SOA University is in the list of 44 deemed universities that may lose their deemed university status

January 19th, 2010

Update on Jan 25 2010: As per this news item:

The Supreme Court Monday restrained the central government from derecognising 44 deemed universities for their questionable academic performance or poor infrastructure and assured tens of thousands of their students of a fair hearing.

A bench of Justices Dalveer Bhandari and A.K. Patnaik ordered status quo for various deemed universities on several lawsuits by the varsities challenging the government’s move to derecognise them.

‘Nothing is going to happen to your institutions and your students till we dispose the matter,’ observed Justice Bhandari while also issuing notices to all 44 universities separately to have their say in the matter.

The case was adjourned to March 9.

The list is given in this TOI news item. Thanks to the people who sent the pointer.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Deemed universities,Siksha O Anusandhan, Deemed University, Bhubaneswar

72 Writeup

  • 1. prerna purohit  |  January 23rd, 2010 at 11:09 am

    sir,i m a 1st yr student of iter,soa university.i m very much concern abt our collg veiong deorganised.i wanted to know why did u gve notice at the mid of the seesion where we are helpless to take any decision.plz sir dont play with our future.our iter is a bst collg n we r gettng 100% placement and it is having a better infrastructure too.i thnk u have nt seen the entire building of iter just see again bt dont play wid our future.

  • 2. Kanika  |  January 23rd, 2010 at 1:32 pm

    Further 87 deemed universities are set to be derecognized all over the country

  • 3. Sampad,  |  January 23rd, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    The goverment should give chance for a period of 3 years to SOA UNIVERSITY to fullfil most of the requrements for deemeed status.

  • 4. Dr.santosh kumar swain  |  January 23rd, 2010 at 8:55 pm


  • 5. kulamani rout  |  January 23rd, 2010 at 10:41 pm

    hai friends,Being a student of iter,i respect my college and its education quality,its the top most college of orissa in terms of providing quality education.we want our deemed affliation back.

    I appeal to support the higher authorities to handle the situation…..
    our unity and integrity will definitely fetch us the result………….


  • 6. ABBI  |  January 23rd, 2010 at 10:55 pm


  • 7. DEENESH KUMAR PRAHARAJ  |  January 23rd, 2010 at 10:57 pm

    Iter has played a magnificent role to take the technical education level to a new height .
    If u believe me the quality of education,the placement record spells the words of success .
    It is one of the most coveted institute of the country as well.
    In this bad period of the college we the students are invariably there to extend our sincere support to our college.


  • 8. Pinak Mishra  |  January 24th, 2010 at 2:04 am

    Hey guys i m a little late to comment on this topic, But i want to focus something:-

    Do u think d colleges under BPUT fulfil all the criteria of Govt???,

    I dont think so guys, faculties are too young to teach ,rented building, Under construction building, Dont have a fully equipped lab , Any one getting a approval from BPUT, der r many more points regarding BPUT.

    Everyone knows students of KIIT and SOA university are the best placed and are in a better position and well educated,.

    The main thing studyin under a deemed university is the university is focused for der own students and they try der best to get dem placed and dats wat matters the most for a student to placed well after studies.

    I dont think the so called govt university BPUT give more emphasis on the placement of the students getting passed out of the university so its like passing out from a top college and the bottom ranked college under the same university is the same. The students will land up at the same place whether dey pass from a top or a worst college under the same university.

    The govt university is doin business for the govt by givin any institute a recognition and takin n numbers of students so i dont think the deemed university can be considered doin more business than the govt university.

    the govt should take steps on other fields which are more important issues like tax paying, corruption, poverty, etc…….
    and the list goes on.

    Govt cannot take this steps on some good institutions and smash there reputation. This kind of step can affect a student who has passed out or goin to pass out, wenever der college name comes to limelight.

  • 9. Ch Navakanta Mishra  |  January 24th, 2010 at 10:00 pm

    ITER is a much better engineering college than KIIT & even CET. Other private engineering colleges can\’t even be compared to it.My daughter is studying there and i know. SOA univ doesn\’t deserve derecognisation.–

  • 10. barada prasanna subudhi  |  January 24th, 2010 at 10:12 pm

    i think iter is best college ever in orissa.if it rejected . most students of orissa loss a good university base college.Most oriya people have faith on this college.So it shouldn’t be rejected.

  • 11. Subhasis Mishra  |  January 25th, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    heh….i am a student…doin ma btech in gandhi institute of engg and tech…why does evey1 thnk tht bput is such a bad university….coz it is strict…it is difficult to pass..huh..u kno guys bput is no 4 university in india…nd if ur recognized under bput thn u will hv a gud future….m nt sayin tht soa is bad..or it is nt of standard…but students prefer soa coz they jus don want ta have back papers…wt is d use in dis type of edu…if u don kno wts engg is!!…thts why…dams break…buildin falls today…do wt eve u want buddies…but don lame bput…coz…bput aint responsible fr all dis things happening o u…i am glad tht m readin under bput!!

  • 12. S.K.Khuntia  |  January 25th, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    From susanta S O A University
    After gating A+ grade certificate from UGC how it is possible to de-recognised , how strange is it ? I think it is a wrong decission of UGC/Deptt. of HRD. So I hope again check / Re-evaluate / Re-consider its Status with Infrastructure among all deemed universities in India. As Orissa is a backward class in Education all peoples from orissa wants a well establishment deemed university at orissa. Let us consider & make it as strong as possible. Thanks

  • 13. Subhasis Mishra  |  January 25th, 2010 at 3:35 pm

    @ pinak mishra

    dude…how many bput colleges have u visited…how do u kno they dont hv good labs…u say bput coll are bad…dude look at soa’s front gate…u dont hv a proper gate…let alone abt labs…nd infra nd stuff..dude…these ppl are much more intelligent and far sighted thn u…another fact…i admit student get placements in kiits and iter… they last in tht compant fr a complete year????…find the answer fr this question…bd u will kno everything…coz kiits and iter shows full placement doesnt mean tht u guys hv a safe future..neways…i don want to comment on dis…we kno wt bput is..nd i jus want to tell u all tht..blame the government…but don blame bput…bput din do all these…aicte did…nd u guys don kno wt bput is!!

  • 14. Abinav Mishra  |  January 25th, 2010 at 8:45 pm

    SOA must initiate immediate steps to regain its past glory. They must limit students intake in ITER to maximum 500 (not 2000), reduce fees to Rs80000 per annum, select only rank holders of its entrance test, complete courses before semester exam, run classes in two shift for first year students.

    In fact opinion expressed by Satyabrata Nag at 49th opinion calls for attention of ITER management, staff, parents and prospective students. Why there is no further comment on it???

  • 15. Kanika  |  January 26th, 2010 at 12:26 am

    gud new 4 u all

    Supreme Court has maintained the recognition of all 44 universisties

  • 16. Saswat  |  January 26th, 2010 at 2:28 am

    @Abinav Mishra. Hey dude do you even know a thing about education. Dude I study at UIUC, one of the very best universities in the USA. The government and the alumni give the university more than a billion dollars for research to my department every year. do you even know how many zeros are there in a billion dollars? and that to one department. You know what kind of research comes at RS 80,000 or $1600, zero. And talking of SOA, my cousin sis studies there. I was there this summer and in contrast with all the shitty colleges out there, it is pretty awesome. And btw if you are so interested in managing a college, start one yourself. AND TO ALL THE PEOPLE OUT THERE, HARVARD, KAPIL SIBAL’s college, takes 22 lakhs a year.

  • 17. Saswat  |  January 26th, 2010 at 2:36 am

    AND to all the people who think that phd holders is so easy, IT TAKES 5 YEARS TO GET A Phd IN THE USA. How the heck can a university of 2 years produce a phd holder. Are u guys even serious. PLUS most of the prestigious colleges in the US are atleast 100 years old. And for research what kind of aid does the government give the universities.

  • 18. alok  |  January 26th, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    Saswat..i dnt know what makes you to compare an american university with an indian one.You are almost off track.The topic here is about derecognization of deemed university.

    Chitta Sir you always edit out statements which are not appropriate and not accepted.Then how come this guy saswat is suppose to compare and hit back the whole of indian education.The problem is instead of making education better in india we have a habit to put it on others and the govt that its like this and that.

    And coming to some comments that says SOA should be given 3 yeras time to fulfill the requirements of a deemed university.Well i want to ask just one question what SOA was doing till now whn it was quite aware of getting derecognized .(Reasons were quite known to the management).Instead SOA should take classes from KIITS or any other private SUCCESSFUL DEEMED UNIV. on what and how to fulfill the requirements.No body even raised questions why its admitting students more than its capacity.Dont you guys think its completely business oriented rather than education oriented.

    Coming to BPUT its an university which is yet to start completely from Rourkela .But due to our state govt nasty politics and pressure from some pvt engg colleges of BBSR region this is yet to be done.Once BPUT is completely functional from Rourkela the whole tech education scenario will change.Campus will definetly come to BPUT and the new VC will do take the help of his influence to bring MNC’s at BPUT gate.And some people are blaming BPUT just because of back logs that they get .Back logs is completely with the student. Back logs we do get at IITS.So do you think we blame the IIT management for that.Even people blame at board exams.So do you blame the CBSE or ICSE.What i know the course and curriculum at BPUT is best at par in the country and most of the IITs follow.

  • 19. devil  |  January 26th, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    my question is whether the degrees will be broken in the form of semester wise or the whole degree will be from the new university.for eg if tilak maharastra university is derecognised after my completion of first sem then my first sem degree will be of tilak maharastra university and from 2nd sem the new one, or the whole will be of new university?????????????????????????????????????????????

  • 20. saswat  |  January 26th, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    @alok. I never compared American education with Indian education. What I am saying is give the Universities at least 5 years time, before u judge them. And btw dude read what I have written properly. … statement deleted by editor …

  • 21. Subhasis Mishra  |  January 27th, 2010 at 12:09 am

    well said alok…back log is comp wid the students….ppl need ta study to get grades…nd moreover most ppl join iter coz they want to avoid backlog…aint tht right!!

  • 22. saswat  |  January 27th, 2010 at 1:40 am

    @sujit. Man if that’s the case, there are some serious problems with the process.Talking about KIIT and SOA,all I have to say is that most of bjb friends either went to NIT(REC) or SOA. So I guess u can gauge the standard of both the universities. .. statement deleted by editor.. BUT I do think, and people will agree, that all the colleges need to work and research together.

    @Moderator-I am sorry if I sound personal, but the alok guy’s narrow minded attitude just pisses me off. U can delete off this paragraph if you can.


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