Orissa Maritime Academy in Paradip offers 6-month courses for class X pass students

October 22nd, 2009

The web page of this institute is http://www.orissamaritime.com/. Following is an excerpt from its page http://www.orissamaritime.com/course.htm

The curriculum has been designed to impart an integrated and comprehensive training as per the standard of International Maritime Organization and guidelines issued by the Director General of Shipping, Government of India. The course has covered all aspects of seafaring profession to Deck and Engine Ratings.

Apart from the theory and in-house practical classes, the trainees are exposed to extensive practical training onboard Port crafts, Marine Workshop, Electrical Workshop of Paradip Port Trust as per convenience of Paradip Port Authority. The trainees are also given physical, parade and swimming training. The Academy organizes a number of ships’ visit to different types of ships berthed at Paradip Port.  The medium of instruction is in English only. The trainees have to undergo the following STCW (Standard of Training Certification and Watch-keeping) courses during the training period at their own cost.

    • Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
    • Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF)
    • Elementary First Aid (EFA)
    • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR)
    • Oil Tanker Familiarization Course (OTFC) optional

Course offered:

Pre-sea General Purpose Rating Training.(Ship’s crew) Duration: 6(six) months, compulsory residential.


Educational qualification:

Pass in 10th standard from a recognized Board with Science, Mathematics and English as subjects. Candidates should have 40% in aggregate in 10th standard and (40% in English either in 10th or in +2 levels.)


Must have completed 17½ years and must be below 25 years of age as on date of commencement of course.

Medical standard:

All the candidates should be physically fit for the sea service as per Merchant Shipping Act (Medical Examination for Seafarers) Rules, 2000. Eyesight should be 6/6 with normal vision – no colour blindness and height – 158 cm, weight – 48 kgs.

How to apply:

Application forms and prospectus are to be downloaded from our website www.orissamaritime.com and completed application forms should be submitted to the Academy along with a demand draft of Rs.100/-(one hundred) and attested xerox copy of relevant documents.

Selection procedure:

The intake capacity of the Academy is 40(forty) per batch. In case eligible candidates do not receive any call letter prior 10 days before commencement of the course, they should contact the Academy over telephone to inquire about the status of their application form. The training commences on 1st of January and 1st of July every year.

The short listed (eligible) candidates will be called to the Academy for selection. In the selection procedure, the candidate has to undergo a medical test. In order to ascertain the merit of the candidates, the Academy may conduct a written and viva-voce test in English. The applicant will have to attend the above tests at their own expenses at Paradip.

The selection will be on strictly merit basis. There will be a reservation of 15% of seats for SC/ST candidates and 10% for the children of Paradip Port Trust employees. However, if the number of required candidates in the above categories is not available, the vacancy will be offered to the general candidates.

Course fees:

The course fees is Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only). The entire fee is payable in one installment in shape of a demand draft drawn in favour of “Orissa Maritime Academy” payable at Paradip on the date of admission. The course fee includes tuition fees, uniform, boarding and lodging during the stay in the academy.

No stipend is payable during the training period. As per D.G Shipping orders, 50% discount in course fees will be given to female candidates.

The candidate has to deposit caution money of Rs.5000/- (Rupees five thousand only), which will be refunded to him/her without any interest after adjusting the claim of the Academy towards any loss/damage/fine for any indiscipline act. The course fees for five STCW courses are extra to be borne by candidates.

Hostel facility:
The Academy has got its own hostel inside the premises, which provides lodging and boarding. Each trainee will be provided with a cot, cupboard, bed sheet, mosquito net, pillow with cover, mattress, utensils etc.

After completing the Pre-Sea Training (G.P.) and STCW’95 Basic Safety Courses, the successful trainees are eligible to obtain the Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) from the Shipping Master, Government of India. The Academy will provide required assistance to the individual candidates to obtain the CDC.



Entry Filed under: Orissa Maritime Academy, Paradip

32 Writeup

  • 1. DABASIS DAS  |  November 9th, 2009 at 2:26 pm

    Sir,i am debasis das, from Bhadrak .i like join to merchant navy course. After i finished my course,what are the facilities for placement.

  • 2. deepak kumar  |  February 25th, 2010 at 12:07 pm

    dear sir,

    i am deepak kumar like to join the PRE SEA TRAINING COURSE, please suggest me how to make the registration. is it possible to make the online or by corresponding.

    Please do the needful as soon as possible .

  • 3. anil kumar  |  April 13th, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    respected sir,

    i am anil kumar i like to join in cdc in orissa for 6 months coaching so plz ….. could help me for how to registration no one me to say abt full off this so can u plz send mee the details by emil or contacting my no.. 8121373572 or 9603275741 plzzz sir could u help mee plz………

  • 4. kamlesh maharana  |  April 16th, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    respected sir,

    I my self kamlesh maharana from behrempur completed my +2 science from bbsr of hi-science college .so i want to tell you about the course for deck cadet is there or not so what is the procedure to take the admission for this course . so sir as soon as possible please send me the information or contact me on 8895163772

    thanking you

  • 5. sourabh soni  |  May 25th, 2010 at 11:41 am

    Respected sir,

    I am sourabh soni, from pathir. I like join to the merchant navy course.

  • 6. miftahul  |  May 28th, 2010 at 8:08 am

    respect sir

    i am miftahul haque form khorda i am interested murchant navy job pleas mail this job sallary per month

  • 7. anital kumar  |  June 22nd, 2010 at 11:55 am

    i want join the marchant navy so sir send me GP rating full infromation

  • 8. Naveen kumar  |  August 24th, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    i have compleated diploma in Instrumentation@control engg.
    I m very intrested join merchat navy.. What m i eliabe to join merchant navy..or doing course GP rating ya which course for me best…join merchent navy …

  • 9. jeesantony  |  September 26th, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    i am jeesantony like to join the GP RATTING TRAINING COURSE, please suggest me how to make the registration. i have allredy Indian CDC of radio officer&also one year in OSV as a radio officer. If i completed this course any possiblity to change the RANK CDC in to GP .

    Please do the needful as soon as possible .

  • 10. kartik  |  November 1st, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    nic but i want to join

  • 11. Jayashib Jati  |  November 2nd, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    Respected sir,

    I am Jayashib Jati, from Balasore. I like join to the merchant navy course.

  • 12. mrutyunjay  |  November 4th, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    hi. i m mutyunjay want 2 join merchant navy. plz give information abt d placement of ds cource

  • 13. SATYABRATA PRADHAN  |  November 8th, 2010 at 3:26 pm


    At/Po : BAITPUR
    Via : DEHURDA
    Dist : BALASORE
    State : ORISSA
    Pin : 756036
    Mob : 7377025434


    • To work with a dedicated sprit and Lead by example with passion Integrity and creativity to meet the challenges of the millennium .Strongly believe in innovation for prosperity and therefore I am flexible for ideas suggestion.


    • Passed H.S.C. Exam. In the year 2007 with 47% marks in aggregate from the B.S.E. Orissa.
    • Passed +2 COMMERCE in the year 2009 with 44% marks in aggregate from the C.H.S.E. Orissa.



    Date of Birth : 10- JUNE-1991
    Mother’s Name NILIMA PRADHAN
    Marital Status : UNMARRIED
    Nationality : INDIAN
    Religion : HINDU
    Sex : MALE
    Mothers Tongue : ORIYA


    At/Po : BAITPUR
    Via : DEHURDA
    Pin : 756036

    I here by declare that all facts and stated above are true compleate and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief .

    Date :__04-11-10_________ SATYABRATA PRADHAN
    Place :__BAITPUR_____________________ Signature

  • 14. sikandar sahu.  |  December 2nd, 2010 at 1:14 am

    Respected sir, I am sikanar sahu,Baripada from Mayurbhanj Dist.My date of Birth is 18 may 1984.I completed +3 Sc.in 2005.I am very instrested for joing machant navy.for the given six month training programe base crouse.what am i eligible for this course.$ also what is the facilities for placement. as soon as posible plz send me suggestion by mail id.$also contact no-9778714774

  • 15. somnath  |  December 4th, 2010 at 10:20 pm

    sir alredy applied for gp rating course in orissa mari time acedemy for 2011 jan rating batch and sent the relevant documents and dd with post but still i didnt get the reply ..

    plz help me

  • 16. prasad  |  December 29th, 2010 at 1:30 pm

    sir, i am from Andhra. I want apply for gp ratig course in orissa maritime academy for 2011 july batch. so i need some help to how to join. Please tell me the procedure.

  • 17. Nishant pandey  |  January 2nd, 2011 at 10:21 am

    Hello sir, i am Nishant kumar pandey from ranchi. I have got 92% marks in 10th from cbse and 55.67% marks in 12th pcm from jharkhand state board. I want to join this pre sea training. I have already done stcw 95 course. Sir, actually i have been cheated 1.5lakh rupees by a FRAUD ACADEMY called SEAWORLD MARINE ACADEMY, RANCHI. on account of becoming a deck cadet. At that time i did no about dgs and all. This academy is not a dgs approved academy. It took an entrance exam then send a joining letter congratulating me that i have been selected there. Then for six months i along with 80 students ( from different parts few were from up few from bihar , assam and even kolkata) remain in the academy doing our so called training. Then at the end of 5 month we were called that we all are going to do some practical training. We were sent to seacon marine college, kolkata to do stcw (basic course). Then after a month we all were called to take our certificate of stcw in the academy and thats it. And no pre training certificate. (here the manager named aditya pronounces certificate as Sartifitake). Then we asked him for placement at that he demanded 1.5 lakh rupees more. And the worst part is that at present there are 150 students taking ‘TRAINING’ in the academy. They all have paid 1.85 lakh rupees few with a hope of becoming deck cadet, few gp rating and yes there is a course for engine cadet also. And at present i all unable to arrange this sum of 50000 rupees to do gp rating course at orissa maritime. I am asking is there any facility of education loan. I am really too depressed these days. So please do help me. My email id , nkpandey92@gmail.com. I will be waiting for your reply. Pls sir suggest me some way for education loan. -nkpandey92@gmail.com. HELP ME.

  • 18. joon baruah  |  January 26th, 2011 at 11:43 am

    m joon baruh i wan 2 join as a engine cadet,wat is procedure and what about the placement….plz send me in my number 09085193906.m frm assam

  • 19. sunil  |  January 30th, 2011 at 12:33 am

    im intrast mob-9583393222

  • 20. RITURAJ KUMAR  |  February 21st, 2011 at 11:24 pm


  • 21. Ratikanta pradhan  |  March 15th, 2011 at 2:13 pm

    sir i want to join merchant navy plz call me on this number 9776321483 , 9937079380

  • 22. Srinu  |  April 6th, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    Respected sir,my name is srinu.iam from andhrapradesh.i want to join in your institute for doing gp rating(c.d.c).so plz tell me how join and how apply.

  • 23. Arindam Ghosh  |  April 27th, 2011 at 10:01 am

    You are requested to advice me a suitable Marine Course considering my following details:
    1. Arindam Ghosh
    2. Age (DOB): 24th May,1988
    3. Qualification: 10+2 with PCM(54%), English (63%), Aggregate 63.8% (W.B.Board of Secondary Education)
    4. Phone: 08961409522
    E-Mail: me.spritbreaker@gmail.com
    Waiting for your valuable advice.
    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,

  • 24. amit raj  |  May 10th, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    sir, all the matter say Nishant pandey is wrong. seaworld marine academy is a good college.company gives many placement.

  • 25. akash  |  May 27th, 2011 at 6:33 pm

    I was the student of your seaworld marine academy and I am placed in executive ship manegment.And I am very much satisfied by S.M.A. I also want to say that I define S.M.A.I also want to say that I define S.M.A. in one line S.M.A. means the name of believe and faith.And also no one compare with S.M.A.
    S.M.A. proved his power in placement field.In my knowledge 99.9% students got placement in India or forine.
    Every competitor want to go high and high but never reached that position, But the S.M.A. is got . Every student get care and respect from S.M.A. Teachers and facalities are very polite and good.I got lot of knowledge from S.M.A. and that knowledge work in my duty and also daily life
    One day I hered some unnecessary word in againt of our academy that time I felt very upset. Our S.M.A. students know what got by this academy.At last one thing.I want share with you when we complete any course and left the institude or academy no one remember us.but our S.M.A. remember us always and also give respect and value.
    Ex-student of seaworld marine academy
    Now on board in excutive ship management.

  • 26. akash kumar pandey  |  May 29th, 2011 at 2:37 am

    I was the student of your seaworld marine academy. And I am always feeling very proud to be a student of Seaworld marine academy.. The Seaworld marine academy name is enough for introduction. When I join the seaworld marine academy I become hero in MT circle. After completed my courses from Seaworld marine academy then I got job in executive ship management pte ltd, Singapore. And my initial salary is very handsome Seaworld marine academy give me a bright future for me. I never forgot that moment when I join seaworld marine academy. Now I spend my life like a hero .for this I always thankful to seaworld marine academy..
    Akash kumar pandey
    Seaman,executive ship management pte ltd,singapore

  • 27. akash kumar pandey  |  May 29th, 2011 at 2:39 am

    mai akash kumar pandey from ramgarh
    mai ex-student hu seaworld marine academy ka,maine 2 saal pehle is academy se course kiya tha,muje pst,pssr,efa,otf,fire fighting, (stcw 95) ka course karwa kar mujhe academy ne panama cdc provide kiya ,,aur panama flag ke ship pe meri joining hui,that time my wages is 450 dollar, and contract is 12 months,,abhi mai sail kar ke aaya to net pe dekha seaworld marine academy ki critisize kisi ne kiya hai so i m writing this ,,
    aap mujhe ye batao kisi bhi academy se course karne pe kya sabko job mil jata hai, agar aap me calliber aue merit nahi hoga to kaun apka life bana sakta hai,,agar aap me hi kami ho to usme academy ka kya dosh hai,,
    aise ladke sirf apna samay barbad karte hai ,aisi kam me,,
    aur jahazee.com ne accept bhi kiya hai ki foreigh cdc pe placement hota hai,,phir bhi seaworld marine academy ka burai kiya ja raha hai..ye baat mai janta hu ki seaworld marine academy ke student ka placement ho raha hai,,
    so, pls stop criticizing of seaworld marine academy..
    akash kumar pandey
    now seaman of executive ship management pte ltd.

  • 28. akash kumar pandey  |  May 29th, 2011 at 2:45 am

    seaworld marine academy is best and gives many placement in foreign shipping compoany..he is a right academy for join the merchant navy..
    if you want join merchant navy,,then you should join seaworld marine academy..

  • 29. akash  |  June 2nd, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    seaworld marine academy is a very good academy..his placement is best in india ..if you want join merchant navy then seaworld marine academy is best..

  • 30. p.girirajureddy  |  June 14th, 2011 at 8:59 am

    I want to join marian.i pass 10th class

  • 31. jeetendra prasad  |  November 20th, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    Dear akash, congratulation for your job you got after the completion of the training at the so called institute at ranchi but tell me one thing what made the authority to sacked the institute and sealed it. We find this news on television and newspaper.

  • 32. Santhosh  |  November 4th, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    Sir i would like to ask one thing that i got a seat at orissa institute and my name is santosh from vizag i want to know some information about joining how to approach institute and all other pls forward some msgs to my mail or my contact no 9642358682


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