Xavier University discussed in Odisha Cabinet; but no bill was presented

June 9th, 2010

Following is from a report in tathya.in about the discussion of Xavier University in the Odisha Cabinet.

Ananga Udaya Singh Deo has favoured Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar(XIMB) to set up Xavier University in the state.

Minister Planning & Coordination speaking in the State Cabinet on 9 June, said if any institution merits for a University status, it is XIMB.

Giving out details Minister said that XIMB is serving the State of Odisha since 1987 has more than 4000 alumni, out of whom more than two third are from Odisha.

Mr.Singh Deo said educational institutions with little known academic excellence are allowed to set up universities, where as proposal of XIMB for a University is pending for a long time.

Cabinet was given details on XIMB by Mr.Singh Deo as he said being a Jesuit Institution, XIMB can easily tie up with other Jesuit Universities from all across the world such as University of Santa Clara, Loyala Chicago, Georgetown, St.Louis and Marquette etc.

Speaking about the credibility of XIMB, he said that for 180 seats of PGDM, XIMB has attracted 20,000 applications.

He said that in 2010 it self 48 foreign students have expressed their desire to come and spend a semester at XIMB and by making it a University more foreign students will be attracted.

XIMB has collaborations with 12 international universities and more are in offing, revealed the Minister Planning & Coordination.

Pointing out about the cent per cent placements of its students and highest placement records in Odisha has proved the credentials of XIMB in the country, said he.

Involvement of XIMB in the development of most backward districts of Odisha in KBK, where it is planning to set up its second campus will go a long way if they are allowed to set up a University, added he.

So Mr.Singh Deo urged Minister Higher Education to place the Xavier University Bill for approval of the Cabinet as soon as possible for the best interest of the state.

Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister Higher Education sounded on a positive note.

Although it is good that Xavier University was discussed in the cabinet, it is really unfortunate that the bill was not brought to the cabinet, while bills corresponding to lesser institutions were brought to the cabinet.

Following is from another article in tathya.in.

Decision makers in Odisha have failed to visualize the implications of delaying the establishment of University of Xavier Institute, which is going to cost the state dearly, feel educationists and intelligentsia.

Xavier is a brand name well known in Odisha (through XIMB), India and abroad and educational institutions bearing the Xavier name are highly regarded in India and abroad. 

While the State Government is sponsoring proposals of  institutions little known for their academic excellence, they have all along ignored the proposal of Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar (XIMB) for a univarsity. 

Just for comparison purposes, there is no Sri Sri labeled educational institution that is in any rankings. 

Similarly, there is no Vedanta named higher educational institution. 

And last but not the least Krupaluji Maharaj has been given land to set up a University in Odisha!!! 

The Jesuit Society of India has established the XIMB.

XIMB is a top management institute in India and ranked very highly and in fact, it is the highest ranking institute in Odisha in any field. 

The next closest is NIT Rourkela which is ranked in the thirties among all engineering colleges/institutes. 

In India: Besides XIMB, XLRI (Xavier Labor Research Institute, Jamshedpur) is a top 5-7 ranked management institute in the country.

Similarly, XISS (Xavier Institute of Social Services, Ranchi) is also a well-established name. 

In addition there are many other Jesuit institutions that are well regarded in India. 

This includes the various Loyola colleges. 

In US: There are three Xavier Universities in USA in Cincinnati, Chicago and Louisiana. 

In addition there are about 30 other Jesuit universities in the USA which include famous universities such as Georgetown University. 

If a Xavier University is made in Odisha, it will be the first Xavier University in India. 

The above facts make a Xavier University in Odisha very special. 

By being the first Xavier University in India, it will have the first mover’s advantage. 

By virtue of being the first Jesuit University in India, a Xavier University in Odisha will be in a position to get help from the 30 Jesuit Universities in US. 

XIMB is ready to start construction that will make it a university, said sources. 

XIMB had already planned for expansion and was ready to start construction for some time. 

The XIMB Director Father P T Joseph has already received permission from the Jesuit society to set up Xavier University. 

This has been also discussed in the recent board meeting of XIMB. 

Several new programs that will be part of the university are already approved by the XIMB governing board. 

Father Joseph, the Director of XIMB notices the lack of good arts and commerce programs in Odisha (the IIT, NISER, NLUO, XIMB, IIPH, AIIMS etc. take care of the engineering, science, law, business, public health and medicine areas) and would like the Xavier University to have top notch world class programs in arts and commerce.

The top ranked Arts and Commerce programs in the country include many other sister Jesuit institutions such as Loyola Colleges, St. Xavier’s colleges and St. Joseph’s colleges.

Despite all of the above, the Odisha Government is dilly-dallying in establishing the Xavier University in Odisha. 

This is especially bad because a sister institution of Xavier, the Georgetown University of the US is interested in opening a branch in India

If only the Odisha government had established Xavier University, it could have approached Georgetown to open its branch in Bhubaneswar.

Because of the lack of foresight of Odisha, the state may not only remain backward in arts and commerce programs, but it may also lose the chance to get a branch of the famous Georgetown University to Odisha.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Xavier University,XIM Bhubaneswar,XIM, Bhubaneswar

13 Writeup

  • 1. Gouri Shankar Gouda  |  June 11th, 2010 at 11:47 am

    Govt. should seriously think about the setup of Xavier University.. It will add glory not only to the state but also to the country….

  • 2. alok  |  June 12th, 2010 at 12:41 am

    Its a great news,but shocking because the state govt is still sleeping.Setting up Xavier univ should be given top priority.But at the same time i read somewhere people mentioning Silicon college to be converted to an university.My question is are we in a hurry to make any xyz college to be an university.KIITS is an exceptional case.People should encourage quality rather then quantity.Xaviers is the pride of orissa and should remain of Orissa.Once the university comes into picture the govt can request the management to start another MBA college at Rourkela.Atleast if not IIM let Xaviers come in.But at the moment Xaviers univ should be given top priority.

  • 3. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  June 12th, 2010 at 7:09 am


    What I have got the report that one of the branches would be established at Sambalpur.

    Hence IIM should come to Rourkela,this should be our aim

  • 4. Preeti  |  June 12th, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    Yes IIM should come to Rourkela. This lobby should start very soon.unless Rourkela will loss this one.

  • 5. jitu  |  June 12th, 2010 at 9:31 pm

    iim is not going to establish in orissa. at least for 20-30 years. two iims are already establish in nearby state(jharkhand & chattisgarh).
    so atleast now forget about iim and that also in rkl. distance from ranchi iim and rkl is just 3-4 hrs so if iim will ever come to orissa it will never be at rkl.

  • 6. Chitta Baral  |  June 12th, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    Initial cost of making of an IIM costs much less than an IIT. As per http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=37684 it is about 210 crores. IIMs can also become self-sufficient easily. So, although finding good faculty for IIMs is hard, new IIMs may be established soon and if that happens, there is a good chance that Odisha would have one.

  • 7. rachita kedia  |  June 13th, 2010 at 12:48 pm

    IIM should be in rourkela only
    orissa govt should learn something from the state like maharasta,andhrapradesh,karnataka..how multiple big cities are growing equally at a time..mumbai,puna in MAHARASTRAA,banglore,manglore in KARNATAKA, vizaj,vijayawada in ANDHRAPRADESH

  • 8. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  June 13th, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    @ JITU

    then where do u think the IIM shuld come up in Odisha?

  • 9. alok  |  June 13th, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    Well if start thinking in regard of a similar institutes nearby then IIT BBSR should have been a dream.It dosent matter where an institute of internatinal standard is set.All matters we dont have the IIM at Orissa.IIT delhi is just 150 kms apporox from IIT roorkee.BBSR is just 300 kms frm Khragpur.Should press for IIM at Rourkela..

  • 10. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  June 14th, 2010 at 6:44 am

    Nice analysis Alok

    Thanx for the info

    now jitu whats ur opinion?

    not rourkela, u hvent favoured Odisha also

    why do u think we have to wait 20-30 years to get an IIM?

    Roorkee is 172 kms from Delhi and Rourkela is 174 kms from Ranchi

    almost same distance

  • 11. bikash dash  |  June 22nd, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    every one is made here.nothing can happen in orissa.

  • 12. JITU  |  June 30th, 2010 at 5:44 pm

    i also want to see iim in western orissa. but i am telling the fact.
    Delhi is the national capital. so dont compare delhi with ranchi.
    can u plz give me any other example?
    and one more fact iim chattisgarh is going to set up in raipur.

    do u know till now A.P and Maharastra dont have a iim. why? they are more devloped than chattisgarh,jharkhand and orissa and even west bengal.

    reason is already out of four southern state 2 had already iim and one more is going to set in trichy(t.n).already southern states are saturated.

    like that in maharastra also. iim A & iim Indor is dere.

    now consider eastern reason. iim K was already dere in w.b. now iim in ranchi and raipur is coming. and iim shilong is in north east (which is also consider as eastern reason).so wt do u think eastern reason is not saturated?
    i told it wiil take 20 years .ya it ll take coz first center will set up iim in states like maharastra, andhra,rajastan..etc. then they will think bout orissa.

    and its the fact.we have to improve our western orissa and have to got some strong political power then only u ll able to see iim in western orissa.
    other wise if iim will ever setup in orissa then also it will be in bbsr.

  • 13. sanjeev  |  November 14th, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    Friends…. Issue is not abt IIM will be/ not it is abt a super brand XIM. Even if IIM is opened will people(we) stop appearin XAT??
    IIM may not allow 2/3rd quota as XIM for oriya people as a matter of fact. If XIM becomes a university we can become international destination with super brands like Georgetown University coming.

    We should write mails to newspaper editors asking Odisha government to stop its apathy to XIM and immediately pass bill for University status to XIM.

    Friends MBA education today is te surest way to Livelihood. I think politicians are not bothered about us.
    We should fit for tins whihc can contribute to us.


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