Proposed expansion of the university system in Orissa: feedback requested

December 15th, 2009

After studying the university systems in major states of US and taking into account various feedback received my latest thoughts on the expansion of the university system in Orissa is at The highlight of the proposal is as follows:

  1. Two new regional universities: Western Orissa University Bhawanipatna and Central Orissa University Angul
  2. One new general unitary university: Rourkela University
  3. One new Metropolitan University: Bhubaneswar Metropolitan University
  4. Upgrading of two colleges to new unitary universities: GM and Khallikote
  5. Five new specialized Universities: Tribal University (HQ Phulbani), Sports University (HQ Rourkela), Skill University (HQ-TBD), Health University (HQ-TBD), Education University (HQ-TBD)
  6. Several new branch campuses of existing universities to reduce affiliation load on existing universities with a clear path on how they can become independent universities. Each branch campus will have enough independence to chart its own course. Special attention paid to branch campuses at Balangir, Phulbani and Keonjhar.
  7. A clear road map for development of comprehensive western style universities that have multiple disciplines, including engineering and medical colleges.

I would appreciate any feedback on this. Please read the details at the above mentioned site.

Entry Filed under: Appeal to readers,Odisha Higher Education Vision 2020

23 Writeup

  • 1. jaga  |  December 15th, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    in my point of view ther shld be no branch office of bput upto 2020..and after that we can do it…because our aim was to be the 2nd largest educational hub of orissa(rourkela).

    but from d day 1 they ve started their cheap politics …thats the main reason why bbsr has that much no of colleges wich we dnt ve…
    in ma point of view after some days we can see no of engg colgs,mba and mca colgs n r rourkela if it will start its functioning 100% from rourkela
    **we can go to any other state everywhere multiple big cities are growing
    maharastra-mumbai,pune thane
    if bput will start its 100% functioning from rourkela then it will be a green signal for d devlopment of rourkela.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  December 16th, 2009 at 12:21 am

    The above plan will lead to at least 3 state universities in Rourkela: BPUT, Rourkela U and Sports U. That plus NIT could make Rourkela a knowledge hub of the state.

    But the locals need to chip in. They need to learn from Berhampur which is about to have 10 engineering colleges and this has very little to do with BPUT operating from Bhubaneswar all these days.

    Unless local Rourkela people start investing more in Rourkela, it can not achieve its potential.

    Just complaining about the various govts is not enough. Even now the top engineering college in the state is at Rourkela. It is really a shame that with NIT being there, all the industries being there, Rourkela has so few private engineering colleges. (Again, this has very little to do with where BPUT is operating from.)

    [Note that currently Rourkela has 2 private engineering colleges (one more may come up soon). Baragarh and Raygada, much smaller towns (less than 100K population each) have 2 and 3 private engineering colleges respectively.]

    Locals must decide to invest in their own city and help develop its infrastructure and not just by talking or leaving messages in the cyberspace but actually building something.

    Prashant babu is doing that. He has a software unit in Rourkela. Other Rourkelites should individually or in partnership join in in building Rourkela further.

  • 3. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 16th, 2009 at 3:43 am

    While I agree to the proposal and feedbacks that has been received so far on Universities, to many extent , I differ the way we are measuring Engg. College and Education in terms of Quantity and trying to quntify it by diluting the Quality.

    First of all the current situation in Odisha where the seats are lying vacant in Pvt. Engg College for which there need to be two JEE examination. This is really funny and we need to think over it again and again. Now a days because of the IT boom everybody wants to acquire BE/BTech Degree from anywhere. But since last 2 years the story is different.

    Rourkela has retained the quality of education in Odisha to some extnet since late 80s partiuclarly in Engg. Education. I don’t think adding more Private Colleges will add any value to it , unless there is a huge demand. Now a days Engg. Degree and Education has become a JOKE in Odisha and India. It is like opening a competitve Tutorial Classes anywhere.

    In my opinion, Rourkela should stay away from the BBSR trend in Engg. Education, where within 50 KM there are about 60 or 70 Engg. College or so . But what is the use ? It is better to have Rourkela emphasize on Quality of Education, be it BPUT or NIT or Private Engg College and produce the Worthy Graduates than any Gary, Nick with Engg. Degree.

    At the same the the worthless education in most of Engg. College is another Commericialization that has helped none except in last few years to get few IT guys during the boom.

    Odisha needs to produce Quality Graduates from various discipline who can contribute back to the society with their Entrepreneurship and create more examples in their own area or community.

    In addition to that, the law and order situation in BBSR due so many private Engg. College ( 65% are from outside Odisha from neighboring state, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh , Bihar etc. ) gone down , Crime rate has gone up. These things can not be ignored these things directly or indirectly disturb the society.

    We need to think , rethink and rethink . Time has come Odisha needs to produce Quality. A quality teacher create , many quality students. Similarly a quality college produce the true technocrats and citizens for tomorrow.

  • 4. Preeti  |  December 16th, 2009 at 10:20 am

    Just I add another sentence here. Rourkela don’t like those type of engg. college where every month students are strike for change their semester date sheet and strike for improved their own college standard. Engg. college which are opened at bbsr just like pan shop. Here you will get only quanity of pan not qulaity of pan.

  • 5. Abhisek  |  December 16th, 2009 at 3:32 pm

    Universities in Bhawanipatna and Anugul are ok, but these should be named after the resepctive cities or a famous personality of the state or the country and not the region. It creates a brand for the city and also makes the University a global place for learning than centers of sub-regional identities.

    Development of comprehensive western style universities that have multiple disciplines, including engineering and medical colleges is the need of the hour to make Univeristies self sustaining. How about establishing Universities under PPP mode in educationally deprived regions instead of Govt. Universities which take many years to get UGC funds and develop proper infrastructure (Examples: BPUT, FM and North Orissa University and University of Culture)?

  • 6. Umesh  |  December 17th, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    Chitta babu,

    I think every university(at least the regional ones) should have a center of excellence which should be having tie-ups with corporates. The purpose of these centres of excellence depends should be to produce employable graduates. This is a consistent harp of Indian Industry.

    These centers of excellence should not necessarily require corporate funding. If professionals from corporate oraginsations can come to these centers even as visiting faculty, this will improve the reputation of these centers.

    Syllabi in these centers should be proposed, guided, and followed with substantial corporate input.

    In future, these centers of excellence can be converted into incubation hubs for research and drive progress in Industry.

    I’m sure IT companies will be happy to promote such centers. Also, existing odias who have achieved distinction in industry can be invited as visiting faculty on a private basis too.

  • 7. alok  |  December 18th, 2009 at 7:39 pm

    Chitta Sir,
    Just opening n number of engg colleges wont make a statement.Its all about quality rather then quantity.See what happened this year.Engg seats are still lying vacant and to fill up those seats we conducted JEE twice still the situation never improved.Coming to NIT at Rourkela its a college of diffrent level.Even the KIIT college wont match the standards still now.I have my personal experince and can bet that studing at NIT makes a lot of diffrence.I agree the number of engg colleges at Rourkela are less when compared to BBSR and Berhampur.But how that makes any diffrence.Atleast the future of those private colleges are in hands of mercy.Its going to be another TN.Sir we need good colleges.we dont want to make education a business.It can be seen at BBSR where opening of Engg college is business.People of Orissa have now become smarter.Its not about getting a degree,it matters most when you have knowledge.I agree with you that we need an University (general),a IIM level managment college and most important the ESIC which is the most demanded as of now.And finally a sports university.

  • 8. Chitta Baral  |  December 18th, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    The point is that not many people in Rourkela seem to be doing things for their city. Engineering colleges was just a parameter. I am not saying that they should make a lot of low quality colleges. But how about some more good quality colleges. There is a saying: God helps those who help themselves. Until and unless local people become entrepreneurial a city is not going to flourish.

  • 9. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 18th, 2009 at 9:54 pm

    Chitta bAbu,

    I agree not many people in Rourkela are doing things for their City. However, this is a common attitude and problem everywhere in Odisha. Were the state capital in and Rourkela , you would have definitely seen the kind of development you are talking about. Or had the City has any political milage compared to other developed cities of Odisha, one would have seen those advantages.

    Today we have so much communication gap and lack of sophistication in that, when 5 people shouts in BBSR the Govt. immediately attend it which is even not happen when 500 people shout from outside of Bhubaneshwar. Hence you find so much gap.

    However, I completely agree END RESULT matters whether it is a capital or simple city and people need to take things on their own hand as nobody is going to spoon feed them unless the GOVT is extra ordinarily fair.

  • 10. Chitta Baral  |  December 18th, 2009 at 10:37 pm

    Prashant babu:

    Since the following could be misunderstood, I want to be clear that the goal of the following is not to put people of one place against another; it is more to learn from each other and to understand that people need to take their own initiative.

    One should compare the entrepreneurial spirit of people in Berhampur with that of Rourkela and also compare the result.


    Notice the population increase between 1991 and 2009 in Berhampur and Rourkela.

    Year 1991 2001 2009
    3 Brahmapur 210418 307792 402672 Ganjam
    4 Raurkela 215509 224987 228130 Sundargarh
    5 Raurkela Industrial Township 206693 226454 Sundargarh

    One can notice the growth in Berhampur and the stagnancy in Rourkela: Berhampur’s population has doubled while Rourkela’s is almost stagnant. (If the above numbers are not correct, please locate better numbers for me.)

    That correlates with Berhampur having 9 private engineering colleges and Rourkela having only 2 private engineering college.

    Again, my point is to encourage people in Rourkela to invest in their city, take advantage of what they have.

    I have been writing (for more than couple of year) about pushing SAIL to establish a medical and engineering college in Rourkela as they are doing in Bokaro. But that has not touched Rourkela people’s imagination yet.

    At the same time demand to the state for various thing should continue. But for Rourkela to progress a multi-pronged approach needs to be taken and private initiative and taking advantage of local industries like SAIL are two important components of it. I will be doing my best to push for various initiatives through Higher Education Task Force but locals – individually or in groups – need to do more on their own.

    As I suggested the SAIL medical college can reserve some number of seats for SAIL employee kids. With that kind of a possibility every employee of SAIL should come out and demand their management for a medical college. I have no contacts in Rourkela. But you guys, who have contacts, should push this. As mentioned earlier, SAIL Bokaro is doing it; why can not SAIL Rourkela.

  • 11. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 18th, 2009 at 11:16 pm

    I have already agreed with you Chitta bAbu about it. One city or region of Odisha must learn from each other like an individual learns from other individual some good qualities. It is always better to adapt good things from others and move forward. I have not taken at all your comment in negative spirit.

  • 12. Chitta Baral  |  December 18th, 2009 at 11:38 pm

    Prashant babu:

    Although I addressed you, I was actually responding more to the others. I am happy that we are in agreement. If possible please consider making a blog (or helps some one to make a blog) like that highlights Rourkela’s positives and addresses its issues. Having all the data about Rourkela in one place will come in handy.

  • 13. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 19th, 2009 at 12:01 am

    There is a bigger platform coming very soon for Rourkela and there is already a discusion forum exists ( Greater Rourkela Develpment Forum ) . It is already in action.

  • 14. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 19th, 2009 at 12:02 am

    Sorry, there was a typo in URL

  • 15. Chitta Baral  |  December 19th, 2009 at 12:44 am

    I personally find the wordpress and blogger format more long lasting.

  • 16. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 19th, 2009 at 1:22 am

    You missed my point here again Chitta bAbu. I said those are on its way and coming very soon. You can see the announcement at

    Both Discussion Forum and Blog concept has its own way of achieving purpose and has its own importance and significance. And I am talking of both included for the portal

  • 17. Chitta Baral  |  December 19th, 2009 at 1:34 am

    That would be great. I was not sure what was coming. I look forward to it.

  • 18. Preeti  |  December 19th, 2009 at 11:38 am

    Dear Chitta sir
    Yes I agree , you are correct on Population of Berhampur has been increasing then Rourkela (last 20 years). As concern of develoment works Govt has been giving more focus to Berhampur then Rourkela. last 20 years I think there is 0% development at Rourkela. But berhampur, govt. has given them govt. medical college,general university , govt. engg. college , IIIT IN Pipe line ,
    But what govt. is given Rourkela last 30 years. Only a govt. engg. college that is Rec.( esapicial credit given to central govt. who convert Rec to NIT). Also Berhampur has got status of municipality comission .It is natural thing where infastructure is growing there is population increased . Greater example is Bhubaneswar. One time was Rourkela population was more then bhubaneswar. but now you can comparision. where the gap.

  • 19. jaga  |  December 19th, 2009 at 7:06 pm

    dear chitta sir,
    in my point of view we can take the example of any thing–shopping malls,picture hall or whatever but the INFRASTRUCTURE plays a very vital role in all those things….
    there is a kahabat of 21st century
    dimag ho ya naho face saaf hona chhahiye
    andar se dil kala ho ya gora but dress saaf hona chhahiye
    thats the thing
    we can compare the same thing to rourkela
    we ve no corporation
    we need a corporation and a mayer so that everything will be all rit
    i m 100% sure that if we will devlop our infra and we can do the beautification in our city and if we can make our city clean and green (excluding sail area)
    then its d only mantra to devlop one place…
    and after some days we can see all those malls,complex,engg colleges our rourkela too
    we need only 1 thing
    that is muncipal corporation
    because as rourkela”s 50% maintainance are under sail dept
    the muncipality is taking advantage of that thing and not devloping the infra of the state govt area …

    we can take the example of bbsr ekalavya college……………
    that college is of the owner of piet college rourkela
    but instead of doing his 2nd college in rourkela he has invested money in the bbsr region for a college…..
    but we can take the example of koustav bbsr group…
    all the new koustuvs college are coming up in the bbsr region
    koustuvs 2 nwe colleges>bec and kit all are in the bbsr region

    answer is that govt is devloping the infrastructure of only and only bbsr…

    sir what can we do???

  • 20. Nilachal  |  December 21st, 2009 at 6:24 pm

    Dear netizens from Rourkella, It is unfair to say that the government has given all its attention to Berhampur city and no attention at all to Rourkela. The long drawn agitation and campaign for a IIT in Berhampur resulted in the establishment of a Govt Engineering College, this is similar to the govt move to establish an ESIC clinin and nursing Institute bla bla instead of a full fledged Medical college at Rourkela. On the other hand NIT is such a brand which Rourkela has failed to leverage. There is a Minister from Rourkela city (The only MLA from a city in Orissa to be in the Ministry) and yet he is not being pushed to work. But Berhampur is a different place. See how people in Berhampur have started campaign on the inaction of the incumbent MP. A comparision between Berhampur and Rourkela can only be equated with an Oriya proverb as a comparision between “SAGA KHIA AND PEJA PIA”. Both cities got to pull up their socks and strive hard to compete nationally with other second rung cities of India if at all they will have some thing to offer to their underdeveloped regions.

  • 21. Preeti  |  December 22nd, 2009 at 9:00 am

    Dear mr. Nilachal

    A Full fledged ESIC Medical college will must setup at Rourkela . There is no alternative location .Incase If it will not setup at Rourkela then there is no chance for Esic medical college will locate any where in Odisha. Just we are watching the feature action plan of Govt.

  • 22. Jaga  |  December 23rd, 2009 at 11:41 pm

    Sir, uve nt repld 2 me,as i ve told dat infra plays a vital rola,and 4 dat thng.we ned rkl muncpl corporation.dat is d main mantra 2 dvlp a i m sure dat gvt wl nt listn 2 r dmnd.what cn w do sir?

  • 23. Chitta Baral  |  December 24th, 2009 at 12:17 am

    This is not a Q & A forum. I can not answer every one. But be assured I am reading your feedback and am thankful for your feedback.


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