Utkal University of Culture’s ad for Ph.D students (from Samaja)

August 27th, 2007

Entry Filed under: Colleges,Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar

5 Writeup

  • 1. Ramachandran  |  July 1st, 2008 at 7:38 am

    I applied for PhD on 30-09-2007
    Now it is 10 months passed but no word from this University.
    I made nearly 100 calls from Chennai and made a personnal visit in March 2008. The officials are not sure and every time they ask for 15 days.

    Really don’t know!

    But in Chennai, the admission takes place maximum within one month.
    will any one explain me?

  • 2. Ramachandran  |  July 7th, 2008 at 10:46 am

    Dear Sirs,

    This mail has the reference of the news which appeared in Times of India News paper of Chennai edition this day July7th 2008, at page No 9, mentioning about floating of norms of Bharathiar University.

    Let me introduce myself, I am aged 57, who did my P.G. with Annamalai University (Open University) in History and did my M.Phil. thro Distance education.

    Now I wished to write a thesis for the award of PhD in Cultural History and selected a topic “Vedas- A critical analysis with special reference to human health and body” I preferred to write this in Tamil but no university in Chennai allowed me, since I scored 53.8% instead of 55% in my M.A..

    But they refused to take the account that I did my M.Phil in History.

    All in a sudden I saw an advertisement placed by Utkal University of Culture inviting application for PhD.Please ref website


    Then I applied and waiting for the response.

    The PhD courses can not be done siting a class room and attending classes from 8.30 A.M to 15.00 P.M.

    It needs lots and lots of work, visiting Libraries, consulting pandits, experts who may not be available at a fixed time and they may stay away from the place of study.
    For example about me, I must vist
    Tanjore Sarasvathi mahal Library, Enathur Kancheepuram Sankara university, Oriental manuscript library, Madras Record room, And we can list for more than 100 libraries.
    Do you think by sitting in place we can visit and prepare a thesis?

    What is a thesis?
    A scholar should read 1000 books and consult experts, more professors, lectures, ext., and he should not be a book warm alone.
    In my case I must read more than 100,000 palm leaves read it, discuss with Sanskrit Pandits, visit A.S.I consult calligraphist, visit various places in India Kasi, Gaya, etc.,

    A PhD is a scholarly job and please don’t pull the students as though he is K.G., make him sit in a class room and chat with his teacher and take lunch and leave for home.
    Lots and lots of external work is there please try to understand that.
    Even Madras High court in a resent judgment said, students who wants to do their PhD should be allowed to do and there should not be any restrictions in this part.

    By doing PhD we are patenting our findings so that in future no foreign countries should claim on our Vedas.

    So please allow the Universities to educate their students.

    Wish you publish this in your paper on 8th July itself.



  • 3. Ramachandran  |  June 6th, 2009 at 10:44 am

    Dear Sirs

    I applied for Ph.D. with Utkal University of Culture in Sep 2007, and paid my fees.
    I am yet to get my regn No.

    By the mean time the Utkal University of Culture without alloting the Regn No for the Ph.D. Scholars, published next advertisement inviting applications for enrolling Ph.D. for 2009.

    I made hundreds of phone calls to the University and every time they say that the SRC should sit for approval and for the last two years the SRC didn’t find time to Sit.

    The VC also not aware of this SRC and procedures.

    Please help me in getting this Ph.D. Regn number so that I can submit my thesis.



  • 4. Ramachandran  |  March 10th, 2010 at 10:10 pm

    Dear Sirs,
    I applied for PhD admission with Utkal University of Culture three years back, paid all my fees and submitted the synopsis and all but the University authorities are unable to give my registration Number.

    I made personnal visit once in a year for three years!

    Please find herewith attached a letter that speak volumes about my appeals.

    Will any one of you / your offices help me??

    The thesis is very much ready and I am waiting to get my regn. No., and soon I get, I will submit my thesis.

    Even the offices of C.M. of Orissa, Higher education dept., etc., unable to push my file an inch from the assistants table.

    Will you help me??



  • 5. Ramachandran  |  October 2nd, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    Dear Sirs,

    During August 2007, I saw an advertisement in a news paper by Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, India inviting application for admission in to PhD course as per the regulations, formed by the syndicate in 2006.

    Based on that advertisement, I sent Rs 500 and got an application, on 5th September 2006.

    I filled the application, and along with a D.D for Rs 1000/= sent the same on 10-09-2007.DD No 556251 drawn on IOB.

    After a long delay I received a letter from the University on 09-07-2008 that, I am to pay Rs 3000 as final registration fees of Rs 3000.

    This also I paid by DD No 558104 dated 14-07-08 drawn on IOB.

    On 08th December 2008, I received a letter from the Head of the Department, stating that, I am a student of Utkal University of Culture doing PhD and selected a topic, “Vedas – A new Critical Analysis with special reference to Human Body and Health”.

    But till date I didn’t received my Registration Number.

    I was told that the University is forming its new regulation and I am to wait.

    In the last three years the Subject Research Committee didn’t find time to sit and verify the records submitted by the PhD applicants.

    On enquiry at that time , I was told that there is no Vice Chancellor to take a decision.

    Now that there is a V.C. appointed on Feb 2010, (http://www.orissalinks.com/archives/3895) and he has no time to look in the files of Students and he may be busy with other official work may be more and most important than that of PhD admissions.
    Prof. Amiya Kumar Pattanayak appointed VC of Utkal University of Culture

    and now I filed a case with the Court through an advocate

    Mr.Ramakanta Sahoo,

    4977 West Side of Ravi Talkies

    Bhubaneshwar – 2 (Phone No 06742430634; 09437020634)

    and a sum of Rs7500/= was paid as fees thro a D.D. on 27th May 2010.

    But till date I didn’t get any response and I am not able to send any e mail to the advocate, as his mail id unreachable.

    Every time I call him he says the advocates are on strike and may resume only on 1st Sep, or the court already sent query to the University and they are to reply to the court. Lastly the advocate said the University yet to file its reply to the court.

    Further I learn that there are nearly 100 applicants waiting for admission from 2007.

    I really don’t know whom should I approach as every one shut the door

    The Phone No of Utkal University of Culture


    again on 30th June 2010, sent a letter to the V.C. who is unmoved.

    I sent mails to all the IAS officers and the Governor and no one bothered to reply or take action on my application.

    Now at the age of 60, I am not going to get a post or promotion or a gainful employment with any government body or Universities.

    This is not for a degree I am longing but I wish to register my findings on Vedas and patent them in favour of Utkal University of Culture so that they gain a name.

    Dr.Mangala Mohanthy, who is at present with Red cross as Hony. Secy , knows my project well and appreciated and registered his willingness to be my co guide.

    Request you to kindly help me in getting my admission and forward my registration Number so that I can submit my thesis at the earliest.

    Now I don’t know what else the Utkal University of Culture expects from me to do.

    I sent many mails to the V.C all unanswered.

    This is his statement

    Can you do anything for him?


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