PIB: Significant increase in DST research fellowship amounts (Update: Also CSIR fellowships)

July 30th, 2007

Updated dated Dec 8 2007: Thanks to reader Priyanka (comment 108-109) we now have details on the increase in CSIR fellowship amounts. See https://www.orissalinks.com/?p=867 or http://www.csirhrdg.nic.in/fellowship%20revision.pdf for details. In short, the amount go up in two stages. From 1st September 2006 the amount for JRF goes up from Rs 8,000/month to Rs 10,000/month and then from 1st April 2007 the amount goes further up to Rs 12,000/month.

From a S&T department PIB press release.

Government of India, Department of Science & Technology (DST) has been considering the revision of research fellowships of Research Fellows and Research Associates from time to time. There are various practical considerations in deciding on the revision of fellowships which should take into account all possible scenarios and specially, availability of resources and the sustainability of increased fellowships. While attractive fellowships have to be instituted to attract promising candidates to take up research as a career, there is also a need to create an ambience required for pursuing research, which is a  pre-requisite. 

The Exercise of revision of fellowships is conducted through an inter-agency and extensive consultative process. The Department, as a part of the consultative process, had discussions with all the S&T agencies including the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) and the University Grants Commission (UGC). The revision had taken into account the need for redesigning the research fellowships for meeting the needs of a competitive market environment for talent, and longer-term time horizon. It was also decided that both the Scientific Departments and the MHRD would harmonize the fellowship levels and effective dates for implementation. The following were the main recommendations apart from the revision of fellowships:

The candidate who qualifies through NET examination or its equivalent for admission to do Ph.D. should get a fellowship amount of Rs 12000.

All eligible candidates admitted in different disciplines to do Ph.D may be  covered under a suitable fellowship programme in a phase- wise manner.

Fellowships to candidates, other than those qualified in NET or equivalent examination, admitted to pursue Ph.D in the institutions, recognized by relevant S&T agencies, would be covered by UGC norms.

Based on these extensive deliberations, the Department of Science & Technology has proposed the enhancement in research fellowships. Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences told media persons in New Delhi today that the Government has accorded approval for this enhancement, as given below.

Table: Enhancement of Research Fellowships for NET or Equivalent

(Rupees per month)

Sr. No.


Current Fellowship

Approved Fellowship

w.e.f. 01.04.2007



Rs 8000/-

Rs 12000/-


JRF/ SRF (Professional)

Rs 9500/-

Rs 14000/-


Research Associate (1)

Rs 11000/-

Rs 16000/-


Research Associate (2)

Rs 11500/-

Rs 17000/-


Research Associate (3)

Rs 12000/-

Rs 18000/-


Entry Filed under: Colleges,Fellowships and Scholarships

224 Writeup

  • 1. Amit sabharwal  |  September 28th, 2008 at 10:17 am

    I am SRF (p) medicine IN DRDO .I am getting a stipend of 14000/-+HRA.will there be any increase in stipend in 6th pay commission.

  • 2. indrasish  |  October 1st, 2008 at 8:09 am

    i have heard the same…..quoting apurva kumar..
    jrf fellowship will go to 18k +hra in case of csir and dbt and dst fellows…the circular are on the way…

    still its not confirmed on our side till we receives the copy of circular.

  • 3. apurva kumar r joshi  |  October 1st, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    Thanks a lot, indrasish. Please do let us know when you hear about it officially. In case i receive any credible information, i wil share it with u. Thanks again.

  • 4. Laxmidhar Das  |  October 3rd, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    at present I am workimg under”UGC RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP IN SCIENCE FOR MERITORIOUS STUDENTS scheme” & supported a fellowship of 10,000 per month, contigency 6,000 per anum.I jus want to know wheather the recent revised fellowship of UGC should include the above scheme?is there HRA in this fellowship? is this fellowship will be converted to SRF after two year?
    Thanking You,
    Laxmidhar Das
    Ph.D. Student
    Banaras Hindu University

  • 5. jitendra  |  October 6th, 2008 at 5:41 pm

    sir/ madam, i just want to know whether there will be an increment in fellowship of JRFs and SRFs or not , after sixth pay commission

  • 6. Vivek  |  October 8th, 2008 at 1:16 pm

    sir/ madam, i just want to know whether there will be an increment in fellowship of JRFs and SRFs or not , after sixth pay commission

  • 7. rajat  |  October 9th, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    Respected Sir
    i just want to know whether there will be an increment in fellowship of JRFs and SRFs or not , after sixth pay commission

  • 8. ojeswi  |  October 15th, 2008 at 1:35 pm


    I am a registered PhD student of Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra and and not getting any fellowship for my research work. I belongs to the general category so if there is any fellowship for me kindly give some information.

    Thanking you

    Sincerely Yours

    B.K Ojeswi
    Res. Scholar
    Deptt. of Chemistry
    DEI, Agra

  • 9. USHA  |  October 31st, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    Respected Sir,

    I have cleared the combined CSIR-UGC NET-JRF Test held in June.
    The fellowship will be provided to me by UGC.I have sent my documents twice but have not received my certificate yet.
    Please tell me if there will be any problem by the delay in receiving the certificate or not.Further tell me that I will get the fellowship in M.Phil programe or not as I am already regestered in M.Phil programe.
    Usha Bhagat
    Deptt. of Botany:University of Jammu

  • 10. supravat karak  |  November 3rd, 2008 at 3:04 pm

    respected sir
    i am a research scholar of iit kharagpore in the dept of physics.i am getting csir jrf of rs-12000/-. now in new pay commission will our fellowship be increased?the lecturership scale has been increased and as we are getting same scale till now, i hope it should be increased after pay commission.can you help me by providing the correct information.i am resendig it because last time i had provide a wrong email id.it was an unintentional mistake.
    thanking you.

  • 11. S.Durai  |  November 14th, 2008 at 11:02 am

    I am working as a UGC Major project fello when there is increase in salaruy for all those working as JRF and SRF under DST and CSIR , to note not all are NET exam cleared candidates why not we who r equivqlento them have a revised salary

  • 12. anurag  |  November 23rd, 2008 at 7:28 pm

    Respected sir
    I am pursuing research in MBU,IMS,BHU, Varansi. I am getting csir jrf of Rs-12000/-+HRA. According to Sixth Pay scale commission every government employe will get the increased pay scale. So i would like to know whether we also will get any enhancement in our fellowship?

    Thank you.

  • 13. sanchita gupta  |  November 26th, 2008 at 10:22 am

    respected sir,
    i am working as project assistant at CIMAP, lucknow under DBT funded project.
    kindly inform me about updated fellowship for project assistants and JRFs.
    thanking you

  • 14. shiv charan puri  |  November 26th, 2008 at 2:26 pm

    i m a juniour research fellow in asansol engineering college,asansol,west bengal.mine one is state DST.can u please tell if i am eligible for the revision in salary.now it is 8000 basic+15%HRA+100 rs medical

  • 15. Abhilash.S  |  December 5th, 2008 at 1:13 pm

    Respected Sir,
    i’, Abhilash.s Working as JRF for the past 1 and half years under DBT project. i’ve not qualified any of the qualiying exams such as NET, UGC, ICMR etc. i just want to know weather i’m eligible for the revised pay scale of JRF and SRF.

  • 16. Bhaskar Bhattacharya  |  December 11th, 2008 at 4:48 pm

    I am working as Project Fellow in a UGC funded Major Research Project(Sc) from June 2006. My fellowship is @ Rs. 6000/- per month. I have not qualified the qualifying exam like NET.
    My question is If I am suitable for new incriment of the fellowship of UGC or not. In between from the office of UGC I got a call and they told me to give an application forwarded by my guide for the incriment. But after that there is no response from there.

  • 17. kuldeep singh shaktawat  |  December 13th, 2008 at 8:17 pm

    i am doing biotech.and i am first year student ….. i want to know about falloship program in biotech.
    what is the process to get felloship.
    how can i apply in CSIR,JRF.
    thank you very much

  • 18. Dr. Jawahar  |  January 3rd, 2009 at 3:30 pm

    Iam working in a SAC Space Application Centre Funded project ,in soil science and agricultural chemistry on Project Diorectorate for cropping system (ICAR) Meerut since july 2002 and am the only SRF( have Ph.D )in the institute whose still receiving salary in pre- revised rates of rs.8000
    basic instead of 12,000 .Inspite of repeated trial to contact officials at institute PDCSR nothingh has been looked into so far. kindly let me know the current status of applicable SRFfellowships in case of brns projects under SAC.
    will be highly obliged if someone can send me a copy of the order.

    PDCSR,Meerut fellows are receiving enhanced SRFfellowships of 12,000 and 14000 basic w.e.f from 1st sept 2006.whats the case with us those who are SRF SAC projects.Why is the apathay shown..kindly let me know the current status
    Jawahar Singh

  • 19. Dr. Bindu Gangadharan, Ahmedabad  |  January 3rd, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    Respected Sir,
    I am working as SRF under DBT project in for science popularization programme in Ahmedabad. I am getting Rs.14000/-+15%HRA. My question is whether HRA is 15% or 30%? further, Rs. 200/- is being deducted from my salary every month as professional tax. Is fellowship Amt. attracts tax cut? pls.reply. thanks & regards..

  • 20. sangeetha  |  January 5th, 2009 at 1:31 pm

    sir/ madam

    i need to know the revised norms for the JRF post (TNAU for 2008).

  • 21. Santa Sircar  |  January 16th, 2009 at 7:10 pm

    Dear sir,
    I am very glad to hear the revised pay scale of JRF,SRF. I am working as a JRF in a DRDO project at Calcutta University. I would like to know whether the revised pay scale will also be applicable for DRDO fellows or not. Because till we didn’t have any information regarding the revised pay sacle.
    Kindly send us the required information.
    Santa Sircar

  • 22. Braham Deo Tripathi  |  January 19th, 2009 at 11:13 am

    Dear sir,
    I am very glad to hear the revised pay scale of JRF,SRF. I am working as a JRF in an institute of plywood IPIRTI under project at Bangalore. I would like to know whether the revised pay scale will also be applicable for us- fellows or not. Because till we didn’t have any information regarding the revised pay sacle.
    Kindly send us the required information.
    Braham Deo Tripathi

  • 23. Alex  |  January 20th, 2009 at 6:41 pm

    Dear Sir,
    I am working as a Research Fellowship Under “UGC award for research fellowship in science for meritorious students” with integrated Ph.D. I am getting Stipend 10,000/- pm.Plz some one tell me whether there are any possibility to change the scale. If any one have the information pls inform me..

  • 24. p.saravanan  |  January 20th, 2009 at 6:54 pm



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