Jharkhand proactive with its public sectors for medical colleges; Odisha should learn from it

March 17th, 2010

(Thanks to http://www.rourkelacity.com/rdf/showthread.php?p=41#post41 for the pointer.) Following is an excerpt from a report in Ranchi Express.

State Health Minister Baithnath Ram on Monday informed the Assembly that approval letters have been sent to HEC, Ranchi and SAIL, Bokaro to start medical colleges at Ranchi and Bokaro respectively. About 250 students will be admitted in each medical college, Minister said.

Note that HEC Ranchi is a Government of India enterprise. 

We have said this earlier but is worth repeating. Odisha must push the central public sectors that have large operations in Odisha, especially the ones that either use Odisha minerals, pollute Odisha or both to establish medical colleges in Odisha. So far they have pursued this strategy with MCL which has promised a medical college in Talcher. 

Odisha government should immediately pursue with the other such public sectors.

  • SAIL Rourkela should be pushed for a medical college in Rourkela.
  • NALCO should be pushed for a medical college in one of the places it operates in Odisha.
  • NTPC should be pushed for a medical college.

They should also do that with respect to some of the private sectors that have been using Odisha minerals. This includes:

  • Tatas in the Kalinganagar area.
  • Birlas in the Barbil area.

Some of our earlier articles on this topic:

Entry Filed under: Anugul-Talcher-Dhenkanal area (7),From mineral resources to human resources,Koraput-Jeypore-Sunabeda area (5),Learning from others,Medical, nursing and pharmacy colleges,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

14 Writeup

  • 1. stingidea  |  March 17th, 2010 at 10:21 pm

    You have raised a very interesting point. I think those industries, whether public or private, that take advantage of Odisha’s mineral wealth should look at giving back something to the state. This could be either in the form of a medical/hospital or an educational institution. I just hope that the powers that are in the state look into it, otherwise in twenty years time the state will have nothing to show for except empty and barren patches of land!
    I think the Tatas are already bulding a hospital in the Kalinganagar area. Moreover, I think the group has got a tradition of giving back to society, perhaps they only need to be pushed a little harder.

  • 2. Prashant K Sahoo  |  March 19th, 2010 at 12:11 am

    At the same time the manipulation and exploitations done by Hi-Tech Medical College authority must be demanded for CBI or Crime Branch Investigation.


  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  March 19th, 2010 at 6:32 am

    It is true that the group is making engineering colleges in West Bengal and in the home constituency of the finance minister. How does one conclude from that they are behind ESIC medical college location. Is there any hard proof? If there is any hard proof please give it! Thanks.

  • 4. Prashant K Sahoo  |  March 19th, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    Neither I have prepared that report nor I am investigating personally for the allegation. I have merely opined from the News Paper Report only. If the report is true I stand by my opinion.

    Same is with Vedanta recently. And the proof is with Central Committee who given the report day before about how Vedanta has manipulated and exploited the system at Lanjigarh to take things in his favor in a wrong way.

  • 5. stingidea  |  March 20th, 2010 at 12:08 am

    I am not sure I follow the conversation since I could not read the print from the link provided by Mr. Prashant K Sahoo. However, from what I understand it appears that Hi-Tech Medical College and its promoters (Tirupati Panigrahi) are behind shifting the ESIC medical college to BBSR. If my understanding is correct could the following links help in your convesation? (btw, Tirupati Panigrahi is the one with the blue shirt and tie. This is verified by the following link – http://www.hi-techmedical.org/ch.html)
    Mr. Sahoo: I think you have to understand and make peace with the fact that the Hi-Tech group has got it’s roots in real estate. As is natural for all real estate groups, its founders/promoters are often hand in glove with politicians and goons. They know how to work and manipulate the system in India and Orissa (in some ways the wild wild east). A CBI investigation will not do much. Some recent high profile cases should tell you that (think Satyam, Madhu Koda, our very own mining scam estimated at 3 lakh crore. I wish I could count the zeros!)

  • 6. Umesh  |  March 20th, 2010 at 8:36 am


    IIT Bhubaneswar to create a Marine campus.

  • 7. Chitta Baral  |  March 20th, 2010 at 9:20 am

    On Hi-Tech: Whats is so wrong for an Odia edu-entrepeneur to venture outside Odisha. It is easy to tarnish the reputation of organizations by making speculations and wild allegations. I would say it is irresponsible to do that based on a speculative news report. I spotted the speculation first time in orkut some time back. Since then it has appeared in many places.

    In this blog I would like to stay away from speculation without proof. Other venues can do the speculation and pull down successful and entrepreneurial Odias. Here our goal is to promote them, unless there is real proof of wrongdoing. The more rich, successful, entrepreneurial, industrialist Odias, the better for Odisha and the less we have to beg out-of-state people to come and help us. Finally some Odias are making name as edu-entrepreuners and of course the reaction is to tarnish them.

    20 years back many people were criticizing the edu-entrepreuners of Bangalore and Pune and the private engineering colleges there. But those colleges are the ones that were partly responsible for making both Bangalore and Pune the knowledge and IT hubs they are now. Now some are criticizing the bunch of colleges in Bhubaneswar.


    On Vedanta Alumnium, my position on the industry aspect of Vedanta is that let the law of the land take its course and it is taking its course. If you notice the Vedanta Aluminum company does not mention the university among its CSR activities. I treat the university and company separately.

  • 8. Prashant K Sahoo  |  March 21st, 2010 at 10:20 am

    After going through the news one is free to put their individual opinion with proof or without proof , even speculation from a news item .

    Mr. stingidea,

    I completely agree with you regarding the back ground of Real Estate Group and how they work.

  • 9. mihir  |  March 21st, 2010 at 10:28 am

    Mr. Chitta sir
    we are not against the Pvt. Institute in Bhubaneswar or any other location in Odisha.we are comment only the quality of this engg. college and the policy of admission criteria. If this process will continue we will get only qty of eng.. students but not hope a quality of engg. standard from them. Time is changed and we are going for new generation ,here we are facing big global competitive .No body seen where the student is completed his education ! it is bangolore or pune ? quality….quality

  • 10. Chitta Baral  |  March 21st, 2010 at 11:14 am

    Prashant babu:

    I did not want to say it but I know the identity of who posted it first in orkut, weeks before the news item that you refer to.

    I do not want orissalinks to be a medium to spread unfounded rumors.

    Please respect that.

    Thank you.

  • 11. Prashant K Sahoo  |  March 21st, 2010 at 1:02 pm

    Chitta bAbu,

    I am surprised at your reaction on merely a pointer to the news. And I don’t think that news is releated to you personally in any way ? Are pointers banned in comments here ? I think you are becoming personal here.

    You are talking like as if I am the reporter or editor of that news paper. If you think putting some links in comments are disrespecting orissalinks then do me a favor of putting some guidelines about it. Or ask me directly not to participate here because it is your private forum and I won’t mind for that at all. Or just close the comment section of every post.

  • 12. Chitta Baral  |  March 21st, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    Dear Prasant babu:

    I respect your opinion and comments and your efforts on ESIC. I think you are too emotionally involved on ESIC to not realize that by spreading unfounded rumors on one of a very few successful Odia edu-entrepreneurs we are becoming like the proverbial Odia kankadas, trying to pull down someone who is trying to move up and become successful. We are like: How dare he move out of Odisha and become known in other states?

    My point is we should not vilify Odia companies or up and coming Odia people through rumors. There are too few of them. (For that matter we should not do that to any one. They can sue us.)

    If they are really bad and we have proof, sure. But not just based on unfounded rumors.

    A closed newsgroup is a different thing. No one outside of the group members see it. Orissalinks is open and searchable, and I think including the comments part.

    Hope you understand.

    (ps: Thanks for the suggestion on making a guideline. I will make one. That would definitely be helpful. I did have something in
    http://www.orissalinks.com/orissagrowth/about but not in http://www.orissalinks.com/about .
    There I said:

    Now-a-days there are several news paper sites and portals related to Orissa. Most of them are of daily news variety; and all the news papers try to cover all issues, a large percentage of which are negative or sensational news. Our goal in this website/blog is two fold:

    * focus on the positive, especially on the growth aspects of Orissa; and
    * to be a historical database so that one can chart the history of a particular dimension.

    But that is not really a guideline. I will make one like the one you have in rourkelacity.

  • 13. Prashant K Sahoo  |  March 21st, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    Chitta bAbu,

    Thanks for noting my point. Instead of becoming reactive to a poster ( about posting a news pointer ) If one thinks it is not true and is a rumour he/she can ingore this very easily. I am not emotionally involved not to realize many things. I came accross with news and I just posted it. In my opinion there is no harm in posting news related to something and one should leave it to the reader to have their own opinon or even more information.

    Lets not dilute the subject with words like “Odia Entreprenure” . Rather this is more emotional and danger if not used in proper context. An Odia if doing something pro-people without manipulation, he/she should not worry about any Kankadas. He will eventually receive recognition for bringing glories. To me maninpulation doesn’t have any cast , creed or race. So I don’t see whether somebody is Odia or Non-Odia when I find some news or evidence or even a rumour. However, I don’t just come to any conclusion without any evidence.

    I have not missed a single news pointer on the ESIC and I never thought of filtering out based on Odia or Non-Odia.

    Making a guideline here what to post and what not to post would definitely help. Regarding suing , how does that arise here when the content owner and original matter belongs to somebody else. Let the news paper who published take the responsibility. Why we are worrying about here ? Nobody can touch you until and unless you are the owner of that content.

    On a different note, you know very well I really don’t need orissalinks to spread or promote something opposed to what you have said earlier.

  • 14. Dwivedy  |  March 22nd, 2010 at 10:37 am

    Dear All,
    Please let this forum be a conglomeration of ideas which inspire and disseminate knowledge to the youth of Orissa.


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