Tata Group to join an NGO to jointly set up an Institute of Ayurveda Integrated Medicine near Bangalore

November 16th, 2009

Following is an excerpt from a report in Expressbuzz.com.

Ayurvedic treatment, for instance, is now a Rs 8,000-crore industry, and growing at 20 per cent annually. And so you have Ramesh Vangal, former head of Pepsi India, having established an ayurveda firm, now merging it with Coimbatore Arya Vaidya Pharmacy to become the largest ayurveda company in India. Yash Birla has taken a majority stake in Kerala Vaidyashala, the therapy chain. Ayurvaid Hospitals, promoted by a Kochi-based group, got equity investment of Rs 4.5 crore last year from a US-based fund. And the Tata Group has now agreed with an NGO to jointly set up an Institute of Ayurveda Integrated Medicine near Bangalore, to offer formal graduate and postgraduate degrees, beside a 100-bed ayurveda and yoga hospital, plus research and drug production. The Tatas are putting in Rs 34 crore for the IIT-type institute. There are similar plans from the Mata Amrithanandamayee trust.

All this is excellent news, for the simple reason that when business gets into the picture, documentation and systems and reports have to be put in place. This has been the problem all along with what are loosely called alternative systems of medicine to standard allopathy. Each practitioner has his or her own way of doing things and you have to accept this on trust. And if something works, there is no publicly accessible system of how and why. One outcome has been the mutual scorn between allopathy and these other systems of treatment, with close to no attempt at reaching out to each other or researching if each can usefully learn from the other and so, improve itself. The public would benefit enormously if they could go to one place and get the combined benefit of different systems of knowledge working in tandem. You will never get this unless these processes are all systemised, subject to peer and public review, and are allowed to be replicated in a laboratory setting: this is the way knowledge progresses. If business and investors take a hand, this process should get a push. As, for instance, with the proposed Tata university.

Entry Filed under: Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy,Learning from others

4 Writeup

  • 1. Dr garima rathore  |  November 17th, 2009 at 12:25 pm

    hello sir , this was good to read about such partnership .i am BAMS
    a fresher .i am residing right now at Bhopal. I have experience till now that the institutions working for ayurved are there only for there own interest .they are making just fool of people on the name of ayurved .If its tata there then it must work.Sir i have a request to you that if could help i would like to have a example institution in ayurved .

  • 2. Dr garima rathore  |  November 17th, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    its nice to see your partnership in the field of ayurved .all the best for your future

  • 3. arun  |  April 12th, 2010 at 3:43 pm

    dear ser i want joining your ngo group so plz give me accurate detial about our group

    i am well educated and confident and i want working to help of indian people but have no job

    arun aheer

  • 4. vd jyoti jagtap  |  April 20th, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    hi sir,
    ithis is very good that people like you are taking interest in ayurveda, our science of healing.but wih this doing,you are getting more responsibilities. if you really want success ,plz take advice from real ayurveda practitionors,they will guide you nicely.pls think ayurveda with rasashastra(herbo mineral preparations),these are good medicines we have.this is my sincere request.hope god dhanvantari will bless and guide you.


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