NISER Bhubaneswar seems to be designed to have 250 regular faculty plus 100 visiting faculty

August 16th, 2010

I noticed that the fact that NISER currently has 43 regular faculty and 18 visiting faculty is not by accident or not because the institute is new and it needs visiting faculty to help in teaching, but is because NISER is designed to have additional 40% faculty as visiting faculty.

This comes out clearly in the design specs for the academic campus. For example, in it is clearly stated that there will be offices for 250 faculty and additional 100 visiting faculty. This is in addition to having space for 150 post-doctoral fellows. (IISERs talk about 200 faculty and do not mention visiting faculty.)

This feature of having about additional 40% visiting faculty is more of a feature of DAE institutes like TIFR and is in contrast to most MHRD institutions. For example, the IISERs do not have that many visiting faculty.

Having such a high percentage of visiting faculty will enrich NISER’s environment and will be one of its signature distinguishing features. It will also help in faculty recruitment in that it can take in some highly regarded prospective faculty immediately as visiting faculty while they go through the formal approval process of a regular faculty position.

NISER has not yet advertised or highlighted about this feature of having such a high percent of visiting faculty positions. It should. Also, it should spread the word about its visiting positions widely to attract visitors from all over the world.

Another design feature of NISER vis-a-vis IISERs is its lower faculty student ratio. Its target is to have 250 regular faculty plus 100 visiting faculty and 1750 students (including 150 post-docs); making it a target ratio of 1:7 (if one just counts the regular faculty). In comparison IISERs are designed to have 200 faculty and 2055 students (including post-docs); making it a target ratio of 1:10.

While NISER’s target faculty-student ratio is 1:7, its current regular-faculty-student ratio is about 1:4.6. That means NISER is ahead in its faculty recruiting. For this  all kudos go to the NISER director Prof. T. K. Chandrashekar.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs,NISER, Bhubaneswar

1 Writeup

  • 1. pabitra kumar barad  |  August 17th, 2010 at 4:41 am

    NISER was established for research in basic science. Its then chairman Dr. kakodkar promised to establish a similar institute in NISER campus for education and research in Engg. & Tech.Now NISER is three year old. so the institution must be establish and the permanent campus of NISER should be constructed soon.


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