Collegewise cut-off mark at 53 colleges across Odisha

July 11th, 2010

This year a joint admission system for 53 colleges in Odisha was used. Based on that following is the category-wise cut-off marks for the various colleges obtained from One can draw many conclusions from this data.

Sl# Dist College Code Col S GEN ST SC PH ESM
1 Angul 01041902 Government (Autonomous) College, Angul Arts 42.33
COM 50.00 49.33
PCM 68.50 49.17 57.33 51.50 66.00 55.33
CBZ 54.50 43.00 0.00
2 Balasore 02111403 Kuntala Kumari Sabat Women’s (Degree) College, Balasore Arts 48.00 43.17
02111904 Fakir Mohan (Autonomous) College, Balasore Arts 53.50 48.50
COM 63.67 54.83
PCM 75.00 56.00 66.50 72.83
CBZ 61.67 47.83 53.00 37.95
3 Baragarh 03071302 Panchayat (Degree) College, Bargarh Arts 52.67 35.33 48.17
COM 41.17
PCM 61.67 53.17
CBZ 51.17 40.33
4 Bhadrak 04091902 Bhadrak (Autonomous) College, Bhadrak Arts 55.17 50.00
COM 63.50 52.33 41.00 52.67 38.33
PCM 68.17 42.17 59.00 62.83 62.00
CBZ 56.50 47.67 47.50
5 Bolangir 05071304 Government (Degree) College, Bolangir Arts 35.00
05071405 Government Women’s (Degree) College, Bolangir Arts 40.50
05071907 Rajendra (Autonomous) College, Bolangir Arts 54.50 48.00
COM 58.80 50.67
PCM 66.60 49.00 63.83
CBZ 56.83 43.33 51.50
6 Boudh 06042302 Boudh Panchayat (Degree) College, Boudh Arts 47.50 42.33
PCM 44.83
7 Cuttack 07101302 Jatiya Kabi Bira Kishore Government (Degree) College, Cuttack Arts 50.00 44.50
07181403 Shailabala Women’s (Degree) College, Cuttack Arts 51.00 42.33
PCM 71.67 54.17 62.83 53.33
CBZ 63.40 46.33 53.83 54.40
8 Deogarh 08042302 Deogarh (Degree) College, Deogarh Arts
PCM 40.83
9 Dhenkanal 09041403 Government Womens (Degree) College, Dhenkanal Arts 36.33
09041904 Dhenkanal (Autonomous) College, Dhenkanal Arts 36.00
COM 54.17 43.17
PCM 69.60 40.50 57.33 61.17
CBZ 56.67 44.50
10 Gajapati 10091902 Sri Krushna Chandra Gajapati (Autonomous) College, Paralakhemundi Arts 52.17 50.00 46.17
COM 41.50 35.00
PCM 53.50 45.33 45.67
CBZ 46.00 46.38
11 Ganjam 11071304 Binayak Acharya (Degree) College, Aska Road Arts 44.67 42.50
COM 42.83 0.00
11071905 Khalikote (Autonomous) College, Berhampur Arts 51.50 41.83 47.33 38.50
COM 67.33 58.50 60.17 45.50
PCM 72.33 53.50 65.00
CBZ 60.50 42.50 54.00 59.67 44.17
11071906 Sashi Bhusan Rath Government (Autonomous) Women’s College, Berhampur Arts 54.17 44.50 46.83
PCM 70.80 44.50 59.33


Sl# Dist College Code Col Str GEN ST SC PH ESM
11 Ganjam 11071906 Sashi Bhusan Rath Government (Autonomous) Women’s College, Berhampur CBZ 61.60 42.83
11191401 Niranjan Government (Degree) Women’s College, Aska Arts
11321302 Government Science (Degree) College, Chhatrapur Arts 46.45 43.50
COM 63.67 48.00
PCM 65.83 38.17 60.67
CBZ 52.33 48.50
12 Jagatsinghpur 12092902 Swami Vivekananda Memorial (Autonomous) College, Jagatsinghpur Arts 46.50 35.00
COM 49.33 35.00
PCM 62.00 55.00
CBZ 51.33 40.45
13 Jajpur 13111902 Narasingh Choudhury (Autonomous) College, Jajpur Arts 51.00 43.83
COM 59.33 44.67
PCM 65.33 55.50 41.17
CBZ 55.67 48.50
14 Jharsuguda 14082303 Laxmi Narayan (Degree) College, Jharsuguda Arts
COM 38.17
PCM 37.83
15 Kalahandi 15081403 Government Women’s (Degree) College, Bhawanipatna Arts
15081904 Government (Autonomous) College, Bhawanipatna Arts 46.50 42.67
COM 53.83 39.33
PCM 66.17 50.83 62.17
CBZ 50.00 37.50 47.17
16 Kandhamal 16141403 Sanjaya Memorial Government Women’s (Degree) College, Phulbani Arts 40.50 36.50 35.33
16141904 Government (Autonomous) College, Phulbani Arts 50.00 44.33 47.22
COM 41.45 39.00
PCM 61.67 53.50 53.80
CBZ 43.17 0.00
17 Kendrapara 17102905 Kendrapara Autonomus College, Kendrapara Arts 48.67 39.17
COM 53.50 39.50 37.17
PCM 58.00 50.17 0.00
CBZ 49.33
18 Keonjhar 18171403 Government Women’s (Degree) College, Keonjhar Arts 43.17 37.83 35.00
18171904 Dharanidhar (Autonomous) College, Keonjhar Arts 52.00 48.67 42.00
COM 52.50 39.83
PCM 72.00 62.17 64.33 53.78
CBZ 56.50 50.83 51.17
19 Khurda 19051304 Rajdhani (Degree) College, Bhubaneswar Arts 50.33 39.17 44.67
19051905 Buxi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar (Autonomous) College, Bhubaneswar Arts 56.00 35.00 49.56
COM 74.17 54.33 67.00
PCM 81.20 69.20 74.80 66.17 67.40
CBZ 74.50 63.33 67.50
19051906 Rama Devi Women’s (Autonomous) College, Bhubaneswar Arts 51.17 35.00 42.00
COM 67.33 52.00 59.00
PCM 78.00 60.00 69.60
CBZ 69.50 58.17 60.33
19056370 Basic Science (Degree) College, Bhubaneswar PCM 77.50 58.83 71.50 54.00
CBZ 68.17 57.75 62.00
20 Koraput 20061403 Government Women’s (Degree) College, Jeypore Arts 41.83
20061904 Vikram Dev (Autonomous) College, Jeypore Arts 48.00 38.83 42.33
Sl# Dist College Code Col Str GEN ST SC PH ESM
20 Koraput 20061904 Vikram Dev (Autonomous) College, Jeypore COM 42.50
PCM 62.00 54.33 59.67
CBZ 48.33 40.17 42.50
20171303 D.A.V. (Degree) College, Koraput Arts 47.67 42.50 42.00
COM 41.83 37.00
PCM 57.00 51.50 54.50
CBZ 44.83 40.50
21 Mayurbhanj 22191402 Government Women’s (Degree) College,Baripada Arts 35.00
22191904 Maharaja Purna Chandra (Autonomous) College, Baripada Arts 35.00
COM 53.83 35.00 38.50 47.50
PCM 68.67 57.67 61.33 58.17 64.17 58.50
CBZ 57.40 49.83 47.67
22 Nawarangpur 23052302 Nawarangpur (Degree) College, Nawarangpur Arts 41.83 37.56 39.45
COM 35.00
PCM 45.15 37.67
CBZ 41.67
23 Nayagarh 24102903 Nayagarh (Autonomus) College, Nayagarh Arts 43.67
PCM 63.00 43.33
CBZ 38.58
24 Puri 26151403 Government Women’s (Degree) College, Puri Arts 48.17 38.67
26151904 Samanta Chandra Sekhar (Autonomous) College, Puri Arts 53.67 45.33
COM 64.00 39.50
PCM 66.33 57.50 62.67 56.33
CBZ 55.17 47.33
25 Rayagada 27142903 Rayagada (Autonomus) College, Rayagada Arts 35.00
COM 55.00 39.00 42.50
PCM 52.33 47.33 50.00
CBZ 40.67
26 Sambalpur 28111302 Netaji Subash Chandra Bose (Degree) College, Sambalpur Arts 36.33 35.00 35.11
COM 54.00 41.00
28141403 Government Women’s (Degree) College, Sambalpur Arts 51.17 42.67 44.33
PCM 64.33 56.00 56.67
CBZ 59.03 48.33 54.67
28141904 Gangadhar Meher (Autonomous) College, Sambalpur Arts 52.17 39.33 46.67
COM 60.60 40.83 45.83
PCM 69.33 60.00 64.17 43.50
CBZ 60.00 50.83 53.67
27 Sonepur 29082302 Sonepur (Degree) College, Sonepur Arts 49.33 46.17
PCM 53.33 48.50
CBZ 38.45 0.00
28 Sundargarh 30101304 Rourkela (Degree) College, Rourkela Arts 35.00
COM 57.17 45.67 37.67
30101405 Sushilabati Government Women’s (Degree) College, Rourkela Arts 45.00 40.67 35.17
PCM 53.33 45.17 40.83
CBZ 47.17 40.50
30101906 Government (Autonomous) College, Panposh, Rourkela Arts 51.17 47.83 42.50
COM 67.17 58.50 58.83 52.50
PCM 66.83 60.00 53.50
CBZ 60.83 52.83 50.50
Sl# Dist College Code College Stream GEN ST SC PH ESM
28 Sundargarh 30211303 Government (Degree) College, Rangadhip, Sundergarh Arts
PCM 60.17 51.83 47.17
CBZ 47.17 41.50 0.00
30211404 Government Women’s (Degree) College, Maheshdihi, Sundergarh Arts

Entry Filed under: Colleges


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