Kalinga Bharati Residential College shines in the +2 performance: top three in science and topper in commerce are from this college

May 19th, 2010

The website of this college is http://www.kalingabharati.org/. This year students from this college have done extremely well in +2 results. Only BJB College’s performance is close to them. While earlier it used to be a contest between BJB and Ravenshaw, this year Ravenshaw has bitten dust and its place has been taken by this college.

In particular its performance in +2 is as follows:

Upon further browsing their web pages I am of the opinion that this college will be a trendsetter and pioneer in Odisha. Just look at their faculty listed at http://www.kalingabharati.org/FACULTY_LIST.HTM.

Department Faculty’s name Qualification
Department of Physics & Electronics Er. Himansu Acharya M.Sc, M.Phill, M.Tech (C-S), IIT – Khadagpur
Er. O.P Singh B.Tech, REC – Bhopal
Er. Abhijeet Kumar M.Tech, IIT – Khadagpur
  Er. PS Satpathy B.Tech, IIT – Bombay
  Er. Jayanta Kumar Patra AMIE, Calcutta
  Mr R K Maharana M.Sc
  Mr.Debabrata Dwibedi M.Sc. M.Phil, Ph.D. (continuing), DISM
  Ms. Jayashree Sahoo M.Sc, M.C.A., B.Ed
  Mr. M.G.B. Amant M.Sc. A-Level (continuing)
Department of Physics & Electronics Dr. Daitary Sahoo M.Sc, M.Phill, Ph.D.
Prof. R.B. Kanungo M.Sc, Ph.D.
Er. Vidyasagar Sharma B.Tech, IIT – Kanpur
Er. Aditya Pandey B.Tech, IIT – Delhi
Ms. Menakarani Routray M.Sc, Ph.D (continuing)
  Mr. S.K. Pattnayak M.Sc
  Er. B.P Mishra B.Tech, HBTI – Kanpur
  Mr. Vinod Kumar B.Tech, HBTI – Kanpur
  Mr. Parasar Mishra M.Sc, B.Ed
Department of Mathematics Er. Shiva Prasad Das M.Sc, M.Tech (C-S), IIT- Khadagpur
Er. Ranjit Singh B.Tech, IIT – Khadagpur
Er. Mithilesh Kumar B.Tech, REC – Bhopal
Er. Chitaranjan Swain B.Tech, Utkal University
  Mr  M M   Muduly M Sq    M.Phill
  Mr. Nirmala Chandra Sahu MSc.
  Mr. Umakant Sahu MSc.
  Mr. Ajay Kumar Sundaray MSc.
  Mr. P.K. Choudhury MSc.
  Mr. Ansuman Sing Gaur M.Tech, HBTI – Kanpur
  Ms. Prajna Jene M.A. (Math), PGDCA
  Ms. Ranjita Pradhan M.Sc, PGDCA, CWA
Department of Biology n Biotechnology Dr. Arun Kumar Rath M.Sc M.Phill, Ph.D
Mr. P.C. Mohapatra M. Sc. , M.Phill,
Mr. Animesh Das Pattnayak M.Sc, PGDCA
Ms. Smruti Rekha Das MSc.
Ms. Usharani Tripathy MSc.
  Ms. Bijayalaxmi Biswal MSc.
  Ms. Leena Gantayat MSc.
  Dr. Dilip Kumar Swain M.V.Sc., OUAT
  Mr. Nirmal Biswal MSc.
Department of Biology n Biotechnology Mr. B N   Mishra M.A. (English)
Mr. Pranab Patra M.A. (English)
Ms. Narmada Satpathy M.A. (English)
Department of Oriya Dr. jatadhari Mohapatra M.A., Ph.D
Ms. Manorama Mohapatra M.A. (Oriya)

Based on this faculty I am going to go out on a limb and predict that this year there will be at least 10 students from this college in the IIT JEE top 1000.

I hope some of the other private +2 colleges will immediately copy from this college and assemble a similar faculty and beat Kota at its own game and send more Orissans to IIT and other top institutions.

As per Dharitri the +2 Science topper from Kalinga Bharati, Kiity Jain (a girl) is from Khariar in Nuapada district and the +2 Commerce topper Bhabani Acharya (also a girl) is from Semiliguda in Koraput.

Entry Filed under: CHSE Odisha,Coaching classes at plus two level,Kalinga Bharati Residential College,Toppers

23 Writeup

  • 1. jagmohan swain  |  May 19th, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    Knowledge once created will not be destroyed, until it loses it’s utility.I too beleive that this college would be a trendsetter and soon there would be many private +2 colleges modelled after Kalinga Bharati all over orissa.

    Well done Dr Padhee, this is precisely the sort of school that is needed for Orissa.

  • 2. jagmohan swain  |  May 20th, 2010 at 12:24 am

    If one looks back at human history one thing that stood out is that since the invention of agriculture and subsequent explosion in human invention leading to first cilivilization on the banks of river Euphrates and tigris there were no war, ie no mass killings.There were cretainly conflicts leading to death, but no mass graves, the likes of which was only seen after invention of Bronze some 4500 years ago.

    What stood out for me was that almost for 4000 years of Human history, since the invention of Bronze age until the invention of firepower it’s the barbarians and not the civilized ones who were the real masters of time, shaping human history on the edge of sword (Mongols vs Chinese, Huns vs Romans).

    However after the large scale adoption of firearms somethings have changed forever.Finally, after a long time, human technology has evolved to a point where technology and not intensity of barbarianism determined the final outcome of the war.

    Wars sealed the fate of civilizations for thousands of year, we all know that, I would not dwell on them further.

    From now on technology will seal the fate of wars.

    And it’s the presence of a scientific ecosystem that would seal the fate of technology.

    Wright brothers may be credited for invention of aviation, but in reality they merely solved one last problem for succesful flight of planes.There were enormous research that preceded this final breakthrough.”If I could see further, it’s because I stood on the shoulders of Giants.” Said Newton, how true.Same can be said of entire human advancement, from caves to today’s mcmansions.

    I am convinced that future belongs to any country who pursues science and techonology as it’s main vocation.I am happy so see that more than 30% of all graduate students did so from science stream.We certainly need more not less.

  • 3. odia pua  |  May 21st, 2010 at 4:29 am

    Well done KBRC. Clearly , the sincerity of the teachers and students are praiseworthy. Hope most of the students will make it to Top Engg or Medical colleges. The promoters of this college deserve pat on their back, as they have been successful in provding quality education which seems one of their main goals. Can I urge the promoters (thru this forum) to include odia language and culture in their curriculum. In addition to scientists and doctors, we need to produce odia writers.

    Chitta babu, I read that Task Force on higher education have submitted their report. Please would you be able to include the key points in this forum?

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  May 21st, 2010 at 6:02 am

    Unfortunately, the government things work very differently. I myself have not seen the final task-force report yet.

  • 5. bijoy  |  May 22nd, 2010 at 9:19 am

    Mr Padhy and his team should be applauded for this achievement. But we need to ponder on few serious issues

    * Education is being sold as a packaged Good

    *Can it work for students with genuine hunger?This institute is only meant for Good students from rich families.

    *How many Govt colleges can recruit such faculty? Is there any one in govt. who can pay so much to these faculties

  • 6. bijaya kumar jena  |  May 22nd, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    My first impression said on June 2008 ” This college may be at an isolated place but this is the best for my son. ” And on May 2010 KBRC made record. it is called Ordinary people extraordinary attitude. well done Mr. J.B Padhy, Principal of KBRC and the total Team of KBRC. Best wishes for the cumming batch.

  • 7. pabitra barad  |  May 22nd, 2010 at 12:29 pm

    First of all I would like to congratulate Mr. J B Padhi for the success of KBR college in CHSC.Now they should try for how maximum candidates from orissa to crack IIT JEE ,CPMT and AIIMS,AFMC,CMC like entrance test.Their aim should have like that of SUPER 30 Patna.

  • 8. Odia Pua  |  May 23rd, 2010 at 4:58 am

    Dear pabitra, I dont agree that the aim should be like that of SUPER 30 Patna. Things work differently in Patna. Patna is in Bihar and Bihar is infamous for criminal activities such as IIT/IIM question paper leaks,etc. There is no doubt that Biharis are hardworking (so most of them get through IIT and civil servces ) , BUT Biharis are not necessarily intelligent than Odias. You may probably find Biharis occupy 20% engineering seats across Orissa, thanks to the mushrooming of private engg colleges. But their success rates compared to odia students are negligible, partly because they spend most of their time in notorious activities. We should keep dstsnce from such elements.

    As regards to KBRC’s success, yes the efforts of the promoters are commendable. The aim should not be just competing with other states about sending maximum students to IITs, but to equip students with the skills that are relevant in todays changing world. I was checking with Chitta babu whether the Task force for higher education have actually identified any skills that are relevant today.

  • 9. Santosh  |  May 24th, 2010 at 1:03 am

    Well done Dr Padhy, well done. One old song I remember,-Dekho jala ghar kisika………Kismat hasi, aisea hasi, rone lage gam ki mare….This year luck favored you sir.Can you boldly claim next year you will get this result. It usually happens while one climbs ups and ups, he should not over look the things left bellow. Any way hope for the best. I wish a better future for this year student. Santosh

  • 10. Biswa  |  May 27th, 2010 at 11:20 am

    @Bijoy & @Odia Pua:
    Probably KBR should start something like SUPER30, Patna.
    It doesn’t mean to bring people from Bihar and teach them. Orissa state has too many poor(but bright) students, who desperately need support. If KBR can take a step to search and enrol few such students and make them chase their dreams, it would go a long way in setting standards.
    Well, there is already a similar noble cause in place, as ‘Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences’. But they work at Primary School level.
    Our Govt has a system in place to support the Poor and underprivileged as ‘Quota-System’. Sadly, the system is always abused and misused. It just doesn’t work.
    Thus, we need private parties to step-in and help the under-privileged.

  • 11. K.C.MISRA  |  May 31st, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Very good future ahead if you keep up for continual improvement programme for sustainable development at the dividing line of cut throat competition.

  • 12. SWAPNAKANTA PATRO  |  June 11th, 2010 at 2:48 am

    i am specially impressed by the result of kbrc. Although i am a ex-student of this college i am feeling proud that i was a student of that college………
    If our college will continue this type of perfection result then it will be the best college of orissa

  • 13. Dipti ranjan sahoo  |  June 18th, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    Jay KBRC ki jay..kbrc is d one of d best college for +2 science/commerce

  • 14. DR. A. TRIPATHY  |  November 17th, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    we r not getting any information regarding WAT ,MAT in time.
    The academic improvment of our son of class 11TH is not satisfactory.Please pay a little bit more attention & keep contact with us from time to time.

  • 15. Durga sekharRout  |  April 16th, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    no coment

  • 16. LAXMIKANT PANIGRAHI  |  May 2nd, 2011 at 11:24 pm

    Considering the results and mouth publicity We have got our daughter admitted in the school, but we are shocked to note the rude and in human behavior of staff. Physical punishment is being awarded to girl students of class XII even. We are very much shocked and have decided to withdraw our daughter from the college. Not to speak of hostel, the quality of food provided is the worst . The condition of hostel is just like cow shed and cental jail.

  • 17. LAXMIKANT PANIGRAHI  |  May 2nd, 2011 at 11:33 pm

    The details of facilities to be provided as mentioned in the prospectus are absolute lie. No quqlity food, no recreation facility,no laundry facility, cleanliness of hostel is not at all done, no space provided for drying of wet cloth. Inmates are facing itching problem and other skin deseases. The college has become only a source of earning. You all will see the fall of the college very soon.

    Editor: We have no idea if the above is true or not. We welcome any refutation.

  • 18. Rakesh Kumar Behera  |  May 26th, 2011 at 9:25 am

    i have got 87.7 % marks. will i get a seat in kbrc?????????????

  • 19. Er.Abhimanyu Barik  |  June 14th, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    I have left my son at KBRC with a high hope to maintain his carrier and discipline. Now after one year of continuance it is seen, though second one is ok Mr Parhi is wnot looking into the first one. Especially assignments are not given priority atall. We expect he will give enough stress on it through his personl interaction with the students.

  • 20. Rakesh Kumar maharana  |  June 15th, 2011 at 6:21 pm

    hello sir
    can you give Er.ranjit singh phone no or any contact to my mail id
    b’coz i am a student i 2005-06 batch AIEEE

  • 21. priti ranjan satpathy  |  July 1st, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    hey m interested to join kbrc +2 commerce and i have securred 7.2 cgpa so is there any seurity that i will get in this collage if yes then plz send me a msg on mah id

  • 22. sangeeta  |  December 9th, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    plz tell how to get admission in this college as iam a student of class10 and want to take admission in this college of orisha….

  • 23. Reshma Nanda  |  March 15th, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    hello.. I want my brother to study in KBRC commerce college.
    Can u please tell when the admission forms will be available…..


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