UGC Scholarships for rank holders at the Bachelors level

August 14th, 2007

Following is from a UGC page.

Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme for University Rank Holders at Undergraduate Level for the academic session 2006-07.

The University Grants Commission, on the basis of a initiative of MHRD, had introduced Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme for University rank holders (in General and Honours Courses at Undergraduate levels) with the objective of attracting talents for pursuing post-graduate studies in basic subjects. The scheme is for non-professional courses only. The selection will be purely on merit basis. The awardees under this scheme can pursue their Post-Graduate programme in any area of specialization as also in any institution of higher learning in the country recognized by UGC under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act.

Subjects identified at undergraduate level for the award of Scholarships

S.No. Subjects
1 B.Sc. (General)
2 B.A. (General)
3 B.Com. (General)
4 B.Sc. (Botany) (Hons.)
5 B.Sc. (Chemistry) (Hons.)
6 B.Sc. (Mathematics) (Hons.)
7 B.Sc. (Physics) (Hons.)
8 B.Sc. (Statistics) (Hons.)
9 B.Sc. (Zoology) (Hons.)
10 B.A. (Economics) (Hons.)
11 B.A. (English) (Hons.)
12 B.A. (Geography) (Hons.)
13 B.A. (Hindi) (Hons.)
14 B.A. (History) (Hons.)
15 B.A. (Philosophy) (Hons.)
16 B.A. (Political Science) (Hons.)
17 B.A. (Psychology) (Hons.)
18 B.A. (Sanskrit) (Hons.)
19 B.A. (Sociology) (Hons.)
20 B.A. (Urdu) (Hons.)
21 B.Com. (Hons.)


While in General Courses the First & Second Rank holders at under-graduate level in the above mentioned courses only admitted in any Post-Graduate courses would be awarded the scholarship

In Honours Courses scholarship will be awarded only to the First Rank Holder.

These awardees will have to submit the proofs of their merit position at undergraduate level as well as their admission in first year of Post-Graduate courses during 2006-07.

The scholarship would however, be subject to securing a minimum of sixty percent marks at undergraduate level.

Duration of Scholarships:       2 Years

Number of Scholarships per year:

General Course 1800
Honours Course 575
Total 2375

Rate of Scholarship:      Rs. 2000/- p.m.(10 months in a year)

Other Conditions:

A student who is awarded the Post-Graduate Scholarship will not be debarred from accepting any other Scholarship. But candidate is entitled for only one scholarship either PG Merit Scholarship for University rank holding or Indira Gandhi PG Scholarship for Single Girl Child.

Students desirous of leaving the studies mid-way without completing the PG degree will have to take prior approval from the UGC by submitting an application along with justification through the concerned university.

The University/College institution will have to submit a certificate of completion of the PG Course in respect of each student availing this scholarship.

Documents to be submitted at the time of application:

Proof of admission to Master�s degree course in a recognized Indian University.

Matriculation Certificate.

Verification certificate from the institution where the candidate has taken admission (Annexture-II)

University Rank Certificate at U.G. level (Annexure-III)

Procedure for application:

Eligible students who are pursuing postgraduate 1st year course in any of the above mentioned subjects in the current year, i.e. 2005-2006 may submit their application for the above scholarship (Annexure I) giving full details like name, father�s name, date of birth, permanent and postal address, name of the undergraduate course, percentage of marks obtained along with merit certificate, postgraduate, course being pursued etc. (with all relevant attested copies of documents).

The application may be submitted to Joint Secretary (NIC), University Grants Commission, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.

Application received after the due date will not be considered. Those who have applied earlier need to apply fresh in response to this advertisement.

Candidates are advised before submitting application should read guidelines for the scheme which is available on UGC website

Envelops containing application should be marked as APPLICATION FOR PG MERIT SCHOLARSHIP FOR UNIVERSITY RANK HOLDER.

Entry Filed under: Fellowships and Scholarships

27 Writeup

  • 1. latika chawda  |  January 7th, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    pls send us the deadline of the submission of application of pg merit scholarship for university rank holder (2008-2010) for commerce stream

  • 2. phanindra  |  June 6th, 2009 at 1:42 pm

    i a m a b com student. my percent of intermarks75%. i want to continue my study throw any scolarships

  • 3. Banuja Meher  |  June 27th, 2009 at 3:56 pm

    I m Banuja Meher, graduate from Sambalpur Univ. Orissa holding 1st rank with72% in Hindi hons in the year 2006. I have also admitted myself for M.A. Still I didnt get the merit scholarship.. Would u pls define it .

  • 4. pothana prasad  |  July 18th, 2009 at 3:38 pm

    i got 97% B.Sc(GENERAL) , i am expecting university 1st rank of KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY.
    please send me the last date for submitting application for the scholarship for rank holders at UG level.

  • 5. PAWAN CHETRI  |  August 15th, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    Sir.iam pawan.i got a rank of 8 in my Bsc having hons subject as aggregate percentage is 70.i really need your support to pursue my higher studies.plz sir help me out.plz………..

  • 6. govind kumar  |  August 18th, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    i have passed my graduation in current session i.e 2009, from JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA( NEW DELHI), & currently pursuing post graduation from DELHI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS( NEW DELHI).
    IN GRADUATION i secured the 1’st rank in my course at my university level. i just want to know that when & how i can apply for the merit scholarship. kindly let me know about whole theprocess.

  • 7. meenxi kalkal  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 11:17 am

    hello i am meenaxi kalkal.i have done my graduation in agricultural sciences. can i apply for this scholarship?

  • 8. Arpita jain  |  September 9th, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    can you please tell me the last date for submission of application form for postgraduate merit scholarship for 2009.

  • 9. swarup mukherjee  |  September 15th, 2009 at 1:01 pm

    my graduation was completed on 2008. can i apply for post-graduate merit scholarship for university rank holder for the p.g academic year 2008-2009??

  • 10. mahesh  |  September 18th, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    plz send information about UGC Rank holder scholorship (2008-2010) graduate science(mathematics).I have completed bsc degree from baroda with 81.125% distinction .I secure 1st rank in mathematics as well as in science faculty.I wish to apply for scholorship but i do not have any nformation how to apply.
    so,kindly give me all information and deadlines about this issue.thank you.

  • 11. Chittaranjan Matari  |  October 2nd, 2009 at 6:07 pm

    I have secured 75.37% in physics honours from Anchal college,Padampur under Sambalpur University.

  • 12. lokesh shukla  |  October 15th, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    hello sir, i loksh shukla have done b.c.a. with 76% marks n now i m perusing form Lucknow university in master in total quality management.sir any scolarship is for professional courses.if u have please tell me………….

  • 13. RAMANI A.M  |  December 9th, 2009 at 3:58 pm

    please give me the rank scolarship.

  • 14. RAMANI A.M  |  December 9th, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    please ge me the rank scolarship.

  • 15. RENU PURI  |  January 2nd, 2010 at 1:21 am

    this is renu puri got 1st rank in Bsc ( Hons.) Botany from delhi university, still i have not got any information about scholorshiip. i have applied when i will get this scholorship. and what is the procedure. i will get total amount at a time or montaly. plz for my study its a urgent

  • 16. RAHUL H. JONDHALE  |  January 11th, 2010 at 5:13 pm

  • 17. p.raja  |  January 11th, 2010 at 9:00 pm

    I had secured 70.5% in my ug(BBA) and I got university 7th rank. Now i am doing pg coarse MBA. so please provide scholarship amount for my studies.

  • 18. deepthi  |  March 5th, 2010 at 9:35 pm

    hello sir/madam i hav scored an aggregate of 86% in bca and now i m doing mca in vtu bangalore.. for my pg study i need some scholarships ,so pls provide some information about this..

  • 19. Chinmoyee Chatterjee  |  June 23rd, 2010 at 3:58 pm

    I have just passed B.Sc(statistics) with 73% from Burdwan university.
    I want to know when the advertisement for scholarship will be published.

  • 20. sivapakkiyam  |  July 27th, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    This is sivapakkiyam got a first rank (B,sc HOMESCIENCE) at alagappa university. i want to get this scholorship.. when i apply for this scholorship. plz inform to me..

  • 21. Mahmuda Khannam  |  August 14th, 2010 at 8:28 pm

    I have just passed B.Sc. taking CHEMISTRY as hons. with 76% from Gauhati University.I want to know when the advertisement for scholarship will be published.plz inform me…

  • 22. Amrutha.O.  |  September 21st, 2010 at 7:00 pm

    sir,i am 2nd rank holder in BSc Physics (general)in Kannur University,now studying MSc in Mangalore University.(2010-2010)Please inform me when any scholarships are announced.

  • 23. mahitha sahadevan  |  October 18th, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    Sir,i am 1st rank holder in B.Sc Zoology(hons.)in kannur university .now studying M.Sc in S.N COLLEGE in kannur.Please inform me when any schorship announced.

  • 24. Arpita jain  |  October 23rd, 2010 at 8:19 pm

    can u please tel me the last date of submission for postgraduate merit scholarship by ugc for 2010…..m pursuing my msc…its my first year…

  • 25. Neethu u  |  February 23rd, 2011 at 5:49 pm

    Hello i am neethu.i have done my graduation in information technology.can i apply for this scholarship?

  • 26. BIVA TALUKDAR  |  July 19th, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    Sir/mam,I am really happy for these category of Scholarships that u provide for good students to encourage and speciall thanks to u.Sir/mam I am 1st rank holder in B.Sc with Chemistry(HONS).Is there any scholarship possible for me,.If possible please provide information about and how to apply for it.Thanks in advance

  • 27. prakhar chatterjee  |  September 3rd, 2011 at 10:47 pm

    sir, i’v graduated this year in b.s.c electronics(hons) under calcutta university. my rank is 3rd. i really need a scholarship if it’s possible coz that would help me financially and would help me in pursuing my higher degree courses. can i get a scholarship??


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