Two great feedback to the Higher Education Task Force

October 22nd, 2009

Earlier in I mentioned the mechanism to provide formal feedback to the Higher Education Task Force. I have received some feedback. Among them I highlight two of them below as they are good examples of feedback that has a good chance of having an impact.

The first one is about the Paradeep region. The complete feedback is at Following is an excerpt from that feedback.

  1. To develop and upgrade the Orissa Maritime Institute, Paradeep excellence at par with a world class institute. 
  2. To start a National Institute of Port Management at Paradeep on the lines of Fire institute, Nagpur well equipped for port engineering and designing,  keeping the new upcoming port in the state and the country. 
  3. To  start a National Marine Research Institute specifically keeping the Olive ridley, mangroves, and marine ecology in the surrounding area.

This feedback is extremely valuable as I had no idea that there was a Orissa Maritime Institute in Paradeep. It proposes institute that are very specific to Paradeep and it is obvious how Paradeep is the right location for these institutes. I would request others to consider giving feedback in a similar style: specific to a particular location. If one has ideas and knowledge about multiple locations, then please consider giving them separately. One can of course give feedback in whatever style they want. But my gut instinct is that feedback in the above style has a higher chance of having an impact. The task force just has to look at the bullet points and if convinced add it to the specific plans for that region.

Here is another example of a good feedback. It is about the Hinjilicut region and the complete feedback is at Following is an excerpt.

A. Science College, Hinjilicut (Established in 1963) is the 2nd best College in the district after Khallikote College, Berhampur. There is a long demand for opening PG Stream Courses with MBA and MCA!!! Hope you would take care by converting its Status to an Autonomous College as a best regard to this district.

B. Women’s College: In memory to Late Gyan Patnaik, request to open a Women’s college (at least a State level institute) at Hinjilicut as you can notice towns like Bhanjanagar / Aska / Chatrapur / Digapahandi are having Women’s college, but we are yet to start a Women’s college in this Town.

The complete list of areas that I hope to be able to push for is at Based on my knowledge I have made some initial bullet points for some of those areas. I would appreciate your feedback on specific areas in that list.


Entry Filed under: Educational and Knowledge clusters,Odisha Higher Education Vision 2020

4 Writeup

  • 1. R.K. Ghosh  |  October 22nd, 2009 at 11:12 am

    There is also a institute of steel at Puri. It is probably a SAIL sponsored institute and primarily focuses on steel making. If I am not mistaken the institute is named after the former chief minister or Orissa late Mr. Biju Patnaik. ISRO now has an exclusive Institute of Space Research at Trivandrum. Though there is a need for such specialized institutes, I would like them to be a little broad-based than just highly specialized. Perhaps instead of institute of steel making it may be better to have institute of minerals and materials. Specialized centers can be nurtured within the institutions. .

  • 2. Bijoy  |  October 22nd, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    It is a feedback for JAJPUR district which is known for various reasons.

    *This is the only district in coastal Orissa where there is no diploma/degree engineering college. Not even a Govt. ITI, if I am not wrong. Though this district is blessed with many mines there is no step in the direction of manpower development. In recent years many industries have comeup in Duburi area. Therefore, Government should think of having a Technical Institute in this area to cater to the need of the industries.

    * This region of Orissa is very fertile and many tributaries of rivers Baitarani cris cross the district. To give impetus to agriculture one institute in the line of BSc. Agriculture or Diploma in Agriculture may be developed. Where in a student is exposed to scientific way of farming or agriculture. Later he may be given due support by Govt. agencies, to take up agriculture/faming as a profession.

    **Food is the prime requirement for sustenance. I do observe a mismatch in the thinking process. So far I have seen very little progress/development in the direction of Agriculture related studies. “If everyone become Engineer/Scientist, then who will sort out food related issues”. Now we need to have Government supported activities to seek development in this area.

  • 3. Dr.Sarat Chandra Das  |  October 22nd, 2009 at 11:49 pm

    Our state needs to start an Institute of Chemistry as we have National level institutes of Physics, Life science, & Mathematics. The proposed institute shall be based on research activities exclusively to explore the chemical resources from mines, marine products, forests etc.Also it will open avenues for basic research in chemistry so that more chemistry researchers will not depend on outside laboratories for their analysis. We do not have an institute of the order National Chemical laboratory, Pune. Orissa Chemical Society had proposed in some of its annual meetings to start an Institute of Chemistry which will be a specialised institute for chemistry basic and applied research. Funding can be sponsored from many multinational companies those who are coming forward to our state Orissa. Also this institute will have options for regular update of knowledge for chemistry teachers both at school and college level.

  • 4. jagamohan swain  |  October 28th, 2009 at 2:45 am

    ” The success rate among regular candidates in BSE exam was 53.14 per cent (54.52 per cent among boys and 45.48 per cent among girls) against a record 59.09 per cent in 2007.

    The success rate was 56.4 per cent in 2006 and 55.66 per cent in 2005.”

    We are spending so much time about half of our students.What are we doing about the other half.I haven’t seen anyting in vision document regarding this.


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