What is a good location for a proposed second agricultural university in Orissa?

October 26th, 2009

Regardless of the attempt to industrialize Orissa, for a long time to come a large number (perhaps majority) of people in Orissa will still use agriculture for their livelihood. Also various reports mention that Agriculture is the top focus of the current government in Orissa. With that in mind, I am thinking to push for a second Agricultural University in Orissa. Many other states already have more than one agricultural university. (See the lists here, here, the ICAR list and the wikipedia entry.) I  would like feedback on what would be a good location for the second Agricultural University in Orissa.

My initial instinct says Bhawanipatna/Kesinga, as I have heard about Kalahandi’s agricultural potential; also that location creates a good geographical balance. That was probably one of the main reasons the government earlier announced an agricultural college in Bhawanipatna. If I could get some more supporting data and arguments I would like to push that the proposed agricultural college in Bhawanipatna be made into a university and become the second Agricultural University in Orissa.

Entry Filed under: Agricultural Universities,Bhawanipatna-Kesinga-Lanjigarh (8),Odisha Higher Education Vision 2020

41 Writeup

  • 1. Purna Mishra  |  October 26th, 2009 at 2:16 am

    It should be in Bargarh. The most agricultural district of Orissa and has a great potential to be a leader in value added agriculture that is the future of Indian agriculture. This district is a leader in medicinal or herbal plantation.

  • 2. Umashankar Das  |  October 26th, 2009 at 3:43 am

    I guess it is important to understand the motivation for deciding the location.

    The 1st choice is without argument. It has to be in Western Orissa. This is necessary to create regionak balance.

    The next criteria is should the location be in

    a) agriculturaly strong area ( Ex Bargarh with extenisve rice production)
    b) Area with big potential (ex. kalahandi, bhawanipatna)
    c) Region with worst possible conditions for agriculture.* Ex Balangir).

    My choice is with c) for this reason
    Balangir has lowest irrigation coverage among the major districts. ( I’ve heard rumours of 3% from local journos there)
    The university could serve to provide research for such conditions, also the district cries out for an institute of repute.

    With the an engineering college coming up in bhawanipatna, it makes sense for sub-regional parity to have balangir as a good location. This could serve as a small boost to kick start the economy in the district.

  • 3. Odia Dude  |  October 26th, 2009 at 3:52 am

    How about Talcher/Anugul. Central odisha needs one or two unis. We need to make up regional imbalances. Also, there are no unis in Jajpur district too.

  • 4. Odia Dude  |  October 26th, 2009 at 3:57 am

    On another note, I hate when hindi speaking people call udisha. I find them extremely derogatory and disrespectful towards our culture. I hope constitutional amendments will bring about the name changes Odisha and Odia (in place of Orissa and Oriya).

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  October 26th, 2009 at 4:09 am

    Lets assume that general universities are created in various places, especially Bhawanipatna, Balangir, Phulbani, Angul, Keonjhar and Rourkela. See http://orissa2020.org for a map.

    So the criteria is:

    (i) Geographically what location will balance OUAT in Bhubaneswar.

    (ii) The location should have a thriving agriculture operation around it.

  • 6. Purna Mishra  |  October 26th, 2009 at 8:12 am

    Only one place that meets the criteria you just listed. It is Bargarh district.

  • 7. Digambara Patra  |  October 26th, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    Thanks to Prof. Baral, in fact coincidentally Bhawanipatna was also proposed by Mr. Sameer Panda (I think from Sambalpur/Bargarh region but living in New Delhi) for a new Agri Univ in KDDF memorandum. And this was being followed there. However, I do not like to have a rift whether it comes to Balangir, Bargarh or Bhawanipatna, some facts are here.

    Top rice producer in Odisha are:
    one can add Nabarangpur, Rayagada and Koraput to the list as they are also not far behind

    again the central palce comes Kalahandi
    (of course both Kalahandi and Balangir has more potential as upper Indravati is not yet 40% completed in Kalahandi)

    Neighbouring Kandhamal tops in gram & spices. Locally Kalahandi is also known for spices like HALADI and others

    Undivided Kalahandi, Koraput and Kandhamal-Boud is also known for coffee plantation.

    Top cotton producer of Odisha
    again the central place comes Kalahandi

    Kalahandi, Balangir and Koraput supplies most of the oil seeds.
    (Kalahandi is centre of KBK)

    As can be seen in my vision document for Kalahandi, Bhawanipatana-kesinga is located in Western border roughly similar to Bhubaneswar (or OUAT) is located in the costal border in the state. From Sambalpur/Sundegarh to Malkangiri and Nuapada/Nabarangupur to Gajpati/Kandhamal it serves better to whole backward cluster.

    I have an article by WODC chairman, Dr Panda, written in KSVP yearly book, he has mentioned that in pulses Kalahandi tops. Kalahandi’s soil is more fertile for pulses and it also produces some rare variety of pulses rarely found in other districts.

    Top timber and forest producer I think is again KBK (I know Kalahandi supplied huge amount timber to Rayagada paper mill), initially the paper mill was proposed in Kalahandi but later on it came in Rayagada (I do not know the reasons, one could be due to railway links).

    Along with other western Odisha dist Kalahandi also contributes huge amount of Kendu leaves and Mahua flower to state economy.

    Dharmagrh use to be known for supplying animal husbandry in my college days, Firday Hat used to be famous for animal trading and many trucks from out side dist/state used to come, in fact student union in Bhawanipatna used to collect CHANDA from these trucks coming from Dharamgarh. At some point I was told that it used to be sent for export to middle east, but there is no clear evidence with me, sometime in local level you find gossip information as well. But I am sure it was famous at least in Kalahandi and do not know about position in the state and current situation.

    In a book on his contribution in the parliament Mr. P.K.Deo has mentioned (while demanding for Indravati irrigation project) that Kalahandi was the only second food surplus district in Odisha in 1960s (before the current irrigation project) despite we know infamous Kalahandi for wrong reasons.
    In culture point of view, Kalahandi hybrids South and Western Odisha,

    As you might have realised I have proposed to upgrade Agriculture College in the line of a University (that’s what local people also want when I discussed with them in last Aug).

    By the way Dr. Karmee is also proposing branch of Central Rice Insitutte in Bargarh which will be excellent if could be realised.

    On Umashanka babu’s point: it is to be noted that only Kalahandi, and Kandhamal were only two undivided dist without having any central/state engg/medical institutes in the state. So Engg College was not a bonus for Kalahandi. It just has an institution like any other undivided dist has (except Kandhamal). If agri college is upgraded to a Univ then there wo’t be any extra agri college and it will be practically easy for the state Govt. to covert it in next 5 years plan, whereas every other dist has an institute,be it Keonjhar, Dhenkanal-Angul (has two institutes), Balangir (it has a govt Ayurvedic college & Central Govt food & craft institute) and for others I do not need to mention. When I supported NU in Sambalpur many people in Kalahandi strongly objected saying Sambalpur has got 2 Universities, Rourkela has got BPUT and deemed NIT (central govt is planning to make it like IIT), but no University has come in Kalahandi and Balangir region. They said even if not a general Univ. they have not yet given any special University like BPUT, OUAT, Health Univ etc., in my opinion any new Univ should go to an undivided dist. Which does not have any Univ. yet.

    I am also suggesting to propose Health University in Balangir (though almost certain in Cuttack), Rural University in Kandhamal and Skill University in Keonjhar simultanoeusly, all these proposals are coming from state Govt. recently (and these are different from your proposal on rural Univ from central Govt) and supposed to be located in BBSR, before state Govt move to other undivided/divided dist or state capital for new University the current proposals should be considered in those undivided dist which does not have a University.
    Best regards

  • 8. Digambara Patra  |  October 26th, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    Fogot to mention Bargarh would be centre to Western Odisha or what these days people are using Koshal region (Rourkela to Bhawanipatna) whereas Kesinga – Bhawanipatna would be for whole western bordering Odisha (from Rourkela to Motu, Malakangiri).

    Bhawanipatna – Motu 290km
    Bhawanipatna – Rourkela 380 km
    Kesinga or the indentified site for CU in Bhawanipatna could roughly serve the purpose like BBSR

    Bhubaneswar – Jaleswar : 253 km
    Bhubaneswar – Paraliakhemundi: 350 km
    Bhubaneswar – Phulbani: 250 km

    Of course, Parlakhemundi to Berhampur would be 95 km and Balesore Jaleswar would be 40 km

    Kandhamal, Rayagada, Nabarangpur, Gajapati (Parlakhemundi, and Phulbani would be about 200 km from Bhawanipatna) adds to the advantage of Bhawanipatna.

  • 9. Digambara Patra  |  October 26th, 2009 at 6:30 pm

    A typo correction:
    Bhubaneswar – Paraliakhemundi 275 km (the other value is incorrect)

  • 10. Digambara Patra  |  October 26th, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    Bargarh-Roukela: 192 km
    Bargarh-Bhawanipatna: 187 km

  • 11. Digambara Patra  |  October 26th, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    Bargarh – Rourkela: 192 km
    Bargarh – Bhawanipatna: 187 km

    Bargarh – Motu: 477 km

  • 12. Umashankar Das  |  October 26th, 2009 at 7:00 pm

    Chitta Babu,
    For the criteria mentioned if we take b) Thriving agriculture area near the location, bolangir gets eliminated.

    Bragarh has greater agricultural economy primarily due to massive rice production. But, kalahandi(with improvements in irrigation over the last couple of decades) has greater scope for growth in future.

    Bargarh though, is a more central location if western Odisha is considered as a unit.

    Finally, weighing everything , Bargarh seems like the most ideal choice.

    For places in Central Odisha, I think, can have best of both the worlds. with agriculture university both in Bhubaneswar and Bargarh.

  • 13. Dr Prasanna Mishra  |  October 26th, 2009 at 8:28 pm

    I would suggest Phulbani as the site for the university. The university needs to be a different one– with less emphasis on rice. The new frontiers of farming need to receive more attention. Horticulture, drought proofing, rain fed farming, floriculture , agri business, spices cultivation etc should receive attention.

  • 14. Ajaya Sahu  |  October 27th, 2009 at 3:02 am

    As suggested by Dr. Prasanna Mishra, I am in same line thought and this proposed university should locate the place in undivided Kandhamal district.

    I believe few among Odia people knows about “Kashmir of Odisha”. It is one and only DARINGIBADI ! This is the only place in Odisha where you can get snowfalls in winter. Situated at an altitude of 3300 ft above sea level, the place is gifted with natural bounties including pine jungles, beautiful valleys, coffee gardens with cultivation of Turmeric, Ginger, Gram and various spices cultivation in Organic Methodology.

    Daringibadi is located at the center place in Odisha map which is 211 km to Bhubaneswar, 105 km to Phulabani and 50 km to Baliguda.

    The Agricultural University will give Synergy to ongoing High Tech Agricultural Training Institute in this region. Work is on for the establishment of a high-tech agricultural training institute at Kalinga in Kandhamal district as declared by state government. The government has already sanctioned Rs. 8 crore for the construction of the building and other infrastructure of the new institution. This institute would provide six-month long technological training to the selected youths and farmers. The trainees would also get educated about organic cultivation.

    People in this region are mostly known as Kandhas and it is rich with Tribal culture. Most of them doing cultivating but people are with less knowledge on Organic cultivation methodology on turmeric and ginger without use of chemical pesticides and fertilizer and has a good market through out the country and abroad. Dolary forest which is 3 km away from Daringbadi is known for coffee plantation, pineapple, and silviculture. 8 km away is the village of Kalinga from where the Rishikulya River originates. Luxuriant growth of sal forests distinguishes the place. It is infested with wild animals like tigers, jackals, bears, deer and other animals. Scenic beauty marks the place. It is not only beautiful to look at; the place is very calm and invigorating for the tired mind and ailing body. That is the reason why the Britishers chose the place as a summer retreat and fondly likened it to Kashmir.

    About 2 decades back(Nineties), there was a proposal to make Odisha Raj Bhavan at Daringbadi location. Also Agricultural University location at Daringibadi will boost the tourism sector for the Kandhamal district.

  • 15. pabitra kumar barad  |  October 27th, 2009 at 9:41 am

    Chitta sir i am agree with the opnion of Digambar sir.Because it is very logocal.The place Bhawanipatana is very suitable on geographical point of view.I also request u that what is the progress on proposal of establishing IIPH and NIPER by Mr Srikant Jena?

  • 16. Digambara Patra  |  October 27th, 2009 at 12:51 pm

    Phulbani needs also attention, but I think there a Health/Rural University which should serve the whole state like BPUT (and not for western bordering region) should come as it is centrally located in the state. Local peeople are also demanding a medical/ayurbedic college there, so it will fullfil all the criteria. I do not agree with state Govt. by putting all state level institution in BBSR-CTC region except BPUT. National Law Univ by state Govt is coming in Cuttack, so other Universities could come in place like Keonjhar, Angul and Balangir.

    In fact BPUT would have more efficient if UCE would have been converted to BPUT and a new engg college would have been given to Rourkela. Sambalpur serves the whole state better than Rourkela or Koraput could, however, we need to focus these regions too by estblishing Universtities & institutions. This is also one reasons why many pvt colleges complain about BPUT in Rourkela, Sambalpur would have little easier and UCE had reputation.

    Since agriculture Univ is not meant for Herbal, I suggest Orissa should take initiaitive to have a new kind of University by converting Govt. Ayurvedic College in Balangir to a University of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine. Undivided Balangir, Koraput, Kandhaml, Koraput and Bargarh dist is known for herbals. Recently state Govt had plan in Koraput which will also not be a bad location alongwith Phulbani.

  • 17. Digambara Patra  |  October 27th, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Dear Ajaya Babu,
    Though I keep asking for other development of Kandhamal including railway and highways still my local knowledge is limited. I was proposing to establish a new state or national highway route in the following line: Lanjigarh road – Simanbadi – Daringbadi -Bhanjanagar, will it be practical? I believe this route will help in changing economy of Kandhamal and open to the outer society other than via Kalinga, basically tourism potential of Daringbadi could be well exploited. My uncle was in Daringbadi about a decade ago, it was very remotely connected. I also found Lanjigarh road is very closely located to Tumudibadh region, but due to lack of proper connectivity people in this region suffer for railway connectivity. A direct route will benefit the locals; I believe forest and mountains could cause problem, unfortunately most of the time I find its more negligence than natural cause. If you can give some idea it will be appreciable.
    Best regads

  • 18. Pabitra Moharana  |  October 27th, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    It should be in Brahmapur, in South Orissa.

  • 19. Digambara Patra  |  October 27th, 2009 at 8:20 pm

    thats true one such Univ must go to ganjam/gajpati, but which one depends on local inititative and others should be distibuted with Kandhamal, Balangir, Angul, Keonjhar

  • 20. Ashok Nayak  |  October 28th, 2009 at 1:11 am

    Chitta Sir
    Bargarh will be the ideal place for Agri Univ.
    As it is the most irrigated district.It has tremendous potential of producing not only rice but all the agri products.Geogrophically,commercially and connectivity of Bargarh is better.
    I support Dr Karmee of having a Rice research Inst at Bargarh.
    I would like to know the Khurda-Sonepur-Balangir Rail connectivity.
    I have an idea of Bargarh-Padampur-Nuapada-Khariar Road rail connection.

  • 21. Ajaya Sahu  |  October 28th, 2009 at 2:53 am

    Thanks Digambara Babu for your voice on Kandhamal district / region which you have made in your article http://www.orissadiary.com/ShowOriyaColumn.asp?id=8527 some time back.

    Though myself born in Kandhamal but little knowledge about the same district. Daringibadi is well connected to Sorada, Baliguda and Tumidibandha in three directions but road conditions are very bad. There is no direct route to Bhanjanagar from Daringibadi. People normally travel to Bhanjanagar by means of Daringibadi-Baliguda-Bhanjanagar or Daringibadi-Sorada-Bhanjanagar. NH-217 is the heart line for Kandhmal district but it is a single road (width basis) in the entire Kandhamal district. During Kandhamal violence and subsequent demand, people were raising voice for converting NH217 high way to make double road.

    Also in the recent railway budget there is a plan for survey in the route Berhampur to Sambalpur. This will be passing through Kandhamal district but Odisha govt. should make ensure, railway line is passing nearby Daringibadi for better tourism in this region.

    In every state in India, we will get at least one or two famous tourist places in accordance to Hill station tag as like Darjeeling, Ooty, Kodiakanal, Manali, Kulu, Khandala, Lonawala etc. Hope Odisha govt would awake and initiate for Daringibadi Hill station to a better tourist place.

    Since Kandhamal district is placed at the center position of Odisha and the people of the state are mainly on agricultural dependency, 2nd Agricultural College should be located at Daringibadi for better tourist exploration and identity for the State Odisha by means of a Hill Station Tag.

    Ajaya Sahu

  • 22. Ashok Nayak  |  October 28th, 2009 at 5:14 am

    Bhawanipatana also will be a better place as I remember a College of Agriculture is there at Chipilima: under OUAT,Which is not far away from Bargarh.

  • 23. mihir kumar swain  |  October 28th, 2009 at 10:17 am

    Koraput has already has a tribal central university.better it is more focus on sundergarh . There is no regional university as concern of Population. It is very surprised and first I see in in India where population is more then 7 lakh but there is no regional university or medical collge and any good Institute except NIT . Another thing is that Rourkela is more revene producing area .Just you can say Rourkela is a Diamond in Odisha, “Rourkela ” this word in more famous in India. it is my suggestion to you , give more focus on this Diamond.

  • 24. Bijoy  |  October 28th, 2009 at 12:59 pm

    I do not think development in Agriculture/Farming in our state can be achieved by opening Agriculture University. It needs concerted effort on the part of Government to make this carrer lucrative. This profession has been lucrative for other states but Orissa as a state has failed in it. Have you ever observed the mass exodus of of our people to cities like Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai and Delhi? In that process Agriculture is suffering in our state. People are happy doing/becoming daily labour than adopting cultivation and those who stay in orissa have very little for cultivation.

    People want University in X/Y district. This apart will anyone be able to say that by having a Universitiy Agriculture in that area will develop?

    I want to share this experience with you which took place 5/6 years ago. While travelling in train, I meet one farmer from Andhrapradesh who is a contractor and into farming in Bragarh and Kalahandi district. If farming is not done by our people, how will it develop our people? That means we have LAND but have very few people for Agricure. So please focus on this aspect first than opening University.

  • 25. preeti mohanty  |  October 28th, 2009 at 3:14 pm

    It is very bad logic by some people who say to convert UCE,Burla to BPUT. It is very bed habit by some peoples who gives suggestion to change the location of xy to yx . Mr chitta sir is alrady requested to peoples don;t give suggestion with related xyz location which is allotted. All of you know we should give suggestion for new setup not to change old setup to new location.
    so please avoid this type of suggestion which is hurt to any others……

  • 26. mihir kumar swain  |  October 28th, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    I fully agree with Preeti. Rourkela is better and best location any of west Odisha.Rourkela is one of most modern and oldest town in India. You can’t deniable this thing in practical and logical way, All the modern facilities are available here with good communiaction.
    You see why population of ROurkela’s increase , Due to better living style and better facilities.Most of students from Rourkela are getting IIT and NIT inspite of poor education Institute.So be practical and give your suggestion with logical way

  • 27. Umesh Panda  |  October 28th, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    Dear All,

    First of every thing the new Agriculture University should be established in Western Orissa for regional balance in the state. Secondly, it should be established in an undivided district which doesn’t have a University. So, in this case in Western Orissa, undivided Sambalpur district has a general university and VSSTU, a NIT and BPUT in Sundargarh district, a central university in Koraput dist. So, the immediate choices are undivided Balangir, Kalahandi and Boud-Kandhamal dist. Among these three districts, Balangir or Bhawanipatna will be the right choice as Kandhmal may get a branch of IGNTU.

    The university should be established in a drought porn area so that they will have more opportunity to do research on such situation like Israel has excel in desert cultivation. So, Balangir would be the right choice as per me between Bhawanipatna and Balangir. In recent past Bhawanipatna has got a govt. engineering college and an Agriculture college. The medical college under ppp mode is progressing well in Bhawanipatna too. Where as in Balangir nothing is happening. Neither it got any state level technical college nor is the private medical college taking up. It is deprived of any kind of development and job opportunity. Considering the fact that Balangir is a bigger town that Bhawanipatna and centrally located, deprived of development it should be established in Balangir. Also, Govt. should establish a govt medical college and a general university in Balangir as the ppp mode is not taking up here due to various regions.

    I also, strongly support a rice research institute in Chiplima in Sambalpur which is hardly 30 km from Bargarh.


  • 28. Digambara Patra  |  October 28th, 2009 at 8:10 pm

    some of you commnted about on my comment on BPUT, when it was proposed kindly remeber, UCE was strongly againts it, now we have a branch of BPUT in BBSR, why?, becasue pvt engg college are relecutant to go to Rourkela, that means practically it has not served the purpose yet, I do not have any thing against it as such and now I am suggesting now to convert BPUT Rourkela to make like Anna University, but my point was porgress would have much better, I have seriously discussed this issue before commenting it, neither I am against development of Rourkela, population should not be the criteria for establishment, otherwise Odisha as well as backward places in Odisha will severly lose. NIT itself is being targeted like IIT by the central Govt, recently some of my friends have joined NIT and I know what is being cooked for future,

    Now it is not at all possible to change BPUT or UCE, please read it again what I had said:

    “In fact BPUT would have more efficient if UCE would have been converted to BPUT and a new engg college would have been given to Rourkela. Sambalpur serves the whole state better than Rourkela or Koraput could, however, we need to focus these regions too by estblishing Universtities & institutions. This is also one reasons why many pvt colleges complain about BPUT in Rourkela, Sambalpur would have little easier and UCE had reputation.”

  • 29. Digambara Patra  |  October 28th, 2009 at 8:39 pm

    one thing I get often confused by some people that when we talk about South Odisha we limit to undivided Ganjam dist, do we ever raise anything for Kandhamal or Koraput in the name of South Odisha?

    Kandhamal and Korpaut are not part of Western Odisha in my observation, when we talk about South Odisha why these two undivided dists are not included? Not in this blog, but somewhere else one argues if KBK gets a University then Kalahandi and Balangir should not? I put the same logic if Bhubaneswar gets then Balasore and Berhampur should not or if Sambalpur gets Rourkela should not, will you agree? I think no, neither I.

    In my undersatnding I include Koraput and Kandhamal in Western bodering Odisha (not in Western Odisha) and undivided dist in Costal bordering Odisha. Basically at some point I have divided Odisha in two groups (CBO) and (WBO) and not 3 or 4, such as South, Western , Central or North etc.

    Apart from OUAT, there are other 4 others colleges of OUAT in Chiplima, Berhampur (Fishery) and recently in Bhawanipatna and Khordha (i am not recalling it exactly but it was not agriculture but related like fishery). One can decide based on the idea s/he has, but make sure that second University comes in right location. Balangir indeed requires a University. Gandhamardhan has great potential for herbal and ayrurvedic.

    Some of the idea on Western Odisha (not WBO) is given in this link, of course, you can have your own too, but you should work on it seriously, if the idea is good people will be coming to support you as always it was the case like a good movie:


  • 30. Ajaya Sahu  |  October 29th, 2009 at 2:05 am

    Information on All India Co-ordinate Research Projects in OUAT

    1. AICRP on Rice improvement, Chiplima
    2. AICRP on Rice Improvement, Jeypore
    3. AICRP on Maize, Joshipur
    4. AICRP on Small Millets, Semiliguda
    5. AICRP on Pulse Improvement, Berhampur
    6. AICRP on Groundnut, Chiplima
    7. AICRP on Sesamum, Bhubaneswar
    8. AICRP on Rapeseed & Mustard, Bhubaneswar
    9. AICRP on Linseed, Joshipur
    10. AICRP on Niger, Semiliguda
    11. AICRP on Castor & Sunflower, Bhawanipatna
    12. AICRP on Jute & Allied Fibres, Kendrapara
    13. AICRP on Cotton, Bhawanipatna
    14. AICRP on Potato, Bhubaneswar
    15. AICRP on Vegetable, Bhubaneswar
    16. AICRP on Cashew nut, Bhubaneswar
    17. AICRP on Sugarcane, Nayagarh
    18. AICRP on Forage crops, Bhubaneswar
    19. AICRP on Under Utilised Crops, Bhubaneswar
    20. AICRP on Spices, Pottangi
    21. AICRP on Tobacco, Berhampur
    22. AICRP on Betel vine, Bhubaneswar
    23. AICRP on Cropping System Research, Bhubaneswar, Chiplima, Ranital, Bhawanipatna
    24. AICRP on Dryland Agriculture, Phulbani
    25. AICRP on Water Management, Chiplima
    26. AICRP on Long Term Fertiliser, Bhubaneswar
    27. AICRP on Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Bhubaneswar
    28. AICRP on Micro Secondary Nutrient, Bhubaneswar
    29. AICRP on Soil Test-Crop Response, Bhubaneswar
    30. AICRP on Soil Tillage Requirement, Bhubaneswar
    31. AICRP on Agro-forestry, Bhubaneswar
    32. AICRP on Weed Control, Bhubaneswar
    33. AICRP on Honeybee, Bhubaneswar
    34. AICRP on Agro-meteorology, Bhubaneswar
    35. AICRP on Palms, Bhubaneswar
    36. AICRP on Seed Technology, Bhubaneswar
    37. AICRP on Nematode, Bhubaneswar
    38. AICRP on Post Harvest Technology, Bhubaneswar
    39. AICRP on Human Engineering and Safety in Agril., Bhubaneswar
    40. AICRP on Power Triller, Bhubaneswar
    41. AICRP on Poultry, Bhubaneswar

    With the above list, we can conclude how state govt. is concerned / seriousness in different region/districts on Agricultural research / developments.

  • 31. Preeti  |  October 29th, 2009 at 10:19 am

    Mr. Digambara Patra
    we all are fighting for development in Western Odisha.But we should not be giving confuse suggestion . It is good if you given a suggestion ” State govt. will Give more focus on Bput , Roukela . You tell me how many engg. college at Sambalpur ? It is right time for all we are demanding to start Bput at Rourkela ,not at Bhubaneswar. don;t think any alternative location unless state govt will get opportunity for relocate to Bbsr.

  • 32. Chitta Baral  |  October 29th, 2009 at 10:36 am

    BPUT is in Rourkela. There is no question of it going anywhere. Lets not worry about that. Rourkela needs more than BPUT. It needs a general university, a proper medical college, etc. etc. Please suggest your thoughts regarding Rourkela, or for that matter, any other location in Orissa, to the Task force at its web site. If you send me a copy that would be helpful. See http://www.orissa2020.org/home/orissa-higher-education-task-force and http://www.dheorissa.in/DHE/TForceFeedback.aspx .

  • 33. Digambara Patra  |  October 29th, 2009 at 1:13 pm

    This was not a suggestion but a statement, this is how we should learn from the past mistake, kindly consult people who are directly involved with BPUT, there was nothing to confuse but you are making yourself confused without trying to understand my statement. Since BPUT is an experince, one should judge location based on this, such as for Health Univ. for whole state, I think this was the main reason now why state Govt. was reluctant to move Health Univ. out of Cuttack, if you will not understand then no suggestion will work, thats my point, if such institution is located in Sambalpur, Angul or Kandhamal it sounds more logical to the whole state outside Bahubaneswar-Cuttack but Balangir or Behrampur also deseve it but I am talking about keeping whole state in mind.

    Similarly if the location comes to Balangir, Titialgarh-Kesinga or Bhawanipatna is sound more logical for Western Bordering Odisha (Rourkela to Motu, and Nuapada/Nabarangour to Gajpati/Kandhamal-Boudh) and if the location is Bargarh-Sambalpur is sounds more logical for Western Odisha (Rourkela to Bhawanipatna) whereas to me Rayagada looks more logical for South Odisha (though officially Berhampur).

    At the end all of us like to go back to our root, this is nothing abnormal neither I belong to Sambalpur nor Rourkela nor Kandhamal.

  • 34. Nilachala  |  October 29th, 2009 at 3:18 pm

    It is amusing when some people say that Agriculture Univ should be located in X an Y place for being agricultural producer and underdeveloped. What was the reason why OUAT was established at BBSR, other than BBSR being a big city and capital of Orissa? So, the second Agriculural University should be established either in Berhampur or in Rourkela or in Sambalpur. But, while Rourkela and Sambalur both have Technological Universities, Berhampur has none. So, the Agriculturl University should be established in Berhampur. But, if underdevelopment indeed becomes a criteria than it should be estalished in Phulbani in Kandhamal district.

  • 35. Digambara Patra  |  October 29th, 2009 at 7:20 pm

    why can’t be Puri, Balasore, Baripada, Balangir, etc, based on cities, it was established in BBSR as it was capital centre, so when it comes to regional it should be based on region and not by city. any how disucssion does not make much unless efforts are put. we do have enough insitutte in Berhampur and we have a proposal for IIIT. I think after Bhubaneswar its the most advantageous cities when it comes to state institutions and colleges. so better Kandhamal, Balangir, Kalahandi are more suitable.

  • 36. Ajaya Sahu  |  October 29th, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    The criteria raised by Mr. Nilachala is very much logic. Even any one can notice, recently 14 polytechnics declared for 14 districts, why not for Kandhamal? As nobody is there to raise voice for Kandhamal district!!!

    Gumusar region (Bhanjanagar sub-division) is neighbor to Kandhamal district and even in Bhanjanagar there is no Polytechnic which is 80km away to Berhampur. In the name of Kandhamal Parliamentary constituency, Bhanjanagar is looked in different eye, even though this place is Biju Patnaik’s native village (Nuagam) and Naveen Patnaik claims to be Ganjamia!!! Time has come to divide Ganjam into three districts such as Ghumusar, Aska and Berhampur to get the benefit of small district quota as other small districts are getting!!!

    If it would be located at Berhampur, this will be very easy to the state government to convert “Centre for Pulse research station-OUAT” which is at Ankuspur, Berhampur to be a full fledged new OUAT –University.

  • 37. Digambara  |  October 29th, 2009 at 9:44 pm

    Berhampur already has a Govt. polytechnic, SMIT and also a govt. Women polytechnic, (two govt polytechnic in Ganjam dist). please read the news in details, these are the dist where there is no polytechnic college, others do have, please also list state Govt. institution in all the undivided dist in Orissa, I do not need to argue. it make sense if place like one or two institution/college demand for more, but one having 4/5 (if there is a local movement its indifferent like Central Univ in Kalahandi and Govt medical college Balasore since years) …. Berhampr has Univ, engg college, SMIT, medical college, Fishery College (OUAT), etc plus an IIIT, I am not saying Samablpur do not have, only diff is Samablpur got 2 Univ, but one engg college was upgraded. Better South Odisha should bet for Kandhamal whereas Wesdtern Odisha for Balangir and Kalahandi. in Western bodering Odisha Ganjam does not come which is a Costral bodering Odisha, as I understand Bhubaneswar is 170km from Berhampur, Phulbani is 250 km.

  • 38. Odia Dude  |  October 30th, 2009 at 3:18 am

    On another note, Odia language should be promoted in convent schools in our state, such as odia songs hailing our culture etc…There is a need for new generation of odia poets , story writers. Any thoughts?

    I hate when hindi speaking people call udisha. I find them extremely derogatory and disrespectful towards our culture. I hope constitutional amendments will bring about the name changes Odisha and Odia (in place of Orissa and Oriya).

  • 39. Abhisek  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    Digambara babu, by that logic Bhawanipatna is not far behind. It has got Govt engineering college and agricultural college. A private medical college is coming up. One autonomous college is also there. Industrially it is much ahead of Ganjam and many other districts of Orissa. But, does this prevent you from asking for Tribal University, 2nd National University of the state and Agricultural University? Don’t you think the second largest Municipal Corporation of Orissa, after Capital region should get a professional University. You say one IIIT is proposed, but do you mean to say that for this proposed institute (no progress so far), Berhampur will wait and others have got every right to seek institutes for themselves. I agree that Berhampur has some institutes, but tell me what about rest of Ganjam? It is similar to comparing UP getting one IIT and Goa getting one IIT as they are one state each, notwithstanding that UP because of its population and area should get more. Similarly, Ganjam, spreades over three Parliamentary constituencies (Berhampur, Aska and Phulbani) and yet we always compare Berhampur with other district headquarters and say that Berhampur has already got its share. IF Berhampur has got its share, than set up the Agricultural University at ASKA, or at Phulbani. But, still I will say that Berhampur will be the best place outside Bhubaneswar if one wants to prefer a city and a place closer to some of the most backward districts. So, I have no objection if you seek a new University at kalahandi, but you can’t question other’s wisdom in doing so for their respective places.

  • 40. Preeti  |  November 3rd, 2009 at 10:18 am

    Don’t give argument on particular subject. Come and give suggestion to State Govt. Come and see the dream of Shining Odisha not shining of Bbsr, Cuttack, Puri, Rourkela, Berhampur, Koraput etc… .

  • 41. Biswa  |  December 7th, 2009 at 11:31 am

    Why just 2nd?
    Given the large agriculture belt Orissa has, we should consider having more such universities, spread across different regions of the state.
    It’s a known fact that, farmers of Orissa are largely poor and mostly uneducated. And the way we cultivate our land is highly inefficient.
    Having regional universities/institutes which can impart knowledge to local people is grossly welcome.
    An easy step to start with is, upgrade some of the Govt. funded agricultural research centers to be ‘Research & Institute’.
    Agriculture College, Chiplima, Sambalpur Dist : Chiplima is hugely an agriculture dependant region. An university here would definitely help the students studying and also the local farmers here.
    CRRI(Central Rice Research Institute), Cuttack Dist: This is on the Paradeep/Jagatsinghpur NH. This is again, excellently located in a green belt.
    I’m sure, there would be many more such institutes/research centers in different part of the state. Please share such names, if you are aware of any such.


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