Prof. Jitendriya Kumar Satpathy from NIT Rourkela to takeover as BPUT’s 3rd VC

January 25th, 2010

Following is an excerpt from a report in

Jitendriya Kumar Satpathy will take over as third Vice Chancellor of Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) soon. 

Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, has been appointed as new VC BPUT by the Chancellor Murlidhar Chandrakant Bhandare. 

The Raj Bhawan has issued orders accordingly and Prof. Satpathy would remain VC for the next five years.

… Prof. Satpathy received his Ph. D in Electrical Engineering from the University of Bradford, United Kingdom. 

…  His specialisations include Digital Signal Processing, Application of Neural Networks & Fuzzy logic to digital communication, Electrical power drives. 

Born in Cuttack with top academic excellence, Professor Satapathy is known for his down to earth approach.

… Commenting on his new appointment Professor Satapathy said that once he completes his duties in NIT, he will take over as VC. 

Once he takes over the assignment, it will be possible to spell out his vision on BPUT, said Prof.Satapathy.

Since Prpfessor Satapathy has been living in Rourkela, there is a high chance that unlike his predecessors he will run BPUT from Rourkela.

Entry Filed under: BPUT, Rourkela,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

16 Writeup

  • 1. PRABHAT KU PUROHIT  |  January 25th, 2010 at 2:09 pm

    I would like to mention that its great thing for UCE(VSSUT) that
    its alum – Our Alumni 1976 Batch Prof. J.K. Satapathy ( Our distinguished Alumnus) has been appointed as honorable Vice-chancellor of Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela
    UCE again wrote history …………………..

  • 2. alok  |  January 25th, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    I hope BPUT now functions completely from Rourkela.The mirage that is functioning should be discontinued and all official works that is related to BPUt should be from Rourkela.Research and Development will remain a major concern.

  • 3. situn  |  January 26th, 2010 at 10:37 am

    thank you sir for the information
    if everything goes on d rit track then bput will start its functioning within few days from rourkela ugie building

  • 4. jaga  |  January 27th, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    with in ?? month\day he will be our vc

  • 5. Mihir Shah  |  February 23rd, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    Dear Sir,

    Please provide me contact details for prof.kabi satpatti(Director of EC) and prof.J.K.Satapatti.(VC).



  • 6. situn  |  February 25th, 2010 at 10:17 pm

    it seems that(from todays samaj news paper)
    our new vc will run bput from bbsr gandamunda by showing the same reson that”CONSTRUCTION IS GOING ON”
    we ve to do something

  • 7. samir tripathy  |  March 2nd, 2010 at 1:14 pm


    WELCOME To BPUT.I think now the bput going to a great position in ranking and every thing going to be allright.

    Thank you

  • 8. amit  |  March 30th, 2010 at 1:51 am

    dear sir, i am a student of parala maharaja engg. college berhampur.i requested you to kindly visit my college at once.there are many difficulties.

  • 9. Chitta Baral  |  March 30th, 2010 at 2:46 am

    Dear Amit:

    You may write me personally about the difficulties at Parala Maharaja college and I will bring it to the attention of the higher ups.


  • 10. kanchan mala  |  April 19th, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    help me to get education loan, for studying in indus valley enng. coll in bhubanesar. i am not getting loan due university want this college on bptu site. help me sir otherwise i have to left this college due not paying my college fee.

  • 11. ABHISHEK RAY  |  April 30th, 2010 at 10:45 am

    Hello sir,
    I am a Btech student of GIET under BPUT of batch 2005-2009. I have appeared the exam of ‘MICROPOCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER’ and ‘DISCRETE MATHEMATICS’ in 5th semester in our regular batch exam held on 2009 and got ‘F’ grade in those. Now as I couldn’t appeared for the back paper of those subjects in the odd semester held this year I have got ‘S’ grade in it. May I know what the exact rule is. Shall I not get a chance to appear for that subject in the special exam of 2010? please allow me to appear for the subjects in this year special exam.
    Please respond as soon as possible. thanking you
    abhishek ray
    reg no-0501210440

  • 12. ABHISHEK RAY  |  April 30th, 2010 at 10:47 am

    Please send me the contact details of the vice chancellor of BPUT………

  • 13. jaga  |  May 30th, 2010 at 10:29 pm

    khush khabar..bput will start its full oeration from rourkela.with in 4 monthsss..its an order by the chiefminister and another update news is that ki 45% elligibility criteria will be introduced from next engg admission session onwords

  • 14. sudipta  |  June 5th, 2010 at 7:32 pm


    i had applied for student’s welfare fund a year ago regarding my father’s death.
    i still haven’t got any response from either college or university.
    college has notified to pay next session tution fees by the end of june.
    i’m facing a lot of financial problems due to the absence of an earning head.
    hoping for some positive action

  • 15. PARSURAM BALIARSINGH  |  December 19th, 2010 at 2:05 am

    I am parsuram Baliarsingh pursuing BTech in EASTERN ACADEMIC OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(EAST),BBSR,of branch AE&IE in 7th sem.Thanks for new VC of bput .u r a rising sun in the morning,u can do what the other couldn’t do.Now bput is going to position in very good rank.Everythings can possible by rising star.

    parsuram baliarsingh

  • 16. saurabh  |  July 13th, 2012 at 11:00 pm

    I want to ask about the dates of bput 4th semester exams.Are they going to be postponed or will be same,because the results are not out yet.Please reply to me sir,so that I can accordingly get prepared from my side.Mine is Computer Science branch and I am from Silicon Instiute,bhubnaeswar.


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