NISER Bhubaneswar call for tenders: Deadline 5th Jan 2010

December 8th, 2009

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Name of Work



(Rs. In Lakhs)



Sale Period

For Details


Construction  of Academic Township , Sports Complex and Residential Township  alongwith necessary Infra structure Facilities For National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) at Jatni, Khurda ORISSA.



DCSEM / CE (PCD) /NISER/A &  R / PQ/07  / 2009  dt 30.11.2009.




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Government of India

                                                    Department of Atomic Energy

                             Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management




PQ No : DCSEM / CE (PCD) /NISER/A &  R / PQ/07  / 2009  dt 30.11.2009       


       Director, Directorate of Construction Services & Estate Management (DCSEM), DAE, on behalf of the President of India, invites Pre-qualification applications from reputed, qualified, experienced and financially sound Engineering construction agencies for “Construction  of Academic Township , Sports Complex and Residential Township  alongwith necessary Infra structure Facilities For National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) at Jatni, Khurda ORISSA The proposed scope of work shall include Civil Construction works, Internal & External P.H., Fire Fighting, Internal Roads, Storm Water Drains, Rain Water Harvesting , Internal & External  Electrical Works ,HVAC, and Development works etc.  The works are listed below.



Description of Works

Approximate Area


ACADEMIC TOWNSHIP Consisting of School of Sciences including Class Rooms, Administration, Library, Workshop, Auditorium Complex including Cafeteria, Lecture Hall Complex, Student Activity Centre, Other Facilities like Animal House, Green House and Bio Safety P3 Laboratory  and Meditation Centre etc


64,923/- Sq.m



2,000/- Sq.m



Hostel complex of Double Occupancy Rooms for 800 Students and Single Occupancy Rooms for 1000 Students, Efficiency Apartments Type I & II , Residential Accommodation for Faculty/Staff of Type A to E, E1 & E3, Other Facilities such as Day care Centre, Primary & Higher Secondary School, Hospital 20 Bed, Shopping and Community Centre and Guest House etc


1,06,913/- Sq.m


 The estimated cost for the work is projected to be  Rs. 450 crore (approx). Time of completion is 36 months.


The interested agencies are required to furnish the following documents  for consideration of issue of  “Pre -Qualification  Document” . Joint ventures are not accepted


a) Proof of registration with Government / Semi Government organisations like Railways, PWD, CPWD, MES etc. in appropriate class or having experience in carrying out similar type of works.


b) Annual turnover as per ITCC or Profit & Loss statement for the last   3 years

c) ‘PAN’ reference,

d) TIN  reference,

e)  Latest Bank Solvency Certificate 

f)  WCT registration certificate,

g)   Performance Certificates;

h)  List of similar works in hand and Works carried out by them for the last seven years indicating the Agency for whom executed, Value of work, Completion time : Stipulated & Actual or present position of the work. 

 i)  List of Technical staff they possess.

 j)  List of construction plants, machinery & infrastructure facilities they possess.

Agencies fulfilling following criteria shall be eligible to participate:

(a) Experience of having successfully completed any of the following works during

     last seven years ending 30-11-2009 : 

     (i) 3 similar works completed costing not less than Rs.180 crore each; or   

         2 similar works completed costing not less than Rs.270 crore each; or

        1 similar work completed costing not less than   Rs.360 crore


    (ii) One completed  work of any nature ( either part of (i) above or a separate one) costing not less than Rs. 180 crore with some Central/State Government/ Central Autonomous Body/ Central Public Sector Undertaking


(b)  Bank Solvency Certificate of Minimum Value Rs.180 crore.


(c)  Average Annual turnover during last 3 years ending 31.03.2009 should be

      at least Rs.135 crore


 Similar works means Development and  Construction of Residential/Commercial / Institute / Office Buildings with RCC framed structure, including PH , Electrical, HVAC and development works


The value of works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum :  calculated from the date of completion to last date of receipt of applications for Pre-Qualification documents.


[d) Not having incurred any loss in more than 2 years during last 5 years ending


Pre qualification documents shall be issued from 07-12-2009 to 24.12.2009 between 11 00 hrs. & 16 00 hrs on all working days from the Office of Chief Engineer(PCD),DCSEM, DAE, 3rd Floor, V.S.Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai – 94.Cost of the document (non refundable) shall be Rs.1500/- in cash if collected in person and Rs.2000/- if required by Post, by crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, DCSEM, payable at Mumbai. Pre qualification documents if required by post shall be sent by Indian Speed Post only, at the agency’s risk.  The documents shall be received in person only, up to 15 00 hrs on 05-01-2010 in the Office of the Chief Engineer (PCD) and shall be opened at 15 30 hrs on the same day. If any information furnished by the applicant is found incorrect at a later stage, they shall be liable to be debarred from tendering/taking up of work in DCSEM. The Department reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant independently and reject any application without assigning any reason and to restrict the list of pre-qualified contractors to any number deemed suitable in case too many applications are received satisfying the basic Pre-Qualification criteria . Short listing of the agencies shall be subject to thorough verification of their credentials and inspection of works carried out by them, through a Technical Evaluation Committee of experts, constituted by DCSEM.


For further details please contact 022-25487320 & 25487324. Fax 022-25565362


Please click here to Download Pre Qualification Document

Our previous entry on NISER tender was at Earlier the budget for the construction was 290 crores. In this tender the amount seems to have been raised to 450 crores.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),NISER, Bhubaneswar

1 Writeup


March 2025

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