XIM plans a branch in Sambalpur

October 17th, 2009

Following is from a report in tathya.in.

… Mr.Patnaik (the CM) has asked Country’s one of the topmost B-School, Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar(XIMB) to open another campus in Sambalpur. 

A U Singhdeo, Minister Planning & Coordination and Public Enterprises also urged XIMB authorities to expand their empire. 

So with the blessings of the Chief Minister and his government XIMB soon will open another campus in Sambalpur district of Western Orissa. 

On being invited by Government of Orissa, XIMB opened its first Institute here in 1987. 

That time 20 acres of land and Rs.5 crores were given to the institution to open a campus in Orissa. 

During these 22 years, XIMB brought Bhubaneswar on the national B-School map and earned a good name for being in list of top ten Management Institute of the country. 

It is run by Jesuit Society on no profit, no loss basis. 

In fact XIMB has the most reasonable fee structure among the top institutes. 

It has also produced about 1500 students in the last 20 years who have reached to the top post of private sector in the various parts of the country. 

Many of them have returned back to the state and started their own enterprise. 

Many successful entrepreneurs of the state can trace back their relation with XIM one way or other. 

Vijay Arora, Secretary PPP, known for his dynamism and original thinking knowing the strength of the XIMB, conceived the idea of opening another campus in the state preferably in Samblapur. 

He discussed the concept with P T Joseph SJ, Director XIMB who agreed to the idea in case the Government provides the necessary support.

This was to allow the Western Orissa benefit of quality educational Institution. 

Matter was discussed with the Government in the Department of Planning & Coordination. 

Satya Prakash Nanda, Development Commissioner is favorably disposed off towards a new campus of XIMB in Sambalpur, said sources.

 After arriving at a mutual understanding, a report was submitted by the Director XIM Professor Joseph to the Government outlining the project and the support required. 

Along with Management XIMB proposes to run courses in Agri-Business Management and Rural Management etc. 

This is a great move from all aspects.

Entry Filed under: Other Management institutions and programs,Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4),Xavier University,XIM, Bhubaneswar

30 Writeup

  • 1. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  October 19th, 2009 at 11:49 pm

    many times branches of such institutions goto sambalpur

    why such institutes are not established at Rourkela?

  • 2. alok  |  October 20th, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    I do agree with Dilip.So if XIM has its wings on sambalpur ,shall we think that the IIM in future for Orissa will be at Rourkela.In either of the institutions i find Rourkela as a preferred destination for any institute of this level.Why the airport issue is not being raised when it was raised when we the people of Rourkela raised questions over ESIC setup. Even XIM is institute of status and importance.What i think Sambalpur is completly a different world.Its basically a commercial town and as per Rourkela we have the enviroment in place for education.I would suggest as well as request the trustee for XIM to setup the branch at Rourkela as they did in Jamshedpur (XLRI).

  • 3. Piyush  |  October 20th, 2009 at 3:10 pm

    It will be difficult to attract good faculty and companies to Sambalpur. Rourkela would be a better choice.

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  October 20th, 2009 at 7:09 pm

    The higher education task force web site is at http://www.dheorissa.in/DHE/TaskForce.aspx for . They have a feedback mechanism. This is a great time to use that.

  • 5. alok  |  October 21st, 2009 at 2:35 pm

    I think Sambalpur might be important politically for Naveen govt thats why he has asked personally to setup the XIM at sambalpur.Otherwise its quite strange that a city like Rourkela is ignored for this.In fact XIM trustee might change re consider for the location.

  • 6. mihir kumar swain  |  October 21st, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    Mr. Chitta
    Now We are tired . You tell us how we will stand for our demand? Just you seen the example of Esic medical college.when our demand go on momentum that time state govt. allotted area to esic medical college and same time 2 crores amout transfered to register a/c . Are you immagine how state govt played a nasty game with Rourkela’s sentiment ! If esic medical college is not shifted to Rourkela Our next demand will …………….. .

  • 7. bikash dash  |  October 25th, 2009 at 2:34 am

    sambalpur is the perfect place for such kind of educational institute.it is the center of western orissa.it is having educational institute like uc burla,vss medical college,sambalpur university.it is a brillant place to live in.rourkela cant be comparable with sambalpur.for the first time anything is going to happen for the devlopment of sambalpur,so lets do it.

  • 8. alok  |  October 28th, 2009 at 5:42 pm

    Bikash i dont know what makes you feel to compare Rourkela with Sambalpur but let me tell you something ..Rourkela is a al together a difrrent place and Sambalpur is diffrent.First of all Sambalpur is politically important but not more important than Rourkela .Where as Rourkela is a cosmopoliton in culture wise and thinking wise.Coming to your point of a briiliant place to live in sambalpur.I dont know how you define brilliant.Even my native place is sambalpur but till now i dont find anything brilliant about this place.Its still to come out of the village tag that it carries.Dont blame me but its what the enviroment makes me feel.You can say Sambalpur has a rich heritage culture as well as people who speak sambalpuri feel proud for it.But please dont compare it with Rourkela.Just opening few showrooms and shopping complex doesnot makes sambalpur a city.Its population is still hardly half of Rourkela’s population.A large number of people are exposed to the outer world.How many people in Sambalpur who belong to Sambalpur actually are exposed to a certain level.Even today Rourkela has the potential to level itself with BBSR if the govt invests 10% of the investment.Can Sambalpur come to that level.I dont think so.U still have doubts then dovisit Rourkela once.I am sure you will feel the same what i feel.

  • 9. alok  |  October 29th, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    Bikash forgot to mention one major point.When vedanta decided to open the university at Puri what the people of Sambalpur and Jharsuguda doing.Why they didnt reacted on this where a company says that as this part of the world is polluted by various plants we have decide to open the medical college and university at puri.Do you have any answers.If you think Sambalpur is suitable place then why Vedanta ignored ?Dont take my points negatively but think once why something like this happens BBSR region is choosen.People of western orissa dont have value for there lives.People from western orissa will earn revenue for the state and the state govt will propose all medical facilities in and around BBSR.

  • 10. bikash dash  |  November 1st, 2009 at 11:40 pm

    alok …[personal attack deleted by editor]… and regarding comparision between rourkela and sambalpur dont give fake argument,u better ask ur self.

  • 11. Dr.Sreyash Satpathy  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 12:52 pm

    Dear All,

    Since the state government has expressed its desire for opening up a second campus of XIMB, be it so. Between Sambalpur and Rourkela, I personally feel that Sambalpur would be a better choice as compared to Rourkela. While Rourkela is already a developed centre, I think once XIM decides to come to Sambalpur, it will act as a natural boost to the place. We also need to remember the basic tenet on which the newly constituted task force of the DHE has suggested a second campus of XIM- Equity,Excellence and Inclusion, which to my mind will be best represented in Sambalpur. Regarding other issues pertaining to logistics and infrastructure, it doesnt take a long time to develop, provided there is a political willingness to do so.


  • 12. Umesh Panda  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 3:40 pm

    Dear Alok, Bikash and all,

    The reason behind Western Orissa’s loosing to costal orisa in getting developmental work is just because of the in fight among us. Prof. Baral has already stated earlier that never use statements like the Institute from X location should be shifted to location Y or location X is better than location Y.

  • 13. Umesh Panda  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    I condemn the statements by Mr Alok that Sambalpur is inferior to Rourkela and it has a village tag and just by making some showroom and malls doesn’t make it a city where as RKl is a different world, etc. These kinds of statements create difference among us. When ESI medical college issue was raised for Rkl no one from Sambalpur region went against it saying it should be in SBP then why such irritating statements are coming up from you?

  • 14. Umesh Panda  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 3:42 pm

    Mr Alok! Do you know that when RSP started in RKL it was a village. Even Panposh was a bigger place as a subdivision of Sundargarh dist. There was no identity of RKL. Look now what it is today and NIT is the top ranked institute in Orissa. When the capital shifted to bbsr from Ctc, it was a small town with a population of app.14,000. So, Size and population hardly matters. Once we will start considering the size of population then even bbsr doesn’t stand in front of the 4th, 5th ranking cities of other states like Maharashtra, Andhra, MP, UP, etc.

    If the location of Rkl were at least somewhere near JSG than It would have been the undisputed option in Western Orissa. Even though Rkl is the biggest city in Western Orissa it doesn’t bear the sentiments of its local people. So, thoughts required why it is not and how it can be improved?

  • 15. Umesh Panda  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    Sambalpur, Jharsuguda, Bargarh are as cosmopolitan like Rkl. Forget about these cities and town, even a small town like Kantabanji or nuapada are equally cosmopolitan. Entire Western Orissa is cosmopolitan by nature since centuries.

    Regarding pollution level, don’t forget that Rkl is too an industrial town and it is not in different world but right in side the same polluted and exploited Western Orissa.

  • 16. Umesh Panda  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    And don’t dare to compare with Sambalpur. It is a much better place to live in. It is the political and cultural capital of Western Orissa from generations. It is centrally located than RKL and above all it is able to serve its people much better than RKL. I don’t bother what migrated people say but ask any local person from Western Orissa which is more friendly and enjoyable to live in.

  • 17. Chitta Baral  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 8:08 pm

    An XIM branch is announced in Sambalpur. So lets not mess with plan for that branch. Lets support it.

    XIM is also pursuing to become a university. I think they will be open to the possibility of a future branch in Rourkela.

  • 18. bikash dash  |  November 3rd, 2009 at 11:50 am

    thank u chita sir and and umesh.at least some one is there with me for support.lets help the people of western orissa to make it a good educational place and a nice world.thans umesh

  • 19. alok  |  November 3rd, 2009 at 5:18 pm

    friends..i am not ttragetting any individual or comparing Sambalpur with Rourkela or i am taking Sambalpur as inferior.But it did started somewhere if you go through the above comments with comparision and it took a negative turn with every next comment.Well as i mentioned earlier i personally know people in Sambalpur who were not at all happy with Vedant’s decision to open up the university at Puri.Well we keep on persuading for everything then why none of us did took this seriously.Vedanta gave a justification that as this area (sambalpur-Jharsuguda) is already polluted with a number of steel plants thats why we have planned the World class university and Hospital at Puri.Is this statement is really justified.People took my statements of comparision seriously but no body raised this issue or supported.I strongly agree Sambalpur-JSG area can have the university.But it seems people are more intersted in comparision factor.We are fighting for ESIC so the same could have been done for Sambalpur if people like Bikash and Umesh could have taken the initiative.But it seems they are least intersted.Rather they will just note the points which are nothing to do with.I have not taken personally or not intending to go personal.My point is what we have done so far for Sambalpur.And Umesh finally i belong to Rourkela as well as Sambalpur.So please dont take this personally coz i know the ground reality at Sambalpur.Bikash my arguments are not fake.

  • 20. Chitta Baral  |  November 3rd, 2009 at 8:31 pm


    You may not be aware of them, but many people from Sambalpur-Balangir-Kalahandi-etc. are fighting for many things.


    But as I said before lets fight to make Orissa more developed but not fight among ourselves to take one institute announced for location X to location Y. (ESIC was a special special case.)

  • 21. alok  |  November 3rd, 2009 at 10:29 pm

    Chitta sir,
    I completely agree with you and even i know people who are fighting hard for SBP-Bolangir and kalahandi area.But some people here are making it a mess and taking it a wrong way.I said what i have seen during my last visit to SBP.But it seems people dont want to accept this.Its not only me but the people of SBP do agree about the diffrences.

  • 22. Dhiraj  |  November 28th, 2009 at 11:52 am

    Sir, i belong from sambalpur and i thanked pattnaik to open an institution like XIIM in sambalpur .To all those who dis obey this ideas are against sambalpur and its people development.Sir i in fact such institute must put in sambalpur to develop it and sir its not the place that matter its all the institute that matter

  • 23. bikash dash  |  December 10th, 2009 at 12:13 pm

    sir,what is the latest news about xim sambalpur progress news.can u add some more news.

  • 24. debasish  |  December 28th, 2009 at 10:05 am

    Dear All,
    its been a pleasure to see all fighting for concerned reasons.
    Dats true as a part of orissa govt concern rkl has always been a dissapointed.
    15% 0f Orissa GDP comes from RKL still then Ignored.
    RKL is well connected to metroes , technical universities and many more. Lets dont about RSP and all Tata.
    more than 30% of technical seats all over Govt n private engg colleges in Orissa are filled by RKL students.
    XIMB being at rkl will definitely boost the spirit of western orissa. moreover it would get directly connected to XIM, Jhamshed pur. more good faculties can some and interact with peoopl.This would only benifit us.
    there would be a better scope for the institute as RKL would provide them a better environment. With industialisation coping on it is going to nourish to full.
    Its a concern for our people to think over again over this matter.

    kinldy consider this.

    before setting the iNstitute pls consider a visit to VSSU N NIT

    Its always different…..
    Nothing hard on it

  • 25. abhishek  |  February 11th, 2010 at 12:45 am

    first upon i am agree that fighting among us cant be a solution….May be slowly but Naveen government is doing very well ..in developing orissa.
    What a joke! sambalpur in not a great place to live in & education…..Well i will like to say no city in orissa has such ideal condetions..instead
    Picturesquely located on the lap of nature, amidst wooded hills with a panoramic view on the bank of the river Mahanadi , Sambalpur looks like a temple studded hill station from a height like Budharaja Hill or Circuit House. Even at night, the beauty is breathtaking.Referred to as ‘Sambalak’ by the Greek Geographer Ptolemy in the 2nd Century AD and ‘Sambhal’ in the medieval Tibetan literature, Sambalpur is one of the oldest cities of India..
    Still its not as much developed as it should be.
    Let you know this step is taken to develope western orissa..
    And i will like to tell you….western orissa cant be developed ignoring sambalpur..Its the base.
    Can you say me how much people living in rourkela are native of it?
    Its a great step taken by the cm …i heartily welcome it.
    In the case of vssut……i will like to say. With in a year of its turning into a univ. it has done much well….and i am sure it will cross nit, rkl with in a few yrs…NIT , rkl has got the status yrs ago….while uce is just getting it now..You can see what sambalpur can do..with in few yrs.
    And as far as population concern the proposal has been already passed to bulilt indias largest sattelite city in between jharsugura and sambalpur..which will provide a huge resulting twin city…As far as transport in concerned its well connected with all metro cities and important cities of india…and the proposed jharsugura international airport is like jwell to it..
    I belongs to sambalpur and yes i am proud of our people , our language , our culture..every thing…If rkl is better than sbp can you justify why a premier institute like silicon prefers it against rkl..
    At last something going good…please dont try to break it.

  • 26. abhishek  |  February 11th, 2010 at 1:19 am

    Sir can you please tell me about the current situation about the setup of theXIM , sambalpur

  • 27. Chitta Baral  |  February 11th, 2010 at 1:44 am

    I have no new information on this.

  • 28. jitu  |  March 2nd, 2010 at 9:07 pm

    1st of all i would like to thank our CM to open a branch of XIM in sbp.
    dont compare sambalpur and rourkela.sambalpur population is less but 85%of the population are sambalpuri(native of undivided sambalpur dist). but if u consider roukela 40% of the people are from other state. so why should our goverment serve to people from different state. i m not saying that govt shouldnt give importance to rkl but wn one good thing is going to happen in western orissa then why u r messing it up. lastly sambalpur is well conected to every part of orissa then rkl. and it have acess to all major cities of india.

  • 29. Ravi Sharma  |  March 5th, 2010 at 1:34 pm

    it’s useless that some of my frnds r making such a useless comparison between the two hubs of western orissa i think sambalpur has been given importance for such an institute because of it’s location more than anything else & some of my neighboring frnds r giving political interest in this issue bcoz it is nothing like that well i think sambalpur has been chosen for XIMB 2nd branch bcoz of it’s communication & so many industries r coming between jsg & sbp & it is quite close to all western district & there is a pure communication of railway from all western & few southern district which is making liable for opening a 2nd br in sbp.

  • 30. susant panigrahi  |  April 20th, 2012 at 9:55 pm

    this article is of oct 2009,unfortunately till date there is no trace of any XIMB or any step by govt of orissa this is nothing but to make exploit western orissa.


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