Data and observations on Medical Counseling Day 1 and 2

August 10th, 2007

Total Seats:

  • SCB Medical (150)
  • MKCG Medical (150)
  • VSS Medical (150)
  • KIMS Medical (100) – 70 through JEE
  • IMS Medical (100) –   70 through JEE
  • HiTech Medical (100) – 70 through JEE
  • SCB Dental (about 20)
  • KIIT Dental (100) – 70 through JEE
  • IDS Dental (100) – 70 through JEE
  • Hi-Tech Dental (100) – 70 through JEE
  • Gandhi Dental (50) –  35 through JEE

Day 1:

  • Schedule: GE (general) 1-580, SC 1-85, ST 1-110, PH (physically handicapped) 1-18, MI (military) 1-48, GC (green card- i.e. parents have less than or equal to 2 kids) 1-156
  • Seats available at End of Day 1:
    • SCB (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 0, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • MKCG (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 2, MI 0, GC 0)
    • VSS (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 3, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • KIMS Medical (GE 49 , SC 5, ST 7, PH 0, MI 0, GC 4 )
    • IMS Medical (GE 51, SC 4 , ST 9, PH 0, MI 0 , GC3 )
    • HiTech Medical (GE 50 , SC 5, ST 7, PH 0 , MI 0 , GC 4)
    • SCB Dental (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 0, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • KIIT Dental (GE 52 , SC 5, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0, GC 3 )
    • IDS Dental (GE 52 , SC 6, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0, GC 4 )
    • Hi-Tech Dental (GE 52, SC 5, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0 , GC 3)
    • Gandhi Dental  (GE 26, SC 3, ST 4, PH 0, MI 0, GC 2)

Day 2:

  • Schedule: GE 581-1504,  ST 111-128, GC 157-360
  • Seats available at End of Day 2:
    • SCB (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 0, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • MKCG (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 2, MI 0, GC 0)
    • VSS (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 3, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • KIMS Medical (GE 18, SC 5, ST 7, PH 0, MI 0, GC 4 )
    • IMS Medical (GE 36, SC 4 , ST 9, PH 0, MI 0 , GC3 )
    • HiTech Medical (GE 42 , SC 5, ST 7, PH 0 , MI 0 , GC 4)
    • SCB Dental (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 0, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • KIIT Dental (GE 51, SC 5, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0, GC 3)
    • IDS Dental (GE 49, SC 6, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0, GC 4 )
    • Hi-Tech Dental (GE 51, SC 5, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0 , GC 3)
    • Gandhi Dental  (GE 26, SC 3, ST 4, PH 0, MI 0, GC 2)


  1. Orissa does not have enough rich families that can afford to send their kids to private medical colleges.
  2. Thus there is a need for more government medical colleges.
  3. Among the private medical colleges the order of preference seems to be KIMS followed by IMS followed by Hi-Tech. Its interesting that among these three Hi-Tech is the oldest and the other two only got MCI approval this year. However the other two are either part of or associated with deemed universities.

Entry Filed under: Berhampur-Gopalpur-Hinjilicut area (3),Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Hi-Tech Medical College, Bhubaneswar,Inst. of Medical Sc. and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar,KIMS, Bhubaneswar,Medical, nursing and pharmacy colleges,MKCG Medical College, Berhampur,Odisha JEE, AIEEE, BPUT counseling, etc.,Private medical colleges,Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4),SCB Medical College, Cuttack,VSS Medical College, Burla

11 Writeup

  • 1. PRASUN BIKASH  |  August 11th, 2007 at 12:53 am

    On analysing the counselling process for mbbs/bds, 144 mbbs seats and almost all the bds seats i.e 230, are lying vacant in private medical/dental colleges.

    The last mbbs/bds seat in govt. colleges was filled up at around a rank of 420. From rank 421 to 1504, only 60 students got admitted, in private colleges, i.e only one in every 18 students opted to study in pvt. colleges. The bds seats were left untouched.

    If this trend continues, then an additional number of 2592 (144*18) students i.e rank upto 4096 must be called for a second round of counselling to fill up the vacant seats in mbbs. Simillarly that should also be done for bds seats.

    If these vacant seats were returned back to the pvt. colleges without a govt. authorised counselling process, then that will become a golden chance for them to make a brisk business and they will start charging exorbitant capitation fees from ineligible aspirants who are not in the merit list of OJEE, under management quota.

    Therefore, another merit list beyond the 1504 rank must be published immediately to curb unfair practices by the pvt. colleges in the admission process, in the greater interest of the meritious students.

    Is the govt. aware of such an educational hazard?

  • 2. aditya prasad padhy  |  August 12th, 2007 at 12:00 pm

    this is alright,but if the fee reduced to 2.5 to 3 lakh per year than there will more students were joined so that no seat will left vacant,as i contact with maximum people.if this will happne than instead of vecancy more students will returne as not able to join.

  • 3. Anil Kumar Singh  |  August 21st, 2007 at 9:29 am

    1. This is very true that the fee structure for MBBS and BDS should reduced up to affordable limit as well as viability of colleges for giving proper education without any aid by the Government.
    2. It is also advisable that Government should provide aid to the colleges for JEE qualified students for MBBS & BDS.
    3. JEE should conduct councelling for JEE qualified outside state general students for MBBS/BDS. When I discussed higher authority of JEE, they simply told that OSGE candidate for MBBS/BDS will not come under JEE councelling, they should contact direct to colleges for their management quota. No instructions has been given to colleges by JEE for OSGE students.Clear cut directives should be given on net for admission to JEE rankers OSGE students or councelling should be conducted when JEE has taken exam for outside state candidates.

  • 4. sandeep  |  August 28th, 2007 at 1:32 pm

    is it right to increase mbbs fee upto 2 lakh [2.5-4.5] without disscussing about the economical background of orissa people. In kerala supreme court decided the fee structure of 1.35lakh for pvt medical college. orissa is much more poor than kerala. then how can you think ,orissa people can afford such a huge sum of money. in karnataka the fee for outside state candidate is 3.25 lakh, are those private college are foolish. it is now upon govt to stop playing with student carrier and think about there better future…….

  • 5. ABHISAR PANDA  |  June 12th, 2008 at 7:12 am

    i have secured a rank of 500 in OJEE, shall i get Govt colleges in orissa

  • 6. sephali tete  |  June 21st, 2008 at 12:44 pm

    i’ve got 203 rank in st quota. can i get admission in goverment colleges. is there any chance of getting into vss medical college burla.

    fees of private colleges are at hike . can’t the courses be affordable according to the economical standards of orissa. it becomes really tough to drop a year and prepare. its the toughest time in any student’s life. plz hear the plee of merit list students and take a proper decission

  • 7. dibya ranjan nayak  |  July 14th, 2008 at 11:35 am

    there is a real need of more govt. med. colleges in orissa.currently with only seats around 450 its very difficult for every med. aspirant to get a seatas compared to the no. of govt colleges in other states like AP which hs abt 14 govt. colleges.
    the concerned govt. bodies should consider it .ok i agree that infrastructure is a hindrance……also it should be noted that orissa is no longer a poor ,backward state..private coll. like hitech,kiit and others hs prospered well in this state and showing good academic progress with large infrastructural foundations..
    talking of private med. coll. in the state ,its only for the rich people….how many families of orissa can afford to pay around 3 lakhs per yr..wht abt the merit of the candidate…helplessly he/she hs 2 leave with no option.
    then comes the chance of unmerit rich candidates who join these pri. med. coll. bcoz they hv money..
    so there is a great need for govt. coll. in orissa or increase in mbbs/bds seats in present 3 govt. colleges for meritious level candidate..

  • 8. dr.ramnarayan nanda  |  January 17th, 2009 at 8:58 pm

    not exactly so.orissa needs more dedicated doctors .those passing out from private medical institutions are buisinessmen and not servers. so more govt medical colleges are needed for the state.

  • 9. dr.ramnarayan nanda  |  January 17th, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    i have ventilated my thought honestly.

  • 10. dr.ramnarayan nanda  |  January 17th, 2009 at 9:05 pm

    sorry no moderation.

  • 11. Dibya Ranjan Nayak,HIT  |  September 27th, 2009 at 7:18 am

    1. This is very true that the fee structure for MBBS and BDS should reduced up to affordable limit as well as viability of colleges for giving proper education without any aid by the Government.
    2. It is also advisable that Government should provide aid to the colleges for JEE qualified students for MBBS & BDS.
    3. JEE should conduct councelling for JEE qualified outside state general students for MBBS/BDS. When I discussed higher authority of JEE, they simply told that OSGE candidate for MBBS/BDS will not come under JEE councelling, they should contact direct to colleges for their management quota. No instructions has been given to colleges by JEE for OSGE students.Clear cut directives should be given on net for admission to JEE rankers OSGE students or councelling should be conducted when JEE has taken exam for outside state candidates.

    there is a real need of more govt. med. colleges in orissa.currently with only seats around 450 its very difficult for every med. aspirant to get a seatas compared to the no. of govt colleges in other states like AP which hs abt 14 govt. colleges.
    the concerned govt. bodies should consider it .ok i agree that infrastructure is a hindrance……also it should be noted that orissa is no longer a poor ,backward state..private coll. like hitech,kiit and others hs prospered well in this state and showing good academic progress with large infrastructural foundations..
    talking of private med. coll. in the state ,its only for the rich people….how many families of orissa can afford to pay around 3 lakhs per yr..wht abt the merit of the candidate…helplessly he/she hs 2 leave with no option.
    then comes the chance of unmerit rich candidates who join these pri. med. coll. bcoz they hv money..


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