AKC group, the holding company of Amity Group of Educational institutions, is looking for 25-50 acres in Bhubaneswar

December 15th, 2010

The following research was done by our regular commentator Stingidea.

Amity University, one of India’s largest private university seems to be looking at setting up a campus in Bhubaneswar. While it is has not officially announced any such plans it appears to be scouting around for land in the capital city as evidenced from this advertisement that one of it’s holding companies – AKC Group of Companies through its affiliate company  Tegro India Private Limited (advertisement attached) – has put in the Oriya vernacular daily Dharitri.

A domain name search for the owner of tegroindia.com reveals that it is registered by AKC Group of Companies (http://whois.domaintools.com/tegroindia.com). Further research on the web reveals that AKC Group of Companies is the holding company for the Amity Group of Educational institutions.


Entry Filed under: BBSR-CTC-PURI area,Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),New Universities,Private Universities

6 Writeup

  • 1. Bhakta Charan Pallei  |  December 15th, 2010 at 12:29 pm

    All these companies that are coming in large numbers to setup educational institues are just doing to grab land in Bhubaneswar. Our state government should ask them to setup instittutes in other parts of the state.

  • 2. stingidea  |  December 15th, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    @Bhakta Charan Pallei: I can’t say that you don’t have a point. However, playing devils advocate I’d have to say that in this case the university is attempting to buy land at market rates for which you can’t fault them. They are not looking to buy land at a concessional rate from the government under the garb of being an educational institution.Now if the government were bending over backward to allot land to such an institution under concessional terms then there is definitely a big problem. If the government does agree to such a largesse then it should ensure that the institution in question reserves a certain percentage of its seats for socially backward students.
    About your point of asking the state government to setup institutes in other parts of the state I would say that this is easier said than done. Is it really feasible for a private national level institution to setup an institution in say Balangir, Balasore or Berhampur etc.? It is highly unlikely due to a number of operational factors. How do you attract top notch faculty to work in a relatively backward region? How do you place your students if companies are reluctant to visit your institution due to the remoteness of your institution? While this is not an exhaustive list of problems it definitely is a pointer to the problems involved in setting up an institution in other cities of the state.

  • 3. Binod  |  December 16th, 2010 at 12:29 am

    Due to the presence of good educational instittutes in Orissa are now started paying. HR development in Orissa is increasing gradually and many Bright Oriyas are gradually emerging from our state. We have to keep it up by attracting Investments in education like quality university. The challeng lies in overcoming a hoax of socialism which spreads rumour arround the state. The terms land grabbing and unwanted favour of government to corporates are rumours and just are ploys to mobilize people against our own development

  • 4. Bhakta Charan Pallei  |  December 16th, 2010 at 1:46 pm

    According to a newspaper, several private engineering colleges have encroached government land. Now, this is not ethical. Also, there are large number of unfilled seats in these colleges. What we should be focussing on is Quality, not Quantity.

    I am from Bhadrak and there is not a good quality enginering college in my district. The cost of relocating to Bhubaneswar (for higher studies) is too much for the poorer students of our district. The point is services should be provided nearer to consumers , not the other way round. I understand many private players are reluctant to invest in backward parts of our state, but the government must encourage them by providing incentives such as tax sops, land etc…

  • 5. Purna Mishra  |  December 17th, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    There is illegal encroachment of land all over the state including the land of Lord Jagannath. In India, education has become a business. If you want the trend to buck in Odisha, then take the lead and build a quality institute away from Bhubaneswar. The colleges we see in Bhubaneswar are not for Odias or Odisha alone. These institutes attract students from all over Eastern India. We must shed the mentality that government should do this or that. Who is the Government? It is we the people. our brother, sisters, cousins, friends are the face of the government. As in any sustainable business, the law of supply vs Demand must be in equilibrium. The weaker ones will fall off and the stronger ones will march ahead.

    We Odias need to follow three principles: build or support or stay away. We typically put our nose where it does not belong and try our best to pull down others who want to march ahead of us.

    What as a state will we gain if these institutes move to Visakhapatnam or Ranchi or Raipur?

    — Purna

  • 6. Iswar Chandra Muduli  |  February 3rd, 2011 at 11:19 am

    I have a plot of my Friend. we want to sale this plot. It is situated at Gudiapokhari,Near Krupajal Engineering college,Uttara,BBSR 2. It is fully attached to 203 NH.Its area is 1Acre and 88 Decimil. Its cost is 2 Crore and 80 Lakh.There are 8-10 Acres back site of this plot.But our plot is way to enter. If i shall try ishll give you this plots.if you are intersted plz contact me.
    my Mob No. 7504111280


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