VSS Medical College Burla to become a Unitary University: Dharitri

December 22nd, 2009

Update: Samaja also reports on it.

Entry Filed under: New Universities,Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4),VSS Medical College, Burla,VSS Medical University, Burla (mentioned)

9 Writeup

  • 1. Tejeswar Parida  |  December 22nd, 2009 at 11:33 am

    Nice decission taken by Govt. of Orissa for taking initiative to accord Unitary University Status to VSS Medical College & Hospital. Now Mr. Prasanna Acharya , Health Minister of Orissa has to play very active role in its immediate implementation. Now the state Govt. must try their best for getting Central University status for Sambalpur University. Sambalpur, Burla & Hirakud must soon be declared as Greater Sambalpur Municipal Corporation , which is a very immediate requirement. Sambalpur Railway Station needs urgent modernisation.The most efficient IAS/ IPS/ OAS officers must be sent to Western,Southern and Northern Orissa Districts. We all Oriyas irrespective of which district we belong to are trying and should continue trying for the development of every region of Orissa, whether it is Western, Southern,Northern,Central or Eastern Orissa. Orissa is a small state .We all Oriyas are United and will remain United as single state Odisha for ever. No Kosala or Kalinga , it is only Odisha.

    Tejeswar Parida,
    President, Delhi Oriya Students’ Association

  • 2. Abhisek  |  December 22nd, 2009 at 2:38 pm

    Well I am happy as well as sad to read this story. Happy because Sambalpur needs better healthcare infra and this University tag is likely to help getting funds and addressing the issue of staff shortage. Also this is going to be the third University in Sambalpur, not a bad number. I don’t question the wisdom behind this move and this is certainly a good decision. But, I am sad because the state government has shown scant sympathy for the people demanding Unitary University status for Khallikote college and no one knows whether MKCG also will qualify one day to get this status. Students are seen agitating on the streets of Berhampur every other month and yet no decision.

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  December 23rd, 2009 at 7:16 am

    No reason to feel sad. Khallikote College will become a university soon. Berhampur’s strength is its people and like its 9 engineering colleges there will be lot more institutions built by its people. The government will be forced to do its part. I see a very bright future for Berhampur.

    In a year or 2 when the economy bounces back the land occupied by the Tatas will be a good SEZ. Gopalpur port is about to become operational. Several more ports are on the drawing board.The NH-5 stretch will become an expressway making Berhampur to Bhubaneswar a 1 hr to 1hr 30 (depending on which exact location on both sides) travel.

    The proposed international Bhubaneswar airport location will be an hour away from Berhampur on the expressway.

    All these will accelerate additional investment in Berhampur and it will get into a virtuous cycle. So be positive and contribute wherever you can.

    As I said before God helps those who help themselves. People of Berhampur have helped themselves by investing in their town.
    (I remember, when there were a handful of engineering colleges in Orissa, an NRI group going to Berhampur to set up NIST. Now it is one of the best private colleges in Orissa.) Things will go well for them.

    Locals like you and Ajay babu, just make sure Berhampur takes advantage of the various central and state schemes.

  • 4. jagmohan swain  |  December 23rd, 2009 at 11:16 am

    Orissa GDP per capita is 500 dollars.A person of Orissa who recently migrated to USA earns on an average 60000 dollars or more every year.So a person living in Odisha has a GDP per capita of 500 dollars where as same Odisha person when educates himself and manages to migrate has a gdp per capita of 60000 dollars, 120 times more.

    There is a lesson in this.A society if plans well for the weakest of it’s members, it’s weakest member, a kid who is born in wretched poverty with illiterate parents in a matter of 25-30 years can actually overtake his developed country counterparts.Therein lies a hope.

    Imagine if we could broaden our plan to include entire population and a society can turn from developing to developed in roughly 30 years.That is precisely what South Korea did to it’s society.A largely agrarian society of 1960 is today one of the most industrialized one.

    There is no need for innovation, no need for Newtons or Einsteins of this world.Let God be kind on other society to come up with such geniuses.All we need to learn, is learn from history, that Mankind always learnt from each other.If we just open our mind, just educate our kids and provide them means to tap into this great reservoir of knowledge mankind has already built, via internet and person to person contact, we can transform our society.

    So If I were to suggest two things that would be:
    1: Educate and
    2: provide them a means to communicate ie A global language such as English.

    The Society will transform itself.

  • 5. Prashant K Sahoo  |  December 24th, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    This is indeed a good news and is a welcome move by the Govt. of Odisha.

  • 6. R.K. Ghosh  |  December 25th, 2009 at 11:42 am

    I think country needs many good medical universities. So it is a welcome effort to establish institutions fo this kind. Unfortunately, however, no one is really looking at situation at the ground zero. Just making a university out of an old institution does not make it any better. An old institution has its baggage. First of all the institute must get rid of its baggage. Secondly, a substantial increase in funding is necessary to implement any measures directed toward building a good university. More importantly, the new university should not be turned into parking places for retired bureaucrats and professors. Some dynamic, academically oriented, clean and relatively young person should be chosen to build such an institution.

  • 7. Purna C. Mishra  |  December 26th, 2009 at 4:03 am

    It is definitely a welcome idea for the Government to declare VSS as an autonomous unitary university. It will solve at least the most challenging issue of lack of adequate teaching staffs. People are getting their positions funded under VSS budget and they are working at SCB or MKCG. This will stop this evil practice.

    However the medical colleges are not only about treating medical care any more. With the advancement of healthcare, surgeries, bio medical engineering, and gene therapy, preventive medicine, etc medical institutes are as much as about science and engineering and management as medical practice.

    It would be a great idea if the Government merge VSS, VSS Technical university, and Agricultural College at Chiplima and create VSS University. This university with five schools: Agriculture, Science, Humanities, Engineering, and Medicine will have the core inertia to develop additional focus area that would a cross between the existing facilities. Later Management and Law could be added to make this the very best university in Orissa and possibly India.

    The biggest mistake we make in india is to get a university professor to be a chancellor or director. The Head should be a person with good vision and administrative skill. Orissa got a great professor to head Utkal university but he is a weak administrator. Mr. Gates who is the current defense secretary was the previous head of Texas A&M.

    — Purna

  • 8. odishamedical  |  January 23rd, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    Good decision for Burla Medical College, At Least the local people will get full time service from The doctors.

  • 9. DR BIREN KU NAYAK  |  August 29th, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    sambalpur university institute of information technology[SUIIT] has recently started as an autonomous institute having B.TECH,M.TECH etc. This is the IIIT of western orissa


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