Orissa at the receiving end of MHRD again: Announced for new IIT for Orissa shifted?

January 29th, 2007

Update2: I am told by people from Bhubaneswar that New indian Express and Dharitri also published this news. (I have not yet found those news items in the Internet editions.)
Update1: Sambada also has a news item on this.

Pioneer, Tathya and Odisha.com have news items regarding how Orissa was in the original list of locations for the new IITs; so much so that TOI reported that Union minister of state for HRD MAA Fatmi on 28-8-06 said, “The proposal for one IIT for Bihar and two for Orissa and one Western Indian state besides one IIIT to Bihar will be included in 11th Five Year Plan.” With respect to Orissa he probably referred to one of the 3 new IITs proposed to be in the 11th plan and a branch campus of IIT KGP in BBSR. However, later news reports say that the 3 new IITs will be in Bihar, Rajasthan and AP. Yet again, Orissa has been sidelined by MHRD.

This is explosive news. Yet again Orissa has been sidelined by the HRD ministry. Like the NIS case, all Orissans should protest this (non-violently and without disruptive methods such as Rasta Roko etc.) by writing letters to the PM, Sonia Gandhi, Planning Commission, various newspapers etc. and contacting the MPs, MLAs and political leaders of all parties of Orissa and urging them to bring this up in the Orissa assembly, in Indian Parliament, with the Planning Commission, with Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and with the PM. Orissa should not tolerate such repeated slights by the MHRD.

We will be assembling documents and pointers with respect to this injustice towards Orissa and collecting all relevant information in a blog specifically made for this.

Entry Filed under: IIT, oDishA,India

2 Writeup

  • 1. lalit mohan pattnaik  |  January 30th, 2007 at 12:36 pm

    Dear Friends,
    This is a very good news. This news will unite us better. We have highlighted requirement of an IIT and upgradation of UCE,burla to IIEST status on 14th Oct 2006 in UCE,Burla Alumni function at Bhubaneswar, where Vice President of India was present. All our detailed draft speech of Guv,CM, Industry Minister and Transport Minister were read out without any correction by all of them.

    Subsequently, we united Agami Odisha, UCE,Alumni and NRO’s in a function of Bandhu Milan on 26th Dec’06, where Chitta Baral, Dhira, Gopal Mohanty and Rabi mohapatra addressed besides all leaders of NIS movement and Burla Alumni. But we found, people thought, we are shouting just like that.

    Hence, this is very good news. The people in general must show their resentment and be prepared for participatiing in the just cause. Then only the movement will be stronger.

    All of us should come to-gether the way, we have come to-gether in NIS issue. rather i will add that, this time, more number of particpants should come, as we are already closer since last movement.

    We are meeting to-day at Agami Odisha.

    lalit pattnaik

  • 2. Prasanta Sahoo  |  February 11th, 2007 at 8:47 am

    I am shocked by the decision of Centre to shift the proposed IIT from Orissa to Andhra. While Andhra being one of the state that has come a long way to establish itself in teh world, Orissa was also going well. With teh establishment of an IIT, it would have been a perfect platform for Orissa to call IT majors and in a way a shift from poor state to one of the state that pushes IT. Now I think, we have to struggle again to bring the lady luck.

    This again a strategy that the Politician are playing to allocate the IIT to Cong led states. I would not blame Mr. Manmohan Singh for doing so as this is what is fo highest interest to his party. Why did not BJP & BJD proceed to establish the IIT when Mt. Bajpayee was in power. This is our mistake and we have to pay price for it.


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