IIMs will be allowed to open centers inside and outside the country

October 13th, 2010

Following is from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=66338.

A meeting was held today under the Chairmanship of Human Resources Minister, Shri Kapil Sibal with the Chairpersons and Directors of IIMS on the future vision of the IIMs and the necessary steps to be taken to achieve them. Shri Sibal informed the members that in the last one and half year a number of steps have been taken by the Ministry to provide autonomy to the IIMs. Some of these include full powers to the Boards of IIMs to create posts within the approved norms, freedom to open centres in India and abroad, amend Rules of the IIM within the framework of Memorandum of Association and Rules, power to acquire and dispose property not fully or partially funded by the Ministry of HRD, powers to approve their own Budget, and also to manage the funds generated by the IIMs on their own. However, he said that autonomy should go hand in hand with accountability; in that the faculty, the director and the Board should take steps to prepare annual action plans and key performance indicators at each level and be fully accountable and transparent. 

The meeting considered the reports of Committees constituted in the last meeting in Bangalore on certain key issues. Discussions were held on the report of the Committee constituted to recommend a new Governance Structure for IIMs (chaired by Shri R.C. Bhargav, Chairman BOG- IIM, Ranchi). It was decided that the number of Board Members of IIMs would be reduced to 14. It also discussed the composition and selection of the Boards of governors with adequate membership to the Society of the IIM, the government, the faculty and the alumni. It was also decided that the IIM societies should have long term members who take continuous interest in the running of the IIMs. It was also decided, in principle, that Directors of IIMs will now be appointed through a process wherein the Board of Governors of the IIMs suggests three names to the Government from which the Government chooses one. 

On the second report of the Committee on Faculty and Research at the IIMs, chaired by Shri Ajit Balakrishnan, Chairman, IIM, Calcutta. It was decided that the IIMs can top up the salaries of their Directors also in addition to the Faculty from the funds generated by them on their own. It was also decided that the Faculty members would give individual work plans at the start of the year. The recommendations of the Committee regarding use of technology in IIMs were accepted and the Minister directed that old and new IIMs sit together to streamline the use of technology for class scheduling, attendance, mark compilation etc. 

On the recommendations of the Committee on Fund Raising by IIMs (chaired by Shri Hari S. Bhatia, Chairman of IIM, Raipur), it was decided that the IIMs have a development office especially for the purpose, each IIM have a fund raising policy and thereafter to have road shows. A two-day workshop will be conducted on the subject of collecting endowments for institutes. 


 The Odisha government should pursue with IIM Calcutta for a branch in Odisha.

Entry Filed under: Business & Entrepreneurship Schools,IIM,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs

28 Writeup

  • 1. preeti  |  October 14th, 2010 at 10:23 am

    Editor: Sarcastic comment deleted. I am not going to permit comments that aim at creating conflict.

  • 2. Abhisek  |  October 14th, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    Berhampur doesn’t have any centrally funded higher education institution so far and the state govt should push for a marine engineering campus of IIT Bhubaneswar and a IIM Calcutta centre in the city. Recently the Orissa Govt has provided Rs 10 crores for XIMB campuses in Sambalpur and Balangir and a similar gesture would ensure the establishment of satellite campus of central institutes to come up at Berhampur.

  • 3. pradipta roy  |  October 14th, 2010 at 9:52 pm

    previously prof chitta baral was in favour of iim rourkela
    that one line is sufficient

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2010 at 2:47 am

    I am still in favor of it; and not just IIM, many other things, which I have mentioned in many of the postings. Rourkela has the demography and the potential to become a 2nd-tier city of the country.

  • 5. preeti  |  October 15th, 2010 at 10:55 am

    Dear Chitta Sir

    NO. Now you are tatally changed . Iam saying very honesty. You are following the political leaders route. Iam feeling this chage after you were member of education task force . You can ask your self.


  • 6. Ashis  |  October 15th, 2010 at 11:12 am

    I have visited all the big cities in Odisha but people’s attitude towards education in Rourkela is simply distinct( I am not from city). Even BBSR is not comparable with it.The city indeed needs some Govt support but the most important thing is it does not have good number of educational investors that Berhampur has.At the end of the day it is the people who builds the city not the government.After completing their studies from rourkela most of the people are settling outside not worrying about the city at all. Otherwise it could be a world class city with all the amenities

  • 7. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    @preeti There is some truth to what you are saying. When I became a member of the task force, I put forward my goals with respect to Rourkela in that document. You can read the task force report and it has (i) a metropolitan university for Rourkela (ii) Medical college for Rourkela etc. etc.

    At this point I am disappointed and disillusioned on many issues related to Rourkela and how they are being handled.

    (i) I noticed that many from Rourkela do not want to do anything themselves; they also do not support other private initiatives but rather oppose them. (Say as opposed to flourishing Berhampur. Heck even small town Rayagada has more private engineering colleges than Rourkela. Rayagada town area has 4; RKL has 2. See http://www.bput.ac.in/colleges_bput2010.html )

    (ii) They are too dependent on the government.

    (iii) They are too preoccupied and obsessed with Bhubaneswar; sometimes jealous of Bhubaneswar; sometimes finding fault with everything Bhubaneswar. Its somewhat similar to xxxxxxxx’s obsession with India. If you want to compete, compete with yourself or compete with another steel city such as Bokaro. Competing with the capital city is pointless. They don’t understand that Bhubaneswar could be their best friend and that way they can gain much more. See XIM is making campus in Sambalpur and Silicon already has a campus near Sambalpur. Why have not Rourkela people approached others in Odisha as well as India to set up campus in RKL.

    (iv) They are missing obvious opportunities. SAIL RSP is right there. SAIL Bokaro is making medical college and engineering college in Bokaro. Where is the movement to force SAIL RSP to make medical and engg college in RKL. This is the perfect time. SAIL is looking for its mine renewal in Odisha. Odisha govt. has already asked them to make a medical college. IF RKL people would join in pushing that, with the state govt supporting them, it could happen very easily. I have mentioned this several times in Orissalinks. But for whatever reason Rourkela people are not pursuing that. I know there is a petition. But where is the rally, gathering, newspaper articles etc. on it.

    So what can I say. Do it your way and best of lucks.

    If you want to learn here are couple of examples:

    (i) You can go and check http://iiser.blogspot.com. Even when NIS was shifted from BBSR to Kolkata, our line to the central govt was, you can have whatever in Kolkata we don’t care, but give one NIS to Bhubaneswar. The end result was Kolkata had its IISER and Bhubaneswar got a NISER. We never made Kolkata people enemies. Compare this to the Bhubaneswar-bashing approach taken by some of the Rourkela people. All they are doing is alienating people who are sympathetic to the cause.

    (ii) Now that we are pushing for an international airport in Bhubaneswar and Vizag is a competitor, we are not saying that there should not be an international airport in Vizag. We are saying have whatever in Vizag but have an international airport in Bhubaneswar. To be exact, read http://www.orissalinks.com/orissagrowth/archives/4103 where I say: “My position is that the ministry is most welcome to make Vizag an international airport; but it should not deprive Bhubaneswar the same.” Note the difference between the approach you take at bashing Bhubaneswar at every opportunity vs my statement above.

    (iii) Data, Data, Data: See http://www.orissalinks.com/orissagrowth/archives/4103 and http://www.orissalinks.com/orissagrowth/archives/4189 . We are collecting supporting data and putting them in public. While Prashant Sahoo is working so hard I have not seen others helping him with digging data to make the case. Without correct data you can not change the mind of bureaucrats. Where is the data beyond numbers that some newspapers are publishing without any proof. Have you guys in Delhi filed an RTI or tried any other method to collect data to support your case? No, you just write Bhubaneswar bashing comments. Sorry, I can not help under such circumstances. You need to learn the right way to do things.

    However, my best wishes are with you and may you succeed.

    But unless you change your approach I can not approve your Bhubaneswar bashing methods.

  • 8. pradipta ray  |  October 15th, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    partition feeling has been started by somel people sitting at bhubaneswar
    nigam hospital,biju patnaik university these are the causes for antibhubaneswar feelings

  • 9. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2010 at 12:53 pm

    @pradipta Why do you think BPUT is still operating in Bhubaneswar? It does not add much to Bhubaneswar. The reason is, for the job BPUT has to do, it is easy if there is an operation in Bhubaneswar. (The govt. is there, there colleges are there.) If people are so emotional that they don’t understand that and get riled up who is to blame.

    Think about this: The argument behind ESIC medical college to be in RKL is that more insured persons are there. Fine. Now BPUT administers 100 engineering colleges. Where are most of those colleges? From what location would the administration of those colleges be convenient? You can not use one logic for ESIC medical college and another for BPUT. That kind of emotionalism without logic does not lead to success. But RKL people are so emotional about BPUT, who can help them.

    I think the way out is make BPUT a university like Utkal, Berhampur, and have all branches of science, engg, arts, etc, in it including the research programs and have it in Rourkela. Create a new Odisha Univ of Tcehnology and have it near Dhenkanal and transfer all BPUT colleges near that area to be administered under this university. That way the administration of the private colleges would go fine and Rourkela would also get its own comprehensive university. i plan to suggest this to the government. But they may not listen to me as they probably are worried that RKL people will not understand it.

  • 10. preeti  |  October 15th, 2010 at 4:37 pm

    Sir, you are right in your place. possible my understaning power is less then you. If we will take a example of Sambalpur university which is located in Sambalpur. So how many college which is recognition by sambapur university is locally located ?. If my caluculation is right then more then college which are recognition by Sambalpur university is situated at Sundergarh. The figure is highest all over western Odisha.An University location distance is more then 150 km from sundergarh . Could we ask to shift the location to Sundergarh. Similar case happened with BPUT . After fifty years of sambalpur university , govt has not given any campus ofiice(sambalpur university) at Rourkela or any location of sundergarh. so why govt. is showing pity in case of Bput ,bbsr.Many cases Iam giving example for state govt negelected to Sunderagrh. How many times peoples of BBSR make demand for education Institute in their location. Zero % . State govt. default to announced every central and state organisation in bbsr and near by location. We are not anti of bbsr development. But there is a limit. We all are trying for esic medical college in Rourkela. But nobody know what is backgroud process . we know who is behind for setup esic medical in bbsr ? yes. It is collect that Rourkela peoples are peceful minded . This why local leader with state govt. making fool to Rourkela peoples.Engg college will come where infastructure is good. But sundergarh infastructure is very bad then others. Neither govt is give focus on infastructure or welfare of sundergarh distict. It is true that a revolution will come but when and where is come that time will say.

  • 11. pradipta roy  |  October 15th, 2010 at 7:02 pm

    Editor: Illogical statements deleted.

  • 12. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2010 at 8:26 pm


    Very good points.

    Sambalpur U and Berhampur U were created partly because it was hard to manage colleges from Bhubaneswar. I was not born then but my guess is at that time those places were the next big places in Odisha after Bhubaneswar. Now exactly because things are again getting hard to manage additional universities at various places including Rourkela, Balangir, Bhawanipatna, etc. have been proposed. One needs to understand what helps a location and what does not.

    What has been BPUT doing so far. Mainly administering exams and conducting JEE exams. They don’t have much classes, not many programs. etc. They have been operating from a few rooms. It has a handfull of employees. Tell me how it helps Bhubaneswar as a city except there are lot of BPUT colleges there. Nor in its current avataar it will help Rourklea much. But since I can not explain this to emotional people I have given up. No one is anti-Rourkela.

    A comprehensive and/or metropolitan university with all branches is what is needed for RKL. It is a pity that in a city as big as RKL one can not pursue a Phd in many arts and commerce subjects. I hope now that we have recommended such a univ, Rourkela people will pursue this as such a univ is sorely lacking in Rourkela. But is anyone pursuing this? You can see how the new universities in Baripada and Balsore which came up around the same time as BPUT have developed. No one in his/her right mind would say NO to such a university in Rourkela. All that is needed is some citizen pressure for that and it would happen.

    I will give another example: Initially UCE Burla students wanted it to be a deemed university. I kept explaining them that it is much easier to go for a state university. They did not listen to me for a year and like you guys called me names in this board. Finally someone understood and they follwed what I suggested and it did not take them long to become a state university and now it has been picked by the state to become one of the innovation centers. If they had continued pursuing getting a deemed univ, they would still be UCE as the central govt. has frozen giving deemed university tags.

    Not many people are taking up my suggestions on Rourkela. So I am not getting involved. If you can achieve success by your methods I am all for it. I don’t want to hurt your chances. That is why I have been silent on things I don’t like and in my mind I just give my best wishes. However, if someone is willing to listen:

    (i) Keep working on ESIC but don’t put all your eggs on that.

    (ii) Go after SAIL medical school and engg college. Since the state govt is supportive, SAIL is waiting for Odisha’s approval for its mines and SAIL Bokaro has set a precedent this has a higher chance of success and in a shorter time.

    (iii) Pursue a comprehensive university for RKL. You will succeed sooner. (Keep eye on BPUT and keep complaining on this so that the operation shifts to RKL soon. There will always be some administrative operation of BPUT near Bhubaneswar. Overlook that and focus on BPUT programs and research centers. Those are the ones that have high value to a city. Make sure those are made in Rourkela.)

    (iv) Pursue various private and govt organizations and societies in Odisha and India to set up branches in RKL. (This includes IIM.) Whoever is proactive will gain.

    (v) If you can not contribute directly to a private enterprise or institution, at least don’t hurt others who are trying it by going against them or floating rumors against them. Rather help them and support them.

    (vi) Revive the process of trying to attract airlines to RKL. There is no guarantee but it may work. Mysore which is 150 kms from Bangalore is now going to have commercial flights. So even with Jharsuguda, since there is already an airport in RKL, some airlines may fly there.

    (vii) Some good efforts are being made by people at rourkelacity.com. Help them. Especially help them by digging out relevant data and using RTI if necessary. There is so much 2-3 people can do. They need more help.

    All of the above will take RKL towards a Tier 2 status and for most of it you will get a lot of support across Odisha (including Bhubaneswar) and not much opposition; Bhubaneswar bashing or getting upset with Bhubaneswar is not going to help in any way and will rather hurt your chances.

  • 13. pradipta roy  |  October 15th, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    it does not mean that you will shift the bput headquarter from rourkela,yes you can proposed for a brnach office near bhubaneswar…there should be 2 registers and 1 vc,vc and a register will sit on rourkela and another register will seat at the branch office,in this way both the metro city can get the benifit

    you are living on usa,you dont know how politican are playing cheap game to do everything near bhubaneswar and how cheap they can be for antirourkela.esic is a good example

  • 14. pradipta roy  |  October 15th, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    dear sir,
    situn and dilip are my best friends,you cant blame rklts,they are very serious for the rourkela devlopment.they are trying hard for esic rourkela,bput rourkela and airport too.situn”s anger is for antirourkela,because at that time he was on firestation when students were giving antirourkela slogans for bput bhubaneswar,situn has sent esic bbsr photos to rourkela..he is doing a great job.my postings are not there for rourkelacity.com because situn is my neighbour.he is doing sir,you cant blame rklts

  • 15. Sudesh Mohapatra  |  October 15th, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    Dear Chitta Sir


    First, I would like to clarify thast bashing out at Bhubaneswar is carried out by parties like Koshal Kranti Dal,Jharkhand Dishom Party,Jharkhand Mukti Morcha etc, which is amde up of ignorant tribal people. Many people in the western part of the state are outraged by the successive negligence and simaltenous exploitation of the region hence they have harsh feelings on the capital and the adjoining areas which they term as “katkya” or “coastal” land. Instead of going through democratic procedures, some cunning shrewd non-tribal leaders are instigating ignorant tribal people in the name of community,caste,language,geography,culture ,tradition etc. They dont identify themselves as Odia and also consider themselves superior than Odia people, as the original residents of India! Similarly other tribal organizations are led by some tribal leaders who want to gain political gains e.g, MLA Biramitrapur George Tirkey. These people also opposed BPUT at Rourkela!

    Coming to private institutes, these institutes are a better source of generating money than setting up industries and paying more tax to the government. Also this is the most noble way to convert “black money” to “white money”. Its true that a number of institutes have came up at Bhubaneswar, the reason is due to the unethical bond between bureaucrats, land mafia, and amny government officals with ministers. If quality is conisdered, there are not even 10 engineering institutes which provide quality education.
    This institutes largely vouch on candidates from Bihar,Jharkhand,Chhatisgarh,west Bengal who pay huge donations to get adminssions in these colleges. However last yaer and this year,the masks have been unveiled. Last year about 8000 seats were left vacant and this year a record 20000!. After second counselling even 18000+ seats are lying vacant,many institutes are on the verge of closure. What is the need of a number of institutes,when there is no perfect management by the University,the state and also the college management? NIST,Berhampur is a burning example of forgery and illegal occupation of the institute by criminals. Similarly land is being sold by IDCO to industrialists in Sundargrah instead of utilising it for developing institutes.

    Silicon Institute of Technology, has been founded by Maa Samlei Trust and the founding members belong to Sambalpur hence they have placed there second institute in their home town,hence no issues.However SOA university can establish a campus at Rourkela.

    Rourkela and Bhubaneswar have been related since decades, in every Odia film and serail in the past,mention of Rourkela is a must. Even there was a poem in Odia books “Ekatara Raha” being taught to school children ,which is based on employees of Rourkela Steel Plant.Both these cities have matrimonial relationships since decaded which is continuing in a positive sense even right now. However in the last deacde many rural people from neighbouring areas have colonised Bhubaneswar and they somewhat cannot digest this matrimonial bond,hence always trying to find fault with Rourkelites,as they are ignorant and jealous of them. Sir I would like to mention that Rourkela students are mentally harassed by their batchmates and even faculties in colleges. Harsh treatment, abusing,poor marking in sessionals,class tests are common. Sometimes even physical cases occur. this should be stopped at once.

    Coming to Rourkelites what U hve said is 90% correct. There are two types of people -: One who does not knows how to do ,the other who does not wants to do.
    Those people who are ignorant can be made aware of the issues and made to work,however those people who dont want to do cannot be taken care of.

    Rourkela MLA, ADM-Rourkela, Buraeucrats,MP-Sundargrah and the state government is fully aware of the problems of Rourkela ,however they dont want to take any action e.g BPUT,ESIC

    Next are the people ,some of them can be mtivated to work, the should be made understand of various issues like the above mentioned as well as Rajiv Awas Yojna,UIDSSMT,Municipal Corporation,roads etc……. In SAIL adminstered areas there are no issues howveer the municipality needs a facelift.

    Lastly I would like to mention that Odisha has not been united, and always has been divided on basis of regions hence that should be avoided and everyone should come forward and work for Odisha

  • 16. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  October 15th, 2010 at 9:27 pm

    Right Sudesh

    Well we are now concerned about the latest threat from Andhra. Visakhapatnam is somewhat emerging as “Enemy no. 1” for Bhubaneswar. Due to poor leadership of Odisha and anti-Odisha Government in Centre, we are losing everything while Andhra is gaining everything. The reason what I perceive is that after Telengana, Visakhapatnam will be the capital of Andhra Pradesh and hence development activities are speeded up.

    Instead of Bhubaneswar International Airport,the one at Visakhapatnam has been favoured. The international railway station has been cancelled, Polavaram has been given “go-ahead” signal by the Center, Vedanta University has been made ahanging issue etc.

    The latest threat is that Railway Ministry has taken up the survey to establish a Railway Zone at Visakhapatnam! Visakhapatnam or Waltair Division was placed in East Coast Railways in 2003 along with Khurda Road and Sambalpur. The people of Vizag were not at all happy with the decision and anyhow wanted to be with South Central Railways of Secundarabad,however that was not possible as the Zone had already 6 divisions. Some trains were extended to Bhubaneswar and some were not given a stop at Visakhapatnam,which further flamed the issue.

    In a recent inaguration of Visakhaptanm-Mumbai Express, MP from Visakhapatnam and Cabinet Minister , Mrs D.Purundeshwari ahd strongly supported the cause to be separated from Bhubaneswar nd she applied all tactics on Center the result of which that was a survey for the creation of a new zone at Viskhapatnam,including the districts of Visakhaptnam,Srikakulam and Vizianagram.. Further it was planned to have a division at Rayagada and it should be noted that Rayagada,Koraput are under Visakhapatnam Division now that means there is no chance of these high revenue yielding stations to remain with Bhubaneswar East Coast Railway.

    As this division accounts for the largest revenue to East Coast Railways, this will be a large jolt to East Coast Railways,and no Railway Zone can exist with two zones that means either East Coast Railways will face closure or the headquarter will be shifted to Visakhapatnam. Internal discussions ae going on that Bhubaneswar will become the corporate office of South Eastern Railways , which our honourbale railway minister os eager to do. Hence to prevent this ,Odisha should be placed under East Coast Railways with Sundargarh,Jharsuguda and Keonjhar districts being placed in East Coast Railways with a divisional headqaurter at Rourkela

  • 17. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    I like C2N a lot. He is one of the few people trying to do something rather than just talking. Whatever he is saying in rourkelcity is fine because thats like saying things among friends.

    But if that attitude is reflected in letters, petitions, mass mails to huge mailing lists, etc. then that causes harm and one loses support. So no problem with C2N as he is not doing that.

    He is being a good soldier. Hopefully he will become a good leader soon and do things the right way.

    All I am trying to do is give you guys some direction and what I think will work. If you read all my postings on Rourkela, I really would like RKL to be a major city in India. It has attributes (the demography of people from all over the country) that Bhubaneswar does not have and it can sell that point to distinguish itself. In branding, whether it is a soap or another product or a city, one has to distinguish one self.

    Rourkela is a steel city; an industrial city; a cosmopolitan city; has lots of industries; major stop in the HWH-Mumbai line.

    Bhubaneswar is none of those. No point comparing. Rourkela should aim for its brand based on its own identity and on things that match its unique attributes.

  • 18. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2010 at 9:43 pm


    Everyone has to look out for their interest. We can not blame VSKP people for looking out for their interest. Let them prosper. We need to focus on our prosperity. We need to get RKL, Balasore under ECOR. Let the Andhra part of ECOR go to wherever as long as the Odisha part of SER comes to Odisha.

  • 19. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2010 at 9:58 pm

    Private colleges do make money. What is the problem? Let everyone make money. The city, the state, the country will get richer.

    Indeed there are bad private colleges. With 100 colleges students can now pick and choose and go to the best ones. The market will do its magic. Good ones will survive and bad ones will die.

    The private colleges have not only resulted in the increase in engineers from Odisha they have also resulted in developing some unique talents from Odisha. Guess where did Harihar Dash go to college? How about Sniti Mishra?

  • 20. Purna Mishra  |  October 16th, 2010 at 8:15 am

    Before we speak of letting the Vizag division go, let us understand where the revenue of the Vizag division comes from. It comes mostly from Western Orissa, Koraput and Chattishgarh (Kiribur). In future ports will make the railroad more successful. WIth Vizag port and the new Gangavaram port, losing that revenue is not good. However if Andhra is so keen to take Vizag, let them take the Andhra part of it and let us have a new division of the remaining part under a new division at Rayagada. Also Orissa should get back her routes that are currently under Kharagpur and Chakradharpur divisions of SE railroad and Jharsuguda from South East Central Railroad.

    Vizag minus Orissa and Chattishgarh will be another South Eastern Railroad. Most of the ignorant Andhra guys who ask for Vizag as a zone claim Vizag makes 80 crores profit from the station. My answer keep it. They do not understand how railroad books revenues. Indian railroad minus cargo is a multi storied building without stairs.

    However most Oriyas are emotional and this Rourkela vs Bhubaneswar is a good testimony of our emotion, ignorance and small vision.

    We as an Oriya race believe in “let my husband die, but at least my co-wife will be widowed”. I am ashamed calling most of the people who write in these forums as educated.

    Just my 2 cents.

    — Purna

  • 21. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  October 16th, 2010 at 9:33 am

    Thanx a lot Chitta Sir

    What should be done with regard do include all the non ECoR regions of Odisha with East Coast Railways?

  • 22. Chitta Baral  |  October 16th, 2010 at 11:06 am

    @Dilip: I honestly don’t see VSKP getting out of ECOR soon as Odisha will immediately jump on getting the Odisha part of SER and I don’t see Mamata letting that go. I think center is just paying lip service to VSKP. If Telengana happens and VSKP becomes a capital city then its a different matter. If there is the same party ruling in both AP and Odisha then it could happen as the center will order Odisha govt. to keep shut. If and when there is some announcement wrt VSKP going out of ECOR there will be time to respond to that.

    For now RKL people need to learn from VSKP in constantly complaining and making a big issue that SER is neglecting RKL, which it is. For that SER’s bad treatment of RKL needs to come out often in BBS editions of news papers, especially the English papers like Indian Express, Hindu, TOI, Telegraph, etc. (Coming out only in RKL edition of Odia papers does not do much as the Odisha govt. machinery does not hear about it.) If that happens, similar to how VSKP is now getting ECOR attention, RKL will get SER attention. Contact me by email. I will help you with that.

  • 23. Abhisek  |  October 16th, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    In Orissa we have fewere cities compared to other major states and even these few cities don’t have any national importance. A Staate of Orissa’s size should have atleast 3-4 million plus cities and at least 10 cities with a population of one lakh and above. This is because a city in itself is like an industry that absorbes human resources and brings required infrastructure. Example Phulbani and Malkangiri are District HQs and yet have no railway and highway simply because these are not big cities.

    Now every city can’t have the same set of institutions and organisations. Every city has its own culture and unique reason for growth. If BBSR is the capital it will obviousssly get more of govt institutions and it can’t expect a Steel industry like Rourkela and Similarly a sea Port exists near Berhampur and cities like Bhubaneswar or Sambalpur can’t plan their growth keeping that as a yardstick. Similarly Puri has its strength in toursim and it should concentrate on that to emerge as a mega city. For example Surat is known across the worls as a hub for textiles and jems and jewellery and hardly anyone knows about the educational institutions based in Surat.

    The recent sense of neglect in cities is mainly because all the cities are eying for the same set of educational institutions and benchmarking themselves with others, mainly the state capital. Cities outside the state capital may not emerge as education hubs. but atleast they need some of these institution to grow exponentially. Here comes the role of state government which must ensure at least a reasonable number of institutions in each of these major cities which its has failed to do so far and this despite the recommendations of the Higher Education Task Force report which could become a good starting point. For example a city like Berhampur may be a hub for trade and commerce but the fact that it doesn’t have a singh central higher education institution would certainly fule anger. Similarly, Rourkela doesn’t have a Medical College which it rightly deserves. More importantly infrastructure in most of these cities are no where in comparision to the state capital or neighbouring cities like Vizag and Jamshedpur. So, these two areas namely higher education and Infrastructure must be addressed to allow the cities to grow based on their areas of strength. Oriss will remain ever backward if our state capital continue to compete with the no. 3 cities of Gujarat, AP and Maharastra. Let the equations change and let Berhampur, Sambalpur and Rourkela grow to emerge as nationa level urban hubs and the state capital as a mega city. This can be possible if we choose our competitors from outside the state then fighting among ourselves and the state Govt should also chip in to ensure a sence of justice without hampering anyone’s growth.

  • 24. pradipta roy  |  October 18th, 2010 at 10:03 am

    thank you sir,
    after ypur advice,2/3 new people have joined rourkelacity.cm

  • 25. Chitta Baral  |  October 18th, 2010 at 9:24 pm

    That is great. Hope more join. But more importantly be active. Especially, correct data is most important and it helps if multiple people get involved in digging it out.

  • 26. bijay kumar pradhan  |  October 20th, 2010 at 11:09 am

    sir,please join rourkelacity.com

  • 27. pradipta roy  |  October 21st, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    niyam heba katha- vskp jiba ta jau rourkela and balasore part should be under rourkela divison and eastcoast railway

  • 28. pradipta roy  |  October 21st, 2010 at 5:48 pm

    i dont think after this february vskp will be with ecor because ecor is going to submit the rail gate,bridge, etc list on this week,a commite is playing game


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