Tathya scrolling text: Ravenshaw University likely to get Central University Status

August 29th, 2007

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Colleges,Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

7 Writeup

  • 1. R. K. Ghosh  |  August 29th, 2007 at 1:22 pm

    This a great piece of news. I wonder if indeed it is true. If so, I will whole heartedly congratulate Ravenshaw VC and his support faculty in making this work out.

  • 2. Kanhu  |  August 29th, 2007 at 2:47 pm

    This is indeed a great piece of news. Hope this is true and we get our first central university in Ravenshaw. This collage has done what others could not achieve in a very short span of time be it getting UGC funding or getting another campus approval. The ‘Central University’ tag will be a feather in Ravenshaw’s cap and will greatly help with Orissa’s human resource development plans.

  • 3. Viswas  |  August 29th, 2007 at 7:34 pm

    Is it at the cost of KBK central University? If it blocks the chances of KBK central university, then I don’t think it is a good development for Orissa. People must dissuade the state government from moving in this direction, which is certainly going to be counter productive for the state.

    If this proposal is in addition to the KBK central university then it must be welcomed.

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  August 29th, 2007 at 7:48 pm

    I agree with Viswas. My guess is it is in addition to a KBK Central univ in Koraput. Both the CM as well as Minister Chandrasekhar Sahu have recently reiterated there demand for a central univ in KBK.

  • 5. Digambara  |  August 30th, 2007 at 7:17 am

    I also agree with Prof Baral and Viswas.

  • 6. S Mishra  |  August 30th, 2007 at 10:41 am

    I do agree with you guys. But to be very much practical, we have to carry on with a perfect optimized channel. Its very good to know about KBK development. But in addition to this if Ravenshaw is being considered for the same, We should rather encourage it., as this is one of the most well-known and reputed university. So we should keep our eyes rolling over it in addition to KBK.

  • 7. SANJIB SINGH  |  January 18th, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    i am a M.Com want to do MBA so please guide me.

    thank you.


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