XLRI agrees to Andhra invitation for a campus in Hyderabad

September 23rd, 2010

(Thanks to Deba Nayak for the pointer.)

Following is an excerpt from a report in Telegraph.

… Andhra Pradesh chief minister K. Rosaiah should personally request it to open its second campus in Hyderabad. The chief minister, in his August 18 letter, also promised all support from the government.

XLRI authorities are elated to be invited to Cyberabad, the latest sobriquet that stole the thunder of its earlier, more traditional one — City of Pearls.

Director Father E. Abraham accompanied by an XLRI team visited Hyderabad to get a full picture. “This move is in mutual interest for the Andhra government and XLRI. It is a recent development and a lot of things have to be finalised. But the Andhra government will support us in areas such as land acquisition,” said dean (academics) Pranabesh Ray.

In fact, the southern state has set the ball rolling, having almost finalised 75 acres in Hyderabad for the XLRI campus at Jawahar Nagar, close to BITS, Pilani. Sources said a US-based company has also evinced interest to invest in the project estimated to exceed Rs 100 crore.

For now, slow and steady is XLRI’s mantra. The dean said that once the Hyderabad campus got operational, it would first offer 60 seats for business management course. Its famed personnel management and industrial relations course will follow. …

Andhra Pradesh is good at this. In the last several years they invited and suceeded in getting a BITS Pilani campus and TIFR campus in Hyderabad and a BARC campus in Visakhapatnam. We should learn from them. This is beyond the central govt. institutes such as an IIT in Hyderabad and a SPA in Vijaywada.

In contrast our own XIM wants to become a university and have courses in arts and commerce (areas where we do not have any nationally ranked colleges) and our government is giving it a hard time.

Entry Filed under: Learning from others

2 Writeup

  • 1. bijoy  |  September 23rd, 2010 at 10:07 am



    BPUT/ 10/ 10055 Dated 20.09.2010


    The applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for the post of Principals in College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar and Orissa School of Mining Engineering (Self Financing Degree Stream) in the scale of Rs. 37400-67000/- + AGP of Rs. 10,000 with D.A and other benefits as admissible.

    Eligibility : As per AICTE norms and should below 60 years and should have minimum of 3 years of service to superannuate at 60 years of age. The details shall be available in the website (www.bput.ac.in)

    The Application format can be downloaded from our website. The Application should accompany two passport size photographs and A/c payee bank draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/ ST candidates) in favour of Biju Patnaik University of Technology drawn on any Nationalized Bank. The applicants are required to indicate the name of the college in order of preference in their application.

    The last date of receipt of application by the undersigned at BPUT, UGIE Campus, Jail Road, Rourkela-4 is 20.10.2010.

    Minimum eligibility does not ensure that a candidate will be called and selected for any post. The Decision of the University is final in this matter.

  • 2. Devasis  |  September 24th, 2010 at 11:55 am

    We will need to make our Govt see reason otherwise our neighbour will be the rischest state and we the pooerest be it in capital or knowledge.
    Unfortunatley we are not yet united in this front. We need to rise beyond our crab mentality.
    I will endevour to impress upon the Higher Education team whenever I meet them next


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