Dataquest ranks NIT Rourkela at number 12 in its 2010 ranking of engineering colleges and technical institutes

November 28th, 2010

(Thanks to a reader for the pointer.)

The details of the ranking is at The top 15 in that list with their 2009 ranking in parenthesis.

  1. IIT Bombay (New)
  2. IIT Delhi (2)
  3. IIT Kharagpur (1)
  4. IIT Madras (3)
  5. IIIT Hyderabad (7)
  6. IIT Roorkee (5)
  7. IT BHU (10)
  8. IIT Guwahati (6)
  9. BITS Pilani (8)
  10. NIT Surathkal (9)
  11. NSIT Delhi (17)
  12. NIT Rourkela (22)
  13. IIIT Allahabad (14)
  14. BIT Mesra (13)
  15. NIT Hamirpur (26)

This high ranking of NIT Rourkela is a parting gift to NIT Director, Prof. Sunil Sarangi. He did wonders to NIT Rourkela.

Entry Filed under: NIT, Rourkela,NITs, IIITs,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

6 Writeup

  • 1. Odia Dude  |  November 29th, 2010 at 7:26 pm

    Well done NIT, RKL, Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the staff. I am surprised to see the two BIT’s in the list. I see these institutes are below standard. I was a student of one of them , I find the faculty the worst I’ve ever come across. The students are kinda OK, but they are not hard working. They belive in shortcuts. Plus side is , Campus recruitment is a good hit there. Whoever had done these rankings, surely, has not done enough research.

  • 2. Purna Mishra  |  December 1st, 2010 at 3:28 am

    There is no need to be super excited about this ranking. NIT Warangal, Trichy, Calicut, and Allahabad who were ranked above Rourkela are not even in the list. NIT Rourkela is among the best 25 technical institutes of India. I hope it truly becomes top 12 some day soon.

  • 3. Vijay  |  December 3rd, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    Dear Purna Mishra,

    I agree with you, NIT Rourkela wouldn’t stand at 12th rank in case NIT Warangal, Trichy, Calicut, and Allahabad are included in the list.

    Anyway we can verify this once the ranking by Outlook, India Today etc. is out

  • 4. dev  |  December 3rd, 2010 at 11:38 pm

    goin by the palcemnts this tym i would palce nitrkl in top 10………

  • 5. Ripu  |  February 18th, 2011 at 3:35 am

    if you are taking the infrastructure and the whole other aspects into consideration i would definitely say that NIT Rourkela is among the top 15.i am pretty sure that these ranking have been put up with proper research and it is not to be questioned .

  • 6. Biswajit  |  May 3rd, 2011 at 6:09 pm

    @ Purna Mishra ………. why such a low vision ….. we can definitely be the No. 1 institute n it will be a pride for both the institute and the state.


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