Ama Akha Pakha and Innovate Clubs Orissa; a part of intersting organizations focussed on innovation in the Indian context

February 14th, 2010

Following is from the page

Innovation Clubs


To facilitate and diffuse the philosophy of Honey Bee, 21 numbers of Inno-clubs (Innovate Orissa Clubs) are working in the state. Each inno-club is a satellite of Ama AkhaPakha and ultimately a micro satellite of Honey Bee. Most of the members of these clubs are sons and daughters of farmers and some are unemployed youth. Besides, 3 women inno-clubs and 106 students inno -clubs are established. 

Making of an e-group:

One e-group has been formed called to diffuse the philosophy of Honey bee to its readers. 

Making Poetry for students:

Poetry does the trick for students. Small episodes of innovations/TK written in poetic form with illustrations have been prepared and hung in school notice boards/literature board. This has created tremendous effect on school children and has become one of the best way to diffuse philosophy of Honey bee to TINY TOTS. 

Research Programmes:

Ama Akhapakha in collaboration with the Patho lab of Kalinga hospital, Bhubaneswar undertakes research programme on herbal drugs. One research programme for validation of a herbal drug against mastitis of cows prepared by SEVA, Madurai during year 2003-04 with microbial sensitivity tests and antibiogram study. 

NIF Award:

Sri lingaraj Pradhan of Jakeikala village of Bonaigarh subdivision in Sundargarh district of Orissa is awrded a consolation prize under agricultural practice category in 3rd national competition. 

AMA AKHAPAKHA- The Oriya version of Honey Bee

Publisher: Malabika Sahu, On behalf of Innovate Orissa Initiative , Bhubaneswar 

Editor: Dr Balaram Sahu 

Address: Keshari Enclave,Block-B,FlatNo-401
                Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-751012,Orissa 

Email: , ,

Tel: 0674-2562516 (Ressi.) , 09437290258 (M)

Publication ofAma AkhaPakh:

The first issue of Ama AkhaPakha was published on 26th April of 2002.Now it has come out with 15 issues in the last 4 years(from2002 to2005) .The next issue of 2006 is in print.Each issue contains 30-40 pages. 

Diffusion of Honey Bee philosophy:

Ama AkhaPakha, the quarterly Oriya version of Honey Bee, has been working for scouting ,documenting and diffusing the grass root innovations and traditional knowledge of Orissa. Besides it also regularly features Innovations and ITK of other states which are already published in Honey Bee magazine. 

Subscribers of Ama AkhaPakha:

There are a total no of 800 copies printed in each issue. Out of these, 439 are paid subscribers, spread in all over Orissa. They are supplied with the magazine by post. Most of the subscribers are from rural Orissa.The noted subscribers are:

  1. District administration of Kondhmal for its 106 schools as essential study materials.
  2. Self Help Groups: 26.
  3. Nirantar Sikshya Kendra: 113.
  4. Jana Sikhya Kendra:  4.
  5. NGO: 10.

Number of Readers of Ama AkhaPakha:

There are approximately 10,000 readers of Ama AkhaPakha .Most of these readers are school students, farmers, women in SHG and Nirantar Sikshya Kendras. 

Scouting and Documentation of grass root Innovations and ITK: 

Up to the year2005

  1. Total No Of Entries sent to NIF- 1325
  2. Students innovations-25
  3. Other 600 nos are in process of documentation and are ready be sent by end of Dec/2005.


Editor of Orissalinks: I am planning to get in touch with the above people and find out more about their current activities.


I chanced upon the above through the following pages:

Entry Filed under: Innovation


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