure owners to revert their respective pieces of land. Also it is likely that the land would become unsuitable for agriculture in some cases due to constructions. In that case alternative allotment should be made. If project kicks off successfully then the owner who contributed land should be made stake holders in industry through a cooperative regulated by govt. In summary the bottom line for land acquisition is the guarantee for sustenance security of the land contributors. Without a clear policy on the issue, the, govt can never hope to help the mega projects. The progress have been woefully tardy indicating a serious lack of competence as facilitator.

  • 2. pabitra kumar barad  |  September 20th, 2009 at 10:49 am

    It is a good demand and nice idea of MP Bhakta Das.The land acquistion problem of mega project may be solved by direct reaching to people and sign an agreement with the people of that area with some social obligation.I hope that the MP of other area where the projects will come should make such type of demand also taking in to account the collector , other administrative authorities along with the community of that area. If it will happen Birla group have to set up a BIT Pilani like campus in Kashipur area,Mittal in Keonjher,Tata in kalingnagar and Berhmpur, and other company in jharsuguda,bolangir area.The govt. of orissa should take the issue of people enthusiastically and bargain with the company.If it will not take these issue seriously The MOUs will remain remain under file nothinf will happen and we will back to another fifty year.


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