From the UGC pages – financial support links

July 28th, 2007

With an eye to help Orissa universities take advantage of the opportunities provided by UGC we will dig through UGC pages and find out highlight programs, opportunities and initiatives.

We start with the page "" It has the following links:

Procedure for Utilization of Building Grants Simplified


For University only

  1. General Development Assistance to Central, Deemed & State Universities:

    Purpose Plan-based for Staff, Equipment, Books & Journals, Buildings and Jublee Grant as per ceilings, Program Development Grants.

    Ammout Ceilings As per plan outlay.

    Guideline details.

    Revised documents required for approval of the building for State Universities


  2. Day Care Centers in Universities

    Purpose: Proposal-based one time lump sum grant for acquiring essential facilities

    Amount Ceilings: Rs.3 lakh per Centre

    Guideline details.


  3. Incentives for Resources Mobilisation

    Purpose: For creation of corpus or for creating assets under 11 specific heads

    Amount Ceilings: Up to Rs. 25 lakh pa (may be exceeded)

    Guideline details.


  4. "UNASSIGNED GRANT" for Visiting Professors/ Fellow in Universities

    Purpose Plan-based for Staff, Equipment, Books & Journals, Buildings and Jublee Grant as per ceilings, Program Development Grants.

    Ammout Ceilings As per plan outlay.

    Guideline details.


  5. Infrastructure For Women Students, Teachers And Non -Teaching Staff In Universities

    Purpose: For common rooms, toilets, Gym and medical infrastructure etc.

    Amount Ceilings: Rs.10 lakh one time grant

    Guideline details.


  6. Special Development Grant For Universities In Backwards Areas

    Eligibility: Universities under Section 2(f) and 12 B physically located in identified 297 backward Districts

    Purpose: For improving and strengthening infrastructure

    Amount Ceilings: One time Additional Grant up to Rs.70 lakh

    Guideline details.


  7. Special Development Grant For Young Universities

    Purpose: For improving and strengthening infrastructure

    Amount Ceilings: One time Additional Grant up to Rs.100 lakh

    Guideline details.


  8. Universities With Potential For Excellence

    Eligibility: 5 selected universities in 10 Plan

    Purpose: For improving academic infrastructure and research facilities

    Amount Ceilings: Up to Rs.30 crore assistance during the Plan

    Guideline details.


  9. Assistance For Strengthening Of Infrastructure For Humanities & Social Sciences Under ASIHSS Programme

    Eligibility: Departments of Humanities & Social Sciences that have been in SAP for 5 years

    Purpose: For Strengthening Of Infrastructure – Common, major and maintenance of facilities and special purpose grant

    Amount Ceilings: Ceiling Rs. 60 lakh

    Guideline details.


  10. Area Study Centres in Universities

    Purpose: For setting up Area Study Centres to promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation

    Amount Ceilings: Around Rs. 25 lakh

    Guideline details.


  11. E-Content Development

    Purpose: For e-content creation

    Amount Ceilings: Up to Rs. 3 – 5 lakh per full course

    Guideline details.


  12. The Scheme For Promotion Of Yoga Education And Practice And Positive Health In Universities

    Purpose: For Yoga / Positive Heath Centres

    Amount Ceilings: Rs. 1.8 lakh pa for 5 years + Rs.1 lakh + .25 lakh for seminar

    Guideline details.


  13. The Introduction of new UG/PG/ Diploma Courses (in Engg & Tech.) for women in Universities

    Guideline details.

  14. Organization of Adventure Sports / Acitivities by Universities / Colleges

    Guideline details.

  15. Guidelines For Establishing New Departments Within The Campus, Setting Up Of Off-Campus Center(S) / Institution(S)/ Off-Shore Campus And Starting Distance Education Programmes By The Deemed Universities

    Guideline details.

  16. Scheme of Coaching for SC/ST and Minority Community Candidates to Prepare for for National Education Testing (NET)

    Guideline details

  17. Establishment of Special Cells for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Universities and Institutions Deemed to be Universities

    Guideline details

  18. EPOCH making Social Thinkers of India : Buddha, Gandhi, Nehru & Ambedkar

    Guideline details

  19. Adult, Continuing Education, Extension and Field Outreach

    Guideline details

  20. Development Assistance to Strengthen Existing and New Management Departments in the University

    Upto 55 lakhs

    Guideline details 

  21. Establishing/Upgradation of Computer Centres in Universities During the Xth Plan (2002-2007)

    Upto 50 lakhs

    Guideline details

  22. Considering proposal for declaring an Institution as Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act.


  23. Guideline for setting up of simple Sanskrit speaking centers in the universities under the purview of UGC

  24. UGC Scheme On Population Education

  25. Guideline for Establishment of Centres in Universities for study of social exclusion and inclusive policy.

    Upto 42.5 lakhs

    Guideline details


For College only

  1. UGC-Network Resource Center (UGC-NRC) in the Colleges

  2. Development Assistance to Colleges

  3. Scheme of Autonomous Colleges

  4. Development Assistance To Colleges For Construction Of Buildings

  5. Research Workshops/Symposia And Conferences In Colleges

  6. Colleges With Potential For Excellence

  7. Special Development Grants for Colleges in Educationally Backward Areas

  8. Special Development Grants for Young Colleges

For both University/College

  1. Revised Guideline for Construction of Women’s Hostel.

  2. Introduction Of Career Oriented Programmes At First Degree Level In Universities And Colleges.

  3. Scheme for "Instrumentation Maintenance Facility (IMF)" In Universities and Colleges

  4. Guidelines for Human Rights and Values in Education

  5. Schemes for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Students and Students Belonging to Minority Communities.

  6. Guidelines for Development of Women’s Studies in Indian Universities and Colleges


For Departments of University/College

  1. Guidelines For Academic Staff Colleges

  2. Development Assistance To Strengthen Existing & New Management Deparments In The University During The Tenth Plan Period (2002-2007)

  3. Special Assistance Programme (SAP)

  4. Guidelines For Innovative Programmes

  5. Assistance for Strengthening of Infrastructure for Science and Technology Under ASIST Programme

  6. Approach for initiation of double/multiple degree programme at undergraduate level (in Engineering disciplines ) in universities/technical institutions


For Individual

  1. Financial Assistance to Visually Handicapped Teachers

  2. Junior Research Fellowship In Engineering & Technology

  3. Junior Research Fellowship In Sciences, Humanities And Social Sciences

  4. Juniour Research Fellowship(JRF) And Research Associateship (RA) For Foreign Nationals

  5. Part-Time Research Associateship For Women

  6. Facilities for Differently-abled Persons

  7. Guidelines For Emeritus Fellowship

  8. Guidelines for Visiting Associateship
  9. Guidelines For Research Awards (See: Guidelines Amended)

  10. Faculty Improvement Programme

  11. Research Funding Council for Major and Minor Research Projects

  12. The Travel Grant Scheme for College Teachers/Vice Chancellors Commission Members

  13. Guidelines For Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme For Single Girl Child

  14. Guidelines For Post Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme For University Rank Holders In General & Honours Courses At Undergraduate Level

  15. Post Doctoral Fellowship for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Candidates

  16. Post Graduate Scholarship For Professional Courses For SC/ST Candidates

  17. Norms and procedures for operation of Rajiv Gandhi Chairs

  18. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Candidates

  19. Research Fellowship in Sciences for Meritorious Students.

  20. Revised Guidelines For Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme For Single Girl Child for academic session 2006-07

  21. Revised Guidelines For Post Graduate Scholarship Scheme for University Rank Holders at Undergraduate Level for academic session 2006-07

Entry Filed under: UGC

1 Writeup

  • 1. B.G Njiangong  |  June 17th, 2009 at 3:05 pm

    I want to know whether i can avail some financial assistance for civil service preparation as i belong to st category . iam originally from manipur.


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