Final summary of GE seat situation at the end of JEE counseling for general category

August 7th, 2007

(Update on June 17 2008:  For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see I do not have more information than that.)

This is a continuation of our earlier effort. Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up and what are left. [Please note that when we mention that a certain branch got filled up in the range, say, 800-1200 that means it got filled in some rank in between that. It could have been filled up in rank 801 or rank 1200. I just don’t have the data to make that distinction.]

  1. Ajay Binay (Comp Sc 8401-10000, Elec & TC 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE&I 11701-12600, Elec 11701-12600, Mech 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
  2. Balasore (Comp Sc 12601-13600, E & TC 12601-13600, IT  14701-15900, Mech 15901-17200, Mech 17201-18600) – ALL GE GONE by 18600
  3. Bhadrakh Inst (Comp Sc 10801-11700, E & TC 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600, Elec 13601-14700, Mech 13601-14700, Civil 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
  4. CV Raman  Bhubaneswar  (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600, Chemical 7201-7800, Marine 15901-17200) – ALL GE GONE by 17200
  5. College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600, IT 3601-4100, E & EE 4501-5000, Mech 5501-6000, Civil 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
  6. CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200, Biotech 4101-4500, Textile 8401-10000, Fashion 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700
  7. DRIEMS, Cuttack (Comp Sc 6601-7200, Ele & TC 6601-7200, IT 8401-10000, Elec 10001-10800, AE&I 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
  8. East Bhubaneswar (Elect & TC 4101-4500, Comp Sc. 5001-5500, IT 6001-6600, AE&I 8401-10000, Elect 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800, Biomed 20001-21545) Env (4)
  9. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600, Comp Sc 3601-4100, E & EE V, IT 4501-4500) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  10. Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, IT 5501-6000, E&EE 5501-6000) – ALL GE GONE by 6000
  11. GIET Gunupur (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, E & EE 5501-6000, IT 6601-7200, AE & I 7201-7800, Mech 7201-7800, Chem 14701-15900, Biotech 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
  12. GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800, Electrical 4101-4500, Mech 4501-5000) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  13. Ghanashyam Hemlata, Puri (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & TC 10001-10800, Elec 12601-13600, Mech 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE By 14700
  14. Gopal Krishna Jeypore () Civil (17), Elec (12), ECE (12)
  15. IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800, Metallurgy 4101-4500, Civil 4501-5000, Chemical 5001-5500) – ALL GE GONE 5500
  16. Inst of Ad Comp Res, Raygada (Comp Sc 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600, ECE 14701-15900,  E & EE 14701-15900, Mech 18601-20000), Civil (29)
  17. ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) ALL GE GONE by 3600
  18. Jagannath Cuttack (Comp Sc 10001-10800, Elec & TC 10801-11700, Mech 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700.
  19. JITM Parlakheumndi (Comp Sc 10801-11700, ECE 11701-12600, IT 13601-14700, E & EE 13601-14700,  I & E 17201-18600, Mech 17201-18600) Chemical (10)
  20. Konark Inst Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Ele & TC 7201-7800, AE & I 10801-11700, Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  21. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, E & EE 8401-10000, Elc & TC 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000,  Biomed 15901-17200) – ALL GE GONE by 17200
  22. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4101-4500, Elec & TC 4101-4500, IT 4101-4500, AE & I 5501-6000, Elec 5501-6000, Mech 6601-7200) – ALL GE GONE by 7200
  23. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Elec & TC 7801-8400, E & EE 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, AE&I 11701-12600) Biomed (12)
  24. Majighariani Rayagada (Comp Sc 15901-17200, IT 18601-20000, ECE 18601-20000, E & EE 20001-21545), Mech (11), Biotech (16)
  25. Nalanda (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE by 10800
  26. NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
  27. NM IET Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 6001-6600, ECE 6601-7200,  E & EE 7201-7800, IT 7801-8400, Mech 10001-10800, Inst 12601-13600) – ALL GE GONE by 13600
  28. Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600, Electrical 3601-4100, Mech 4501-5000, Civil 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  29. Orissa school of mining Engg Keonjhar (Elec 4101-4500, Mech 5001-5500, Mining 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  30. Padmanav Rourkela (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & Tc 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  31. Padmashree Baragarh (Comp Sc 15901-17200, Elec & TC 15901-17200, AE & I 18601-20000, Elec 20001-21545, Mech 20001-21545) – ALL GE GONE by 21545.
  32. Purushottam Rourkela (Comp Sc 11701-12600, E & TC 11701-12600, IT 12601-13600,  E & EE 13601-14700, AE & I 14701-15900) – ALL GE GONE by 15900.
  33. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  34. Roland Berhampur (ECE 7801-8400, Comp Sc 8401-10000, IT 10001-10800, E & EE 12601-13600, AE & I 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700
  35. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Koraput (Comp Sc 17201-18600) ECE (18), Elec (32), AE & I (36), Mech (31)
  36. Sanjay Memorial Berhampur (Elec & Tc 10801-11700, E & EE 13601-14700, Elect 14701-15900, Mech 15901-17200, Civil 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
  37. Satyasai Balasore (Comp Sc 14701-15900, Elec & TC 15901-17200), Mech (5)
  38. Seemanta Mayurbhanj (Comp Sc 14701-15900, Elec & TC 14701-15900, Elec 17201-18600, Mech 17201-18600, I&E 18601-20000), Civil (4)
  39. Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
  40. Synergy Dhenkanal (Elec & TC 7201-7800, Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000,  Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  41. Techno Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE & I 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
  42. Trident Bhubaneswar (Elec & TC 3601-4100, Comp Sc 4101-4500, E & EE 4501-5000, Biomed 7201-7800) – ALL GE GONE by 7800
  43. UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200

Entry Filed under: Anugul-Talcher-Dhenkanal area (7),Balasore-Chandipur area (6),Baripada-Bangiriposi area (6),Berhampur-Gopalpur-Hinjilicut area (3),Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),CET Bhubaneswar,Engineering and MCA colleges,Engineering college clusters,IGIT Sarang,Koraput-Jeypore-Sunabeda area (5),Odisha JEE, AIEEE, BPUT counseling, etc.,Orissa School of Mining Engineering, Keonjhar,Private Engineering Colleges,Rayagada-Gunupur area,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2),Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4),UCE Burla (became a university)

87 Writeup

  • 1. anupam jha  |  June 30th, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    my aieee rank in state is 1484. where can i get admision in colleges of orissa

  • 2. pritam  |  June 30th, 2008 at 7:13 pm

    the data given are taken from candidate of orrisa or out side orrisa

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  June 30th, 2008 at 7:16 pm

    GE: General category; inside state

  • 4. ashis  |  June 30th, 2008 at 9:00 pm

    i have secured a rank 2720(GE) and 578(green card) and 81(MI).
    can i probably hope a seat in CET/ BURLA?
    what are the possible seats for me ???

  • 5. atman  |  July 1st, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    i hav got 1082 in green card. in which college will i get a seat

  • 6. abn singh  |  July 2nd, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    my rank in orrisa jee is 715.which one is the best college where i can get EC or CSE.i m out of orrisa candidate in general cat.pls suggest me top 10 colleges of orrisa.

  • 7. rajesh ranjan  |  July 3rd, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    is ut all rank of otsude state candidate , or only for orissa state candidate

  • 8. avra  |  July 3rd, 2008 at 3:32 pm

    i have got 8767 rank engg osge.where will i get ece.what amount of money needed to book seats after counselling in orissa.

  • 9. Abhinav Kumar  |  July 4th, 2008 at 1:13 am

    sir my orissa JEE rank is 1900( outside state ).what are my chances to get admission?

  • 10. soumyajeet agasti  |  July 4th, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    Sir, I have got 9143 rank in general & 1621 in greencard on ORISSA JEE,kindly inform me which college & branch is on my life .

  • 11. soumyajeet agasti  |  July 4th, 2008 at 10:37 pm

    Why I have not being informed about placement of engineering college though I have requested that my rank in OJEE is 9143 in general & 1621 in greencard.Kindly intimate me to my mail

  • 12. satabdi pratikshya  |  July 5th, 2008 at 11:44 am

    I have not yet recieved my rank card.
    And i also want to know about counseling details.

  • 13. MD NAZMUL HASSAN  |  July 5th, 2008 at 12:30 pm

    sir i am md nazmul hassan student of bca final year.i got 53 rank in orissa Jee MCA 2008.suggest me for the good college.

    Sir Please………………………………..

    Academy of Business Administration, Balasore Rs. 60,000/-
    2. Bhadrak Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bhadrak Rs. 28,000/-
    3. C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar Rs. 45,000/-
    4. College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar Rs. 45,000/-
    5. Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Institute of IT, Rourkela Rs. 45,000/-
    6. Gandhi Institute of Computer Studies, Gunupur Rs. 65,000/-
    7. Gayatri Institute of Computer & Management Studies, Gunpur Rs. 30,000/-
    8. Indian Institute of Science & IT, Bhubaneswar Rs. 62,000/-
    9. Institute of Advanced Computer & Research, Rayagada Rs. 50,000/-
    10. Institute of Technical Education & Research, Bhubaneswar Rs. 75,000/-
    11. Kushagra Institute of Information & Management Studies, Cuttack Rs. 40,000/-
    12. NIST, Berhampur Rs. 65,000/-
    13. Orissa Computer Academy, Bhubaneswar Rs. 65,000/-
    14. Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar Rs. 55,000/-
    15. Rourkela Institute of Management Studies, Rourkela Rs. 55,000/-
    16. Rourkela Institute of Technology, Kalunga Rs. 32,000/-
    17. Seemanta Engineering College, Jharpokharia Rs. 50,000/-
    18. Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar Rs. 58,000/-
    19. Tapaswini Institute of IT, Kansbahal Rs. 40,000/-
    20. Trident Academy of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar Rs. 55,000/-
    21. Purusottam Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rourkela Rs. 34,000/-
    22. Roland Institute of Technology, Berhampur Rs. 45,000/-

  • 14. abhishek  |  July 6th, 2008 at 11:15 am

    sir my rank in aieee is 107000,in orissa jee (outsider )is 4992;
    plssss give me the lists of colledges in orissa as well as other states where i can get admissions

  • 15. prabir kumar from bhubneswar  |  July 7th, 2008 at 7:07 pm

    sir i want to know which good privet engineering college should i admitted with my rank 9356 in GE in jee2008.sir please suggest a college in bhubneswar only with csc branch. thank sir

  • 16. SUDESHNA SAHU  |  July 9th, 2008 at 8:45 pm

    dear sir ,
    my gewo rank is 1321.
    can i get into these list of colleges?

    i am interested in CS,IT,E&TC branches

  • 17. sourav dash  |  July 10th, 2008 at 12:03 pm

    I have secured 7250 in ojee which college i would prefer?

  • 18. pradeep kumar pradhan  |  July 11th, 2008 at 1:43 pm

    sir my green card rank is 4501 so you suggest me where can i admit

  • 19. Mayank Seth  |  July 12th, 2008 at 10:22 am

    My rank is 6002(outside state).Can i get top ten colleges in orissa?or send me the list which i can get within this rank.My choice of stream is computer science.

  • 20. vivek agarwal  |  July 14th, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    My rank is-1634 outside state , please sugesssst me the best college i can get in COMP SC. and ELE&TC

  • 21. Bonny Majhi  |  July 14th, 2008 at 7:39 pm

    my ojee-2008,GEWO-5894 & STWO-145, can i get any seat in govt. colleges?

  • 22. satya narayan panda  |  July 17th, 2008 at 5:25 pm

    my ojee 2008 rank is 808.which college is suitable for ELE&TC and ECE.

  • 23. samita mishra  |  July 19th, 2008 at 10:06 pm

    My GE rank is 8214,girls rank is 2281. What are my chances of getting a govt college?

  • 24. Abhijit Mishra  |  August 6th, 2008 at 7:08 pm

    My rank is 10638(GE). Which colleges and which branches can I get?

  • 25. chandan  |  August 12th, 2008 at 10:59 am

    My rank is 30042 in (GE)in my rank which college i can get a seat of ECE/ELE

  • 26. ravi  |  August 14th, 2008 at 1:58 pm

    i have got 1162 rank in orissa jee (outside state).would i get any of the top college?

  • 27. nitesh panigrahi  |  August 15th, 2008 at 7:46 pm

    my rank is 20377.
    which college i can get.

  • 28. devi patra  |  August 18th, 2008 at 7:49 pm

    my rank is 20000 .
    which college i can get

  • 29. sumit jha  |  September 5th, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    sir actually i had got 2162 rank in orissa jee .i am not a residence of orissa.which rank of colleges i could got through rank

  • 30. tusarkanti samal  |  June 5th, 2009 at 7:37 pm

    i want to join in engg with the mechanical branch.what

  • 31. timur  |  June 10th, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    ojee 2009 rank-24000
    i want mechanical or civil branch.
    which college can i get

  • 32. Pratik Kumar Das  |  June 11th, 2009 at 11:35 am

    Hello Sir,
    my AIEEE state rank is 2400
    and my OJEE rank is 7980

    can you please suggest any college in which i can get admission under mechanical…

    i also wanted to know if there is 15% reservation in colleges under aieee…
    any response will be highly appreciated..

  • 33. rajeev  |  June 11th, 2009 at 12:38 pm

    i have secured 3849 OS-GE rank pls tell me which college i will get?????????????????????????

  • 34. sweta snehi  |  June 11th, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    my rank in ojee 2009 is 4696.i want civil branch.which college can i get?

  • 35. SWARAJ SARKAR  |  June 11th, 2009 at 3:26 pm

    sir my rank in aieee is 159000,in orissa jee (outside state )is 2893;
    plssss give me the lists of colledges in orissa as well as other states where i can get admissions

  • 36. ruchita saluja  |  June 11th, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    My ojee rank is 3107 in general category and 770 in general women’s category, and my aieee AIR rank is 42192 and state rank is 754……
    Could you please tell me whether i have a chance of getting admission in CET or Silicon college with my branch as computer science or electronics and communication???

  • 37. abhishek  |  June 14th, 2009 at 11:49 am

    sir ive secured 2622(outside general) in orissa jee 2009..can i get admission in cv raman college??what options do i have?


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