IISERs give ok to the concept of science magnet schools

September 8th, 2010

Following is from a report in Indian Express.

The proposal to set up new specialized Navodaya Vidyalayas to be termed as ‘Science Magnet’ schools, in collaboration with top R&D institutes, got the go-ahead from the Indian Institutes of Science Education & research (IISER) on Tuesday.

At a meeting with the Human Resource Development (HRD) minister Kapil Sibal, IISER directors said that such schools would allow an integrated approach to science education from school to university level. IISER Thiruvananthapuram director has also committed to helping to provide an enabling environment to students enrolled in these Science Magnet schools. The Planning Commission is also learnt to have accorded, in principal, approval for the proposal.

These specialized Navodaya schools will only cater to students from classes IX to XII and will be set up over the next three years. The idea came up in light of the huge shortage of science graduates and post-graduates in the country and the diminishing interest in core science subjects.

Institutes like IISERs, Indian Institute of Science, National Physical Laboratory, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Council for Science & Industrial Research (CSIR) will be approached to help these schools which will be located in close proximity to these R&D institutes.

Initially I misread and thought that the IISERs agreed to have science magnet schools in their campus. The above report just says that they agree to the concept. Related reports say that they agree to accept students with IB (International Baccalaureate) degrees. That is important because the science magnet schools may need to get away from CBSE/ICSE/state-board and have IB so as to have a flexible curriculum that allows more courses in science and mathematics. The standard CBSE/ICSE/state-board does not have that flexibility.

I guess the reason an ok from the IISERs is important is because these schools are targeted to be feeder schools to IISERs.

Entry Filed under: Magnet Schools,Navodaya Vidyalayas

4 Writeup

  • 1. Jyotirmayee Kar  |  September 9th, 2010 at 4:26 am

    Really a good proposal. Nice to know.
    IITs and other institutes should come forward to help the proposed schools.
    Its the time to improve the quality of science education in our country and attract talented young brains towards science.

  • 2. Saroj K Sahu  |  September 10th, 2010 at 11:46 am

    SCIENCE MAGNET SCHOOLs. Grrrrrrrrreat idea. However, key factor will be motivating-dedicated-faculty-teams for every school. Initial faculty, in my opinion, fifty percent of them should be middle-aged Professors inclined to school teaching (take it for granted that many of the super professors and researchers may be just unfit for the purpose). These faculty will not be like PGTs of the Kendriya Vidyalayas, their status should be of PGT++, creating an altogether different category and pay-package. These faculty will have transfer facility within these school-chain.
    Let’s wait and watch its coming-up.

  • 3. BISHNU MOHAN DASH  |  February 25th, 2011 at 10:59 pm

    when will these shcools start admission ?
    when ad for admission will be published ?

  • 4. jagamohan padhi  |  March 29th, 2012 at 3:28 pm

    really a good proposal , as i was a navodaya student i would like to say there should be short of entrance kind of thing to chose some student from the core navodaya students .
    so as to nourish the down area brains in a new advance scale . and which will enhance there competition level over study .and knowledge .
    which i thing is the actual goal of this motto.
    thank u.


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