Official Orissa higher education task force web site and feedback mechanism
October 20th, 2009
The official site of the task force is at Following are some links from that page.

- Sign of MOU for Secretarial Assistance to the Task Force on Higher Education constituted for the purpose of perspective Plan.
- Constitution of Task Fore by Govt. of Orissa in Higher Education
- Dates for Regional Workshop for the Task Force
- News
- Feedback
This is a perfect time to give feedback about higher education in Orissa. I think feedback given through the official feedback mechanism has a high chance of being read and by the right people. In general, it helps if the feedback is short, to the point, and based on logic. Some of my initial thoughts are at . Any feedback on that is most welcome.
Entry Filed under: Odisha Higher Education Vision 2020
2 Writeup
1. Jayant Kumar Biswal | November 6th, 2009 at 10:52 am
1.Every system,institution needs good leadership.Have principals who are good leaders-who are honest,committed ,innovative and visionary.For this, selection,periodic training and appraisal of principals are to be given the highest priority.Please do not go by this hackneyed selection procedure of the P.S.C..You could trust the selection process to some top management institutes or some corporate houses like Infosysis.Once principals are selected ,have their training for a few days,make them go round good institutes to have the necessary exposure and always have interactions with them and between them.Besides this,have a system for the appraisal of their performance.
2.Teacher-absentism is rampant. Many (not some) teachers have a 3 days week;some even come to the college once in a fortnight.I can vouch for it because I see it happen around me.I am an insider.Just make the teachers stay in the college everyday for five hours.You can see wonderful changes.For this you can have this system–let every teacher submit at the end of the day to the Principal’s office what classes he has taken,what duties he has performed and let these be mailed to the Secretary,H.E.on that very day.I am told ,such a system is there in BPUT.This would dramatically change the college scenario.
2. surendranath mishra | May 26th, 2010 at 12:08 pm
pl send a soft copy of the tax force recommendaton to my email address ,if possible.