Correlation between Cafe Coffee Day outlets and Knowledge hubs – just for fun

November 25th, 2009

Cafe Coffee day is a coffee outlet company which has 833 cafes across 118 cities, mostly in India. Often there is a correlation between number of people working in the "knowledge" sectors and coffee drinking. Using that parameter following is a ranking together with their metro ranking based on the Gazetteer.

  1. New Delhi+Gurgaon+NOIDA( 114+26+18=158 ) – metro rank 2
  2. Bangalore (141) – metro rank 5
  3. Mumbai (120)  – metro rank 1
  4. Pune (49) – metro rank 8
  5. Chennai (45) – metro rank 4
  6. Kolkata (38) – metro rank 3
  7. Hyderabad (37) – metro rank 6
  8. Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar (16+3=19) – metro rank 7
  9. Jaipur (15) – metro rank 11
  10. Chandigarh+Mohali(10+4=14) – metro rank 45
  11. Vadodara (9) – metro rank 20
  12. Bhubaneswar+Cuttack(7+1=8) metro rank 22, Goa (8), Nagpur(8) – metro rank 14
  13. Coimbatore (7) metro rank 23, Mysore(7) – metro rank 34, Mangalore-Surathkal (6+1=7) – metro rank 66
  14. Bhopal (6) – metro rank 17, Kochi (6) – metro rank 24, Guwahati (6) – metro rank 44, Indore (6) – metro rank 15, Ludhiana (6) – metro rank 19

Although the above is just for fun and I can see at least some inaccuracies (for example, Bangalore should probably at the top, and Hyderabad should be at least above Kolkata) it does make some sense.

In the context of Orissa, I think Bhubaneswar has a decent chance to be in the top 10 knowledge hubs of India within a few years, and not just in terms of coffee outlets; the top 8 are untouchable for Bhubaneswar (for at least the next decade), but it is a fair game after that.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),India

12 Writeup

  • 1. Prashant K Sahoo  |  November 25th, 2009 at 7:15 am

    You have missed Rourkela on this context which has a Cafe Coffee day too.

    It will be better if we always take BBSR along with few other cities of Odisha for Knowledge HUB on our Plan and Policies and Dream while we sleep or work . Rourkela do qualify in this direction from many angles and in my opinion, if the Govt. and intellectuals can change their mind-set Rourkela as always known the Education City of Odisha in Past ( Which has been intentioinally runied by cheap politics and poor policies ) can have lots of chances along with BBSR.

    As per the data given above I do see , Maharashtra , Gujurat and MP has registered more than 3 places with the data for Fun . We should that way expand our view points and perceiption. This way it will be not only fair for discussion but also helpful to stop regionalism and one-sided development program of Govt. of Odisha which is so far in my opinion lack vision and will to do something except signing MOUs and talking BIG in media.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  November 25th, 2009 at 7:24 am

    Rourkela is about to have 1. I stopped at 6. I am talking about the current status.

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  November 25th, 2009 at 7:25 am

    Few postings back, i already wrote a long plan and road map for Rourkela. We need to focus on that.

  • 4. Prashant K Sahoo  |  November 25th, 2009 at 9:34 am

    I agree and why only Rourkela it can be extended to other cities as well.


  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  November 25th, 2009 at 9:38 am

    I have written about other areas too. One detailed plan is at

    Check it at your convenience.

  • 6. Nilachal  |  November 25th, 2009 at 4:08 pm

    Though meant for fun; its indeed a poor measure for any serious analysis. If Cafe Cofee Days become a measuring rod of prosperity and growth of cities and a yardstick for knowledge ranking than it can only lead to policies based on gossips, grapevine, apple wine, heresay, without any sense of accountability. If this is the state of intellectuals in India, what would be that of the ordinary ones. No wonder we are in a precarious situation. It is growth of cities that brings the cafe cofee day like enterprises and not the other way round. Cafe cofee days can’t ensure the creation of a Shanti Niketan or BHU, though they may bring an Amity or an ICFAI.

  • 7. Umashankar  |  November 25th, 2009 at 10:09 pm

    It is a good comparison,even though it is just for fun..But, once can learn some serious economics from it.

    Coffee day as an enterprise is expected to come up in regions which have a high disposable income.

    It is traditional to be critical of such economics in certain circles

    But, conventional economics predicts that as such disposable income increases such ventures are bound to come up.

    Outlets like Coffee day, McDonald, KFC are an indicator of higher orders of economic prosperity. Also, Market economics indicate that, if such ventures come up without proper planning, lack of supporting demand will swiftly close the market ASAP.

    To summarize the confusing statements above , if we have a coffee day, then , somewhere a few more people are definitely better off[Imp: These people need not connected with Coffee day directly].

  • 8. Chitta Baral  |  November 25th, 2009 at 10:35 pm

    The point is such cafes come up in areas where there is the clientele for such cafes. So it can serve as an indicator of the demography of an area. So one can roughly say that a place with a lot of such cafes has a lot of “knowledge workers” who prefer going to such cafes.

    That does not mean that if I go and open such a (or a bunch of them) cafe then I will improve the “knowledge worker” parameter. This of course is not true.

    The difference between the above two is actually very tricky and one of the commentator did not understand this.

    I do research in this area. Prof. Judea Pearl won an award from London School of Economics for his book on this topic. See .

  • 9. Chitta Baral  |  November 25th, 2009 at 10:39 pm

    Serious indices are sometimes made on such basis. An example is the Bigmac index used as an alternative or crude measure for PPP (purchasing power parity) and to explain exchange rate theory. See and .

  • 10. jagmohan swain  |  November 27th, 2009 at 4:55 am

    Far more detailed analysis goes into opening a cafe coffee day than similar enterprise from public sector simply because of capital invested by private sector in such ventures.Any lack in thoroughness may result in loss of capital.Hence detailed survey and market study is undertaken to research feasibility of a project.

    Therfore Cafe coffee day can be used as proxy to determine disposable income available in a particular region.I am surprised that Bhubaneswar figures so highly in this list.

    Odisha is well poised to take off on massive investment in ports,power, steel and other sectors.These kind of investment benefits local people more, whereas services jobs as in IT are migratory, likely to be taken up by skilled workers in all parts of country.For example while 2000 there were very few IT jobs in Odisha, nevertheless engineers graduating from Odisha schools managed to get gainful employment in IT sectors in Bangalore and Pune. It’s unlikely that coal mine or steel factory workers would be anywhere else but Odisha.

  • 11. Dr Prasanna Mishra  |  November 28th, 2009 at 4:31 am

    The nice analysis of Prof Baral is not fun fun only. It is an interesting analysis. I would request for similar analysis showing metro ranking;knowledge hub and Reliance Fresh outlets.Knowledge after all is not connected only with coffee but cereals, pulses and vegetables as well.

  • 12. Cafe Coffee Day  |  December 10th, 2009 at 6:51 pm

    Very interesting analysis.


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