Proposed XIMB campuses in Balangir and Sambalpur to have 120 seats each

July 18th, 2010

Following is an excerpt from a report in

Minister said to provide qualitative education on Management, XIMB has been roped in to set up its campus at Balangir to start a Post Graduate Program in General Management with specialization in Banking and Finance Service.

Intake will be 60 students in this discipline and equal number of students in Rural Management Program, for which XIMB will be given Rs.10 crore grant.

Similarly XIMB will open another branch at Sambalpur for General Management with specialization in Human Resource Development Program with intake capacity of 120 students, said the Minister.

Entry Filed under: Balangir-Titlagarh area,Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4),Xavier University,XIM Bhubaneswar,XIM, Bhubaneswar

54 Writeup

  • 1. pradipta ray  |  July 25th, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    today sarda nayak told me-yes the things are almost to be final,and very shortly we will get the good news of airport
    and also i ve suggested them to visit the and website once in a weak,so that they can get some good proposals for the devlopment of orissa and rourkela,
    he noted the website and

  • 2. bikash dash  |  July 26th, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    i dont know why the people of rourkela are so much partial about sambalpur.u go and ask any people of western orissa where they prefer any new institute,rourkela or sambalpur,undoubtly they will say sambalpur.this is the attachment sambalpur have with the western orissa cities.regarding sdevlopment soon we are going to have the first multiplex in orissa and bigbazaar is also opening its branch in can gt every thing in sambalpur.i just laugh when i heard that sambalpur is a modern all of u who are saying this just clear ur fact.and population will cross 3.5 lakh and including burla and hirakud it will be 4.2 .so the next muncipal corporation will be SAMBALPUR not rourkela.inext is an air port issue.ok it is opening in jharsuguda so no issues.after all we all are sambalpuria.regarding education wait and see. after one year compare sambalpur and rkl.

  • 3. mihir  |  July 27th, 2010 at 9:52 am

    we don’t compared Rourkela with sambalpur. we just want a Rourkela university so that we don;t need to go sambalpur(villege) which is 175 km from Rourkela.

  • 4. alok  |  July 27th, 2010 at 7:30 pm

    I am least bothered what you have mentioned but at the same time i would appreciate if you could go through the blogs posted.One of the bloggers started taking it personally and its completely unethical.Even now you are doing the same.I am from Sambalpur but at the same time i was brought up at Rourkela.I know the potential of the both places.The population as per latest data available is no more than 3 lakhs but Rourkela has already crossed 6 lakhs.Sambalpur is politically an important place of Orissa but commercially its Rourkela which dominates the whole of Western Orissa.Opening up multiplex and big bazaarwill just give people entertainment options.But what about the basic aminities like sanitation,drainage system.I dont know why i am explaining but i have to do because somewhere you guys have been mis guided.Let me tell you Rourkela is the planned city of Orissa and its drainage system is one of the best in india and can be comapared to Chandigarh.Well if the basic things are in place then the place will develop automatically.Thats why we were ranked the 14th cleanest city of India.Let the base become strong and then think of top.Rourkela has a strong base which Sambalpur lacks.Now dont start another argument that Sambalpur has better roads and drainage system than RKL.Once your basics are in place you will grow which is happeneing with RKL.But it seems we are least bothered when coming to Sambalpur.Now you will mention that our steel plant is taking care thats why its well maintained.SBP has muncipality.So that means teh civic authorities are least bothered.We the people of SBP are not doing anything.I have seen places near Mahanadi ..the road thatruns parallel to it.Its the garbage junction for Sambalpur town(just an example).Why no one takes a note of that ?You cant blame the people of RKL for all the unhyginic conditions at SBP.The conclusion is that the civic authorities are some how trying there best but the citizens of SBP are least bothered to keep it clean.And then you will say my Sambalpur.So whom you are suppose to blame ?Big bazaar and multiplex wont improve anything at Sambalpur rather then entertainment and shoppng.Will that solve the basic problems like one mentioned above.


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