IIT Bhubaneswar faculty list

April 26th, 2010

Update on August 26 2010:

  • N. Barik, School of Basic Sciences (Physics)
  • Y. V. Rao, School of Basic Sciences (Mathematics)
  • Animesh Mandal, School of Mechanical Sciences
  • Anamitra Basu, School of Humanities and Social Sciences (In IIT Bhubaneswar 2010-11 brochure)
    • Bio: Ph: +91 9674498481 Email: anamitrabasu2@gmail.com
      Dr. Anamitra Basu is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management of the institute. She joined the institute as a faculty member in 2010, after serving tenure as an assistant professor for almost four years at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. Earlier she has also served the academia for two years as lecturer in a reputed institute. Her experience in hospital industry for more than four years inspired her to undertake field of Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology as the field of research. She was a Gold Medallist in Bachelors degree from the University of Calcutta. She obtained her Masters degree from the University of Calcutta in the year 1996. She obtained her doctorate from IIT Kharagpur and her post doctorate study from University Balise Pascal, France. She has two peer reviewed international journals in the field of Cognitive Psychology and three other
      international journals are awaiting. Her present research includes Emotion and facial expressions using electromyography (EMG) and producing a new database along with her earlier research fields. She has always been an active member in conferences, workshops. She is a life member of National Academy of Sciences (NAOP), Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) and Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI).
  • Sisir Kumar Nayak, School of Electrical Sciences (In IIT Bhubaneswar 2010-11 brochure)
    • Ph.D IISc Bangalore 2009. Postdoc at Royal Inst of Technology-KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.

With this the total faculty count is at 46: Basic Sciences (17), Electrical Sciences (6), Infrastructure (8), Mechanical Sciences (9), Humanities and Social Sciences (6)

Update on August 20 2010:

Update on June 11 2010: Since the list below was made, some new faculty have joined. They are:

Merging the lists at http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/ver3/facultymember.html and http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/ver3/pdf/pic.pdf we get the following list of 37 faculty at IIT Bhubaneswar. (Our earlier list was at https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/3364.) The schoolwise break up is as follows:

Abhijit Datta Banik, Math
1 2306 224 banikad@gmail.com, adattabanik@iitbbs.ac.in
Akhilesh Barve, Mechanical Sciences
2 2306 277 akhilesh@iitbbs.ac.in, akhileshbarve@yahoo.com
Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Chemistry 3 2306 236 akhileshiitk@gmail.com
Akshay Kumar Ojha, Math
4 2306 223 Akojha57@yahoo.com,
Amrita Satpathy, HSSM
5 2306-239 amritasatapathy@hotmail.com
Arun Kumar Pradhan, Mechanical Sciences
6 2306 276 akpradhan@iitbbs.ac.in, akp_iitbbs@yahoo.com
Ashis Biswas, Biophysical Chemistry
7 2306 238 abiswas@iitbbs.ac.in, biswasashis123@yahoo.com
Asmita Shukla, HSSM
8 2306 242 asmita@iitbbs.ac.in, asmitas@gmail.com
Chandrashekhar N. Bhende, Electrical Sciences
9 2306 248 cnb@iitbbs.ac.in, cnbhende@gmail.com
Debalina Ghosh, Electrical Sciences
10 2306 246 deghosh@iitbbs.ac.in, debalina.iitbbs@gmail.com
Ganapati Panda, Electrical Sciences
11 2306 247 gpanda@iitbbs.ac.in, ganapati.panda@gmail.com
Madhusudan Chakraborty, Mechanical Sciences
12 2306 200 director@iitbbs.ac.in, , madhu@metal.iitkgp.ernet.in
Mihir Kumar Das, Mechanical Sciences
13 2306 275 mihir_das@rediffmail.com
Mihir Kumar Pandit, Mechanical Sciences
14 2306 274 mihir@iitbbs.ac.in, mihirpandit@rediffmail.com
Naresh Chandra Sahu, HSSM
15 2306 243 naresh@iitbbs.ac.in, ncs7676@gmail.com
Niharika Mohapatra, Physics
16 2306-231 niharika@iitbbs.ac.in, niharika.mohapatra@gmail.com
Partha Pratim Dey, Infrastructure      [old page] 17   deyparthapratim@rediffmail.com
Pasla Dinakar, Infrastructure
18 2306 297 pdinakar@iitbbs.ac.in, pdinakar@rediffmail.com
Prasant Kumar Sahu, Electrical Sciences
19 2306 245 pksahu@iitbbs.ac.in, prof.prasant@gmail.com
Prasenjit Rath, Mechanical Sciences
20 2306 273 prasenjit.rath@gmail.com,
Punyashree Panda, HSSM
21 2306-319 punyashreepanda@gmail.com
Puspendu Bhunia, Infrastructure
22 2306 298 pbhunia@iitbbs.ac.in, puspendubhunia@gmail.com
Rajan Jha, Physics
23 2306 230 rjhaPhy@iitbbs.ac.in, rajaniitd@gmail.com
Rajesh Roshan Dash, Infrastructure
24 2306 301 rrdash@iitbbs.ac.in, rajeshroshan77@yahoo.com
Sabyasachi Pani, Math
25 2306 221 spani@iitbbs.ac.in,
Sanjib C De Sarkar; Electrical Sciences (Computer Science) [old page] 26 2306 249  scdesarkar@yahoo.co.in
Satchidananda Rath, Physics 27 2306 230 snrath08@gmail.com
Satyanarayan Panigrahi, Mechanical Sciences
28 2306 271 psatyan@iitbbs.ac.in,
Sekhar Chandra Dutta, Infrastructure
29 2306 296 scdind2000@gmail.com, scdind2000@yahoo.com
Shantanu Pal, Chemistry
30 2306 237 spaliitb@gmail.com,
Shyamal Chatterjee, Physics
31 2306 244 c.shyamal@gmail.com, shyamal@iitbbs.ac.in
Snehasis Chowdhuri, Chemistry
32 2306 234 snehasis@iitbbs.ac.in,
Srikanta Patra, Chemistry
33 2306 233 srikanta@iitbbs.ac.in, patra17@gmail.com
Sujit Roy, Chemistry
34 2306 232 sroy@chem.iitkgp.ernet.in, royiitkgp@gmail.com
Sumanta Haldar, Infrastructure
35 2306 299 sumanta@iitbbs.ac.in, sumanta.haldar@gmail.com
Swarup Kumar Mahapatra, Mechanical Sciences
36 2306 272 swarup@iitbbs.ac.in, swarupkumarmahapatra@gmail.com
V. R. Pedireddi, Chemistry
37 2306 235 vr.pedireddi@iitbbs.ac.in, vr.pedireddi@gmail.com

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IIT Bhubaneswar,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs

1 Writeup

  • 1. sapra  |  April 27th, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    Editor: Wild allegations and conspiracy theory deleted.


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