Odisha government finally approaches SAIL for a medical college in Rourkela

May 17th, 2010

Update: Following is from Samaja.

Following is an excerpt from a report in tathya.in.

Finally it seems Tarun Kanti Mishra has come to the rescue of thousands of citizens’ genuine demand for a Medical College at Rourkela.

Chief Secretary has taken up the issue with the Secretary of the Ministry of Steel.

Citizens were demanding for the ESIC Medical College in the Steel City for more than two years.

However ESIC decided to set up the Medical College here as the State Government offered land on the outskirts of the Capital City.

… While Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has proposed to up grade Bokaro Steel Plants’ hospital to a Medical College, similar move is needed feel, Mr.Mishra.

So the Chief Secretary discussed the matter with Union Secretary Steel to set up a Medical College at Rourkela under the aegis of Ispat General Hospital (IGH).

IGH is an excellent hospital and has lot of facilities along with top medical personnel.

Now the State Government will take up the issue with Chief Minister batting for the same, said sources.

Chief Minister is likely to discuss the issue with Union Minister Steel in this regard, said sources.

For long we have been urging the Odisha government to take up with SAIL for a medical college. Finally the Odisha government came to senses. I guess better late than never. In particular we pointed out that since SAIL is making a medical college in Bokaro, it should be pursued for one in Rourkela.  Following are some pointers regarding the medical college SAIL is making in Bokaro.

(i) News articles that mention this: http://www.telegraphindia.com/1070226/asp/jamshedpur/story_7441681.asp

(ii) The web page of the Bokaro Ispat Educational trust which talks about this: http://www.bietrust.com/

(iii) The site http://www.hsccltd.com/secured%20projects.htm which mentions that its is doing a pre-feasibility study for SAIl medical college in Bokaro.

21. June-08 Prefeasibility Report for establishing Medical College at SAIL, Bokaro

Also, some time back there was news that SAIL Rourkela was looking for renewing its mining lease. If it is still hanging, then it makes it a perfect time to broach this topic with SAIL management and the Steel Ministry in Delhi. (http://www.orissadiary.com/ShowBussinessNews.asp?id=8891 )

 Some of our earlier articles mentioning this point are at: 

Entry Filed under: From mineral resources to human resources,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2),SAIL Medical College Rourkela

10 Writeup

  • 1. mihir  |  May 17th, 2010 at 11:09 am

    This is very good news for Rourkela Peoples.Rourkela peoples are waiting same from ESIC Deptt.

  • 2. Parashar  |  May 17th, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    Government should made effort,may be through corporate attempt or PPP or by itself, to establish at least one medical college & hospital for every Loksabha constituency as it gives proper geographical & population distribution.

  • 3. alok  |  May 17th, 2010 at 2:04 pm

    Well The ESIC demand should not be taken as for granted or it should be sidelined.ESIC should b established at Rourkela.Its good that the state govt is planning to have a meical college from SAIL but are we trying to ignore the ESIC .Let the state govt come clear about ESIC status at Rourkela.It seems that SAIL medical college is sorting the issue of ESIC.Whenever we have raised demand for ESIC at Rourkela the state govt has given n number of lame excuses.This seems to be another one.If the state govt wants to demand something from SAIL it should pressurise the Functioning of airport which can be done in minimum time.For airport govt chose JSG and for ESIC it chose BBSR.Why Rourkela is being taken forgranted everytime.

  • 4. Debi P. Sarangi  |  May 17th, 2010 at 5:03 pm

    Everything is fine about Rourkela. It has such a nice industrial atmosphere, BPUT and other technical institutions e.g. NIT. State govt.’s decision about the SAIL medical college is fine, but why we don’t understant Odisha needs to have flagship city to create its own identity at par with other states. Like Kolkota is more popular than WB. At this stage we need to develop Bhubaneswar as a brand Odisha city having a trademark of its own and that could be achieved only concentrating some good projects in the capital city. About having an airport at Rourkela is also fine. But I think Jharsuguda was also a good decision which will cater the entire western part of the state. Lets have united effort to make our state proud of. Finally Rourkela needs a medical college initially, does not matter who makes it. Is it not a matter of proud that Odisha will have one more medical in addition to ESIC medical college. Let every odia feel that Sambalpur is mine so also Brahmapur and basicly every odia has equal say over Bhubaneswar and Cuttack like we all have over Delhi.

    Jay Utkala Janani

  • 5. pila  |  May 18th, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    if rourkela pupil will demand for all these things and stategovt will put pressure on this to the centre then i am sure all things will be in rourkela only
    nit medical college and hospital,rourkela
    sail medical college and hospital,rourkela
    railway medical college and hospital rourkela
    hi tech medical college and hospital rourkela
    esic medical college and hospital rourkela

  • 6. Umesh  |  May 18th, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    This is the first step. Constant followup with SAIL will be required. I must add that from my childhood IGH had the best facilities possible.

  • 7. alok  |  May 18th, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    Debi .i appreciate your views.I just want to make sure that let BBSR develop but please dont neglect other major cities like Rourkela.The AIIMS is being setup at BBSR,Apolo has already started functioning.And there are n number of world class medical facilities at BBSR.Howz ESIC make a diffrence to BBSR if its setup at Rourkela.Well it will make a huge impact on Rourkela in a positive way if the ESIC is setup at Rourkela and the impact will be hugely negative if its at BBSR.We dont have a single super specaility medical facility and the SAIL medical college is just to divert attention from ESIC.The politicians will always remain the same.If they are so much concerned with the medical college then why they are not taking the issue with center.I believe it will take the minimum time and the demand for ESIC as well as a govt super speciality hospital will be fullfilled.But they wont do because the politicians want the cream at BBSR and the rest if available at any xyz place of Orissa.Great ..hats off to the state govt !

  • 8. mihir  |  May 19th, 2010 at 10:13 am

    Already Rourkela has been neglected by state govt. last 20 years. Time has come, State govt. should waken and developed Greater Rourkela as much as …….Just some days back some NRIs are said Rourkela is a Diamond for Odisha .Sate Govt should accept this thing and do some thing for this diamond so that it will bring shine for Odisha.

  • 9. pradipta ray  |  June 10th, 2010 at 10:10 am

    at the tym of cm biju patnaik center has refused the proposal to establish the nit at rourkela,but see how iju babu was
    sange sange odissa phone kale aau kahile
    pheriba bata re silanyasa kale tapare bbsr gale

    esic should be in rourkela…its only a matter of formal proposal and to convience the center for the rourkela location

    his son naveen patnaik may nt lg behind……………

  • 10. pradipta ray  |  June 17th, 2010 at 11:11 am

    esi authority came to our rourkela from delhi for the survey of nursing and dental college at rourkela,but according to my point why our cm is not gving the total medica lcollege and hospital proposal at rourkela???if i am not wrong then this dental and nursing idea was 1st given by our cm…and after that things are happening in rourkela,but why not the total medical college and hospital in rourkela????


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