What are the exact districtwise IP numbers in Odisha? MP Pyari Mohapatra asks question on ESIC medical college in the Rajya Sabha.

April 1st, 2010

MP Pyari Mohapatra’s question is in page 21 Q 1456 of See below for the question and the answer.

The above Q&A is referred to in the Pioneer report http://dailypioneer.com/246034/ESIC-issue-Labour-Minister-fumbles-at-Rourkela-meet.html. From the answer it is not clear what the IP situation really is. While the Bhubaneswar area may have very substantial number of IPs, there could still be more in the Rourkela area and the ESIC medical college should then be established in Rourkela. So saying "very substantial" is not meaningful.  I could not find the annexure mentioned in the Rajya Sabha answer.

If someone has the real data, please publish it so that any manipulation will become clear.

(Note: The discussion in this thread will be restricted to exact IP numbers in Odisha and nothing else.)

Entry Filed under: ESI Medical College,ESI Medical Colleges

10 Writeup

  • 1. prabhudutta sathpathy  |  April 1st, 2010 at 11:38 am

    biswas sutra anusare bbsr area re 42000 aau total sundergarh re 58000 achantyi…..kichi karantu sir……nahele sabu mehnat pani pheri jiba….plz kichi karantu

  • 2. alok  |  April 4th, 2010 at 1:31 am

    Mr sathpathy can you please justify coz all are now working for a common cause.I would appreciate if you dont manipluate .The hospital is been demanded for the needy and its been already proved Sundergarh area has more number of ips than Khurda area and not BBSR area..BBSR has already good medical facilities like Apolo and very soon AIIMS.If you still need ESIC then why not shift AIIMS to RKL and i dont find any reason shifting AIIMS against shifing to RKL

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  April 4th, 2010 at 1:45 am

    I don’t understand Mr. Sathpathy’s point. Is he advocating for Rourkela or Bhubaneswar?

    If Sundergarh district has more IPs than the Bhubaneswar area (which in my mind includes Cuttack and Khurda) then obviously the ESI medical college should be in Rourkela, the major population center of Sundergarh district.

  • 4. Purna Mishra  |  April 4th, 2010 at 7:05 am

    Chitta Babu,

    You added to this confusion as you added this comment:

    > (Note: The discussion in this thread will be restricted to exact IP numbers in Odisha and nothing else.)

    This definitely stopped me from commenting as I do not have the exact IP numbers and I do believe many people stopped sending their comment as they do not have exact numbers either. Pleae do not put these binders.

    Now let me add my comments:

    1. I thought Mr. Mohapatra asked good questions and the minister ducked the questions and the anwer #3 really is important. The minister said the state has not sent any proposal to relocate the medical college from Bhubaneswar.

    2. I did not see the table the minister was quoting as it was not attached. So I can’t comment on the number on subscribers. However when I added the numbers that I had seen in the past there was no question on any other place other than Rourkela.

    3. The focus is why the Orissa Government is not sending a strong signal to the Center that the state wants the medical college to come up only in Rourkela and no where else PERIOD. Liitle state like Himachal Pradesh took this stand. Himachal said ESI medical college only in Mandi and no where else and thus forced the Center to go for Mandi. It is surprising if Himachal could get it at Mandi why can’t Orissa gets it at Rourkela?

    4. I personally believe the state is playing politics here. While they are showing they are above board, they are doing absolutely nothing to make it happen at Rourkela.

    5. Let us be very specific the state executes the ESI project. So Orissa could get it at any place Orissa wants. To be fair to the providers it must be in Rourkela and no where else.

    — Purna

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  April 4th, 2010 at 10:53 am

    My worry is that past the initial mails, a major argument in favor of Rourkela that has been made in the media and in the campaign has been the IP numbers and often the the number “70%” is being thrown around. If that is untrue, or more importantly if the IP number is not a clear cut case (in favor of Rourkela) then it harms the campaign for Rourkela. Hence, it is important to find out the exact IP numbers.

    If it favors Rourkela clearly then those numbers should be publicized widely in detail with appropriate references. If it does not favor Rourkela then other arguments need to be made, as arguments based on false premises will not be properly listened to.

    I hope I am wrong, but I think at this point both the state and the center are using each other as excuse in not proceeding to make a change.

  • 6. Chitta Baral  |  April 4th, 2010 at 10:55 am

    Dear Purna babu:

    At you request the binders regarding comments are removed.


  • 7. prabhudutta sathpathy  |  April 4th, 2010 at 12:28 pm

    in my point of view_____the data they are giving is totally wrong
    i am sure bbsr+ctc+khurda+puri area cant ve more than 10000 ips

    just to losse our confidence they are showing us some wrong figures….

  • 8. Preeti  |  April 5th, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    There is no mines area in Bbsr,cuttack,khorda,puri.No single steel plant or any such types of mega plant in these areas. How the concern minister is collect datas(calculate IP numbers are more then Rourkela.) we are collecting datas from delhi office(esic office) and hope very soon we exact the output.

  • 9. Chitta Baral  |  April 5th, 2010 at 8:02 pm

    I noticed that Prashant babu mentioned in rourkelacity.com that he has some IP data. http://www.rourkelacity.com/rdf/showpost.php?p=356&postcount=75

    I hope he will consider publishing it and clear the confusion; Especially, if it makes the case for Rourkela strong. Alternatively, I hope someone in India can file an RTI to get the IP data.

  • 10. R. Rameshwar  |  April 7th, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    Dear All JRF/SRF/RS/Research Scholars,

    I am happy to inform you that recently DST has decided to enhance Research Fellowship (w.e.f April 1, 2010)and it is applicable to all JRF/SRF/RS/Research Scholars working/employed in R&D activities of the Central Government Departments/Agencies/Institutions,etc.

    For details, please go through the link attached below.


    Lets hope for the best that others like CSIR, MHRD, AICTE, UGC, ICMR, DBT,etc will also increase their fellowship soon as the amount indicated by DST, once it is approved by their authorities at the latest.

    Kindly forward/share this news to all concerned and hope you would also update me for the same.

    Looking your reply soon.

    Thanks and Regards.


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