Land for ESI medical college has been alloted at Bharatpur near IMA in Bhubaneswar. What Next? How to go about getting an ESI medical college to Rourkela?

September 20th, 2009

Following is from Samaja.

Sambada pinpoints the location as "near Institute of Mathematics & Applications."

Overall the only new part here is the exact location of the land as when we started our campaign for ESIC medical college in Rourkela (in the end of August) we already knew  that land had been allocated in Bhubaneswar

So what do we do now?

Following are my suggestions.

  1. We need to continue pushing our case through emails, faxes, letter writing campaigns, ground level actions etc.
  2. We need to get the MLAs from the Rourkela area involved. They need to meet the CM and make the demands. Alternatively or in addition some civil society group needs to get an appointment with the CM and convey the demand for an ESI medical college in Rourkela.
  3. The MLAs around Rourkela and email/phone of some of them that I could find are:
    1. Rourkela – Sarada Nayak (BJD)
    2. Biramitrapur – George Tirkey (Independent) 0674-403599; 0661-643282
    3. Raghunathpali – Subrat Tarai (BJD)
    4. Rajgangpur – Gregory Minz (Congress)
    5. Bonai – Bhimsen Choudhury (BJP)
    6. Sundergarh – Jogesh Singh (Congress)
    7. Talsara – Dr. Prafulla Majhi (Congress)
    8. Kuchinda – Rajendra Chhatria (Congress)

    The MP and ex-MP who can also meet the CM are:

    1. Hemanada Biswal – 09937350289
    2. Jual Oram –,
  4. When these groups meet the CM they also need to have alternative proposals and an alternative set of demands. (This is in case the CM’s first response is that the land has been allotted and it can not be shifted at this stage.) Shifting of location once announced is extremely difficulty and a political hot potato. That is because if something is shifted from location A to B there will be people in A who will complain and no politician would want to do this. When A is Bhubaneswar it is even harder. (I also think that demanding shifting is not a good idea unless it is done by people of A. That is because it unnecessarily pits people of A against people of B.  We on purpose never did it in case of NISER or IIT and as a result received political support from MPs and journalists of other states.)
  5. However, asking for an ESI medical college in Rourkela does not necessarily mean shifting the one announced in Bhubaneswar. The people meeting the CM, and at some point in our campaign, we should more forcefully point out that in other states in addition to the undergraduate medical college of ESI, 1 or more other locations will have post-graduate courses and in Karnataka there will be two ESI medical colleges. If we are able to convince this to our CM and if he demands to the center that ESI establish another medical college in Rourkela or at least PG teaching at its hospital in and around Rourkela then the chances of success are much high. But this need not be done now. We may continue with our current approach (with less badmouthing of Bhubaneswar) for some time. In this I suggest the approach and tone in here rather than the tone in the petition.
  6. Whether it is demanding something from the center or getting something for a region in Orissa, getting the CM on our side is most important. From past experience the best approach for getting something for a region in Orissa has been for a delegation of MLAs to meet the CM. Hence the list of MLAs above.
  7. With respect to fighting for Rourkela this should be just a beginning. The MLA delegation when they meet the CM should also ask the CM for
    1. a general state university and
    2. to push SAIL to establish a medical college and a engineering college, as it is doing in Bokaro. There are some technical hurdles but effort is on to overcome them. SAIL is up for its mine renewal in Orissa. See here and here. So this is the right time to do it. If SAIL Bokaro can make a medical college in Bokaro why can not SAIL Rourkela in Rourkela.
    3. These could be the alternative proposals that the delegation can propose to the CM.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),ESI Medical College,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

10 Writeup

  • 1. Prashant K Sahoo  |  September 21st, 2009 at 9:18 am

    I don’t think talking about alternative is a good idea at this moment. Sticking to ESIC at RKL will be one and only best option at this moment. Let the alternative if comes , come from the other end not from the MLA or people.

    Otherwise the case will be diluted and loose its ground. Lets keep it simple that ESIC Medical college has to go to RKL.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  September 21st, 2009 at 9:35 am

    Ok. Lets keep the alternatives in the background and focus on the main goal.

  • 3. preeti  |  September 21st, 2009 at 10:28 am

    atlast we lost the battle

  • 4. mihir kumar swain  |  September 22nd, 2009 at 2:05 pm

    There is no response of Mr sardha nayak’s mail id . It is wrong Mail Id . Please any person privide correct Mail ID !

  • 5. alok  |  September 22nd, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    I dont agree we lost the battle.Infact the CM seems to have taken the decision in a hurry after coming under immnse pressure to establish the college at Rourkela..Guys lets the movement be alive and i am sure the CM will realize waht mistake he has done so far.In the mean time do any of us know journalists or reporter on any news channel.we can demonstrate regarding the issue and make the CM realize.This will be one best way to tell the CM our demands.If the college is set up at BBSR i can only say that CM is doing some hardcore partiality which is not at all acceptable.I dont think he will get respect when the next time he comes down to Rourkela.

  • 6. Chitta Baral  |  September 22nd, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    We are moving on to a crucial phase where we are making phone calls. That has given us a direct path on where things are and what exactly needs to be done. If you guys can help let me know and I will update by email.

  • 7. alok  |  September 23rd, 2009 at 7:59 am

    Plz go ahead ….i will be visiting the site on a daily basis..I will do everything thats possible from my side..

  • 8. Trilochan Ojha  |  September 23rd, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    Now We all should get united and meet the CM with other social organizations for ESI hospital at Rourkela.Before that Rourkela people should meet Mr Sarda Nayak regarding this topic and remind him about the requirement of Rourkela.For that I need name and contact numbers of social organizations operating in Rourkela and I will request and remind them to be vigorous regarding ESI hospital and medical college to be shifted to Rourkela.

  • 9. Nilachal  |  September 24th, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    From the above we can conclude that the Orissa Government only looks for reasons to bring more and more institutes to the state capital and not bothered about other places, unless there is any compulsion. The reason why CU was established in Koraput was that the state assembly elections were round the corner and there is no such fear for the govt now. And, under such situations when the central Govt asks the state govt to bend by selecting locations unilaterally without much knowledge about Orissa and its geography, the State Govt is ready to crawl. There is no logic in fighting with such an irresponsible government, barren of ideas.

  • 10. mihir kumar swain  |  September 25th, 2009 at 5:24 pm

    Hello Boys
    Just 2 days back I have discussed the issues with MP Hemananda Biswal by Phone. He told all the peoples related with this , come to me and discuss with me. There is some solution find in our discussion. But my question is who is take responsible ?As per my information all we are staying outside of INDIA. The Peoples who are localisation can take resposible. There is span of time in our hand. Whithin limit of time we will arechive the target. So now we should search that type of peoples who are help us.


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