Effort continues for ESIC medical college in Rourkela

October 23rd, 2009

The following two reports from Dharitri and Samaja are obtained from http://www.odiasamaja.org/more-media-coverage-esic-medical-college/.

From Dharitri:

From Samaja:

Entry Filed under: ESI Medical College,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

2 Writeup

  • 1. alok  |  October 26th, 2009 at 6:42 pm

    I dont know whether Mr CM is getting to know about these developments or not.But one thing is clear if the project gets clearance to be setup at Rourkela then we the people of Rourkela should thank Mr CM for this and in the next election help him win from Rourkela location too.And if the ESIC is not approved by Mr CM at Rourkela then all i can say that people of Rourkela are paying the price of not voting for BJD.

  • 2. alok  |  October 27th, 2009 at 5:56 pm

    ESIC Medical College, RKL – RTI Application Filed
    October 22nd, 2009 • Related • Filed Under
    Filed Under: Top News
    During our follow up with various MPs, MLAs and others, we found some self-contradicting and confusing statements given on choosing location for ESIC Medical college. This includes BBSR ( Which was chosen by ESIC ) , Balangir and even we were told Rourkela was also proposed ( Nowhere this is mentioned ).

    The RTI is filed to clarify and bring more transperency on this subject particularly towards the statement ( we don’t know how for this is true ) given by a responsible minister of Odisha.

    “.. Rourkela was proposed by the State Govt. but ESIC insisted for BBSR for the medical College”

    The above statement is neither official nor we are sure if the Govt. is ready to make this statement in front of the public.

    We hope, while the ground level movement is gaining momentum at Rourkela under the leadership of Shri Bishnu Mohanty, Secretary, CITU and MPs are rushing to New Delhi including Shri Hemananda Biswal, the RTI report when comes out , will reveal the fact and it will be helpful to others as well in future to learn HOW RTI APPLICATION PROCESS works in case of Odisha Govt.

    Following four questions are put on the application

    What are the reasons for choosing Bhubaneshwar, Odisha as the location for ESIC Medical College and Hospital, when Rourkela and its nearby areas are having the largest number of ESIC Insured Persons ( ESIC Employees ) ?
    On what ground Bolangir, Odisha was not considered as a location for the ESIC Medical College and Hospital ?
    Whether Rourkela as a location for ESIC Medical College proposed by Govt. of Odisha ? If so please specify the date of such porposal ?
    If Rourkela was proposed , then on what ground it was not considered by ESIC for setting up the Medical College and Hospital ?
    RTI is a powrful tool which can be used to extract the details of Govt’s action and decision on a particular activity. You can now apply RTI application online at Mouse Click by using your credit cards for the payment.


    The RTI Application was filed on behalf of The OdiSA Develpment Team, Odia Samaja, USA.


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