Past catches up with ICFAI in Orissa

December 6th, 2009

Following are excerpts from a report in

After years of donkey work to set up a multi-disciplinary university in Odisha at an investment of Rs 150-200 crore, it has failed to take off. For last 4 years the technocrat is trying hard to set up the facility. Every thing was falling in line and the Government was moving with full speed to clear the ICFAI University Bill-2009 in the Odisha House. 

However Opposition Chief Whip Prasad Harichandan played spoil sport. 

While initiating discussion on the bill, lawmaker from Satyabadi charged the university is mired in controversy following a ruling by the Madras High Court for closure of the institute’s off-campus and study centres in Tamil Nadu. He also cited the ruling of the Andhra Pradesh High Court restraining ICFAI to award degree certificates.

Although the ICFAI was registered under Societies Act in 1984 in Andhra Pradesh for offering distance learning, it is yet to set up a university in the state. The society has two universities – one in Agartala and the other is at Dehra Dun. However, many off-campus and study centres of the two universities are operating in many states without approval of the University Grants Commission and respective governments. 

ICFAI is also running an off-campus centre in Bhubaneswar also, which came to light. 

Now the State Government has asked to close down the centre as it is running without the approval of the UGC. 

The ICFAI authorities have been asked to file affidavit on this count, said an official. 

With allegations coming to fore, even Chief Minister is also worried over the reputation of his government, said sources. When these allegations came out in the floor of the Assembly, Naveen Patnaik Government was on back foot. This is because the State Government signed the MOU with ICFAI on 20 March, 2007 without verifying the credentials. Samir Dey, the then Minister Higher Education was batting for the ICFAI University and took the lead in signing the MOU, said an officer. 

However now things are different and Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister Higher Education has made it clear that unless ICFAI authorities clear the allegations against them, it is unlikely that bill will be taken up once again in the House. 

So quietly the bill has been deferred for the next Assembly session, said an official. 

While the bill is yet to be cleared, ICFAI has already identified 53 acres of land for the university. The land has been identified close to Sum Hospital on the outskirts of the city.  Out of the total land area of 53 acres, ICFAI has got 11 acres of land registered for the university project. Now with the bill being dumped, fate of the proposed private university hangs in balance.

The article at seems to give a clear picture of the mess ICFAI has gotten itself into.

My suggestion to ICFAI would be to start the various colleges in Orissa with appropriate permission. I.e., if it wanted to start an engineering college and management school then it should do that with AICTE approval and under BPUT. Similarly for medical, nursing, journalism, etc.; whatever it had plans for. Only after it has them up and running and with quality faculty, top-notch facilities and some nationally ranked colleges it should come back to the state for a university bill. Not before that!!

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),ICFAI University, Bhubaneswar

4 Writeup

  • 1. KIRAN SABAT  |  December 8th, 2009 at 1:31 pm

    This is a total fake & value less article. ICFAI is a good organisation who is giving quality education. After all this institute provide better placement for the students. Some institutes of orissa who are loosing and they are afraid off by the ICFAI university are spreading this type of news. Please invite ICFAI to set a university for orissa’s student for a their better future

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  December 8th, 2009 at 1:51 pm

    Lets assume that ICFAI “provides better placement for the students”. So why does it needs to be a university. It can open a branch and give unofficial pgdiplomas.

    It wants to become a university because it wants official sanction. But then it has to obey the law of the land.

    From newspaper reports ICFAI seems to have created a big mess in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

    Orissa does not need to give official sanction to such a tainted organization until it cleans itself.

  • 3. alok  |  December 8th, 2009 at 7:30 pm

    Chitta Sir..u are right.ICFAI is now a black listed institute due to fake certificates controversy in the name of ICFAI.Its true and its not like that state institutes are afraid of ICFAI.The state govt should be very careful while dealing with ICFAI.I had also mentioned earlier that ICFAI is a black listed institute.We should not encourage these type of institutes to setup there base in Orissa as it will ruin many lives.Instead institutes like SYMBI,Nirma and SP Jain must be encouraged to setup base in Orissa.

  • 4. Umesh  |  December 9th, 2009 at 12:45 am

    Since, ICFAI is not UGC/AICTE approved it’s diploma/degree is not recognized outside India. This can be a reason for visa rejection, which, could hurt people’s careers.


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