The faculty at IIIT Bhubaneswar and their degrees

November 30th, 2009

Following is gleaned from Below I just give the name and the degrees. For other important qualifications such as experience, please see the above mentioned document.

  1. Dr. Gopal Nayak, Director.  B.Tech and Ph.D IIT Kharagpur.PGDM IIM Bangalore.
  2. Ajit Das, Dean and Professor. B. Tech IIT Khragpur. M. Tech Utkal. Pursuing PhD at Utkal.
  3. Ramesh Chandra Balbantray, Assistant Professor, M.Sc and M.Phil in Maths from Utkal, M.Tech in CS from Utkal, Ph.D thesis submitted in 2007 at Utkal.
  4. Ashok Das, Assistant Professor, M.Sc Mathematics IIT Kharagpur, M.Tech Computer Science and Data Processing, IIT Khragpur., Ph.D in Computer Science & Engineering submitted in June 2008 at IIT Kharagpur.
  5. Anjali Mohapatra, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc and M. Phil in Physics, Utkal, M.Tech in Computer Science, Utkal, Continuing Ph.D at Utkal on Computational Molecular Biology.
  6. Dr. Monalisa Ray, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc Physics Ravenshaw/Utkal, Ph.D in Physics, Utkal.
  7. Dr. Tanutrushna Panigrahi, Senior Lecturer, MA and Ph.D in English from Berhampur University.
  8. Dr. Rupaj Nayak, Senior Lecturer, MA and Ph.D in Mathematics from Utkal.
  9. Dr. Biswajit Pradhan, Lecturer, MSc Berhampur and PhD  in Physics IIT Bombay.
  10. Dr. Satyanarayan Pal, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc in Chemistry Vidyasagar University, Ph.D in Chemistry, Univ. of Hyderabad.
  11. Muktikanta Sahu, Lecturer, B.E , BIET Bhadrak, M.Tech CET in CS & IT.
  12. Lipika Das, Lecturer, MA in English Utkal, Continuing Ph.D at Utkal.
  13. Usharani Rout, Lecturer, B.E Electrical IGIT Sarang, M.Tech BIT Mesra in Control System.
  14. Puspanjali Mohapatra, Lecturer, B.E Electrical IGIT Sarang, M.Tech Computer Science, Utkal, Continuing Ph.D at Utkal.
  15. Dr. Hiranmayee Satpathy, Lecturer, M.Sc Chemistry Utkal, Ph.D in Polymer Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur.
  16. Bamadev Sahoo, Senior Lecturer, BE Mechanical IGIT Sarang, M.Tech Aerospace Eng from IIT Kharagpur, Continuing Ph.D in Mechanical at Jadavpur University.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IIIT, Bhubaneswar

24 Writeup

  • 1. bijoy  |  November 30th, 2009 at 11:41 am

    It is indeed a decent list of faculty members engaged in undergraduate teaching. They also run MTech programmes in CS and IT . Hopefully its administration will recruit few more faculties for postgraduate courses and research.

    In 6th paycommission, Lecture, Senior Lecture post has been abolished. Why are they continuing with the old system? What is their plan? Are they paying 6th pay-commission salaries to these faculties? Administration of IIIT should think seriously about it.

  • 2. Aum Yagna Dutta Mohapatra  |  December 1st, 2009 at 1:08 am

    The mission is that make IIIT is Centre of Excellence, but faculty from IGIT, BIET Bhadrak and majority are from UTKAL Univeristy. Is it worth faculty selection to make IIIT Bhubaneswar is Centre of Excellence. I dnt think so IIIT Bhubaneswar have a faculty with highly qualified with highly talented. Institute always depends on good faculty not good student. If a faculty wants he or she can change everything but a student cannot. We have to compete with IIIT Hyderbad and IIIT Allahabad.

    Best of Luck to all.

  • 3. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 1st, 2009 at 5:25 am

    Can they make it in line of C-DAC, Pune though not exactly ? I highly doubt. If they make it even 20-30% of C-DAC Pune , then it will make successful of such existence.

  • 4. bijoy  |  December 1st, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    We should not seriously go by the Schools from where these people have got their degrees.

    In turn they should be judged/evaluated based on the output they produce i.e. research results and consultancy. Obviously these things will be clear in coming years.

    I sincerely believe IIIT administration have recruited the best available crop. If we want people from IITs or other great Institutions, to join IIIT Bhubaneswar then remunerations have to be attractive. Onething for sure, this list is an indicator of sorry state of higher education in INDIA.

    Very few are really interested to join this profession. Hence achieving Excellence will be a dream.

  • 5. Sanjoy Das  |  December 1st, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    Except for 4, 9, probably 15, the faculty do not seem to be particularly outstanding. As far as my understanding goes, IIITs are supposed to be research level institutions.

  • 6. Purna C. Mishra  |  December 2nd, 2009 at 4:25 am

    I do not think this is an A-team that would attract serious faculties. Our competition are the other IIITs. We do not stand anywhere closer to them. This team looks like the institute is hiring from the local Bhubaneswar market than looking a few good ones who then will attract other potential stronger candidates. As it is said strong people attracts equally stronger people and weak people attracts only weaker people. With this team, I doubt any stronger candidate will be coming to IIIT.

    At this time the focus should be to excite a few good people to join. The pay and benefit scale is same as IIT. I do not understand why the focus is to hire a C-team paying them the very best salaray structure?

  • 7. bijoy  |  December 2nd, 2009 at 12:26 pm

    You have to eat whatever is available in the market. IIIT do not have many choice, I presume.

    Do they really pay IIT scale? I doubt it.

  • 8. R.K. Ghosh  |  December 2nd, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    Just pay is not enough. The environment, academic freedom, quality of students, and a non-regional mix could generate ideas. Even recruits weak in paper can excel with time. It takes time to establish an institution. But what is important is a desire to excel and create ambient conducive to this.

  • 9. iskon  |  December 2nd, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    sum teachers boast demselves of studying in foreign institutes bt dey r frm local institutes doesnt it sound foolish?!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

  • 10. rajiv  |  December 7th, 2009 at 2:25 pm

    With this average quality of faculty, isn’t it a travesty of justice that IIIT, Bhubaneswar is charging students about Rs. 1.2 lacs as fees per annum whereas the IITs are charging only Rs. 45000-55000 per annum. The infrastructure of IIITs is paid for by the Govt of Orissa, so the fees should be minimum. The IIIT Students and Guardians should raise this matter with the authorities.

  • 11. D C Patnaik  |  December 28th, 2009 at 9:57 pm

    Yeah, I do think that we could have done a better job

  • 12. Abantika Sahoo  |  January 8th, 2010 at 9:37 pm

    Actually i want to know how K-Means algorithm works?What are the steps required for it?

  • 13. Lipika  |  January 27th, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    IIIT BBSR does not intend to raise a discussion on the faculty board,or the fee structure or its own infrastructure.It purely focusses on the quality of education with a humanitarian approch.What is more important of all is that the institute teaches an ambition to excell.

  • 14. AMIT  |  March 14th, 2010 at 11:41 pm

    The teaching standard in IIIT-BH is not at par even wid CET, bbsr let go the NIT’s n the IIT’s!! Everyone shud raise the issue wid the management as they are charging 1.4 lacs per year and are not providing us with proper IT infrastructure or quality teaching!

  • 15. bijoy  |  April 6th, 2010 at 11:02 am

    Your response is never appropriate ..It is really very sad. I hope you are a faculty in prestigious IIIT-Bh. Can you just explain why there cann’t be a discussion on the issues of IIIT BBSR? In a democratic setup you have everyright to seek answers. You have said we focus on quality but do you know what you deliver to the students? These reactions are not to demean IIIT-Bh. People out there have to ponder and find solutions. Ambition to excell can not be taught by any institution, so you better deliver what you are supposed.

  • 16. jitesh upadhyay  |  June 8th, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    first of all i want to inform all of you that the iiit bhubaneswar has only a name of govt. of orisaa , iiit – bh is not a pure govt. institute as it is to be required that if there is an opening of a govt. college there is a need to pass a bill in the legislature properly. so it is clear here that it is not a govt. college but govt. gave an amount to run it initially.
    another one issue is about teachers here. i want to inform you that a person came from up and he was from iit kanpur the most prestigeous tech college in this country was not selected . many more examples are there also.
    can it be possible in national level college there are all the teachers are from the specific state only. in comparison to other national level colleges.

  • 17. kenu  |  June 9th, 2010 at 12:49 pm

    The students of IIIT-Bh need to file a RTI to really know why are they charging so much….Besides let me tell you that the faculties at no. 4 and 15 have already left the institute…..Giving their name in the list makes no sense at all…
    @Lipika——This is a democratic country where everyone is entitled to his/her own views and has the right to debate over the issues he/she is linked with….GOD SAVE THE INSTITUTE

  • 18. well wisher  |  June 18th, 2010 at 10:27 pm

    The situation cannot improve in IIIT Bhubaneswar because a particular group of candidates(from a particular course in a in Bhubaneswar) are selected as faculty. Even during the ongoing recruitment process most candidates appearing before the selection committee were PhD students of selection committee members. From ethical point of view these gentlemen should have withdrawn their names voluntarily from the selection committee once they knew that their students are appearing. Due to such reason many are pointing fingers at the selection process itself.

  • 19. Syed Fazle  |  July 20th, 2010 at 12:53 am

    It really doesn’t matter, how and from where are the teachers recruited!!
    @Amit (comment 14) if the faculty of CET are so good then why is CET,which is one of the oldest institute in orissa)under BPUT till now?? Why have many students in CET who were ranked in top 1000 Ojee are failing to secure even pass grade?? The thing that really matters is the overall performance of the institute.. you can compare our 1st sems results.
    Now IIIT-Bh is going to get Unitary Varsity status!! Which is historic for our state, we should be proud of it!! Not that we should notch out problems in it!!!
    The Govt. is not blind dear. They are providing such a status means they have done some research over it..
    Even the AICTE has accepted IIIT bhubaneswar to be an Institute of national importance. It has been placed in the same list where IIIT Allahabad and IIIT Hyderabad is placed. According to that site all IIIT’s gain the same status from AICTE.
    For your reference please see the following link:
    We shouldn’t have discussions over these things. Instead we should have discussions about how students from different institute are performing.
    Thank You!!!

  • 20. Chitta Baral  |  July 20th, 2010 at 1:54 am

    The site does indeed lists several IIITs. Some of them are called Indian Institute of Information Technology funded by the central government and some are called International Institute of Information Technology. The later are not centrally funded. The ones that are centrally funded are the ones in Allahabad, Jabalpur, Gwalior and Kanchipuram ( ). The others in that (Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar, Delhi, and Kolkata) list do not have direct central funding yet. The ones in Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad and Bhubaneswar do get state funding.

    The IIIT Bhubaneswar is indeed on track to become a unitary state university.

    The site gives the impression that IIITs are institutions of national importance. I don’t think it is correct. No such legislation granting them INI status has been passed.

    Coming to the faculty, IIIT faculty so far is ok; not great. It remains to be seen if they are able to hire better faculty in the near future.

  • 21. AMIT  |  July 25th, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    @fazle: first of all go thru wat ive written abt!!
    all i have mentioned is abt the teaching and the faculty!!
    and not abt nething else, not abt our college, not abt our status!
    See my problem is the faculty which is below par lukin at the standards of IIIT-bh!!

    i guess u have not been able to understand my 3 lines so better go thru it properly and then think of commenting on it!!

    & i can bet that CET has better teachers than us!
    many proffesors from CET are visiting faclties in our college!
    Im not talkin abt the students and their performances neither m making any comparisons!

    So betr watch it next time arnd!

  • 22. jitesh  |  August 10th, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    dear friends ..all of you are from odisha which is know as soul of india… i want to tell you i have an information from first batch students that out of 228 students more than 80 students are failed , noq i qnt to knoq that in which college of odish having this ratio. this institute has the worst another story i want to tell you the experience of the one of the opener of first batch as he secured aroun 200 in his ojee and took admision in iit bbsr. when i met him first time he said i am very happy and when i met him last time he said …bhiaya it was not a wise decision to take admission here.

  • 23. RS Kumar  |  August 23rd, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    We Indians have a habit of demeaning ourselves , instead of expressing negative views we should express how we can improve and excell.Lets not compare iiit-bbsr with other iiits at this stage ,give it some breathing time ,do not forget we were first to say that Sachin should retire when he was out of form and today we view him as a icon.

  • 24. anonymous  |  July 16th, 2012 at 11:35 pm

    I dont know why IIIT Bh have such a high fees structure. If we see the faculty no seems to be of international standards. To compare with IIIT Delhi which is also new IIIIT Bh does not stand even near. GOVT OF ODISHA and IIIT Management should do something………….


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