Prof Madhu Mishra takes over as Sambalpur University Vice Chancellor

August 29th, 2007

Update Sept 20 2009: Prof. Mishra did not join. Later Prof. Arun Pujari of University of Hyderbad was appointed and he joined as the VC of Sambalpur University. He is doing a great job.

Following is an excerpt from Pioneer. 

Orissa Governor MC Bhandare on Tuesday appointed Professor Madhu S Mishra as the new vice-chancellor of the Sambalpur University for a period of three years or until further orders, whichever is earlier.

Prof Mishra will succeed Prof PC Tripathy, whose two-month extended term shall cease from the date of assumption of office by the new vice-chancellor.

Mishra trained in the disciplines of Economics, Sociology and Development Administration had earlier worked in the Planning Commission, Ford Foundation, Sriram Centre for Industrial Relations and Delhi University. 

Prof. Mishra’s latest position was at IIM Calcutta, where his email is listed as

Entry Filed under: Sambalpur University,Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4)

4 Writeup

  • 1. B. Hota  |  August 31st, 2007 at 6:22 pm

    All the best for Dr. Mishra.
    Please do not behave like P.C. Tripathy. Do you know your predicessors are known for their bad works at Sambalpur university. Like Mr Tripathy who always tells that I have done everything in my own effort. All the illegal work he had done in the last two syndicates. All Syndicate members are Yes Yes Sir type.

  • 2. debabrata mund  |  December 9th, 2007 at 5:17 am

    hello sir
    i m a bca final yr student in NICE, Bhubaneswar and it ll complete in january 2008.
    i want to do MCA(regular) there.
    my question is is s.u provide regular course on mca
    can you please give ur some valuable time to write the procedure to admit their in mca
    i would be obliged u if reply me

  • 3. Bibhuti Bhusan Das  |  December 25th, 2007 at 1:14 pm

    Your knowledge and experience will show right path to the people of Orissa. I have a question for you sir, what you will suggest to make odia people confident in entrepreneurship who will contribute for the economic growth of Orissa. Please give comments regarding the steps to be taken for development of entrepreneurship skills.

    Thanking You

    Yours sincerely
    Bibhuti Bhusan Das

  • 4. Srirang Jha  |  September 20th, 2009 at 12:01 pm


    I wish you all the best in your new assignment.

    Hope, you would take the University to greater glory in terms of intellectual capital and infrastructure.


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