Rourkela people wary of student’s strike regarding BPUT
November 13th, 2009
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Entry Filed under: BPUT, Rourkela,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)
November 13th, 2009
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Entry Filed under: BPUT, Rourkela,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)
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6 Writeup
1. alok | November 13th, 2009 at 3:01 pm
This is sheer dissapointment…Its a shame for the state of Orissa and honourable Ex-President Dr APJ Kalam.Seems that Orissa govt made a joke by laying the foundation stone at Rourkela and planned to move the university to BBSR in future.I have always raised and many people on this site have raised questions regarding an office of BPUT functioning from BBSR.Now Mr CM needs to act.He can’t keep on doing injustice to the people of Rourkela.I beleive the culprit is present VC who from the very beginning wanted to shift BPUT move out of RKL to BBSR.Even the OPECA is equally responsible.Its a shame that in the name of all round development we are developing only BBSR region.In the recent past national level institutes were alloted at BBSR and now the govt seem to pull every other XYG institute to BBSR..Mr CM why don’t you you move out NIT too out of RKL to BBSR.I am sure you must be having plans.I am sorry but i am really angry and this is just the beginning for demand of a separate state if the govt dont act on this issue.I think we should involve the center so that state govt dont make the matter worse.let the whole country know how State govt of Orissa is doing injustice…
2. Preeti | November 13th, 2009 at 5:47 pm
All of you see last 5 years bbsr,cuttack,berhampur,puri regions are growing in full flaged.why rourkela,sambalpur etc very old city are not growing in that way. What is the reasons ? Every new institutes,world class university , Pvt. University are setup cuttack,bbsr,puri regions. Why this pvt. Institutes,central funded institutes are not interested to setup other regions ? what is the policy of state govt. to encourage this pvt . institutes in other regions ? They are using mines and other resources from tribal areas. But setup their institutes at Bbsr,puri,cuttack ? It is state govt’s responsibility to work on this.Either state govt. is want to make more lightful one location and make darkness to another location. No body focus on tibal areas where very poor peoples are hungry ,no welfare ,no medical services ,no employment . But state govt. is getting more revenue from this tribal areas.If Iam correct then there are 60%peoples from bbsr,cuttack,puri,berhampur are rich . They have capability to join their children in pvt. Medical college or. Engg. College. But what about this tribal’s children ? If tribal’s children will get govt.medical or engg. degree they have to go 300 to 500 km to join collge.Then they have no time to do part time in their how they are survival in their student life !. There are lot of pvt. Medical college at bbsr regions . It may be 1- 10 .
But thing is that peoples of this regions are alternative option to get better medical service in this pvt. Institution.They can use their medical insurance. One govt. medical college is enough for give service to 4 – 5 laks peoples (100 KM RADIOUS). Only AIIM , DELHI
Provide service to whole north India even east India also . Why not AIIM like Insititute of bbsr provide service to south and east odisha ? Also there are 4 extra govt medical college in this regions(including 2 projected) . Also world top medical college is projected by Vedanga and asharam babu . In spite of this there are lot of good branded hospital will go to set up at bbsr,cuttack regions. Where the problems ? why peoples are crying for more ..more…more in this regions.why they don’t give suggestion to state govt we are already enough please set up medical and enng.collge etc tribal areas lke sundergarh,kalahandi,koraput,sambalpur .No they don’t say this ? If they will use this sentence then cost of their plots(particular location) are decreased .They want the new setup will go near their plots or land. So the value of land will go costly.
Why esi medical college is going to setup at BBSR. Why is not at Rkl ? 60% tribal from all over Odisha staying at sundergarh. Why our tribal and poor sentiment oriented CM
Mr. Naveen pattanaik is opposed on this ? Why he and his policy making team choose bbsr for esic medical college ? Who get profit on this ?
If you give example of Haryana then just you go and visit every distict of Haryana .
Every distict hissar,sonepat,rotak ,mahindergarh,gurgaon,faridabad etc you get a govt.medical college.other govt or central funded institution. Not like Odisha .Evry instition even central funded institution at BBSR,CUTTACK,PURI REGIONS.
Just the fighting is started against Neglect
3. mihir | November 14th, 2009 at 4:53 pm
First I give a salute to preeti madam. very good comments by Preeti . Odissa need another chief minister like Late Sri Biju Pattanaik. Eduaction institutes should not only focus bbsr regions. Gathering will increase if institutes are setup in one regions. Value of every things are increase due demand of item increased. I don’t say IIM like institute is setup at Tribal areas.But Govt.ITI ,Govt. engg. college,govt. medical college like etc can set up at tribal regions. So that tribal children are motivated for study . If .govt. or. Pvt . institutes are setup in tribal areas then infastructure of communication ,better welfare can be provide to tribal peoples. If we setup agriculture university in tier I,tier II,tier III areas
Then who get benefit on this ? peoples from backward areas are not come to university to take help. Why they want to waste time and price on way to university ?say me how many tribal from backward regions come to bbsr(agriculture university) for join cultivation training. How many time in a year university staff are going to tribal regions for provide training ? so organization should set up in different location by proper logic base.state govt. should build a action committee who look after this. Why peoples are not oppose for iit,aims,iiit … at bbsr ? why strong storm feeling are come to rourkela peoples ?Why peoples are opposed esic medical college at bbsr ? due for step mother attitude by state govt. and policy maker .what ever may be state govt. is Saying but Odisha is known a poor state where 70% peoples are below average. more then 60 % tribal peoples are staying here. They are condition are very pathetic. They are not getting minimum medical service and education from Govt. they are condition not saying them for higher education in metro city. If we bring some lightful in this tribal regions like bbsr then we can say now Odisha and odia is shining.It possible if our govt. setup some good organiation in this areas instead of bbsr ,cuttack (where already develoved).
No suggestion ,no education taskforce do any thing until our public servents are not open their eyes.
4. rachita kedia | November 16th, 2009 at 8:27 am
thanks to our cm…..if everything will be all right then bput will start its 100% functioning from rourkela from today…..and the main vc,who was trying to shift this university mr o.n mohanty will also retire with in dec 15… in my point of view as o.m mohanty bput vc is going to retired so there should be no problem and it will start its functioning from rourkela.
..according to some media’s statement NIT ROURKELA prof SUNIL SARANGI will be our next vice chanceloor of there will be no problem for the functiong of this university from rourkela..and no hidden politics will be applicable of shifting this to bbsr ((i mean 2 say by applying some cheap type mentallity which our old vc o.n mohanty was doing by shifting the departments from rourkela to bhubaneswar ) ).that thing is known to everybody…
we can go to any other state every where multiple big cities are maharastra>mumbai,pune,thane….in karnataka>banglore,manglore………if bput will start its functiong from rourkela then tomorrow also we can say that we ve also the oppurtinity of multiple big cities like cuttack,bhubaneswar and rourkela in our orissa
finally i would like to say thanks to our chitta sir….who has also supported for this university towords rourkela…….jai hind
5. Chitta Baral | November 16th, 2009 at 8:49 am
Although I have been vocal about getting a comprehensive university to Rourkela, I must admit that I have in the past misjudged the sentiments of RKLites in regards to BPUT.
6. mihir | November 17th, 2009 at 11:46 am
No sir , don’t say this . you are most respected prof. for us.