Appeal on behalf of Ravenshaw University

July 29th, 2007

Dear all:

Many of you may know that Ravenshaw became a university on November 15 2006. It received UGC approval on February 6 2007. ( ) Now it is reported that it has become eligible to apply for UGC funding. ( )

The last one, by virtue of the little time it took, is an *unbelievable* achievement for Ravenshaw and opens the way for it to take big steps towards its future. For this all Ravenshaw administrators deserve mega kudos. The difficulty of getting the "funded by UGC" status can be judged by the fact that several other universities established by the Orissa givernment, some for more than 5 years, do not yet have the tag. This includes BPUT, North Orissa U at Baripada, Fakirmohan U at Balasore and Utkal Univ of Culture. Sure, Ravenshaw’s past history must have helped; nevertheless this is a great achievement.

One can also have a look at the presentation that Ravenshaw VC gave at Detroit on July 1 2007 available at
and notice how the VC and his staff have made a visionary plan; and not just a plan, they have acted on some of it already. The later includes convincing the
government of Orissa to promise (allocate?) land and funds for a new campus.

I had the opportunity to meet Devdas babu (VC of Ravenshaw) in January and also in July in Detroit. He has been very receptive to ideas. He suggested that it would be great to have an electronic gathering place for friends and alumni of Ravenshaw. Hence, I have created a yahoo group at

If you are serious in suggesting ideas, and not just that but in acting towards the fulfillment of those ideas, please consider joining the group to network with
like-minded people. For the next week or so, I will open up the group so that people can join directly, without needing an approval.

best regards
ps — I am not a Ravenshaw alumnus. I think Ravenshaw is Orissa’s pride and we must help make it a top university in the world and an opportunity where we
have a VC who welcomes help, and who has shown his ability to do things and cut red tapes should not be missed.


How will this group be different? How exactly can it help Ravenshaw?

Let me illustrate this by an example.

After many people heard Devdas babu (VC of Ravensha) in Detroit a group of them decided to help develop a school of contemporary music, possibly named as "Akhaya Mohanty School of contemporary music" at Ravenshaw. They are now in the process of raising an amount of money suggested by Devdas babu. Devdas babu said that if they raise X then he will be able to use it to get 5-10X from the government.

Another group (mostly consisting of professors in science disciplines in North America) has discussed with Devdas babu about renovating the Science curriculum at Ravenshaw.

Yet another group is interested in the establishment of Creative Writing program where budding poets and novelists can learn and practice their art. Apparently their are not many programs like that in India. I wonder if there is any in Orissa.

Other groups have suggested their help in establishing a Journalism program and making Ravenshaw, perhaps the first university in India to have its daily newspaper, if not paper based, but at least in the web. (Most US Universities have daily newspapers.)

Yet another group is interested in helping Ravenshaw to use the availability of past judges in the Cuttack area (including some supreme court judges) to establish a law school in the mold of National Law School in Bangalore.

These are some of the ideas that are under works. Devdas babu has said that he welcomes more such ideas, and actions towards the fulfillment of those ideas.

So this is what the group will aim to do.

best regards


Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

3 Writeup

  • 1. Debu  |  July 29th, 2007 at 12:13 pm

    …….. Ravenshaw is Orissa’ pride and we must help make it a top university in the world ……….

    I just picked up the sentences from the body. Can it be true at anypoint of time or its just our over statement. I doubt at any point of time Ravenshaw can supercede Utkal university. Ravenshaw was a college for years and need many years to come up to the level of Utkal.

    The biggest point is still the better student of Orissa prefer Utkal and not Ravenshaw. ravenshaw get the rejected students so how it can supercede Utkal ?

    If Ravenshaw cannot compte with its nearby University then its IMPOSSIBLE to become a top WORLD univ.

    All Indian University / Institute are losing their rank with time and even IISC is now in 300 – 400 batch. There is a serious problem in the trend.

    Look at the rank list of WORLD Univs.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  July 29th, 2007 at 12:25 pm

    The statement says, “.. we must help it become a top university …”. I would be very happy if Utkal becomes a top university. These are not either-or propositions. At present, I do not see lot of vision or leadership out of Utkal and I am impressed with the leadership out of Ravenshaw. For any university to become better than what it is its leadership must realize what they lack and be willing to seek help. I see that willingness in Ravenshaw, but have not seen that from Utkal. If this continues the day is not that far when Ravenshaw may surge past Utkal. Also, being an affiliate university has its drawbacks. In other words, Utkal needs rescuing.


    You are right regarding the position of Indian Universities in that list. I worry that with lot more new universities and institutes opening up, but fewer students pursuing post-graduation in some fields things may get worse.

  • 3. Debu  |  July 29th, 2007 at 12:44 pm

    I am not saying Utkal is a better university as par national level. But what Ravenshaw is doing is some what different. Its just expanding its branches. Where is the quality change ?? The quality teachers are the same like previous. I dont understand how it can improve with keeping the same people in it.

    Recently the trend is too bad !! Quality is something gone from Indian university. Even IISc is facing serious problem. Personally I heard that these IISER are also not going to help much. In a nut shell there is no more passion for basic science. S/W & Managment & Farma killed most of the things.

    It will be better is SIXth pay commission rectify the salary structure. Otherwise its too had to get anything from Indian univ. Only hope I have at this point is Vedant Univ. Hope it will make some difference.


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