First hint that the CM is aware of the ESIC medical college in Rourkela issue

December 9th, 2009

Following is an excerpt from a report in

Chief Minister has now demanded the Government of India to favour with a Dental and Nursing College for the Steel City, said official sources.

State Government in the Department of Labour & Employment (DOLE) has asked the Ministry of Labour to set up the facilities in Rourkela keeping in view the long standing demand of the people.

After Rourkela has been sidetracked for a Medical College & Hospital, the State Government has initiated the move to set up Dental College and College of Nursing in the city.

…Nearest Hospital for them is Sambalpur and IPs require frequent references for their dental problems.

Further there is extreme shortage of nursing staff in the health institutions of the state including ESI Medical Institutions.

So both Dental and Nursing College is needed, said Satya Prakash Nanda, Development Commissioner.

Mr.Nanda has taken up the issue with P C Chaturvedi, the Union Secretary Labour & Employment.

It has been agreed that ESIC would consider opening up of a Dental College and College of Nursing at Rourkela.

Investment in both the institutions will be around Rs.100 crores, said Sardar Jagar Singh, Secretary Labour & Employment.

Mr.Singh said that he has brought it to the notice of C D Kedar, the Director General ESIC.

Although a dental and nursing college (if it happens) is better than nothing, but it still does not seem to address the issue fairly. If there are more ESI insured people around Rourkela, the medical college should be established there. If there is some real logical reason why the medical college is being made in Bhubaneswar then the officials involved should spell that out.

Entry Filed under: ESI Medical College,ESI Medical Colleges,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

26 Writeup

  • 1. Purna C. Mishra  |  December 9th, 2009 at 4:46 am

    Medical College in Bhubaneswar and dental/Nursing College in Rourkela? Why being this disfunctional in Orissa State Government’s thinking?

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  December 9th, 2009 at 5:08 am

    Actually it may not be a bad idea in that they both can expand. The medical college can in a few years expand to have dental and nursing programs and vice versa. The govt. should give enough land to both so that such expansion can take place in the future.

  • 3. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 9th, 2009 at 9:51 am

    Rourkela may get both. Please watch in couple of days.

  • 4. Preeti  |  December 9th, 2009 at 10:08 am

    Esic medical collge should not devided in different parts.I think that dentral and nursing institute are not fullfilled the requirement of IP peoples of Rourkela.It is better state govt will set up dentral and nursing college at BBSR and esic medical college will setup at Rourkela. state govt is again playing dirty politics with Rourkela and west odisha peoples.But this time Rourkela peoples could not accept any dirty politics of state govt.

  • 5. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 9th, 2009 at 10:09 am

    As both of the colleges are from ESIC for its IPs , I would recommend the Dental and Nursing College should go to either Keonjhar or Jharsuguda and ESIC medical college must come to Rourkela.

    This will justify the distribution to some extent for the IPs and health care facilities in the said districts Sundargarh and Keonjhar.

  • 6. mihir kumar swain  |  December 9th, 2009 at 10:53 am

    Dear Prashant & Chitta Sir
    atlast we are win 50 – 50 % on demand of Esic medical college at our confidence lavel is go 100%times high. Full fldged Esic medical must be setup at Rourkela. there is no compromise of esic medical college’s division.
    Already there is a nursing college at IGH,Rourkela which is sponsor by RSP . so i think that there is no requirement of 2nd nursing college at Rourkela.there is a requirement of Multi hospital where esic peoples go for treatment of major disease and major operation.If you see dentral patient’s average are very low in sundergarh and around areas.

  • 7. Chitta Baral  |  December 9th, 2009 at 11:18 am

    This dental thing is an attempt to see if people can be pacified. Efforts must continue to get ESIC medical college in Rourkela. Please be in touch with Prashant babu on next steps.

  • 8. Dipti Prakash Palai  |  December 9th, 2009 at 11:22 am

    Why everytime Bhubaneswar!!It seems like State Govt. never knew that people live outside of that.Actually to which place Govt. wants to develope.What till now done to places those have been deprived of health facility.I never read anything.But for Bhubaneswar, here this link been proof for that.In Bhubaneswar or around it actually our comparably more developed area of Odisha concentrated.Then is not the time to see other backward places of Odisha.So, then this Politicaians are fool or they think they can make fool to people.Every educational institutes coming up to Bhubaneswar.I am sure people would not expect such type of negligence towards them from Naveen Pattnaik Govt.It seems like Govt. has intension to split off Odisha,thet What some Wesetern people wished.

  • 9. Chitta Baral  |  December 9th, 2009 at 11:37 am


    The Corporation has been able to spend Rs. 1123.22 crore on Medical Care and Rs. 380.70 crore on Cash Benefit. The Revenue Income for the Corporation has also increased by Rs. 463.13 crore from Rs. 3989.31 crore in 2007-08 to Rs. 4452.45 crore in the year 2008-09 which represents an increase of 11.61% over the previous year.


    Am I reading it right? This year ESI has made a profit of 4452.45 – (1123.22+463.13)
    = 4452.45 – 1586.35 = 2866.1 crores.

  • 10. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 9th, 2009 at 12:31 pm

    “…This dental thing is an attempt to see if people can be pacified..”

    I completely agree with Chitta bAbu and the above reminds me an Odia proverb..

    “KERANDI PAKEI BALIA NEBA” . It means exchanging BALIA ( High value fish ) fish by offering Kerandi ( low value fish ) fish.

  • 11. Purna C. Mishra  |  December 9th, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    Chitta Babu,

    I disagree that it might be a good idea to get two different medical colleges at two different places. As your later note states, it is a tactic by the Government to go ahead with the ESIC medical college at Bhubaneswar and then later blame the Central Government for not approving the dental and/or nursing college.

    If the Government is really capable of pulling all these three medical colleges, let they all be co-located in the same campus at Rourkela. You need a diverse and yet with super specialty facilities for a good nursing college. In India a dental college also needs to be co-located with a medical college. This is the reason the Government set up the Dental College under SCB.

    The focus must be for the ESIC medical college in Rourkale and if the Government could get the approval for the other two, also set them up in the same campus. This would create a superior medical facility for the ESIC members. Since the Government is considering a health insurance proposal for BPL members (on the similar pattern super successful in Karnataka and Andhra), these BPL members could be served by the ESIC medical college also and it would be a boon for the people of Western Orissa to have such a health care facility closer to their homes.

    — Purna

  • 12. Umesh  |  December 9th, 2009 at 2:41 pm

    There seems to be some progress on ESIC. It is a welcome step. My congrats to everybody in the movement for ESIC.

    Although, It does seem to be more of an appeasement gesture. It would be advisable to be careful with this. Let the nursing school and dental college make some progress. Then, the same arguments would apply for ESIC hospital again.

  • 13. Preeti  |  December 9th, 2009 at 3:17 pm

    It is very good news that first time cm is opened his mouth related with ESI Medical college.still now we believed all the decision has been taken by state govt’s black horses. now this thing is clear .now all west odisha peoples are know who is behind of neglected ?.This is reality face. The decision of esic medical college at bbsr taken by Our our local MLA has not opened their mouth againest this decision.Still now our respected and honourable cm has been playing dirty politics with western Odisha.our respect toward the Cm will increased if he declared YES THE ESIC MEDICAL COLLEGE WILL SETUP AT ROURKELA due logical and genuine demand of Rourkela peoples.But he don’t do that. He declared a tail part at Rourkela and head part at Bbsr.See how he played rustless game here ! Yes I asked Mr Prashanta sir who is poor ?Our Odia leader or Odia people ! Odia peoples are never poor but our odia leader is poor . so that our Odisha is poor. There is no shch type of leader who will take Odisha on track of Gujrat ,Haryana ,Rajstan,Punjab etc. You never win the war if your leader is not strong. You never blame to solders. If our top leader statement is this type then why we blame to Govt. servents ? Again I repeated the same statement as before I mansion here.Odisha need a dynamics and strong decision making leader. Unless odisha will go downward. Esic medical college must be come in Rourkela (both head and tail) .
    Nobody stop…………

  • 14. jagamohan swain  |  December 10th, 2009 at 4:16 am

    “Am I reading it right? This year ESI has made a profit of 4452.45 – (1123.22+463.13)
    = 4452.45 – 1586.35 = 2866.1 crores.

    Dr Baral expenses as mentioned in report is only partial expense.No company has a profit margin of over 50%.I beleive profit margins for ESIC should be anywhere from 5-15%.For exact figure we need to read ESIC’s income statement, both quatrerly and annual.

  • 15. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 10th, 2009 at 10:30 am

    Setting up Dental and Nursing College is a separate subject to setting up ESIC medical college at Rourkela. This can be evaluated and handled later.

    ESIC Medical College must come to Rourkela.

  • 16. jagmohan swain  |  December 10th, 2009 at 12:24 pm

    With creation of Telengana we have a fascinating development in our neigborhood.If Hyderabad goes to Telengana as it will likely be
    south orissa might wake up one day with Vizag as capital of Andhra.this will mean that Orissa will be surrounded by capital cities in Raipur, Ranchi, Vizag and kolkatta.Orissa can uses presence of such capital cities to it’s advantage by earmarking satelite towns in close proximity as tier 2 cities.Korapu, Berhampurt can build close infrasturcture connections with Vizag, Sambalpur, Burla to Raipur, Rourkela to ranchi and Balasore to Kolkatta.

    If you see population density is one of lowest in Orissa among all states which reflects prowess of our forefathers that even for such small numbers they were able to acquire/rule such large territories.Kalinga war was no fluke nor was the reputation that preceded them.Availability of land will be to our advantage as rapid industrialization is going to happen with Orissa’s huge coastline and rapid rise of south east asia.Mallacca trait is one of the busiest trading route and sea trade is cheapest. Throw in abundance of mineral resource in orissa in the backdrop of commodity bull market and I see an Orissa that will be beating rest of Indias in Ten to twenty years time.

    And as luck would have it we have a man who is sincere and who really is obsessed with Orissa’s growth, at the helm of Orissa’s Governance.If I am a long term investor I would continue to buy Orissa shares.

  • 17. Abhisek  |  December 10th, 2009 at 1:11 pm

    The four congress MPs are also doing the same politics as the CM of Orissa. The four Congress MPs except giving a memo have not raised the issue in Parliament through any calling attention motion or any such legislative practice. No body has seen them sitting outside the parliament with placard or even a silent protest. All that these people want is no body should blame them later for letting down the genuine demand of Rourkela as they apprehend that the CM will accuse the central govt by shifting the blame and at that point the Memo of these 4 MPs will come handy to tell people that they did try to bring ESIC Medical college to Rourkela. If the leaders of BJD and Congress are not pretending then they should come forward and categorically say that they want ESIC Medical College at Rourkela instead of doing this shadow boxing and the CM of Orissa should take the lead instead of always playing this State vs Centre politics.

  • 18. alok  |  December 10th, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    Seems the light of hope has ignited into a fire.Why Just part of ESIC to be setup at Rourkela.Why not the complete setup as its done at other approved ESIC locations.Seems the govt is now into diffrent policies.let people be fine with Nursing and Dental college and let the medical college be at BBSR.Why Mr CM.Why you want us to compromise everytime.Our demand still remains the same we need the complete setup for ESIC at Rourkela.No mirage like BPUT at BBSR.Enough of your politics.Please dont play with the sentiments of the people of Rourkela.We generate revenue that why BBSR developing.Please stop this dirty politics and let the complete ESIC medical college come at Rourkela and not just Nursing and dental college.Hope you think again before you make any announcements .ESIC WILL BE AT ROURKELA AT ANY COST !!!!!!!!!!! COMPLETELY…NO MORE POLITICS ON THIS ISSUE..PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 19. alok  |  December 10th, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    May be i sound nonsense…lets demand this..ESIC medical college allow at BBSR..but AIIMS medical college be at Rourkela..its a tit for tat policy…i know the CM wont even listen to this..then how can he accept that what so ever he decides we the people of Orissa will accept..Any answers Mr CM..I dont mind if AIIMS be at Rourkela..It will just like adding tadka..

  • 20. alok  |  December 10th, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    And this is the outcome ….Mr CM people of orissa are no more silent spectators..Check twice before you speak..Your politics is just ruiening your image..As a responsible citizen i expect you to push for the ESIC college at Rourkela and stop dreaming ..You cant ignore rest of orissa like this..Let BBSR develop but equally develop other parts of Orissa.

    Odisha Government is playing politics over location of ESIC medical college in the state, feel aggrieved intelgentsia of Kalahandi.

    Local people along with the MPs had also written letters to the Chief Minister to establish ESIC medical college in Rourkela, said Digambara Patra, leading NRO.

    Keeping the public sentiment in Kalahandi for Government medical college and ongoing protest in Rourkela for ESIC medical college, Department of Labour and Employment Government of Odisha has earlier requested the Union Ministry of Labour and Employment to establish second medical college in Rourkela.

    And the Government promised a Dental and Nursing College in Kalahandi

    Kalahandi was already betrayed by Odisha Government for the Central University of Orissa, alleged Madhusmita Panda.

    Ms.Panda alleged that time and again Kalahandi has been let down.

    Looking at the charged atmosphere and public demand for a Government medical college in Kalahandi, Department of Labour and Employment has reportedly requested for ESIC dental and nursing college in Kalahandi district

    Union Ministry of Labour and Employment is establishing two ESIC medical colleges in Karnataka, one being in the home constituency of concern union minister.

    Why another medical college cannot be established in Odisha?, asks Judhistir Patra.

    However, Kalahandi has been at the receiving end since it joined Odisha state in 1947-48.

    The region is being neglected and ignored continuously despite it is being located in the centre of South Western Odisha, the backward pocket of Odisha and India in general, lamented he

    Every year hundreds of people are dying due to lack of proper health faculties and human resources in health in this pocket.

    The present change of mind by Odisha Government to go for Dental and Nursing College at Rourkela has exposed the mindset of the State Government, said Sanjib Kumar Karmee.

    All of them have demanded that both Dental and Nursing College are to be established at Kalahandi, so that years of neglect can be eradicated.

  • 21. alok  |  December 11th, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    Comments removed.

    Editor: I would have accepted this comment in normal circumstances. Due to the sensitive time that India is going through no comments related to the sensitive issues will be accepted for the near future. If someone wants to send a message to someone on the sensitive issue, please do it directly. This forum will not serve as a medium for that.

  • 22. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 12th, 2009 at 5:57 am

    Good moderation. Rest Edited.

  • 23. MIHIR  |  December 14th, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    Dear all
    Very good work done by Mr prashanta sir (See RTI Reply Letter .This is not only a simple RTI reply It is just like a RDX Bom on the demand of Esic medical college at ROURKELA.some moment Iam paralyze when given a look on the Report. how our governent is cheating our peoples ? How we believed on Government ? I fully supported preeti’s comment on above.

  • 24. Purna C. Mishra  |  December 14th, 2009 at 1:52 pm

    Thanks Prashant babu for your wonderful job. This data is crucial to the next steps. The Government needs to come clean and get Rourkela as the location for the ESIC medical college.

    We all know the government could be a nameless faceless entity. I am all for supporting a PIL against the Government in the high court. Reviewing the PIL requirement document it seems this case definitely qualifies to be filled.

    Making a bad decision is worse while defending a bad decision is even more worse.

    — Purna

  • 25. alok  |  December 14th, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    The State govt is a cheater all i can say and MR CM is even better when it comes to misguiding people and giving all sort of wrong informations.Now its clear that MrCM has a capital centric attitude.The information below is an eye opener and is a shame for whole of Orissa.SHAME ON YOU ORISSA GOVT.

    Q. 1. What are the reasons for choosing Bhubaneshwar, Odisha as the location for ESIC Medical College and Hospital, when Rourkela and its nearby areas are having the largest number of ESIC Insured Persons (ESIC Employees)?

    Ans : Govt. of Orissa has offered 25 acres of land at Bhubaneshwar for setting up medical college by ESI Corporation.

    Q. 2. On what ground Bolangir, Odisha was not considered as a location for the ESIC Medical College and Hospital?

    Ans : There was no such proposal for consideration,

    Q. 3. Whether Rourkela as a location for ESIC Medical College proposed by Govt. of Odisha? If so please specify the date of such porposal? Who had sent the proposal (Name of the person/officer)?

    Ans : Govt. of Orissa has not proposed Rourkela as a location for ESIC medical college.

    Q. 4. If Rourkela was proposed, then on

    Ans : Not applicable.

    As you can clearly see, Balangir as a location for ESIC Medical College was never proposed by Labour Ministry, Govt of Odisha. But on the news paper they have claimed Balangir was proposed but ESIC has rejected the proposal.

    Similarly, Rourkela ( The most suitable candidate for the medical College ) was never proposed by Labor Ministry, Govt. of Odisha but upon follow up , Many MPs and Ministers of Odisha has stated verbally that Rourkela was proposed but ESIC , New Delhi rejected the proposal.

  • 26. Preeti  |  December 15th, 2009 at 10:23 am

    Thanks a million to Prashanta sir who show his dedication on demand of Esic medical college in Rourkela. A very unique job done by Prashanta sir when we are passing through a crucial time . Iam strong favour of PIL file against the state govt’s decision.


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