Self-defeating politics in Odisha draws red carpet for Vedanta University from the southern states: Odisha may lose this opportunity of a millenium

December 10th, 2010

Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard.

The Andhra Pradesh government has rolled out a red carpet for the Anil Agarwal Foundation’s proposed Rs 15,000-crore Vedanta University project, after the Orissa High Court termed the land acquisition process illegal for the multi-disciplinary university in Puri.

In a letter to Anil Agarwal, chairman and founder of Vedanta Resources, K Rosaiah, then chief minister of the state, said, “Andhra Pradesh strongly believes in nurturing great institutions of learning to empower youth, realise demographic dividend in full measure and to truly make the state a global center of learning.”

Despite Rosaiah resigning last month, state government officials say the state is keen on Vedanta considering their proposal. “Even if Rosaiah resigned, we still have a Congress government in the state and we are keen to have Vedanta University on board. The ball is in Anil Agarwal’s court now,” said a senior state government official.

The official said Vedanta University officials were shown three different sites in September. These lands, however, are private ones and would be sold to Vedanta at reasonable rates.

It was suggested to Vedanta officials to have the university’s head office in Hyderabad, with campuses in other cities, including Bangalore and Chennai.

“Instead of setting up a campus in one city, they can spread it over to other cities too. We have shown them land, which is at a reasonable distance from Bangalore and Chennai, and would be connected through the golden quadrilateral,” the official added.

… Vedanta University is modelled on Stanford University and aims to be a world-class, multi-disciplinary university, with students from around the world. However, the varsity, which was to begin operations by mid-2011, has not even started the basic infrastructure work on the land due to stiff opposition from locals and lack of political support.

… A director of a local institute told Business Standard: “The university concept is a good one and if Vedanta opts out, it would be an opportunity loss for Orissa.”

It is really unfortunate that the Congress party in Odisha is vehemently opposing this university and creating all kinds of troubles while its government in Andhra is rolling out red carpet for them. It is becoming obvious that the Congress leaders of Odisha do not work for the people of Odisha but work for their masters in Delhi and elsewhere. [Recently, their prince visited Odisha but would not even give an audience to Odisha congress leaders. But our congress leaders have no self respect. They are used to being humiliated by the prince and his family and the leadership in Delhi. One of them even accepted a demotion and became a state minister without independent charge after being cabinet minister twice.

I wonder when they will realize that a self-defeating strategy, subservient attitude and lack of self-respect will take them nowhere.

I wish Congress had some real leaders and strategists who instead of creating trouble to stop growth oriented projects would do the opposite; i.e., focus on Odisha’s growth and point out the current government’s mistakes in making a mess in achieving that growth after signing tons of MOUs. 

I wish the Odisha Congress took some lessons from their Bihar debacle under the leadership of their prince; the people want growth and development; not partisan politics, anti-development  chaos, and prince worship.]

Note: The portion inside [ ] was added after, but not in response to, Comment 1.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Congress ruled Andhra's overture,Odisha Congress opposes Andhra Congress lures

9 Writeup

  • 1. Prasanna Mishra  |  December 10th, 2010 at 10:16 pm

    If true, it is a welcome development. After all our country should not be deprived of such a world class university. But I have a feeling that Odisha Government would not let them go as our government is determined to make the state the most developed and Vedanta university holds the key to the state’s advancement.

  • 2. Umesh  |  December 11th, 2010 at 12:25 am

    Ofcourse, only certain people will want it in India, but, not in Odisha. I hope we gain the knowledge someday to understand their thought processes. Life is complicated , aint it?

  • 3. Purna Mishra  |  December 11th, 2010 at 9:13 am

    Prasanna Babu,

    Who are you making this smart comment at? Odisha Government is you, me, my brothers, sisters, and fellow Odias. Don’t you think our problem is our lack of ability to comprehend complex subjects and then because we could not comprehend we make it impossible for others to solve. Your smart comments at the Odisha government is a reflection of your inability to comprehend and propose an alternative solution.

    We Odias always believe we are very smart at individual level and at a group level this attitude makes all of all look like jack asses.

    If you can’t be a part of solving a problem stay away so others could try their best. This crab mentatlity of making smart comments is the root cause of we being the bottom of the ladder.

    — Purna

  • 4. Odia Dude  |  December 12th, 2010 at 3:30 am

    Vedanta univerisity is a tremendous opportunity for us Odias, and we should not let it go. I do hope this would be a real world class university with exceptional facilities to carry out research and development in many trades such as engineering, medical, management etc. There is no world class made in india product, and if something exceptional innovative ideas/products comes from the labs of a university in Odisha, then that would put our state in the world map. Therefore, we should all rise above party politics and think rationally as what is good to our state. If there are any differences, then we should sort out.

  • 5. stingidea  |  December 12th, 2010 at 4:36 am

    Unfortunately it is now a situation of too little too late. The final nail seems to have been put on the coffin and the flight of such a university out of the state is almost as good done. We Odiyas have a knack of opposing any sort of development in the belief that we are living in a paradise of a state. There is nothing much to say. Soon we will see states around us, such as Bihar and others, move ahead at break neck speed while we continue with our anti-development policies.
    Good luck people of Puri. Many years from now I hope you will rue the fact that you did not support such a university. Even if the university did not live up to its claims of being the best university in the world, the chance of which is pretty strong, you will regret that you lost the chance of having a decent university around your backyard. How many industrialists will actually think of setting up a university of repute, we will leave the moniker of world class pass for a moment, in your district? The answer is next to zero.

  • 6. mihir  |  December 13th, 2010 at 10:51 am

    One day the peoples of Puri and the peopls who are opposed this Dream Project they will rethink about this Project. But that time the goal wil out of their hands. Some times Iam feeling very sad to see the attitude of this peoples. Even God will also laugh on this peoples. Best of luck

  • 7. CA Siddharth Ranjan  |  December 15th, 2010 at 10:31 pm

    Dear all:

    The time to act has come. Day before yesterday’s Business Standard had an article (see ) which talked about the Vedanta University authorities having visited Andhra Pradesh to see land. Following are some excerpts.

    The Andhra Pradesh government has rolled out a red carpet for the Anil Agarwal Foundation’s proposed Rs 15,000-crore Vedanta University project, after the Orissa High Court termed the land acquisition process illegal for the multi-disciplinary university in Puri.

    In a letter to Anil Agarwal, chairman and founder of Vedanta Resources, K Rosaiah, then chief minister of the state, said, “Andhra Pradesh strongly believes in nurturing great institutions of learning to empower youth, realise demographic dividend in full measure and to truly make the state a global center of learning.”

    Despite Rosaiah resigning last month, state government officials say the state is keen on Vedanta considering their proposal. “Even if Rosaiah resigned, we still have a Congress government in the state and we are keen to have Vedanta University on board. The ball is in Anil Agarwal’s court now,” said a senior state government official.

    The official said Vedanta University officials were shown three different sites in September. These lands, however, are private ones and would be sold to Vedanta at reasonable rates.

    I hope the above explains the urgency. We need to fast forward the “feasible action plan” that I mentioned earlier.

    This is what we need to do.

    We all need to write three sets of letters to:

    (1) CM’s office:
    Copy to BJD leaders:,,,,,,,,,,,

    (2) Congress leaders:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    (3) BJP leaders:,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    In each letter there should be a central part where you explain in your own words why Vedanta University is important for Odisha. This part is the same in each letter and is the statement that I was requesting to write you before. As I mentioned earlier it was exactly for the purpose of being part of letters in the future. But it seems the future is now and we need to write those letters.

    Following are some thoughts and pointers for those letters. These are just guidelines. Please make up your own sentences and add other points that may occur to you.

    (i) To the CM:
    Tell him that you support his stance on Vedanta University.
    Write him why Vedanta University is important to Odisha and India and request him to not let it go to another state.
    Request him to approach Supreme Court with the best lawyers.
    Request him to ask Anil Agarwal to quickly establish 1-2 world class research centers in a rented place in Bhubaneswar so that people (in Odisha, in Delhi) start believing him more. These centers can later become part of Vedanta University. Until then they can run under Utkal/Ravenshaw/etc.

    (ii) To the Congress Leadership:
    Tell them that you do not approve their state leaders opposing Vedanta University while the Congress leadership in Andhra Pradesh is eagerly wooing Vedanta University. Point them to the two Business Standard articles.
    Dec 10 2010 –
    Aug 24 2010 –
    Write them why Vedanta University is important to Odisha and India and how Dr. Singh, Mr. Sibal and Mr. Pitroda have been trying hard to establish world class universities in India and here they are opposing such a trailblazing opportunity rather than helping it happen fast so that other $-Billionaires learn to contribute similar amounts towards world class universities in India.
    Tell them that you know about the hurdle put by the Environment ministry even before the high court ruling came out.
    Tell them you understand the latest hurdle is caused by the High court ruling. But tell them if Congress in Odisha changes its stance and for the sake of the development of Odisha and India supports Vedanta University then definitely a way out that is palatable to the high court can be found.
    Tell them that you are fed up with Congress’s anti-development stance with respect to Odisha and remind them their Bihar debacle.
    Tell them that you and the people of Odisha would like Odisha to grow and develop further and get out of the bottom of everything and Vedanta University has a chance to make Odisha a knowledge hub and you will personally hold each congress leader responsible if Vedanta University moves out of Odisha.
    Remind them that they would gain by working for Odisha’s development, especially in the current scenario where the NDA is trying to broaden its base to topple UPA in the center. And they are foolish to push away the secular BJD by their anti-Odisha development actions.

    (iii) To the BJP leadership
    Tell them that you do not approve their state leaders opposing Vedanta University while BJP led states such as Gujarat and Karnataka have sent feelers to Vedanta. Point them to the following articles.
    Aug 24 2010 –
    Sept 8 2010 –
    Write them why Vedanta University is important to Odisha and India and how their party earlier helped Odisha get AIIMS-like institute and NIS and you consider it petty that just because they have had a rift with BJD they have now become anti-Odisha development.
    Tell them that you are fed up with local BJP’s anti-development stance in Odisha and remind them that the pro-development agenda in Bihar is what led the NDA to win there.
    Tell them you understand the latest hurdle is caused by the High court ruling. But tell them if BJP in Odisha changes its stance and for the sake of the development of Odisha and India supports Vedanta University then definitely a way out that is palatable to the high court can be found.
    Tell them that you and the people of Odisha would like Odisha to grow and develop further and get out of the bottom of everything and Vedanta University has a chance to make Odisha a knowledge hub and you will personally hold each BJP leader responsible if Vedanta University moves out of Odisha.
    Remind them that they would gain by working for Odisha’s development, especially in the current scenario where their NDA is trying to broaden its base to topple UPA in the center. And they are foolish to push away their previous partner BJD by their anti-Odisha development actions.
    Now for your statement on “Why Vedanta University is important for Odisha and India” feel free to use content and ideas from the document at
    the slides at
    and letters and statements that I will keep adding there.
    In the worst case you may get some pointers from the three letters at . , , and .

    You may copy your statements and letters to me so that they can be collated and presented as a collection to CM, PM, etc. As I mentioned earlier if we have 200-500 such individualized statements/letters it will have a huge impact; but they have to be individualized. The CM, PM etc. get a lot of petitions signed by people and sometimes they also get 100s of copies of the same letter. So they have kind of become somewhat immune to that. Individualized letters are different. They are taken much more seriously.

    best regards
    Chitta Baral

  • 8. CA Siddharth Ranjan  |  December 15th, 2010 at 10:39 pm

    Vedanta is slipping away… lets do something

    Please write letters to:
    1. Editors of various media
    2. State goevrnment
    3. The Union Government and pleading them not to cheat us
    4. The opposition :BJP requesting them to play the development card not the anti-development game.

  • 9. Sangram Keshari Mallick  |  December 19th, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    Mercifully ignorance is a curable disease !!


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